Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

just keep telling yourself that. that online MBA is working wonders for you.

apparently you cant comprehend the dictionary, so here is the definition in simple plain English:

Taxation: A means by which governments finance their expenditure by imposing charges on citizens and corporate entities.

businesses collect funds and pay taxes accordingly, taxes are not passed through individuals on behalf of the company they work for, your an idiot if you truly believe that. but then again based on what you have posted recently, its really that not hard to believe.

that hole you keep digging is looking mighty deep there. you cant even address the fact you posted two different links trying to claim they are the same story.

The Robinson School of Business at Georgia State University is not an online university.
Corporations ARE PEOPLE, just an entity in NAME ONLY. People pay taxes. All my corporations do, and every corporation does, is collect taxes from PEOPLE and pass it on to government.
Where does the $$ come from that corporations pay their taxes with? The money tree? The tooth fairy? THEIR CUSTOMERS. And instead of paying a higher dividend to the stockholders PEOPLE or giving bonuses to their employees PEOPLE or offering lower prices to their consumers PEOPLE, they pay that $$$ collected from PEOPLE from the sales of their goods and services to their customers PEOPLE and pass it on to government as an expense-TAXES.
Do you talk back at the screen when you go to the movies?
You need to save all of your hot air for your inflatable date later tonight.
oh so youre gonna play the corporations are people card now. thanks for moving the goal posts. typical conservative....

for those of you who are still paying attention, the way SSI and FICA is calculated is a portion is paid by the employer, and a portion is paid by the employee. the employee tax liability would be much higher if you gave the employee the money, only to take it away in the form of increasing their taxes to the government. this would also be highly illegal as the corporation would avoid paying any actual taxes itself and the employee would then be paying all the taxes. did you not learn anything in business school?

when you hire an employee do you sit down with them and say well, your compensation package is $100k, but thats not what youre actually gonna make. see what im gonna do is without both the company portion as well the employee portion of the federal taxes owed so your effective tax rate will be near 43%, (roughly 28% for the wage rage, plus another 15% to cover both the employee and the employer contributions to SSI and FICA) but thats ok, because the company wont be paying any real taxes, ill just be screwing my employees out of their hard earned money. why would anyone want to work for you? youve just screwed an employee out of 7.65% of their own income.

yup great theory, i hope you have an audit coming soon.

People are corporations. Stockholders OWN the damn corporations.
Are you really this ignorant? I believe not.
How is a stockholder not a person?
This ought to be rich!:lol::lol::lol:
The Robinson School of Business at Georgia State University is not an online university.
Corporations ARE PEOPLE, just an entity in NAME ONLY. People pay taxes. All my corporations do, and every corporation does, is collect taxes from PEOPLE and pass it on to government.
Where does the $$ come from that corporations pay their taxes with? The money tree? The tooth fairy? THEIR CUSTOMERS. And instead of paying a higher dividend to the stockholders PEOPLE or giving bonuses to their employees PEOPLE or offering lower prices to their consumers PEOPLE, they pay that $$$ collected from PEOPLE from the sales of their goods and services to their customers PEOPLE and pass it on to government as an expense-TAXES.
Do you talk back at the screen when you go to the movies?
You need to save all of your hot air for your inflatable date later tonight.
oh so youre gonna play the corporations are people card now. thanks for moving the goal posts. typical conservative....

for those of you who are still paying attention, the way SSI and FICA is calculated is a portion is paid by the employer, and a portion is paid by the employee. the employee tax liability would be much higher if you gave the employee the money, only to take it away in the form of increasing their taxes to the government. this would also be highly illegal as the corporation would avoid paying any actual taxes itself and the employee would then be paying all the taxes. did you not learn anything in business school?

when you hire an employee do you sit down with them and say well, your compensation package is $100k, but thats not what youre actually gonna make. see what im gonna do is without both the company portion as well the employee portion of the federal taxes owed so your effective tax rate will be near 43%, (roughly 28% for the wage rage, plus another 15% to cover both the employee and the employer contributions to SSI and FICA) but thats ok, because the company wont be paying any real taxes, ill just be screwing my employees out of their hard earned money. why would anyone want to work for you? youve just screwed an employee out of 7.65% of their own income.

yup great theory, i hope you have an audit coming soon.

