Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

there are many wealthy liberals, Buffet, Gates, Soros etc. the difference is that liberals are willing to pay a higher share of their income towards taxes and are willing to raise taxes on themselves. can the same be said of conservatives?

True, the left doesn't hate the Aristocracy, the left hates the middle class, the Bourgeoisie. It is the middle that Obama works to eradicate. Buffet and Soros are his cronies. A tax on small business making $250K is designed to pull the ladder up and stop upward mobility - it does nothing to Soros or Pelosi - who don't pay taxes anyway.
there are many wealthy liberals, Buffet, Gates, Soros etc. the difference is that liberals are willing to pay a higher share of their income towards taxes and are willing to raise taxes on themselves. can the same be said of conservatives?

True, the left doesn't hate the Aristocracy, the left hates the middle class, the Bourgeoisie. It is the middle that Obama works to eradicate. Buffet and Soros are his cronies. A tax on small business making $250K is designed to pull the ladder up and stop upward mobility - it does nothing to Soros or Pelosi - who don't pay taxes anyway.
how is Obama trying to eradicate the middle class? taxes are low for everyone making under $250k. if youre a business with over $250k in revenues and you file as a sole proprietorship it would be in your best interest become and LLC which is an extremely inexpensive and easy process.

How to Form an LLC - Small Business - WSJ.com

can you prove that neither pelosi or soros pay any taxes?
How do credit cards rip you off Joe?
If you do not like them how come you lack the discipline to NOT USE THEM?
Only a damn fool bends over and allows ANYONE to rip them off.

Joe is a fool and a communist; BUT the credit card companies HAVE engaged in massive fraud and theft.

I had a card from Chase that I used for business with an APR of 6.2% - this was the agreed rate. After Chase was handed billions from the Taxpayers in TARP, they turned around and raised the rate to 37.9% - that's fraud and theft.

Sure, I closed the account and got away from the government backed criminals, but this is an example of them ripping people off.

Did not know you were that ignorant. Okay, I will feel sorry for you Joe.
What can we do to the big bad credit card companies that are ripping off the illiterate and uninformed Joe that does not understand the terms of the contract?
a. GED training?
b. Credit counseling
c. Government cash to pay off your credit card balance?
d. Cut your hands off so you quit signing up for them?
e. Teach you some disciplined that you DO NOT borrow $$$ you can not afford to pay back?

I pretty much have to use credit cards. I charge what I buy for work and then expense it.

So do I but all you have to do is pay them off at the end of the month and guess what?
Quit carrying a balance. The contract states exactly what they can and can not do, has all the sell off info in there also.
Never carry a balance, pay it off each month and NO interest.
how is Obama trying to eradicate the middle class?

From every angle, cap & trade, fascist care, class warfare.

taxes are low for everyone making under $250k. if youre a business with over $250k in revenues and you file as a sole proprietorship it would be in your best interest become and LLC which is an extremely inexpensive and easy process.

Well cool, add to the expense and regulatory burden of small business. More assault on the middle to create barriers to success.

Of course that's what this is all about, the war of the left on the middle, raising the draw bridge to ensure the paupers remain in their place and are denied the economic opportunity to rise above their station.

As you pointed out, this tax has zero impact on Soros, or Andy Grove, or the other elitists of the party - this is designed to break the backs of the up and coming, to put a boot in the face of those who try to advance.

can you prove that neither pelosi or soros pay any taxes?

{"We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes," billionaire hotelier Leona Helmsley famously (and allegedly) sniffed.}

They pay taxes, the top 1% pay about 30% of all taxes. But the well connected shelter an awful lot of income to skip taxes the middle would pay. A flat tax with zero deductions - for anything, would reduce the burden of the middle and increase the burden on the top - which is why the left will fight it to the end of time.
there are many wealthy liberals, Buffet, Gates, Soros etc. the difference is that liberals are willing to pay a higher share of their income towards taxes and are willing to raise taxes on themselves. can the same be said of conservatives?

True, the left doesn't hate the Aristocracy, the left hates the middle class, the Bourgeoisie. It is the middle that Obama works to eradicate. Buffet and Soros are his cronies. A tax on small business making $250K is designed to pull the ladder up and stop upward mobility - it does nothing to Soros or Pelosi - who don't pay taxes anyway.
how is Obama trying to eradicate the middle class? taxes are low for everyone making under $250k. if youre a business with over $250k in revenues and you file as a sole proprietorship it would be in your best interest become and LLC which is an extremely inexpensive and easy process.

