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Why Are Blacks Outlashing With Violence? (If you don't know, you were probably part of the reason)


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
Imagine you were born black. You were born with 2 crack head parents in an urban community. The schools in that community are over driven with "thugs" that think being chest beaters is more important than education.

Imagine you were born BLACK as an inner city child to two crackhead parents. Imagine that since schools are separated by wealth and area's that you actually wanted to be successful but since so many in your class didn't want to be successful, they hindered the rest.

I live in a Red State where we have oppressed blacks for generations. I was a part of it when I was a child because children do what they are taught to do. They are the ONLY Open minds.

Through my life I've watched black oppression of many forms..........

The thing you need to ask yourself is, DO YOU LIKE OPPRESSION? And how would you react?

To be fair, blacks didn't react until decades of it. Just like gays didn't react until they made a scene.

It's time for you bigots to pick up a Bible and put down your hate. Most of the soft brains on here don't even know the things we kept blacks from by force for decades.

Pin a tiger and they will roar. I would do the same.
Those crack head parents didn't come about until long after civil rights and the implementation of welfare and race quotas. Your excuses just pour gas on the fire.
It's not about oppression and hasn't been for over forty years. Get with it.
Those crack head parents didn't come about until long after civil rights and the implementation of welfare and race quotas. Your excuses just pour gas on the fire.
It's not about oppression and hasn't been for over forty years. Get with it.

Actually bad decisions come with low education. A lesson learned for THOUSANDS of years, It's not modern news.

But you are stating that crack heads came after "civil rights"..........go on.
All violent behavior has one common denominator..............

When you treat HUMANS poorly for a long period of time, they have the tendency to fight back in different ways. If you cut education to the human that is oppressed, you better expect violence.

Now tell me, did we ever cut education to blacks? :afro: Or are we striving to fund better education to inner city blacks?
Those crack head parents didn't come about until long after civil rights and the implementation of welfare and race quotas. Your excuses just pour gas on the fire.
It's not about oppression and hasn't been for over forty years. Get with it.

Actually bad decisions come with low education. A lesson learned for THOUSANDS of years, It's not modern news.

But you are stating that crack heads came after "civil rights"..........go on.
Crack heads didn't come about until after civil rights. That means it can't be blamed on bullshit oppression excuses. Black women are educated at higher rates than white men. Still there are problems among blacks and bullshit claims about oppression. Truth is there are way fewer daddies among blacks than before civil rights. That is where the problems lie. It's a post-civil rights thing and has nothing to do with oppression. Oppression is an excuse and opportunity for the demagogues.
All violent behavior has one common denominator..............

When you treat HUMANS poorly for a long period of time, they have the tendency to fight back in different ways. If you cut education to the human that is oppressed, you better expect violence.

Now tell me, did we ever cut education to blacks? :afro: Or are we striving to fund better education to inner city blacks?

Inner city schools are hell holes thanks to the fact that the majority of the students attending don't want to, don't value education, nor do their parents. The inner city youth who are able to escape do so usually by joining the military so they can get out.

The problems of the last 30 years, at the least, are self inflicted.
Those crack head parents didn't come about until long after civil rights and the implementation of welfare and race quotas. Your excuses just pour gas on the fire.
It's not about oppression and hasn't been for over forty years. Get with it.

Actually bad decisions come with low education. A lesson learned for THOUSANDS of years, It's not modern news.

But you are stating that crack heads came after "civil rights"..........go on.
Crack heads didn't come about until after civil rights. That means it can't be blamed on bullshit oppression excuses. Black women are educated at higher rates than white men. Still there are problems among blacks and bullshit claims about oppression. Truth is there are way fewer daddies among blacks than before civil rights. That is where the problems lie. It's a post-civil rights thing and has nothing to do with oppression. Oppression is an excuse and opportunity for the demagogues.

I'll let you hold that case................

You are stating CIVIL RIGHTS is the problem with blacks.

I know the media that lead you down that think hole. It's just funny to see a small brain repeat it....Epic ignorance.
All violent behavior has one common denominator..............

When you treat HUMANS poorly for a long period of time, they have the tendency to fight back in different ways. If you cut education to the human that is oppressed, you better expect violence.

Now tell me, did we ever cut education to blacks? :afro: Or are we striving to fund better education to inner city blacks?

Inner city schools are hell holes thanks to the fact that the majority of the students attending don't want to, don't value education, nor do their parents. The inner city youth who are able to escape do so usually by joining the military so they can get out.

The problems of the last 30 years, at the least, are self inflicted.

Wrong. We kept them from education and real jobs for decades. We just say "it's their fault" the last 30 years. I live in a red state and I've witnessed it first person.

