Zone1 Why are Christians opposed to abortion when God.....

Why should differences in religion be any more interesting or amazing than differences in styles of dress?
Styles of dress often quickly change, and are dependent on the whims of the masses. You claim religion is always the same, and unchanging. I'll give you one thing. the areas where each religion is practiced seems consistent.
You claim religion is always the same, and unchanging.
You must be mistaking me for someone else. I've never made such a claim for I have never thought that religion is always the same and unchanging. Not much, if anything, in this life is.
No, that's what due process is at all.

And if you tell people "I'm going to blow up your city in a year's time" and then you do it, does that make you any less evil?
When you tell people that you are going to destroy the world in 120 years if they don't get their act together and stop doing evil, yes, it's due process.
Again, God can do whatever he likes. He can do EVIL THINGS. Should God do evil things just because he can?
He doesn't. You don't like judgement, I get it. That doesn't change the fact that God has to do it, and He has authority you simply don't.
The Bible teaches that we should not kill. We CAN kill. That's why we say "don't kill". Just because we CAN, doesn't mean we SHOULD. This is a TEACHING FROM THE BIBLE.
Of course, it is. Don't tell me you resent it.
And you're telling me that God thinks this is a little stupid.
I'm not, and if you think I am, you need to reread some things.
Oh, great. Well, I'm not going to listen to the Ten Commandments, I'm going to follow the line that killing is okay... because I can interpret it that way easily, thank you very much.
That's stupid. Again you're ignoring authority. God CAN kill because He is the creator with the power to do it if He needs to. He also is very patient and waits a LONG time before bringing judgement. Again, something you ignore. You want to focus solely on the judgement and ignore everything that caused it to be necessary. Oh, and quote the line you think is there that excuses you from murdering.
God might have a reason or a purpose.

Get this. God made humans. God then tested humans. The humans, that God made, didn't do as God wanted. He wanted his humans to be (get this) MORAL. So God then kicked them out of Eden, then killed the descendants. So... er... the moral of the story is that God will do IMMORAL things to people he made, and made badly.... Go figure.
No, He brings judgement when people IGNORE Him and His warnings. You know, like what they're doing now.
And since then, the descendants of Noah have been totally IMMORAL and God's done NOTHING about it. In fact, the people of the Christian God have the highest murder rates in the WORLD.
People of the Christian God? Who are those people and how do you know they follow God and not just pay lip service to His name?

What makes you think God is NOT going to bring judgement? In fact, He will, and those of your mindset will be completely surprised and will complain about it, and once again completely IGNORE what they've been doing this whole time to bring judgement. They will, like you, focus only on the fact that they're being judged and forget what brought it on.

And yes, God's people face discipline for what they do in God's name.
Sure, I was told of it as a child, but that was before I was able to read much of the Bible for myself. My introduction to God was through Little Golden Books.

Which is still a book, still someone else telling you "look, there's a God" rather than you sitting then then suddenly God says "Hey, mate, I'm your God"
Only if one takes a wrong and twisted turn. Which we humans are apt to do being such a whiny species. "All someone else's fault. Never my fault." And, "Since they do that, I can do this." Not to mention twisting a simple story to mean something else entirely.

What is a "wrong twisted turn"?

God spoke about "violence" as the reason for killing EVERYONE. In other words, he used violence. Doesn't that strike you as a little weird?

"I don't like violence, so here's some violence to punish you for violence"
What is a "wrong twisted turn"?

God spoke about "violence" as the reason for killing EVERYONE. In other words, he used violence. Doesn't that strike you as a little weird?

"I don't like violence, so here's some violence to punish you for violence"
Again, a rather odd way of looking at it. What is a reason for not liking violence? Isn't it because violence launches further violence? Again, violence is like gravity. It doesn't take God to launch violence. We do all that on our own. Remember middle school science where one action results in an equal but opposite (direction) of the reaction. In other words, set violence in motion and it is going to come right back towards you.
Not to mention insects! People kill insects! They are totally oblivious to a dying worm struggling to get off the sidewalk and back into the earth. We step on ants without noticing, let alone giving them any thought. Woe! Woe! Whoa.

The topic is humans killing humans. Based on the type of reasoning presented in this thread (Someone else kills humans, so it should be alright for humans to kill humans.) By this reasoning, since scorpions, black widows, lions, tigers, and snakes kill humans it follows humans should kill humans, too!

The other faulty reasoning is, "Let's blame a natural disaster on God and then rush to the conclusion God kills babies!" This type of reasoning reminds me of the old saying of, "A conclusion is the point where someone stopped thinking."

This topic is humans killing humans AND God killing humans. That doesn't mean we don't use analogies, doesn't mean we don't look to other things to explain things.

God setting up a system of a food chain is surely very important here. God said "thou shalt not kill/murder"

You say "let's blame a natural disaster on God" and yet God said

“I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. 14 So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out."