How to Form an LLC - Small Business - WSJ.com

can you prove that neither pelosi or soros pay any taxes?

Bull shit. I make right at 100K a year taxable income.
15% social security tax
My tax rate IS TWENTY EIGHT % on that 100K
With a little deduction for the social security I paid I paid 24K in Federal income taxes.
And you claim that inexpsnsive?
I HAVE A CORPORATION. Taxes on that also.
The corporation PAYS ME. All a corporation is is an entity. PEOPLE are the corporations and PEOPLE PAY TAXES.
Geez, please get your facts right. I have been doing this 34 years.
So do I but all you have to do is pay them off at the end of the month and guess what?
Quit carrying a balance. The contract states exactly what they can and can not do, has all the sell off info in there also.
Never carry a balance, pay it off each month and NO interest.

Sure, but if I decide that 6.5% is a good finance rate and want to carry something on it, then I would expect them to honor the agreement made. I don't expect an 800% increase in a day - in fact I consider than theft. If I don't buy gas today at $3.69 a gallon, I don't expect it to be $24.89 a gallon tomorrow.
True, the left doesn't hate the Aristocracy, the left hates the middle class, the Bourgeoisie. It is the middle that Obama works to eradicate. Buffet and Soros are his cronies. A tax on small business making $250K is designed to pull the ladder up and stop upward mobility - it does nothing to Soros or Pelosi - who don't pay taxes anyway.
how is Obama trying to eradicate the middle class? taxes are low for everyone making under $250k. if youre a business with over $250k in revenues and you file as a sole proprietorship it would be in your best interest become and LLC which is an extremely inexpensive and easy process.

How to Form an LLC - Small Business - WSJ.com

can you prove that neither pelosi or soros pay any taxes?

Bull shit. I make right at 100K a year taxable income.
15% social security tax
My tax rate IS TWENTY EIGHT % on that 100K
With a little deduction for the social security I paid I paid 24K in Federal income taxes.
And you claim that inexpsnsive?
I HAVE A CORPORATION. Taxes on that also.
The corporation PAYS ME. All a corporation is is an entity. PEOPLE are the corporations and PEOPLE PAY TAXES.
Geez, please get your facts right. I have been doing this 34 years.
effective tax rate and federal income tax rates are different. or didnt that teach that to you in business school. or maybe you didnt go to business school. i make $80K and pay an effective tax rate of 28%-29%.

but seeing as how you make less then $250k annually how will you see your taxes go up again? if your business is a corporation as you claim, then that is not considered personal income, it is considered business income which is taxed a different rate. if you are operating as a sole proprietorship then maybe you should consider incorporating or becoming an LLC to lower your personal tax liability.

you math is kinda fuzzy considering SS tax is currently at 4.2% not 15%. if youre talking about the match you have to pay then its 4.2% for the employee and 6.2% for the employer. that 10.4% not exactly the 15% that you claim. now if you roll SSDI into it, youre probably correct that its close to 15%. that is only on the first $106K you earn. not all income. but then again every american pays this same percentage to SS & SSDI, did you really think you are being unfairly taxed?

people are not corporation. they are run by people. public corporations are owned by shareholders, not individuals. maybe you should get your facts right. 34 years of business and this is the way you still think?
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how is Obama trying to eradicate the middle class? taxes are low for everyone making under $250k. if youre a business with over $250k in revenues and you file as a sole proprietorship it would be in your best interest become and LLC which is an extremely inexpensive and easy process.

How to Form an LLC - Small Business - WSJ.com

can you prove that neither pelosi or soros pay any taxes?

Second reply;

how is Obama trying to eradicate the middle class? taxes are low for everyone making under $250k. if youre a business with over $250k in revenues and you file as a sole proprietorship it would be in your best interest become and LLC which is an extremely inexpensive and easy process.

How to Form an LLC - Small Business - WSJ.com

can you prove that neither pelosi or soros pay any taxes?