Small brains like you think you have solved the problem with racism when the problem was driven by your ancestors that acted in the very same manner. Not smart at all....
Can't fix stupid I guess. "civil rights caused crack heads" is the ceiling of stupidity...
Do unto others, as you would want others to do unto you... the Golden Rule

Love thy neighbor, as thyself....

(And Lord, who is my neighbor, we ask?)

Luke 10

28 And He said to him, “You have answered correctly; do this and you will live.” 29 But wishing to justify himself, he said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

The Good Samaritan

30 Jesus replied and said, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among robbers, and they stripped him and n]">[n]beat him, and went away leaving him half dead. 31 And by chance a priest was going down on that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32 Likewise a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.

33 But a Samaritan, who was on a journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion, 34 and came to him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them; and he put him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 On the next day he took out two o]">[o]denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said, ‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I return I will repay you.’

36 Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers’ hands?” 37 And he said, “The one who showed mercy toward him.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do p]">[p]the same.


We are a people who no longer are capable of empathy...we don't put ourselves in the shoes of others, in order to be more compassionate....and understanding...

Now a days....It's all about 'me', and the exact opposite of the Golden Rule, or as Christians, the exact opposite of the ONE Commandment that encompasses all commandments...

Good Luck in getting others on this site to exhibit some kind of resemblance of empathy!
Do unto others, as you would want others to do unto you... the Golden Rule

Love thy neighbor, as thyself....

(And Lord, who is my neighbor, we ask?)

Luke 10

28 And He said to him, “You have answered correctly; do this and you will live.” 29 But wishing to justify himself, he said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

The Good Samaritan

30 Jesus replied and said, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among robbers, and they stripped him and n]">[n]beat him, and went away leaving him half dead. 31 And by chance a priest was going down on that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32 Likewise a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.

33 But a Samaritan, who was on a journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion, 34 and came to him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them; and he put him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 On the next day he took out two o]">[o]denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said, ‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I return I will repay you.’

36 Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers’ hands?” 37 And he said, “The one who showed mercy toward him.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do p]">[p]the same.


We are a people who no longer are capable of empathy...we don't put ourselves in the shoes of others, in order to be more compassionate....and understanding...

Now a days....It's all about 'me', and the exact opposite of the Golden Rule, or as Christians, the exact opposite of the ONE Commandment that encompasses all commandments...

Good Luck in getting others on this site to exhibit some kind of resemblance of empathy!
The problem with being a good samaritan is they wind up getting sued by the one they just helped. Sad, isn't it?
Imagine you were born black. You were born with 2 crack head parents in an urban community. The schools in that community are over driven with "thugs" that think being chest beaters is more important than education.

Imagine you were born BLACK as an inner city child to two crackhead parents. Imagine that since schools are separated by wealth and area's that you actually wanted to be successful but since so many in your class didn't want to be successful, they hindered the rest.

I live in a Red State where we have oppressed blacks for generations. I was a part of it when I was a child because children do what they are taught to do. They are the ONLY Open minds.

Through my life I've watched black oppression of many forms..........

The thing you need to ask yourself is, DO YOU LIKE OPPRESSION? And how would you react?

To be fair, blacks didn't react until decades of it. Just like gays didn't react until they made a scene.

It's time for you bigots to pick up a Bible and put down your hate. Most of the soft brains on here don't even know the things we kept blacks from by force for decades.

Pin a tiger and they will roar. I would do the same.
What a racist post. It's obvious what you think of blacks. You see them as crack head thugs. But being a true liberal, you have to try to blame it on conservatives when your racism is sticking out like a sore thumb in this post.
Those crack head parents didn't come about until long after civil rights and the implementation of welfare and race quotas. Your excuses just pour gas on the fire.
It's not about oppression and hasn't been for over forty years. Get with it.

Actually bad decisions come with low education. A lesson learned for THOUSANDS of years, It's not modern news.

But you are stating that crack heads came after "civil rights"..........go on.
Crack heads didn't come about until after civil rights. That means it can't be blamed on bullshit oppression excuses. Black women are educated at higher rates than white men. Still there are problems among blacks and bullshit claims about oppression. Truth is there are way fewer daddies among blacks than before civil rights. That is where the problems lie. It's a post-civil rights thing and has nothing to do with oppression. Oppression is an excuse and opportunity for the demagogues.

I'll let you hold that case................

You are stating CIVIL RIGHTS is the problem with blacks.