How else could I, OR ANY CORPORATION, make a profit if the cost of taxes was not figured into my cost of doing business ahead of time? Taxes are an expense that I add into the cost of my services in each business.
My customers pay the tax. It is built into my fees.
The taxes on the producers is passed onto you who use or buy a corporations services.
Taxes go up MY ONLY OPTION is to raise the price of my services. Same with every corporation. And YOU, a person pays it each and every time when you buy something.
Econ 101 is taught at your local community college near you. Enroll and learn something.
The Democratic talking points are bringing you down to the low information voter level.
Stupid, which I do not believe you are, is the inability to learn.
Ignorant, which you obviously are, is from not taking the initiative to learn.
the cost of doing business is considered overhead. employee salaries are not part of overhead by definitions. your customers pay your business a fee for goods and services, it is then your responsibility to pay the correct amount of taxes you owe to all government entities. (local, state, federal)

The operating expenses of a business, including the costs of rent, utilities, interior decoration, and taxes, exclusive of labor and materials.
overhead - definition of overhead by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

The return received on a business undertaking after all operating expenses have been met.
profit - definition of profit by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

profits are considered after all expenses have been paid, not prior to paying them.

see now youre changing the argument again. first it was that people pay all the taxes, and now its about overhead. its extremely surprising that you as a so called business owner can not grasp these simple economic terms.

want to try and define overhead and profit again?
The Robinson School of Business at Georgia State University is not an online university.
Corporations ARE PEOPLE, just an entity in NAME ONLY. People pay taxes. All my corporations do, and every corporation does, is collect taxes from PEOPLE and pass it on to government.
Where does the $$ come from that corporations pay their taxes with? The money tree? The tooth fairy? THEIR CUSTOMERS. And instead of paying a higher dividend to the stockholders PEOPLE or giving bonuses to their employees PEOPLE or offering lower prices to their consumers PEOPLE, they pay that $$$ collected from PEOPLE from the sales of their goods and services to their customers PEOPLE and pass it on to government as an expense-TAXES.
Do you talk back at the screen when you go to the movies?
You need to save all of your hot air for your inflatable date later tonight.
oh so youre gonna play the corporations are people card now. thanks for moving the goal posts. typical conservative....

for those of you who are still paying attention, the way SSI and FICA is calculated is a portion is paid by the employer, and a portion is paid by the employee. the employee tax liability would be much higher if you gave the employee the money, only to take it away in the form of increasing their taxes to the government. this would also be highly illegal as the corporation would avoid paying any actual taxes itself and the employee would then be paying all the taxes. did you not learn anything in business school?

when you hire an employee do you sit down with them and say well, your compensation package is $100k, but thats not what youre actually gonna make. see what im gonna do is without both the company portion as well the employee portion of the federal taxes owed so your effective tax rate will be near 43%, (roughly 28% for the wage rage, plus another 15% to cover both the employee and the employer contributions to SSI and FICA) but thats ok, because the company wont be paying any real taxes, ill just be screwing my employees out of their hard earned money. why would anyone want to work for you? youve just screwed an employee out of 7.65% of their own income.

yup great theory, i hope you have an audit coming soon.

People are corporations. Stockholders OWN the damn corporations.
Are you really this ignorant? I believe not.
How is a stockholder not a person?
This ought to be rich!:lol::lol::lol:
a stock holder does not have to be a person, it can be a trust or fund as well. every heard of a mutual fund or hedge fund? what about a living trust or a blind trust? can you tell me how trusts and funds are considered people? can they vote? can they procreate? can they breathe? this outta be rich
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

look at the budget and deficit negotiations...tell me the cons aren't shills for wealth
look at the budget and deficit negotiations...tell me the cons aren't shills for wealth

Dainty, you've come whimpering back with your tail between your legs...

