Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

You might ask Gibson Guitar about the definition of importing raw materials and exporting finished goods. Men with guns from the govt didn't like the way Gibson was doing that. And Congress had essentially protected the jobs of Indian workers with their regulations on guitar materials. Glad you gave me a chance to show SPECIFICALLY where regulation IS the problem. (Other than attempting to wipe out the entire hand-crafted toy industry in this country --- as displayed in my footer)..

But you are ALMOST correct about where we are. It's not the "thieving elite" that are surviving the best. Where are all the companies that makes more than 15% profit in a year? It's also "non-thieving" folk like me that stay globally competitive by helping to build innovative new products for the market. Stuff that the rest of the world NEEDS.

The realization should be that if our workforce resembles a 3rd world nation, we will become a 3rd world nation.

The Global poverty rate has been cut in half in just 20 years or so. WITHOUT stimulus or forced redistribution. And if the US is not up to the challenge of PROMOTING our workers into higher skilled and more FLEXIBLE careers --- you WILL see a decline in the standard of living..

Yawn... guy, you keep defending a bad system.

Gibson broke the law. Not seeing a problem with what was done to them.

I'm not the poster CURRENTLY defending a bad system..

Because there's a LAW --- the American workers are DAMNED? Are you thinking clearly here? Because there's a LAW -- they can't SAND ON WOOD that comes from India?

Since when did the left pussy out --- because there's a LAW???
I'm not the poster CURRENTLY defending a bad system..

Because there's a LAW --- the American workers are DAMNED? Are you thinking clearly here? Because there's a LAW -- they can't SAND ON WOOD that comes from India?

Since when did the left pussy out --- because there's a LAW???

This wasn't Gibson's first offense... They had been illegally importing wood for years. Wood harvestd from endangered forests that India is trying to protect.
I'm not the poster CURRENTLY defending a bad system..

Because there's a LAW --- the American workers are DAMNED? Are you thinking clearly here? Because there's a LAW -- they can't SAND ON WOOD that comes from India?

Since when did the left pussy out --- because there's a LAW???

This wasn't Gibson's first offense... They had been illegally importing wood for years. Wood harvestd from endangered forests that India is trying to protect.

That's a story not backed by facts. The wood itself was LEGALLY obtained. It CAME with a restriction that it had to be prepped ONLY by Indian labor. What made it illegal was allowing US workers to trim and refinish it. That law -- which relegates Gibson labor to 3rd world status is what you're defending here.
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You are a fucking moron (again, no surprise). Here is the "real" definition of supply side economics:

God but you're dense.

Supply-side economics is a school of macroeconomic thought that argues that economic growth can be most effectively created by lowering barriers for people to produce (supply) goods and services,

Well holy fuck, how about that? In short, supply gives rise to demand...

such as lowering income tax and capital gains tax rates, and by allowing greater flexibility by reducing regulation.
According to supply-side economics, consumers will then benefit from a greater supply of goods and services at lower prices. Typical policy recommendations of supply-side economists are lower marginal tax rates and less regulation.[1][/B]

Regarding the how to achieve greater supply.

So now, that we have that out of the way.. Are you saying there is no demand for an iPhone in the USA? Hmmm.. Those are made overseas, are they not?

Seriously, were you dropped on your head as a child?

In schools of economic thought, two distinct philosophies have emerged. The first is that which is based on Jean Baptiste Say, the classical philosophy. Austrian, Chicago, and Supply Side are all founded in the classical philosophy. The second philosophy is based on Otto Von Bismark, loosely. Marxist, Keynesian, and Fascist economics all resolve to a centrally planed economic model from the Fabians. Keynes is the most notable of the Fabian based economists, and most of the central planners roughly follow Keynes now.

When Arthur Laffer popularized the term "supply side" he was simply expounding upon his Chicago (Freidman) school foundation. He used the term to distinguish from the Keynesian focus of aggregate demand.

Designed here, consumed here (DEMAND), and built in Foxconn, Shenzhen.. Supply Side + China (cheap labor) = Double edged sword.