Bull shit. I make right at 100K a year taxable income.
15% social security tax
My tax rate IS TWENTY EIGHT % on that 100K
With a little deduction for the social security I paid I paid 24K in Federal income taxes.
And you claim that inexpsnsive?
I HAVE A CORPORATION. Taxes on that also.
The corporation PAYS ME. All a corporation is is an entity. PEOPLE are the corporations and PEOPLE PAY TAXES.
Geez, please get your facts right. I have been doing this 34 years.
effective tax rate and federal income tax rates are different. or didnt that teach that to you in business school. or maybe you didnt go to business school. i make $80K and pay an effective tax rate of 28%-29%.

but seeing as how you make less then $250k annually how will you see your taxes go up again? if your business is a corporation as you claim, then that is not considered personal income, it is considered business income which is taxed a different rate. if you are operating as a sole proprietorship then maybe you should consider incorporating or becoming an LLC to lower your personal tax liability.

you math is kinda fuzzy considering SS tax is currently at 4.2% not 15%. if youre talking about the match you have to pay then its 4.2% for the employee and 6.2% for the employer. that 10.4% not exactly the 15% that you claim. now if you roll SSDI into it, youre probably correct that its close to 15%. that is only on the first $106K you earn. not all income. but then again every american pays this same percentage to SS & SSDI, did you really think you are being unfairly taxed?

people are not corporation. they are run by people. public corporations are owned by shareholders, not individuals. maybe you should get your facts right. 34 years of business and this is the way you still think?

ALL self-employed folks pay the entire FICA rates. In fact -- so does everyone else, but we have a fiction that the employer is paying. So my SS tax is (normally) 12.4% when Prez Obama isn't STEALING from the Social Sec income stream. That is added on TOP of my Fed tax rate.

Americans DON'T pay the same amount to SS.. Not by the standards for which the program was charted. It was SUPPOSED to be UNIVERSAL with everybody getting comparable benefit and payable comparable premiums. In fact there's a 10 to 1 DISPARITY in what a person who "caps out" pays compared to a subsistence worker with a $10K income. Raise the cap and you might as well just call it welfare and redistribution.
how is Obama trying to eradicate the middle class? taxes are low for everyone making under $250k. if youre a business with over $250k in revenues and you file as a sole proprietorship it would be in your best interest become and LLC which is an extremely inexpensive and easy process.

How to Form an LLC - Small Business - WSJ.com

can you prove that neither pelosi or soros pay any taxes?

Second reply;

gas prices are determined by the price of oil which is set on the free market as well as supply and demand. he demand of oil worldwide is skyrocketing due to China and India developing and adding more vehicles to the road. all based on free market principles. are you now wishing that all oil be nationalized and price fixed? because by definition that would be socialism for which the right claims is happening every day under Obama.

and how does the price of gas affect the tax rate individuals pay based on their income level?

Do you ever hold anyone other than corporations accountable for anything?
Someone has good credit and buys something on credit and refuses to pay for and your response is "It is the bank's fault for giving them the credit card".
Ditto for everything else.

Except that they don't just do that. If you make the payments, they keep finding ways to screw you. I have a credit score of 778 because despite everything, I make sure I pay my bills.

Even after I ran up all those medical bills in 2007.

Doesn't stop the Credit Card companies from trying to find all sort of new tricks to rip me off.

Like I said, find a Ken Starr level fanatic and unleash his ass on Wall Street.

Hilarity will ensue.

How do credit .... SNIP

Is there ever something a corporation can do where you won't call it evil? Just asking. because honestly, it's like wasting my fucking time talking to you.

Here's a great one. Citibank after the Credit Card Protection Act passed, decided that before it went into effect, they were going to raise everyone's interest rates to 29%. Unless they agreed to terminate their cards at the end of their term. Lovely kind of shit that you probably think is wonderful.
Bull shit. I make right at 100K a year taxable income.
15% social security tax
My tax rate IS TWENTY EIGHT % on that 100K
With a little deduction for the social security I paid I paid 24K in Federal income taxes.
And you claim that inexpsnsive?
I HAVE A CORPORATION. Taxes on that also.
The corporation PAYS ME. All a corporation is is an entity. PEOPLE are the corporations and PEOPLE PAY TAXES.
Geez, please get your facts right. I have been doing this 34 years.
effective tax rate and federal income tax rates are different. or didnt that teach that to you in business school. or maybe you didnt go to business school. i make $80K and pay an effective tax rate of 28%-29%.