That other place wasn't the paradise you dreamed of? Not the North Korea of boards?
oh so youre gonna play the corporations are people card now. thanks for moving the goal posts. typical conservative....

for those of you who are still paying attention, the way SSI and FICA is calculated is a portion is paid by the employer, and a portion is paid by the employee. the employee tax liability would be much higher if you gave the employee the money, only to take it away in the form of increasing their taxes to the government. this would also be highly illegal as the corporation would avoid paying any actual taxes itself and the employee would then be paying all the taxes. did you not learn anything in business school?

when you hire an employee do you sit down with them and say well, your compensation package is $100k, but thats not what youre actually gonna make. see what im gonna do is without both the company portion as well the employee portion of the federal taxes owed so your effective tax rate will be near 43%, (roughly 28% for the wage rage, plus another 15% to cover both the employee and the employer contributions to SSI and FICA) but thats ok, because the company wont be paying any real taxes, ill just be screwing my employees out of their hard earned money. why would anyone want to work for you? youve just screwed an employee out of 7.65% of their own income.

yup great theory, i hope you have an audit coming soon.

How else could I, OR ANY CORPORATION, make a profit if the cost of taxes was not figured into my cost of doing business ahead of time? Taxes are an expense that I add into the cost of my services in each business.
My customers pay the tax. It is built into my fees.
The taxes on the producers is passed onto you who use or buy a corporations services.
Taxes go up MY ONLY OPTION is to raise the price of my services. Same with every corporation. And YOU, a person pays it each and every time when you buy something.
Econ 101 is taught at your local community college near you. Enroll and learn something.
The Democratic talking points are bringing you down to the low information voter level.
Stupid, which I do not believe you are, is the inability to learn.
Ignorant, which you obviously are, is from not taking the initiative to learn.
the cost of doing business is considered overhead. employee salaries are not part of overhead by definitions. your customers pay your business a fee for goods and services, it is then your responsibility to pay the correct amount of taxes you owe to all government entities. (local, state, federal)

The operating expenses of a business, including the costs of rent, utilities, interior decoration, and taxes, exclusive of labor and materials.
overhead - definition of overhead by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

The return received on a business undertaking after all operating expenses have been met.
profit - definition of profit by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

profits are considered after all expenses have been paid, not prior to paying them.

see now youre changing the argument again. first it was that people pay all the taxes, and now its about overhead. its extremely surprising that you as a so called business owner can not grasp these simple economic terms.

want to try and define overhead and profit again?

ALL of that is collected FROM THE CONSUMER.
Wow, simply amazing that you believe that money just appears out of no where and is sent to my corporations by the tooth fairy.
I have been in business for over 30 years in 3 businesses.
Tell us about your experience in the business world and how your corporations do not collect fees that pay ALL the expenses, taxes included.
I am all ears but I doubt you have anything to offer other than your milk weak insults and hot air.
How else could I, OR ANY CORPORATION, make a profit if the cost of taxes was not figured into my cost of doing business ahead of time? Taxes are an expense that I add into the cost of my services in each business.
My customers pay the tax. It is built into my fees.
The taxes on the producers is passed onto you who use or buy a corporations services.
Taxes go up MY ONLY OPTION is to raise the price of my services. Same with every corporation. And YOU, a person pays it each and every time when you buy something.
Econ 101 is taught at your local community college near you. Enroll and learn something.
The Democratic talking points are bringing you down to the low information voter level.
Stupid, which I do not believe you are, is the inability to learn.
Ignorant, which you obviously are, is from not taking the initiative to learn.
the cost of doing business is considered overhead. employee salaries are not part of overhead by definitions. your customers pay your business a fee for goods and services, it is then your responsibility to pay the correct amount of taxes you owe to all government entities. (local, state, federal)

The operating expenses of a business, including the costs of rent, utilities, interior decoration, and taxes, exclusive of labor and materials.
overhead - definition of overhead by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

The return received on a business undertaking after all operating expenses have been met.
profit - definition of profit by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

profits are considered after all expenses have been paid, not prior to paying them.

see now youre changing the argument again. first it was that people pay all the taxes, and now its about overhead. its extremely surprising that you as a so called business owner can not grasp these simple economic terms.

want to try and define overhead and profit again?