Again, you don't have a hint of a clue regarding economics. Offshoring has zilch to do with "supply side." Notice how Obama gave Keynesian stimulus money to concerns that turned around and used that money to offshore. Notice how Dear Leader's own "Jobs Czar," Jeffery Immelt, offshored a whole division to China right after getting his "Obamabucks" out of the peoples pockets.

{Obama's stimulus included over $8.5 billion in grants for wind farms that flowed overseas, despite Congressional criticism from both sides of the aisle. In total, over half of the money went to either foreign developers or foreign wind turbine manufacturers, creating thousands of jobs overseas with money that was supposed to create jobs within the United States. Even worse, hundreds of millions of dollars went to wind farms that began construction before the stimulus was passed. The end result of all this spending: the wind energy industry lost 10,000 jobs last year.}

Obamanomics Outsourced - GOP.com

Obama Jobs Council Packed With Outsourcing Companies


Considering your inability to understand the fundamental supply side meaning, you are in no place to judge the use of any words.. :lol:

Son, you have at best a Jr. High level education, and spew shit from the hate sites that you have no grasp of.

I was just listing labor and the ACA as some examples... :lol:

Do you perhaps mean the PPACA? You forget (actually probably never knew) that the coverage provisions don't even kick in until 2014. And Obama fascist care will most dramatically hurt small business, which obviously can't offshore.

All of the other stuff aside (LOL), you are truly showing your ass here. You know NOTHING, if you honestly think that that (quoted) is the truth.

You're not my ass, you're just an ass. (though you have been pwned.)

I work in the most heavily exported industry, I can tell you that what is heavy (weight) stays here ONLY in small volume settings.

Again, labor savings virtually NEVER make up for shipping costs. So the reasons for offshoring have little to do with labor.

High volume (heavy or not) production almost ALWAYS benefits from overseas production, see, there is a big factor that you do not know about (aside from cheap labor). China courts all electronic manufacturing business in the USA, if they want the business in China they will offer the business a HUGE incentive (trained labor, free manufacturing space, you NAME IT) to move production over to China. We lost 3 of our biggest customers to this, they were pumping out 100,000 LED light bulbs a week at an amazing profit right here in the USA, China sent "officials" over here and offered them a deal they could not refuse..


The "deal they could not refuse" was an escape from predatory EPA regulatory costs. The USA has banished electronic manufacturing. The use of lead and arsenic in PCB and IC fabrication created a cash cow for the federal government who sucked the lifeblood out. Labor had zilch to do with it. China would not engage in the level of extortion the U.S. government engages in.

Virtually interest free financing on equipment and dedicated floor space if it was moved to China. Guess where they went?

That isn't the motivator, EPA regulation is - driven by the left.

Aside from that, back to the point, we have companies that just ship their high labor assemblies overseas and cut labor here, final assembly was done in the states.. But it was basically built overseas.

Sure, makes perfect sense since shipping cost was only 400% of labor savings...

(There's a reason you work the docks, and not in management.....)

So, yeah, labor cost is driver, amongst other things...

Right, if I can save $1 per part on labor, and it only costs me $4 for shipping, I'll jump at the chance....
You made me think about something JarAxle. We've lost electronics and apparel largely because the supply chain broke down. We did not know how fragile the "ecosystem" really was. But it turns out if you lose the ability to make capacitors, transformers, monitors, and other piece parts, the whole sector environment starts to come undone. A main advantage to assembling electronics in Asia is because there are HUNDREDS of separate businesses competing for each of those components and virtually NONE left here in the states. It's hard to recreate Eden once the Tree of Life is gone.

You see the same example of vertical supply chain STILL in Auto Industry because ALL of those pieces are neccessary to build cars here economically.

We have one play left to preserve a semblence of a middle class. And that is to BEAT the Asians to largely automated manufacturing. Using the best tools of robotics, artificial intelligience, 3D printing replication, nanotech and advanced materials. Just this one effort would spawn jobs and create an INTACT VERTICAL supply chain that would lead the world in the biz of making stuff. And start creating jobs at all levels.