but seeing as how you make less then $250k annually how will you see your taxes go up again? if your business is a corporation as you claim, then that is not considered personal income, it is considered business income which is taxed a different rate. if you are operating as a sole proprietorship then maybe you should consider incorporating or becoming an LLC to lower your personal tax liability.

you math is kinda fuzzy considering SS tax is currently at 4.2% not 15%. if youre talking about the match you have to pay then its 4.2% for the employee and 6.2% for the employer. that 10.4% not exactly the 15% that you claim. now if you roll SSDI into it, youre probably correct that its close to 15%. that is only on the first $106K you earn. not all income. but then again every american pays this same percentage to SS & SSDI, did you really think you are being unfairly taxed?

people are not corporation. they are run by people. public corporations are owned by shareholders, not individuals. maybe you should get your facts right. 34 years of business and this is the way you still think?

ALL self-employed folks pay the entire FICA rates. In fact -- so does everyone else, but we have a fiction that the employer is paying. So my SS tax is (normally) 12.4% when Prez Obama isn't STEALING from the Social Sec income stream. That is added on TOP of my Fed tax rate.

Americans DON'T pay the same amount to SS.. Not by the standards for which the program was charted. It was SUPPOSED to be UNIVERSAL with everybody getting comparable benefit and payable comparable premiums. In fact there's a 10 to 1 DISPARITY in what a person who "caps out" pays compared to a subsistence worker with a $10K income. Raise the cap and you might as well just call it welfare and redistribution.
americans pay the same percentage of their income to SS for the first $106K of earnings. which is currently 4.2%. employers pay 6.2% of the their employee wages up to $106K to SS. there is a difference between an individual and a business. is this concept really lost on you?

are you really arguing this point?

and you actually are finally correct, everyone pays for SS on top of their federal income tax? how has this changed in the last 50 years? this isnt a new concept. income tax is a separate tax from SS.
So do I but all you have to do is pay them off at the end of the month and guess what?
Quit carrying a balance. The contract states exactly what they can and can not do, has all the sell off info in there also.
Never carry a balance, pay it off each month and NO interest.

Sure, but if I decide that 6.5% is a good finance rate and want to carry something on it, then I would expect them to honor the agreement made. I don't expect an 800% increase in a day - in fact I consider than theft. If I don't buy gas today at $3.69 a gallon, I don't expect it to be $24.89 a gallon tomorrow.

The contract, the fine print states they do not have to honor it if passed on but I feel your pain.
It gets even worse. I work for a lawyer in Atlanta that defends people that have SETTLED past credit card debt for pennies on the dollar but there is a clause in those contracts that allows the credit card companies to sell off the excess debt for pennies on the dollar. Many of these companies that buy that passed on debt sue the consumers for the debt and obtain default judgments in over burdened small claims courts and impose garnishments on folks before they knew what hit them. Most of these cases the service was bad on them yet the garnishment law goes to the employer and they take out the pay of the employee immediately. It takes a few months for us to get these cases before a judge and by that time the crook companies that bought that debt have a couple of grand in their pockets. My nephew got taken this way a few years ago so I started working pro bono on these cases to help folk. We have not lost one yet and in most instances the attorneys representing these crooks back off as soon as someone fights them.
how is Obama trying to eradicate the middle class? taxes are low for everyone making under $250k. if youre a business with over $250k in revenues and you file as a sole proprietorship it would be in your best interest become and LLC which is an extremely inexpensive and easy process.

How to Form an LLC - Small Business - WSJ.com

can you prove that neither pelosi or soros pay any taxes?

Bull shit. I make right at 100K a year taxable income.
15% social security tax
My tax rate IS TWENTY EIGHT % on that 100K
With a little deduction for the social security I paid I paid 24K in Federal income taxes.
And you claim that inexpsnsive?
I HAVE A CORPORATION. Taxes on that also.
The corporation PAYS ME. All a corporation is is an entity. PEOPLE are the corporations and PEOPLE PAY TAXES.
Geez, please get your facts right. I have been doing this 34 years.
effective tax rate and federal income tax rates are different. or didnt that teach that to you in business school. or maybe you didnt go to business school. i make $80K and pay an effective tax rate of 28%-29%.