ALL of that is collected FROM THE CONSUMER.
Wow, simply amazing that you believe that money just appears out of no where and is sent to my corporations by the tooth fairy.
I have been in business for over 30 years in 3 businesses.
Tell us about your experience in the business world and how your corporations do not collect fees that pay ALL the expenses, taxes included.
I am all ears but I doubt you have anything to offer other than your milk weak insults and hot air.
so now your argument shifts to talking about the consumer. your debating skills needs a serious overhaul.

this conversation went from claiming that people, i.e employees, pay all taxes and corporations do not. then you shift that since the money is collected from consumers, that people pay all taxes.

look at your business tax report. it doesnt list which of your customers paid you and that you passed that information on to the IRS. it shows the tax liability that is the responsibility of the company. ergo the company owes taxes. if you want to keep trying to twist your logic and the facts to suit your own argument go ahead.

you really overpaid for that online degree.

oh and my company has over 250 employees and annual sales exceeds $35M. so i obviously have no idea what im talking about.
the cost of doing business is considered overhead. employee salaries are not part of overhead by definitions. your customers pay your business a fee for goods and services, it is then your responsibility to pay the correct amount of taxes you owe to all government entities. (local, state, federal)

The operating expenses of a business, including the costs of rent, utilities, interior decoration, and taxes, exclusive of labor and materials.
overhead - definition of overhead by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

The return received on a business undertaking after all operating expenses have been met.
profit - definition of profit by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

profits are considered after all expenses have been paid, not prior to paying them.

see now youre changing the argument again. first it was that people pay all the taxes, and now its about overhead. its extremely surprising that you as a so called business owner can not grasp these simple economic terms.

want to try and define overhead and profit again?

ALL of that is collected FROM THE CONSUMER.
Wow, simply amazing that you believe that money just appears out of no where and is sent to my corporations by the tooth fairy.
I have been in business for over 30 years in 3 businesses.
Tell us about your experience in the business world and how your corporations do not collect fees that pay ALL the expenses, taxes included.
I am all ears but I doubt you have anything to offer other than your milk weak insults and hot air.
so now your argument shifts to talking about the consumer. your debating skills needs a serious overhaul.

this conversation went from claiming that people, i.e employees, pay all taxes and corporations do not. then you shift that since the money is collected from consumers, that people pay all taxes.

look at your business tax report. it doesnt list which of your customers paid you and that you passed that information on to the IRS. it shows the tax liability that is the responsibility of the company. ergo the company owes taxes. if you want to keep trying to twist your logic and the facts to suit your own argument go ahead.

you really overpaid for that online degree.

oh and my company has over 250 employees and annual sales exceeds $35M. so i obviously have no idea what im talking about.

OK, so now consumers are not people either.
Read you loud and clear.
BTW, I am setting my pricing for next year and with the Obamacare law, which is costing me some extra $$$ to comply fully, I am adding those additional taxes, as the Supreme Court did rule they are taxes, into my fees.
And guess who pays my fees? Could it be people?
And when myself and the stockholders, PEOPLE, pay the taxes for the corporation, the stockholders get less of a dividend.
People pay taxes. I have owned corporations for over 30 years and businesses. None of them ever paid a cent in taxes. They all collected the taxes from our clients, the consumer, and passed it on to government.
Corporations do not pay taxes. People do.
Corporations are like unicorns. They dont exist. It's just a label for people with money. When bofa has to pay back the bailout, there is no bofa, they do things like charge ATM fees and the people pay it back.
Corporations are like unicorns. They dont exist. It's just a label for people with money. When bofa has to pay back the bailout, there is no bofa, they do things like charge ATM fees and the people pay it back.

And seeing as how people might not buy the product that the coporation just raised prices on, then the corporation would have no business to profit by, so there surely would be no taxes paid.

Federal income tax is paid on profit.. profit comes from sales....sales comes from customers.....ergo customers pay for both profit and taxes. For the corporation.
Corporations are like unicorns. They dont exist. It's just a label for people with money. When bofa has to pay back the bailout, there is no bofa, they do things like charge ATM fees and the people pay it back.

And seeing as how people might not buy the product that the coporation just raised prices on, then the corporation would have no business to profit by, so there surely would be no taxes paid.

Federal income tax is paid on profit.. profit comes from sales....sales comes from customers.....ergo customers pay for both profit and taxes. For the corporation.