I mean, it's like a murderer saying live on TV "I'm going to kill people with my knife" and then blaming the knife on the murder.
How many wars have you, personally, been in? I doubt that it was "countless". Countless people having chicken pox is far different from one person having chicken pox countless times. Simply because you learned by doing, why scoff at all others who were and are also learning by doing?

Er.... what difference does it make how many wars I've personally been in?

There have been "countless" wars since Noah's Ark. I haven't been alive for the whole time since this supposedly happened, I've seen a small percentage of this.

The rest of this post is just bemusing.
When you tell people that you are going to destroy the world in 120 years if they don't get their act together and stop doing evil, yes, it's due process.

He doesn't. You don't like judgement, I get it. That doesn't change the fact that God has to do it, and He has authority you simply don't.

Of course, it is. Don't tell me you resent it.

I'm not, and if you think I am, you need to reread some things.

That's stupid. Again you're ignoring authority. God CAN kill because He is the creator with the power to do it if He needs to. He also is very patient and waits a LONG time before bringing judgement. Again, something you ignore. You want to focus solely on the judgement and ignore everything that caused it to be necessary. Oh, and quote the line you think is there that excuses you from murdering.

No, He brings judgement when people IGNORE Him and His warnings. You know, like what they're doing now.

People of the Christian God? Who are those people and how do you know they follow God and not just pay lip service to His name?

What makes you think God is NOT going to bring judgement? In fact, He will, and those of your mindset will be completely surprised and will complain about it, and once again completely IGNORE what they've been doing this whole time to bring judgement. They will, like you, focus only on the fact that they're being judged and forget what brought it on.

And yes, God's people face discipline for what they do in God's name.

Well, people have been saying the world is coming to an end due to climate change, most people don't care.

Mostly your argument is one a judgement. And you think because someone has the power to do something, therefore they can do it without thinking. Also that people should accept a hypocrite.
Again, a rather odd way of looking at it. What is a reason for not liking violence? Isn't it because violence launches further violence? Again, violence is like gravity. It doesn't take God to launch violence. We do all that on our own. Remember middle school science where one action results in an equal but opposite (direction) of the reaction. In other words, set violence in motion and it is going to come right back towards you.

I don't see why it's odd. If a teacher stands up in class and tells a boy off for violence and then whacks his ass with a stick... I'd expect the smart students to think "that's teachers a total fucking hypocrite".

If violence launches further violence, then surely God should have made all creatures non-violent.

And yet God made humans OMNIVORES, we literally need VIOLENCE to kill animals.

We do violence on our own because God made us like that.
No. I'm not religious. I'm have a conversation as if all this were true.
The problem is that so many of us do not see the Bible anywhere close to the way you see it. It is hard to have a discussion with someone who hasn't a clue about God.
This topic is humans killing humans AND God killing humans. That doesn't mean we don't use analogies, doesn't mean we don't look to other things to explain things.

God setting up a system of a food chain is surely very important here. God said "thou shalt not kill/murder"

You say "let's blame a natural disaster on God" and yet God said

“I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. 14 So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out."

I mean, it's like a murderer saying live on TV "I'm going to kill people with my knife" and then blaming the knife on the murder.
God was the first to us the "If she would just do what I say, I wouldn't have to hit her" excuse.
The problem is that so many of us do not see the Bible anywhere close to the way you see it. It is hard to have a discussion with someone who hasn't a clue about God.

The problem is that you're saying it's difficult to have a conversation with someone who doesn't believe what you believe.

But how do you believe what you believe in the first place? Surely some Christians go around looking at the Bible and using it to think about the world.

What is God? Does the Bible tell us?

Here are 50 verses someone thinks tells us about God.

He is "light."
"I am who I am"
"the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth"
"“God is spirit"
"“God is not human"

I got this from the first 20. I don't really think it tells anyone what God is. He's a creator. In what way? In the spiritual way? The physical way? He is "light". I mean, light is stuff that flies around the universe bouncing off of things and we can interpret light by using our eyes. He is "spirit", as opposed to the physical? Does this mean he didn't create the physical world? God isn't human, well, what is he then?

God is interpreted by many different people as being different things.

Gods are usually not physical beings. Usually Gods fulfill needs that humans have, like being loved, like feeling in control of things. However this is from the logical perspective. Mostly a god is spiritual, but beyond that might be more, depending on who you listen to.

Also, I did say if you didn't want to have this conversation, don't bother. I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm not trying to find God, or anything like that. I'm interested in debate and having a conversation. If you can't explain, justify or whatever other verb you think you're doing here, then don't. If you wish to partake of this conversation, then do.
God was the first to us the "If she would just do what I say, I wouldn't have to hit her" excuse.

Perhaps. For me, God is extremely like humans, so much so that you'd think that God were created by humans for the benefit of humans.
when God killed ALL babies in the great flood of Noah's Ark flood fame?

I write this not to anger people, if you're not interested in discussing it, then don't. Keep your religion to yourself and move on. I write this because I've had a conversation in another thread and thought it might be a good question to ask for those who want to test their religion against my lack of religion.
are you really comparing an ancient myth to abortion....get a drink of booze fast dear

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