Why are both the Russians and the Chinese Attacking the Biden Campaign?

The Chinese and the Russians love the Trump neo-fascists.

The entire world knows it.
Oh, Jake...you embarrass yourself in strings like this one...

He's a Chinese stooge. He has no shame. I find their arguments silly at best. Trump is the ONLY president to actually harm the chonese, and these dopshits take their payments from the Chinese and claim that Trump is who they want.

No one is that stupid. Other than progressives, that is.
There's already murmurings of proof that Covid-19 was created in a Chinese lab. Which was released into the US and Western Europe intentionally as an attack, because Trump had backed the Chinese into a corner and they were facing total destruction.

As you can see, nobody's been talking about tariffs or the trade deal the last seven months, in fact, the damage done to our and the West's economy and the trillions we're already in the hole and more to come, is far more than the short term gain from the trade deal.

For now we cannot fight on two fronts, we are well into the recovery stage (which the Chinese did not predict we could do so fast and so well), which has to be the priority. Once election is over and Trump wins, the Chinese will get their day of reckoning. Of course if Biden wins, it will be the end of America as we know it, and everything good that it stands for.
IF Trump wins, it will be the end of America as we know it, and everything good that it stands for.

If Biden wins, the economy will recover more quickly. Covid19 will be dealt with more logically, and if China was involved, that country will be dealt with appropriately.
IF Trump wins, it will be the end of America as we know it, and everything good that it stands for.

If Biden wins, the economy will recover more quickly. Covid19 will be dealt with more logically, and if China was involved, that country will be dealt with appropriately.
You actually want people to believe that Joe Biden will be better for the economy than the man who gave us one of the best economies in decades...when Biden is running on raising taxes and the Green New Deal...both of which would be AWFUL for the economy and jobs? That's laughable! Biden will give us a repeat of the slowest recovery from a recession since The Great Depression...which was what the Obama years were!
What's Joe's "logical" response to the Covid pandemic? To force all Americans to wear masks and to shut down the economy again if the "experts" tell him that's what should happen? Again...that will be a disaster for the country.
IF Trump wins, it will be the end of America as we know it, and everything good that it stands for.

If Biden wins, the economy will recover more quickly. Covid19 will be dealt with more logically, and if China was involved, that country will be dealt with appropriately.

Yes, it will be the end of the corrupt political class who have been at war with the middle class for 50 years now.

If biden wins the country will be over as a Republic and will instead be run by oligarchs, kind of like fakey mcfakerson friends run Russia to the detriment of the Russian people.
The economy is at 11% unemployed and underemployed and you argue that Trump is better?
The Russian military intelligence unit that attacked the Democratic National Committee four years ago is back with a series of new, more stealthy hacks aimed at campaign staff, consultants and think tanks associated with both Democrats and Republicans. ....

....Microsoft did find that Chinese and Iranian hackers have been active — but often not in the way that President Trump and his aides have suggested.

Contrary to an assessment by the director of national intelligence last month that said China preferred former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. win the election, Microsoft found that Chinese hackers have been attacking the private email accounts of Mr. Biden’s campaign staff, along with a range of other prominent individuals in academia and the national security establishment, including groups like the Atlantic Council and the Stimson Center.


I'll tell you why both adversaries are attacking the Biden Campaign:

The Russians want Trump to remain in power because he is either a very useful idiot to them or compromised.

The Chinese want to keep Trump in power because Trump is so grossly inept that their power and influence has grown and continues to grow globally under Trump.

Both the Russians and Chinese want Trump because Trump weakens the USA domestically with his politics of division, weakens our alliances and weakens our standing around the world.

Make Russia and China Great Again: Vote Trump!

You are still an idiot....Trump has been a pain in the ass to putin, and the chinese own joe biden and the democrat party.
The economy is at 11% unemployed and underemployed and you argue that Trump is better?

And you pretend that that is Trump's fault and not the fault of joe biden's bosses over in China.....if biden gets in the democrat party will give China a free hand all over the world.
They want the Democrats to have an excuse if Biden loses to start another impeachment remove Trump from office so Mike Pence who is actually a Russian sleeper agent can become President. The sad thing is some will actually take this seriously hell it might become a Breaking News story on CNN.

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