but seeing as how you make less then $250k annually how will you see your taxes go up again? if your business is a corporation as you claim, then that is not considered personal income, it is considered business income which is taxed a different rate. if you are operating as a sole proprietorship then maybe you should consider incorporating or becoming an LLC to lower your personal tax liability.

you math is kinda fuzzy considering SS tax is currently at 4.2% not 15%. if youre talking about the match you have to pay then its 4.2% for the employee and 6.2% for the employer. that 10.4% not exactly the 15% that you claim. now if you roll SSDI into it, youre probably correct that its close to 15%. that is only on the first $106K you earn. not all income. but then again every american pays this same percentage to SS & SSDI, did you really think you are being unfairly taxed?

people are not corporation. they are run by people. public corporations are owned by shareholders, not individuals. maybe you should get your facts right. 34 years of business and this is the way you still think?

BBA UGA 1978 and MBA Georgia State University 1985.
People ARE corporations Moe.
I own 3. I pay 15% of my net in social security taxes every year you fool.
Shareholders are people. People are individuals.
Corporations never have and never will pay ANY taxes. PEOPLE pay taxes. All my 3 corporations do is COLLECT taxes from PEOPLE and pass it on to government.
Stick to what YOU know best Moe, because it is not business. You are clueless.
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effective tax rate and federal income tax rates are different. or didnt that teach that to you in business school. or maybe you didnt go to business school. i make $80K and pay an effective tax rate of 28%-29%.

but seeing as how you make less then $250k annually how will you see your taxes go up again? if your business is a corporation as you claim, then that is not considered personal income, it is considered business income which is taxed a different rate. if you are operating as a sole proprietorship then maybe you should consider incorporating or becoming an LLC to lower your personal tax liability.

you math is kinda fuzzy considering SS tax is currently at 4.2% not 15%. if youre talking about the match you have to pay then its 4.2% for the employee and 6.2% for the employer. that 10.4% not exactly the 15% that you claim. now if you roll SSDI into it, youre probably correct that its close to 15%. that is only on the first $106K you earn. not all income. but then again every american pays this same percentage to SS & SSDI, did you really think you are being unfairly taxed?

people are not corporation. they are run by people. public corporations are owned by shareholders, not individuals. maybe you should get your facts right. 34 years of business and this is the way you still think?

ALL self-employed folks pay the entire FICA rates. In fact -- so does everyone else, but we have a fiction that the employer is paying. So my SS tax is (normally) 12.4% when Prez Obama isn't STEALING from the Social Sec income stream. That is added on TOP of my Fed tax rate.

Americans DON'T pay the same amount to SS.. Not by the standards for which the program was charted. It was SUPPOSED to be UNIVERSAL with everybody getting comparable benefit and payable comparable premiums. In fact there's a 10 to 1 DISPARITY in what a person who "caps out" pays compared to a subsistence worker with a $10K income. Raise the cap and you might as well just call it welfare and redistribution.
americans pay the same percentage of their income to SS for the first $106K of earnings. which is currently 4.2%. employers pay 6.2% of the their employee wages up to $106K to SS. there is a difference between an individual and a business. is this concept really lost on you?

are you really arguing this point?

and you actually are finally correct, everyone pays for SS on top of their federal income tax? how has this changed in the last 50 years? this isnt a new concept. income tax is a separate tax from SS.

You are an idiot.
13.3 % is Medicare and social security tax and employees PAY IT ALL no matter if they are self employed or not. The other 1 % is factored in for self employed individuals as we do not get the full tax write off for the $$$ WE PAY.
When a company sits down to fill a job position each year for any employee they say: "This job will pay $60K this year. 48K in salary, 8K in medical benefits and 4K in social security and Medicare payments. How else can I figure out what the pay is for my employees other than figuring in what the TOTAL COST of that employee is.
The great myth in America is "I get my health care paid for by my employer" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
No wonder we are behind in the world and wages are down! Workers do not understand that I have to lower their pay TO PAY FOR THE HEALTH INSURANCE AND SOCIAL SECURITY. They are paying it as all I am doing is withholding it from their salary and passing it on to the health insurance company and the government.
As a % of a worker's take home pay health insurance and taxes has had the greatest effect at stagnating worker's wages for the last 40 years than anything else. My "contribution" to their social security is nothing other than DEDUCTING WHAT I WOULD HAVE PAID THEM as I have that calculated into what that job COSTS ME and is worth at the start of each year.
Econ 101. Taught at your local community college. Please take advantage of it.
Yawn... guy, you keep defending a bad system.

