Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

I'm sure if they wanted to start a legal defense fund they'd have gotten millions for the fight.

But they knew they were as guilty as shit, and they settled.

Guilty of what? Not having Indian workers finish the wood? You fucking communists, always working to take jobs from Americans. Obama wants Gibson to leave the USA and make their product offshore. He is using the full power of the federal government to force them out.

{ Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz is perfectly right in accusing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of waging a senseless jihad against his company. Its investigation of Gibson’s importation practices was an obvious overreach, growing out of the agency’s silly current interpretation of a century-old environmental regulation and conducted in the face of overwhelming evidence of the guitar maker’s innocence. But Juszkiewicz’s argument that the raid on his company is part of a larger war by the federal government on American businesses is too narrow and self-focused to contemplate the whole picture. What Juszkiewicz’s call for government to “stop criminalizing capitalism” misses is that the federal government is using similarly vague statutes and obtuse regulations to wage a war on the entirety of American civil society. Neither Gibson nor capitalism stands alone as a victim of indefensible, and unconstitutional, overreach.}

To the CEO Of Gibson: It's Not Just a War Against Capitalism - Forbes

Communists are bad for children and other living things.
Someone that educates and/or trains themselves for a job THAT THE MARKET DEMANDS is a "good paying job".
The days of 18 year olds graduating high school with no skills and entering the work force with no skills and expecting to get a "good paying job" ARE OVER.
Competition for jobs ended that. For too many years low skilled workers were far over paid in this country.
HVAC, auto mecanics, refrigeration, marine mechanics, plumbers, tool and die and many skilled jobs sit unfilled because many 18 year olds still believe they have a right to a"good paying job" without having to do a damn thing to train themselves in positions that the market demands.
I'm sure if they wanted to start a legal defense fund they'd have gotten millions for the fight.

But they knew they were as guilty as shit, and they settled.

Guilty of what? Not having Indian workers finish the wood? You fucking communists, always working to take jobs from Americans. Obama wants Gibson to leave the USA and make their product offshore. He is using the full power of the federal government to force them out.


Communists are bad for children and other living things.

He settled. He admitted guilt. He broke the law. And he'll never do it again. Not seeing why you are still arguing this.
Someone that educates and/or trains themselves for a job THAT THE MARKET DEMANDS is a "good paying job".
The days of 18 year olds graduating high school with no skills and entering the work force with no skills and expecting to get a "good paying job" ARE OVER.
Competition for jobs ended that. For too many years low skilled workers were far over paid in this country.
HVAC, auto mecanics, refrigeration, marine mechanics, plumbers, tool and die and many skilled jobs sit unfilled because many 18 year olds still believe they have a right to a"good paying job" without having to do a damn thing to train themselves in positions that the market demands.

Wouldn't it be more along the lines of employers to TRAIN them?

Frankly, this is EXACTLY what unions used to do. You started off as an apprentice, then a journeyman, etc. ANd you clowns busted the unions.
Someone that educates and/or trains themselves for a job THAT THE MARKET DEMANDS is a "good paying job".
The days of 18 year olds graduating high school with no skills and entering the work force with no skills and expecting to get a "good paying job" ARE OVER.
Competition for jobs ended that. For too many years low skilled workers were far over paid in this country.
HVAC, auto mecanics, refrigeration, marine mechanics, plumbers, tool and die and many skilled jobs sit unfilled because many 18 year olds still believe they have a right to a"good paying job" without having to do a damn thing to train themselves in positions that the market demands.

Wouldn't it be more along the lines of employers to TRAIN them?

Frankly, this is EXACTLY what unions used to do. You started off as an apprentice, then a journeyman, etc. ANd you clowns busted the unions.

And the business, NOT THE WORKER, was responsible for the costs of the training.
That should be the responsibility of THE WORKER as in most all other countries they are trained before they enter the work force.
Now I am all in favor of resources going to vocational schools, work programs in high schools and any other area that government can spend educational dollars TO HELP that student get the training they need. We do not to enough of that now as all of those jobs are honorable work and we should treat them as such. However, many parents these days do not want their kids going into the trades and that is a large problem. Everyone wants to get a 4 year degree when there are many good jobs available if we put more resources in vocational training.
But it is always the responsibility of the worker to educate and train themselves as much as possible with all the available resources they can obtain, and there are many, before they enter the work force.
And the business, NOT THE WORKER, was responsible for the costs of the training.
That should be the responsibility of THE WORKER as in most all other countries they are trained before they enter the work force.
Now I am all in favor of resources going to vocational schools, work programs in high schools and any other area that government can spend educational dollars TO HELP that student get the training they need. We do not to enough of that now as all of those jobs are honorable work and we should treat them as such. However, many parents these days do not want their kids going into the trades and that is a large problem. Everyone wants to get a 4 year degree when there are many good jobs available if we put more resources in vocational training.
But it is always the responsibility of the worker to educate and train themselves as much as possible with all the available resources they can obtain, and there are many, before they enter the work force.