Income tax is actually a tax on labor. It is akin to slavery.
ALL of that is collected FROM THE CONSUMER.
Wow, simply amazing that you believe that money just appears out of no where and is sent to my corporations by the tooth fairy.
I have been in business for over 30 years in 3 businesses.
Tell us about your experience in the business world and how your corporations do not collect fees that pay ALL the expenses, taxes included.
I am all ears but I doubt you have anything to offer other than your milk weak insults and hot air.
so now your argument shifts to talking about the consumer. your debating skills needs a serious overhaul.

this conversation went from claiming that people, i.e employees, pay all taxes and corporations do not. then you shift that since the money is collected from consumers, that people pay all taxes.

look at your business tax report. it doesnt list which of your customers paid you and that you passed that information on to the IRS. it shows the tax liability that is the responsibility of the company. ergo the company owes taxes. if you want to keep trying to twist your logic and the facts to suit your own argument go ahead.

you really overpaid for that online degree.

oh and my company has over 250 employees and annual sales exceeds $35M. so i obviously have no idea what im talking about.

OK, so now consumers are not people either.
Read you loud and clear.
BTW, I am setting my pricing for next year and with the Obamacare law, which is costing me some extra $$$ to comply fully, I am adding those additional taxes, as the Supreme Court did rule they are taxes, into my fees.
And guess who pays my fees? Could it be people?
And when myself and the stockholders, PEOPLE, pay the taxes for the corporation, the stockholders get less of a dividend.
People pay taxes. I have owned corporations for over 30 years and businesses. None of them ever paid a cent in taxes. They all collected the taxes from our clients, the consumer, and passed it on to government.
Corporations do not pay taxes. People do.
your knowledge of how business works is laughable. you should really take another business class and educate yourself. using employees as the vehicle for passing taxes on from the customer to government is highly illegal. whats the name of your company? im pretty sure the IRS would like to know you are using the business practice.
your knowledge of how business works is laughable. you should really take another business class and educate yourself. using employees as the vehicle for passing taxes on from the customer to government is highly illegal. whats the name of your company? im pretty sure the IRS would like to know you are using the business practice.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

The customer ALWAYS pays all taxes. We calculate EBIT, pay taxes, then declare a profit or loss. There is ALWAYS a reserve for taxes.

Maybe you should take a basic accounting class? Understanding a basic income statement is vital for adults.
your knowledge of how business works is laughable. you should really take another business class and educate yourself. using employees as the vehicle for passing taxes on from the customer to government is highly illegal. whats the name of your company? im pretty sure the IRS would like to know you are using the business practice.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

The customer ALWAYS pays all taxes. We calculate EBIT, pay taxes, then declare a profit or loss. There is ALWAYS a reserve for taxes.

Maybe you should take a basic accounting class? Understanding a basic income statement is vital for adults.
business are responsible for paying their share of taxes whether that is SSI or FICA or corporate taxes. using the employee as a passthrough as Gadawg suggests is highly illegal.

look back at the conversation mr genuis, he makes the claim that employees pay all taxes, then shifts his claim to customers. his argument is weak, vague and illogical.
business are responsible for paying their share of taxes whether that is SSI or FICA or corporate taxes.

Which is simply amortized into the selling price of the product or service they sell.

The left lives an insane delusion that companies go to the gold piles of Scrooge McDuck type rich people and pay taxes.

using the employee as a passthrough as Gadawg suggests is highly illegal.

So you claim that using tax rate as a basis of setting prices is illegal?

Perhaps in Obama's vision for the future, but in the current situation, nothing could be further from the truth. A business can set the price of their product to whatever they choose, for any reason or no reason.

You are free to buy or not buy.

look back at the conversation mr genuis, he makes the claim that employees pay all taxes, then shifts his claim to customers. his argument is weak, vague and illogical.

That you don't grasp the basic facts does not make his claim false. Employees DO pay 100% of all employment taxes. Companies looks at GROSS compensation when determining headcount. As taxes go up, wages come down, to make a gross compensation that meets the budget. This is only screwed up by artificial means such as minimum wage, which drives companies to reduce hours or headcount instead.

What you of the left cannot grasp is that a business is not a social welfare agency. It is not their job to take care of employees, but rather to create a value proposition.
Corporations are like unicorns. They dont exist. It's just a label for people with money. When bofa has to pay back the bailout, there is no bofa, they do things like charge ATM fees and the people pay it back.

When I started my 1st corporation in 1982 I had NO $$$.
I was a graduate student building a house and working 2 other jobs.
I made 7K my first year, 15K my second year and was about 60K in debt.
You are clueless.
your knowledge of how business works is laughable. you should really take another business class and educate yourself. using employees as the vehicle for passing taxes on from the customer to government is highly illegal. whats the name of your company? im pretty sure the IRS would like to know you are using the business practice.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

The customer ALWAYS pays all taxes. We calculate EBIT, pay taxes, then declare a profit or loss. There is ALWAYS a reserve for taxes.

