Zone1 Why are Christians opposed to abortion when God.....

You mentioned you were a deacon.

The twelve apostles followed Jesus for three years. They heard his teachings--turn away from sin/wrong-doing (repentance) and your sins are forgiven. Discern the will of God and be obedient to it. Love God, love one's fellow man. We also celebrate the Last Supper. Once a person does all of this for years, the question one faces is the same question Jesus asked his apostles. "Who do you say that I am?"

After doing all Jesus taught, who do you say that he is?
We are having two different converstions. I am discussing opposition to abortion in light of the countless innocent deaths god is credited with causing while you are trying to convince me that the god you worship is a great guy, and I should worship him too. Please stay on subject. I'll let you give an invotation and sing a couple of stanzas of Just As I Am at the end.
God says he is angry so they will die. Sounds like he should get at least a little credit.
When one holds God in contempt, it is to be expected that one will dismiss the value of human life, finding it contemptible as well.
When one holds God in contempt, it is to be expected that one will dismiss the value of human life, finding it contemptible as well.
Quick!! Throw in what you hope to be a profound sounding remark. It has nothing to do with the conversation, but its always worked before. At least it wasn't the expected "You will never see it if you don't want to"
The story of Lot ends with incest which mocks the origin of their traditional enemies.

What does that tell you?

"So both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father. The older daughter had a son, and she named him Moab; he is the father of the Moabites of today. The younger daughter also had a son, and she named him Ben-Ammi; he is the father of the Ammonites of today."

Genesis 19:30-38

oh how they just looooooooove to bring up S & G when it comes to hating the homogays, but always seems to forget the rest of that there biblical story. i guess boinking ones' daughter just isn't as nasty as same sex boinking.
Not that you see, anyway. ;)
Please explain how your statement has anything to do with Christian opposition to abortion in light of all the innocent lives that the Christian God is credited with ending.
?When one holds God in contempt, it is to be expected that one will dismiss the value of human life, finding it contemptible as well.?
Please explain how your statement has anything to do with Christian opposition to abortion in light of all the innocent lives that the Christian God is credited with ending.
?When one holds God in contempt, it is to be expected that one will dismiss the value of human life, finding it contemptible as well.?
God is holy. Human life is holy. When one simply doesn't want to be bothered with either, dismiss the holiness. Declare one to be a villain and dehumanize the other...which brings unholiness upon oneself. The other two remain what they are. Holy.
God is holy. Human life is holy. When one simply doesn't want to be bothered with either, dismiss the holiness. Declare one to be a villain and dehumanize the other...which brings unholiness upon oneself. The other two remain what they are. Holy.
Well that's just nuts. If I don't worship your god, that means I dismiss life? Even if I did accept your absurd remark as valid, it would have nothing to do with the OP. I once heard someone say " being a Christian makes you say dumb things" Whenever you are at a loss for an answer, you throw some trite remark at it thinking it will work as a universal answer for someone who wants assurance of their faith more than an actual answer. Try to stay as close to the question in the OP as possible, or just admit you don't have a rational answer to it.
Well that's just nuts. If I don't worship your god, that means I dismiss life?
Excuse me? Were we talking about who you do or don't worship? Or even what you do or don't dismiss?

The OP makes an unfounded statement. Then wonders why making up a scenario of misbehavior on his part else doesn't result in everyone else agreeing to follow suit. Shrug.

Question for you: Whose misbehavior has prompted you to emulate misbehavior?
Excuse me? Were we talking about who you do or don't worship? Or even what you do or don't dismiss?

The OP makes an unfounded statement. Then wonders why making up a scenario of misbehavior on his part else doesn't result in everyone else agreeing to follow suit. Shrug.

Question for you: Whose misbehavior has prompted you to emulate misbehavior?
See #381
when God killed ALL babies in the great flood of Noah's Ark flood fame?

I write this not to anger people, if you're not interested in discussing it, then don't. Keep your religion to yourself and move on. I write this because I've had a conversation in another thread and thought it might be a good question to ask for those who want to test their religion against my lack of religion.
This mortal life is a temporary life and God is the overseer and director of this mortal life. It is His right and responsibility to run this mortal life and to make certain that it is run the way he wants it to be run. He has the right to place whomever he wishes into this life and he has the right to remove whomever he wishes from this life. When mankind becomes overly wicked in this life, God reserves the right to remove the wicked and start over with the righteous. While we are on this earth, God does not want us to destroy each others opportunity to live in this world. Thus he has given the temporary commandment for a mortal life to not kill one another. However, this command only applies to we who are sent to this earth. God, as the overseer and director reserves the right to place on this earth and remove from this earth whomever He deems appropriate. He is God and He is in charge. In the eyes of God, this temporary mortal life has a specific purpose and God makes the decision when a person enters and exits this world. For mankind who are placed on this earth, it is the will of God that they do not kill one another. It is only the right of God to determine when a being is to be taken from this earth. The commandment to not kill is a temporary command for those who live upon a mortal world. In the immortal, eternal world there is no death of the body. Those who live in eternity cannot kill one another. Only on mortal worlds is it possible to kill the body. The commandment is given to mankind when they are placed upon a mortal world. However, God himself, as the overseer and director of the mortal worlds is not subject to the temporary command that He gives to mortal mankind. As the director of the mortal world, He has the responsibility to determine when a person comes to this life and when he will exit this life. If mankind, through their God given free will and choice, decides to make the entire world a wicked place, God can decide to remove the wicked from the earth at any time. In fact he can decide also when to remove the righteous. It is his world and He decides the temporal status of each of us he places upon this earth. God is not mortal man but God is God and is in charge of this whole plan of temporal existence upon the earth.
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It's a different #125. Click the link.
Thanks for the link. Oddly,I didn't think to check post #125 of all the other hundreds of threads to figure out which one you were talking about. I'm really not a mind reader. The OP of this thread is the designated subject of this conversation. If you don't want to discuss that, then you should start your own thread --- dumbass.

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