Gibson broke the law. Not seeing a problem with what was done to them.

No, actually, Gibson broke NO laws, they are the victim of a politically-motivated witch hunt.

Gibson paid the fine and forfeited the material. That's an admission of guilt as far as I'm concerned.

And if they got on someone's radar because of politics, double dumb ass on them.

Nobody cares what is or isn't the case "as far as you are concerned".

Gibson's biggest competitor is a big DNC donor.

You are still dumb as a bag of hammers.
No, actually, Gibson broke NO laws, they are the victim of a politically-motivated witch hunt.

Gibson paid the fine and forfeited the material. That's an admission of guilt as far as I'm concerned.

And if they got on someone's radar because of politics, double dumb ass on them.

Nobody cares what is or isn't the case "as far as you are concerned".

Gibson's biggest competitor is a big DNC donor.

You are still dumb as a bag of hammers.

Well, that will teach them not to pony up. That's the Chicago Way, son!
ALL self-employed folks pay the entire FICA rates. In fact -- so does everyone else, but we have a fiction that the employer is paying. So my SS tax is (normally) 12.4% when Prez Obama isn't STEALING from the Social Sec income stream. That is added on TOP of my Fed tax rate.

Americans DON'T pay the same amount to SS.. Not by the standards for which the program was charted. It was SUPPOSED to be UNIVERSAL with everybody getting comparable benefit and payable comparable premiums. In fact there's a 10 to 1 DISPARITY in what a person who "caps out" pays compared to a subsistence worker with a $10K income. Raise the cap and you might as well just call it welfare and redistribution.
americans pay the same percentage of their income to SS for the first $106K of earnings. which is currently 4.2%. employers pay 6.2% of the their employee wages up to $106K to SS. there is a difference between an individual and a business. is this concept really lost on you?

are you really arguing this point?

and you actually are finally correct, everyone pays for SS on top of their federal income tax? how has this changed in the last 50 years? this isnt a new concept. income tax is a separate tax from SS.

You are an idiot.
13.3 % is Medicare and social security tax and employees PAY IT ALL no matter if they are self employed or not. The other 1 % is factored in for self employed individuals as we do not get the full tax write off for the $$$ WE PAY.
When a company sits down to fill a job position each year for any employee they say: "This job will pay $60K this year. 48K in salary, 8K in medical benefits and 4K in social security and Medicare payments. How else can I figure out what the pay is for my employees other than figuring in what the TOTAL COST of that employee is.
The great myth in America is "I get my health care paid for by my employer" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
No wonder we are behind in the world and wages are down! Workers do not understand that I have to lower their pay TO PAY FOR THE HEALTH INSURANCE AND SOCIAL SECURITY. They are paying it as all I am doing is withholding it from their salary and passing it on to the health insurance company and the government.
As a % of a worker's take home pay health insurance and taxes has had the greatest effect at stagnating worker's wages for the last 40 years than anything else. My "contribution" to their social security is nothing other than DEDUCTING WHAT I WOULD HAVE PAID THEM as I have that calculated into what that job COSTS ME and is worth at the start of each year.
Econ 101. Taught at your local community college. Please take advantage of it.
just keep telling yourself your fuzzy math if the problem.

according the IRS the employer rate for SS is 6.2%, the employee rate is 4.2%. by 1st grade math skills this is 10.4%. no matter how you want to twist it, 6.2 + 4.2 = 10.4. apparently that community college education you got isnt worth much after all.

if you have a problem with your business taxes, you should probably get a better accountant.
gas prices are determined by the price of oil which is set on the free market as well as supply and demand. he demand of oil worldwide is skyrocketing due to China and India developing and adding more vehicles to the road. all based on free market principles.

Interesting proposition, except of course that factors such as allowable drilling on federal lands, keystone pipeline, off shore permits (often controlled by the states), have a massive impact on oil prices.

The effect of Obama on oil prices has to do with his interference with domestic production.