I know the media that lead you down that think hole. It's just funny to see a small brain repeat it....Epic ignorance.
The usual misinterpretation of my words in order to further racism. No, civil rights isn't the cause. Duh. The point is that these contemporary black hardships didn't surface until after civil rights meaning the issues prior to civil rights are not at play.
Forced integration destroyed black communities by removing black peer support structure.

Dr. Boyce Was Integration a Good Thing for Black People Probably Not Black Blue Dog

"This week, I took a visit to Atlanta and once again stopped by the birth home of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I reached back into the life of Dr. King to understand what made him great, and what we must do to continue the extraordinary work that he and his colleagues began so many years ago. As I sat on his porch, I closed my eyes and imagined his mother carrying him to the front door. I wondered how many Sundays the family sat on that same porch after dinner, and how many days Dr. King spent wondering if it might be possible for him to fulfill his dreams and personal ambitions.

I also thought about integration. I carefully studied the old pictures of Auburn Street, where Dr. King was born. I saw images of proud black business owners, in their finest clothes, driving fancy cars. Of course not everyone was doing well, but we were certainly better at making our own money. I read about how Martin Luther King Sr., Dr. King’s father, maintained a disciplined household, where education was the highest priority and protecting the family unit was paramount."
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"Imagine you were born BLACK as an inner city child to two crackhead parents. . . since so many in your class didn't want to be successful, they hindered the rest."

Already, you're fucked by your BLACK parents, because you're born mentally retarded from the crack.

Then in school the other BLACK children drag you down.

BLACKs dragging down BLACKs
Imagine you were born black. You were born with 2 crack head parents in an urban community. The schools in that community are over driven with "thugs" that think being chest beaters is more important than education.

Imagine you were born BLACK as an inner city child to two crackhead parents. Imagine that since schools are separated by wealth and area's that you actually wanted to be successful but since so many in your class didn't want to be successful, they hindered the rest.

I live in a Red State where we have oppressed blacks for generations. I was a part of it when I was a child because children do what they are taught to do. They are the ONLY Open minds.

Through my life I've watched black oppression of many forms..........

The thing you need to ask yourself is, DO YOU LIKE OPPRESSION? And how would you react?

To be fair, blacks didn't react until decades of it. Just like gays didn't react until they made a scene.

It's time for you bigots to pick up a Bible and put down your hate. Most of the soft brains on here don't even know the things we kept blacks from by force for decades.

Pin a tiger and they will roar. I would do the same.
Imagine you were born WHITE. You were born with 2 crack head parents in an urban community. The schools in that community are over driven with "thugs" that think being chest beaters is more important than education.

Imagine you were born WHITE as an inner city child to two crackhead parents. Imagine that since schools are separated by wealth and area's that you actually wanted to be successful but since so many in your class didn't want to be successful, they hindered the rest.

The difference would be...

That's right - nothing. This happens every day with ever single strip and race. All I hear in your post is a worthless excuse for lashing out violently. You know what violence begets? More violence. There is no bones about it. They are not going to solve jack shit with violence but it WILL make the situation worse. I don't want to hear about pointless excuses or 'reasons' any particular group you want to justify violent actions with. They amount to nothing in the end. What matters is what that particular group is going to do about it to rise above. If one does not, they will remain in the same shit situation they found themselves in and no amount of 'lashing out' is going to change that reality.
"Imagine you were born BLACK as an inner city child to two crackhead parents. . . since so many in your class didn't want to be successful, they hindered the rest."

Already, you're fucked by your BLACK parents, because you're born mentally retarded from the crack.

Then in school the other BLACK children drag you down.

BLACKs dragging down BLACKs
That is how it works - the continuation of a rather poison sub culture. That needs to be addressed and it can only be addressed by those that it effects. There is noting that anyone on the outside can do for that particular problem.
All violent behavior has one common denominator..............

When you treat HUMANS poorly for a long period of time, they have the tendency to fight back in different ways. If you cut education to the human that is oppressed, you better expect violence.

Now tell me, did we ever cut education to blacks? :afro: Or are we striving to fund better education to inner city blacks?

Inner city schools are hell holes thanks to the fact that the majority of the students attending don't want to, don't value education, nor do their parents. The inner city youth who are able to escape do so usually by joining the military so they can get out.

The problems of the last 30 years, at the least, are self inflicted.

Wrong. We kept them from education and real jobs for decades. We just say "it's their fault" the last 30 years. I live in a red state and I've witnessed it first person.

Small brains like you think you have solved the problem with racism when the problem was driven by your ancestors that acted in the very same manner. Not smart at all....

Bullshit. There's no such thing as passed down segregation. The opportunities are there if they would only take them. They CHOOSE not to. The only small brained individuals are people like you who think that you're not responsible for your own actions.

That's why you're a failure bub.

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