So it's the parents' fault for wanting their kids to have a better life than they had? How dare they!

Do you ever hold corporations accountable for anything?
And the business, NOT THE WORKER, was responsible for the costs of the training.
That should be the responsibility of THE WORKER as in most all other countries they are trained before they enter the work force.
Now I am all in favor of resources going to vocational schools, work programs in high schools and any other area that government can spend educational dollars TO HELP that student get the training they need. We do not to enough of that now as all of those jobs are honorable work and we should treat them as such. However, many parents these days do not want their kids going into the trades and that is a large problem. Everyone wants to get a 4 year degree when there are many good jobs available if we put more resources in vocational training.
But it is always the responsibility of the worker to educate and train themselves as much as possible with all the available resources they can obtain, and there are many, before they enter the work force.

So it's the parents' fault for wanting their kids to have a better life than they had? How dare they!

Do you ever hold corporations accountable for anything?

No, it is the parents fault for telling Johnny that has never made nothing higher than a C in his life that "you can be anything you want to be, dream big and go for it".
As much as you want to encourage Johnny who is an average student at best most likely he will NOT:
Be in the NBA
Be a rapper
Be an Astronaut
Be a Doctor
Be an insurance underwriter
and a hundred other things.
Parents need to help their child match their skills to what the market demands AND what they have a passion for WITHIN the reach of those skills.
Telling a child he can make the NBA if he tries hard enough does more damage to that child than telling them they need to focus on what their ABILITIES are.
You are the one passing the buck and not wanting to hold ANYONE accountable as you always make everything an issue between you, whoever disagrees with you and corporations.
Corporations SEEK PROFITS FOR THEIR SHAREHOLDERS, 90% of them middle class stock holders, FIRST.
Don't like it, move. Delta is ready when you are.
But we do not want to hear you cry like a 5 year old because a Plutocrat is sitting in 1st class and you are not.
And the business, NOT THE WORKER, was responsible for the costs of the training.
That should be the responsibility of THE WORKER as in most all other countries they are trained before they enter the work force.
Now I am all in favor of resources going to vocational schools, work programs in high schools and any other area that government can spend educational dollars TO HELP that student get the training they need. We do not to enough of that now as all of those jobs are honorable work and we should treat them as such. However, many parents these days do not want their kids going into the trades and that is a large problem. Everyone wants to get a 4 year degree when there are many good jobs available if we put more resources in vocational training.
But it is always the responsibility of the worker to educate and train themselves as much as possible with all the available resources they can obtain, and there are many, before they enter the work force.

So it's the parents' fault for wanting their kids to have a better life than they had? How dare they!

Do you ever hold corporations accountable for anything?

Do you ever hold anyone other than corporations accountable for anything?
Someone has good credit and buys something on credit and refuses to pay for and your response is "It is the bank's fault for giving them the credit card".
Ditto for everything else.
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No, it is the parents fault for telling Johnny that has never made nothing higher than a C in his life that "you can be anything you want to be, dream big and go for it".
As much as you want to encourage Johnny who is an average student at best most likely he will NOT:

Parents need to help their child match their skills to what the market demands AND what they have a passion for WITHIN the reach of those skills.
Telling a child he can make the NBA if he tries hard enough does more damage to that child than telling them they need to focus on what their ABILITIES are.
You are the one passing the buck and not wanting to hold ANYONE accountable as you always make everything an issue between you, whoever disagrees with you and corporations.
Corporations SEEK PROFITS FOR THEIR SHAREHOLDERS, 90% of them middle class stock holders, FIRST.
Don't like it, move. Delta is ready when you are.
But we do not want to hear you cry like a 5 year old because a Plutocrat is sitting in 1st class and you are not.

YOu keep missing the Memo. We put Plutocracy on the ballot on Nov. 6.

