Why are conservative men afraid of unisex bathrooms?

Why is it always conservative men screaming that if we let men and women share the same public restrooms that there will be rape and perverts having their dreams come true?

Are these same conservative men equally afraid of gay pedophiles attacking their children when they let them go pee at the movie theater?

How do you guys live in a world of senseless fear all the time?
Every day I watch a guy working that I know whose son used an opportunity alone with women to kidnap them and rape them. He is facing charges. His bail was set at 2 million. This is twice the amount of bail for Bill Cosby, at 1 million. This guy I know of, who used his time alone with women very poorly, only faces two counts of doing this. Cosby in contrast faces 52 accusations of drugging women and then raping them.

The point being that maybe these types of predators are rare...yet I know of two of them in my daily walks and viewing. But they will quickly learn where to corner women alone and vulnerable where genitals are allowed to be exposed to relieve oneself. What an easy defense for these predators eh? "your honor, I only had my dick out because I was going to pee. That picture on her cellphone doesn't tell the whole story in that bathroom!...I swear!"

Men object to coed bathrooms most of all because men know their inner nature. Men know that they are all opportunists sexually and that even while most of them have attained a measure of self-control, they remember "those guys" from school and work who openly brag about what they'd do with a woman if they could have their way without getting caught; while a woman was vulnerable.. In other words, men know men... :hitit:
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I don't want to share bathrooms with a woman because they use them a lot and take forever to get off the pot. In and out, that's what we do.
Mother to twelve year old daughter: "You go ahead dear. I'll wait here. You might have to wait a bit. There's three men in there ahead of you".
Liberals are clinically insane. There can't be any other reason they promote this sick idea.
Why are liberal women against unisex bathrooms? Are they afraid they will frighten people?
Why are liberal women against unisex bathrooms? Are they afraid they will frighten people?
That's hilarious!
Picture a fat sweaty hairy stinky LIB woman standing in front of a urinal. It's enough to not ever be able to see a photo of Hillary again without gagging!
I really don't know how Uma does it.
Why are liberal women against unisex bathrooms? Are they afraid they will frighten people?
That's hilarious!
Picture a fat sweaty hairy stinky LIB woman standing in front of a urinal. It's enough to not ever be able to see a photo of Hillary again without gagging!
I really don't know how Uma does it.

In the dark
Ya but the stink?
Climbing into bed in the dark and feeling a back hair? GAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
From what I understand ladies tend to have lines in their rooms too. You want to wait?
To me this is why the rest rooms should be left the way that they have been. The last thing that we need are longer lines in the ladies room.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Then again if they were for both genders, maybe both lines would be more 50/50 then? Then the ladies line wouldn't be as long.
Why is it always conservative men screaming that if we let men and women share the same public restrooms that there will be rape and perverts having their dreams come true?

Are these same conservative men equally afraid of gay pedophiles attacking their children when they let them go pee at the movie theater?

How do you guys live in a world of senseless fear all the time?

Maybe you want your children and wife exposed to men who may not have their best interests in mind.....
Why is it always conservative men screaming that if we let men and women share the same public restrooms that there will be rape and perverts having their dreams come true?

Are these same conservative men equally afraid of gay pedophiles attacking their children when they let them go pee at the movie theater?

How do you guys live in a world of senseless fear all the time?

Maybe you want your children and wife exposed to men who may not have their best interests in mind.....

You seriously think there will be perverts in a bathroom? They can go in there already!

Do they advocate separate children to adult toilets? No they don't. They're happy to whip it out in the male toilets when kids are around, possibly peeing next to them.
Here is a clue for you libtards, when adults unzip their pants near children it is almost always a NOT sexual event.

But admittedly, you libtards hang around a weird crowd, so maybe to you it does seem to always be sexual in fact.

Did I say it was a sexual event? No I did not. I was pointing out the inconsistencies.

If a man goes into a mixed bathroom "it is almost always a NOT sexual event"

So...... what's the problem with mixed bathrooms then? If men can go into a male bathroom and not touch or perv on children, surely they can do the same with women (who'd be in cubicles anyway)

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