Maybe you should take a basic accounting class? Understanding a basic income statement is vital for adults.
business are responsible for paying their share of taxes whether that is SSI or FICA or corporate taxes. using the employee as a passthrough as Gadawg suggests is highly illegal.

look back at the conversation mr genuis, he makes the claim that employees pay all taxes, then shifts his claim to customers. his argument is weak, vague and illogical.

WTF are you talking about?
"passthrough" ???
Make up enough lies yet Moe?

The employee DOES pay all the taxes. All I do is collect them and instead of being able to pay them a higher wage I have to pass those taxes on to government.
You are that naive and gullible to believe the "employer share" BS.
Come back at me with some more lies now. This is fun.
business are responsible for paying their share of taxes whether that is SSI or FICA or corporate taxes.

Which is simply amortized into the selling price of the product or service they sell.

The left lives an insane delusion that companies go to the gold piles of Scrooge McDuck type rich people and pay taxes.

using the employee as a passthrough as Gadawg suggests is highly illegal.

So you claim that using tax rate as a basis of setting prices is illegal?

Perhaps in Obama's vision for the future, but in the current situation, nothing could be further from the truth. A business can set the price of their product to whatever they choose, for any reason or no reason.

You are free to buy or not buy.

look back at the conversation mr genuis, he makes the claim that employees pay all taxes, then shifts his claim to customers. his argument is weak, vague and illogical.

That you don't grasp the basic facts does not make his claim false. Employees DO pay 100% of all employment taxes. Companies looks at GROSS compensation when determining headcount. As taxes go up, wages come down, to make a gross compensation that meets the budget. This is only screwed up by artificial means such as minimum wage, which drives companies to reduce hours or headcount instead.

What you of the left cannot grasp is that a business is not a social welfare agency. It is not their job to take care of employees, but rather to create a value proposition.

I believe he knows that.
Too stubborn to admit it.
business are responsible for paying their share of taxes whether that is SSI or FICA or corporate taxes.

Which is simply amortized into the selling price of the product or service they sell.

The left lives an insane delusion that companies go to the gold piles of Scrooge McDuck type rich people and pay taxes.

using the employee as a passthrough as Gadawg suggests is highly illegal.

So you claim that using tax rate as a basis of setting prices is illegal?

Perhaps in Obama's vision for the future, but in the current situation, nothing could be further from the truth. A business can set the price of their product to whatever they choose, for any reason or no reason.

You are free to buy or not buy.

look back at the conversation mr genuis, he makes the claim that employees pay all taxes, then shifts his claim to customers. his argument is weak, vague and illogical.

That you don't grasp the basic facts does not make his claim false. Employees DO pay 100% of all employment taxes. Companies looks at GROSS compensation when determining headcount. As taxes go up, wages come down, to make a gross compensation that meets the budget. This is only screwed up by artificial means such as minimum wage, which drives companies to reduce hours or headcount instead.

What you of the left cannot grasp is that a business is not a social welfare agency. It is not their job to take care of employees, but rather to create a value proposition.
if you cant comprehend the argument no one can help you. the argument is that employees pay all taxes and businesses do not. again, using employees as the passthrough for paying all taxes is highly illegal.
What the fuck are you babbling about?

The customer ALWAYS pays all taxes. We calculate EBIT, pay taxes, then declare a profit or loss. There is ALWAYS a reserve for taxes.

Maybe you should take a basic accounting class? Understanding a basic income statement is vital for adults.
business are responsible for paying their share of taxes whether that is SSI or FICA or corporate taxes. using the employee as a passthrough as Gadawg suggests is highly illegal.

look back at the conversation mr genuis, he makes the claim that employees pay all taxes, then shifts his claim to customers. his argument is weak, vague and illogical.

WTF are you talking about?
"passthrough" ???
Make up enough lies yet Moe?

The employee DOES pay all the taxes. All I do is collect them and instead of being able to pay them a higher wage I have to pass those taxes on to government.
You are that naive and gullible to believe the "employer share" BS.
Come back at me with some more lies now. This is fun.
apparently you cant even keep your own argument straight. nicely done there mr wizard.

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