It lost.

Delta is ready when you are, but frankly, there just aren't that many places for you lovers of Plutocracy to go when we fix this country. Some South American Banana Republic, maybe.

And, yeah, I keep a copy of my Q4 2008 401K statement to remind myself how those big corporations are working for me.

Do you ever hold anyone other than corporations accountable for anything?
Someone has good credit and buys something on credit and refuses to pay for and your response is "It is the bank's fault for giving them the credit card".
Ditto for everything else.

Except that they don't just do that. If you make the payments, they keep finding ways to screw you. I have a credit score of 778 because despite everything, I make sure I pay my bills.

Even after I ran up all those medical bills in 2007.

Doesn't stop the Credit Card companies from trying to find all sort of new tricks to rip me off.

Like I said, find a Ken Starr level fanatic and unleash his ass on Wall Street.

Hilarity will ensue.

No, it is the parents fault for telling Johnny that has never made nothing higher than a C in his life that "you can be anything you want to be, dream big and go for it".
As much as you want to encourage Johnny who is an average student at best most likely he will NOT:

Parents need to help their child match their skills to what the market demands AND what they have a passion for WITHIN the reach of those skills.
Telling a child he can make the NBA if he tries hard enough does more damage to that child than telling them they need to focus on what their ABILITIES are.
You are the one passing the buck and not wanting to hold ANYONE accountable as you always make everything an issue between you, whoever disagrees with you and corporations.
Corporations SEEK PROFITS FOR THEIR SHAREHOLDERS, 90% of them middle class stock holders, FIRST.
Don't like it, move. Delta is ready when you are.
But we do not want to hear you cry like a 5 year old because a Plutocrat is sitting in 1st class and you are not.

YOu keep missing the Memo. We put Plutocracy on the ballot on Nov. 6.

It lost.

Delta is ready when you are, but frankly, there just aren't that many places for you lovers of Plutocracy to go when we fix this country. Some South American Banana Republic, maybe.

And, yeah, I keep a copy of my Q4 2008 401K statement to remind myself how those big corporations are working for me.

You put class warfare on the ballot.
The haves which would be us and the I want what you have and do not want to work for it which would be you.
You are right, you and your moocher parasitic mob won. Congratulations.
When the $$$ runs out Joe who are you going to mooch off of then?

No, it is the parents fault for telling Johnny that has never made nothing higher than a C in his life that "you can be anything you want to be, dream big and go for it".
As much as you want to encourage Johnny who is an average student at best most likely he will NOT:

Parents need to help their child match their skills to what the market demands AND what they have a passion for WITHIN the reach of those skills.
Telling a child he can make the NBA if he tries hard enough does more damage to that child than telling them they need to focus on what their ABILITIES are.
You are the one passing the buck and not wanting to hold ANYONE accountable as you always make everything an issue between you, whoever disagrees with you and corporations.
Corporations SEEK PROFITS FOR THEIR SHAREHOLDERS, 90% of them middle class stock holders, FIRST.
Don't like it, move. Delta is ready when you are.
But we do not want to hear you cry like a 5 year old because a Plutocrat is sitting in 1st class and you are not.

YOu keep missing the Memo. We put Plutocracy on the ballot on Nov. 6.

It lost.

Delta is ready when you are, but frankly, there just aren't that many places for you lovers of Plutocracy to go when we fix this country. Some South American Banana Republic, maybe.

And, yeah, I keep a copy of my Q4 2008 401K statement to remind myself how those big corporations are working for me.

You put class warfare on the ballot.
The haves which would be us and the I want what you have and do not want to work for it which would be you.
You are right, you and your moocher parasitic mob won. Congratulations.
When the $$$ runs out Joe who are you going to mooch off of then?

Actually, the only parasites I see are the rich.

The rest of the world, doesn't operate this way. And it operates better.

It's only "Class Warfare" when working people fight back.

Do you ever hold anyone other than corporations accountable for anything?
Someone has good credit and buys something on credit and refuses to pay for and your response is "It is the bank's fault for giving them the credit card".
Ditto for everything else.

Except that they don't just do that. If you make the payments, they keep finding ways to screw you. I have a credit score of 778 because despite everything, I make sure I pay my bills.

Even after I ran up all those medical bills in 2007.

Doesn't stop the Credit Card companies from trying to find all sort of new tricks to rip me off.