{ "We cannot drill our way to lower gas prices." This one is just an outright lie, and anyone with any intelligence will tell you that. The liberals will tell you that oil prices are based on the world market and are controlled by OPEC. There are two ways to attack that kind of thinking. First of all; If prices are controlled by the world market and introducing more oil into the market doesn't matter, than why does OPEC increase and decrease production to raise and lower prices? Also, why did oil prices drop sharply after President Bush announced that he was removing the drilling moratorium off of the east and west coasts of America, opening them up to exploration. Don't let Liberals lie to you, supply and demand still control prices. If we increased our oil production by 10 to 20%, oil prices worldwide would plummet.}

Obama is lying about oil production

are you now wishing that all oil be nationalized and price fixed? because by definition that would be socialism for which the right claims is happening every day under Obama.

Did splatter from a pan of bacon burn me? Should I douse myself with kerosine and set myself ablaze? The issue we have is too much government interference, not too little.

and how does the price of gas affect the tax rate individuals pay based on their income level?

The question was the Obama assault on the middle class. The graph illustrates a double edged sword of declining income and sharply increasing energy costs, significantly lowering the standard of living for the Bourgeoisie (the middle class.) My statement is the left continues to wage war on the middle, as it has done since the time of Marx. The Obama tax is designed to burden small business, which we all know it the way up from the lower middle class to the upper classes.

Obama and the democrats are pulling the ladder of success up to keep the riff-raff down.
gas prices are determined by the price of oil which is set on the free market as well as supply and demand. he demand of oil worldwide is skyrocketing due to China and India developing and adding more vehicles to the road. all based on free market principles.

Interesting proposition, except of course that factors such as allowable drilling on federal lands, keystone pipeline, off shore permits (often controlled by the states), have a massive impact on oil prices.

The effect of Obama on oil prices has to do with his interference with domestic production.

{ "We cannot drill our way to lower gas prices." This one is just an outright lie, and anyone with any intelligence will tell you that. The liberals will tell you that oil prices are based on the world market and are controlled by OPEC. There are two ways to attack that kind of thinking. First of all; If prices are controlled by the world market and introducing more oil into the market doesn't matter, than why does OPEC increase and decrease production to raise and lower prices? Also, why did oil prices drop sharply after President Bush announced that he was removing the drilling moratorium off of the east and west coasts of America, opening them up to exploration. Don't let Liberals lie to you, supply and demand still control prices. If we increased our oil production by 10 to 20%, oil prices worldwide would plummet.}

Obama is lying about oil production

are you now wishing that all oil be nationalized and price fixed? because by definition that would be socialism for which the right claims is happening every day under Obama.

Did splatter from a pan of bacon burn me? Should I douse myself with kerosine and set myself ablaze? The issue we have is too much government interference, not too little.

and how does the price of gas affect the tax rate individuals pay based on their income level?

The question was the Obama assault on the middle class. The graph illustrates a double edged sword of declining income and sharply increasing energy costs, significantly lowering the standard of living for the Bourgeoisie (the middle class.) My statement is the left continues to wage war on the middle, as it has done since the time of Marx. The Obama tax is designed to burden small business, which we all know it the way up from the lower middle class to the upper classes.

Obama and the democrats are pulling the ladder of success up to keep the riff-raff down.
if you do the market research you will realize that you can not in fact drill your way to lower gas prices. there is not enough oil in on american soil or in american waters such that we would be able to unilaterally affect gas prices. the only way to do so would be to nationalize all the oil and sell it only stateside, thus insulating ourselves from the rest of the world. this in effect is truly socialism.
U.S. Oil Drilling May Not Improve Gas Prices, Study Says
More Drilling Won
What can U.S. do to halt rising gas prices? Not much
FACT: U.S. Drilling Doesn't Lower Gas Prices | Luke Tonachel's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC
20 Experts Who Say Drilling Won't Lower Gas Prices | Blog | Media Matters for America

the private sector is sitting on thousands of drilling leases that they are not using. if they are truly wanting to drill then they have plenty of land available to do so.
Fact: More than half the federal land leased for energy drilling is unexplored. Energy firms say it wouldn

rising energy costs again are a product of the free market. when demand increases price increases. worldwide there is a high demand for oil, thus oil providers are able to charge what the market will bear. if you want to eliminate the free market just say so, but again at the time you will be endorsing socialism at its finest.

do you have any proof that left is waging said war? clinton raised taxes and grew the middle class more than any president. GWB lowered taxes and contracted the middle class more than any president.

what are you referring to as the "obama tax"?

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