Like I said, find a Ken Starr level fanatic and unleash his ass on Wall Street.

Hilarity will ensue.

How do credit cards rip you off Joe?
If you do not like them how come you lack the discipline to NOT USE THEM?
Only a damn fool bends over and allows ANYONE to rip them off.
Did not know you were that ignorant. Okay, I will feel sorry for you Joe.
What can we do to the big bad credit card companies that are ripping off the illiterate and uninformed Joe that does not understand the terms of the contract?
a. GED training?
b. Credit counseling
c. Government cash to pay off your credit card balance?
d. Cut your hands off so you quit signing up for them?
e. Teach you some disciplined that you DO NOT borrow $$$ you can not afford to pay back?
YOu keep missing the Memo. We put Plutocracy on the ballot on Nov. 6.

It lost.

Delta is ready when you are, but frankly, there just aren't that many places for you lovers of Plutocracy to go when we fix this country. Some South American Banana Republic, maybe.

And, yeah, I keep a copy of my Q4 2008 401K statement to remind myself how those big corporations are working for me.

You put class warfare on the ballot.
The haves which would be us and the I want what you have and do not want to work for it which would be you.
You are right, you and your moocher parasitic mob won. Congratulations.
When the $$$ runs out Joe who are you going to mooch off of then?

Actually, the only parasites I see are the rich.

The rest of the world, doesn't operate this way. And it operates better.

It's only "Class Warfare" when working people fight back.

I am rich and I work.
How am I a parasite?
He settled. He admitted guilt. He broke the law. And he'll never do it again. Not seeing why you are still arguing this.

They settled and DENIED any guilt. They broke NO LAW and will offshore production due to the attack by the Obama administration.

You communists will not be happy until you drive every last business from the shores of America to Asia.

How much did India contribute to Obama's reelection campaign?
Someone that educates and/or trains themselves for a job THAT THE MARKET DEMANDS is a "good paying job".
The days of 18 year olds graduating high school with no skills and entering the work force with no skills and expecting to get a "good paying job" ARE OVER.
Competition for jobs ended that. For too many years low skilled workers were far over paid in this country.
HVAC, auto mecanics, refrigeration, marine mechanics, plumbers, tool and die and many skilled jobs sit unfilled because many 18 year olds still believe they have a right to a"good paying job" without having to do a damn thing to train themselves in positions that the market demands.

Wouldn't it be more along the lines of employers to TRAIN them?

Frankly, this is EXACTLY what unions used to do. You started off as an apprentice, then a journeyman, etc. ANd you clowns busted the unions.

Apprentices didn't get paid. If they got any money at all, it was a few dollars if the employer felt like it. They signed a contract, they got room, board, and training. That's all they were entitled to get for the term of the contract.
What unions refer to as apprentice or journeyman isn't really, it's just a name that unions assigned.
How do credit cards rip you off Joe?
If you do not like them how come you lack the discipline to NOT USE THEM?
Only a damn fool bends over and allows ANYONE to rip them off.

Joe is a fool and a communist; BUT the credit card companies HAVE engaged in massive fraud and theft.

I had a card from Chase that I used for business with an APR of 6.2% - this was the agreed rate. After Chase was handed billions from the Taxpayers in TARP, they turned around and raised the rate to 37.9% - that's fraud and theft.

Sure, I closed the account and got away from the government backed criminals, but this is an example of them ripping people off.

Did not know you were that ignorant. Okay, I will feel sorry for you Joe.
What can we do to the big bad credit card companies that are ripping off the illiterate and uninformed Joe that does not understand the terms of the contract?
a. GED training?
b. Credit counseling
c. Government cash to pay off your credit card balance?
d. Cut your hands off so you quit signing up for them?
e. Teach you some disciplined that you DO NOT borrow $$$ you can not afford to pay back?

I pretty much have to use credit cards. I charge what I buy for work and then expense it.
I am rich and I work.
How am I a parasite?

You are the opposite of a parasite - you create wealth that not only supports you, but many around you.

I don't see activists and protestors as the good people, I see those like you as the good people - you make the world a better place by producing the goods and services that make life better. That a communist like Joeb cannot grasp this is irrelevant.
Why are liberals so resentful of those with wealth?
there are many wealthy liberals, Buffet, Gates, Soros etc. the difference is that liberals are willing to pay a higher share of their income towards taxes and are willing to raise taxes on themselves. can the same be said of conservatives?

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