I mostly agree.

We have a couple of advantages. First is quality. America doesn't cheat on quality standards - China does, 100% of the time. Cutting corners is embedded in Chinese culture. High quality combined with automation is the key to desirable marketing. Where we will succeed or fail is with our government. We MUST contain the EPA and other insane regulators if we wish to compete - simple as that. If the EPA makes it impossible to create products, as it did with electronics, then we will lose and sink into a third world existence.
I'm not the poster CURRENTLY defending a bad system..

Because there's a LAW --- the American workers are DAMNED? Are you thinking clearly here? Because there's a LAW -- they can't SAND ON WOOD that comes from India?

Since when did the left pussy out --- because there's a LAW???

This wasn't Gibson's first offense... They had been illegally importing wood for years. Wood harvestd from endangered forests that India is trying to protect.

That's a story not backed by facts. The wood itself was LEGALLY obtained. It CAME with a restriction that it had to be prepped ONLY by Indian labor. What made it illegal was allowing US workers to trim and refinish it. That law -- which relegates Gibson labor to 3rd world status is what you're defending here.

They knew what the law was, they broke it.
Usually, because those who've earned too much stole it....

No, not usually.
Rarely and theft is prosecuted by the criminal courts.
And who defines what is "too much"?
God help us. If you had your way we would be a 3rd world nation in 10 years.
Everything would be "fair".

Guy, thanks to the Plutocrats we are a third world nation now.

IN 1980, we were the world's largest exporter of finished goods and the world largest importer of raw materials.

Today we are the largest exporter of raw materials and the biggest importer of finished good.

By definition, we are a third world country, with a very rich elite benefiting from it all.

Until now.

The average welfare family in America with:
1. Free health care.
2. Free food
3. Free housing
4. Free college education
5. Free phone
6. Cash assistance
is better off than what is considered middle class in Europe. Additionally, they have more electronic devices, more TVs, their living quarters have more square feet and more cell phones than the average middle class European country.

But Joe, go back and tell us which administration in our nation's history was anti plutocrat and did more for the "working man"?
I'm not the poster CURRENTLY defending a bad system..

Because there's a LAW --- the American workers are DAMNED? Are you thinking clearly here? Because there's a LAW -- they can't SAND ON WOOD that comes from India?

Since when did the left pussy out --- because there's a LAW???

This wasn't Gibson's first offense... They had been illegally importing wood for years. Wood harvestd from endangered forests that India is trying to protect.

If India is trying to protect that wood how the hell does it end up 10,000 from where it grows?
You might ask Gibson Guitar about the definition of importing raw materials and exporting finished goods. Men with guns from the govt didn't like the way Gibson was doing that. And Congress had essentially protected the jobs of Indian workers with their regulations on guitar materials. Glad you gave me a chance to show SPECIFICALLY where regulation IS the problem. (Other than attempting to wipe out the entire hand-crafted toy industry in this country --- as displayed in my footer)..

But you are ALMOST correct about where we are. It's not the "thieving elite" that are surviving the best. Where are all the companies that makes more than 15% profit in a year? It's also "non-thieving" folk like me that stay globally competitive by helping to build innovative new products for the market. Stuff that the rest of the world NEEDS.

The realization should be that if our workforce resembles a 3rd world nation, we will become a 3rd world nation.

The Global poverty rate has been cut in half in just 20 years or so. WITHOUT stimulus or forced redistribution. And if the US is not up to the challenge of PROMOTING our workers into higher skilled and more FLEXIBLE careers --- you WILL see a decline in the standard of living..

Yawn... guy, you keep defending a bad system.

Gibson broke the law. Not seeing a problem with what was done to them.

Gibson should leave the country. Take the US government advice and move to Madagascar.
I'm not the poster CURRENTLY defending a bad system..

Because there's a LAW --- the American workers are DAMNED? Are you thinking clearly here? Because there's a LAW -- they can't SAND ON WOOD that comes from India?

Since when did the left pussy out --- because there's a LAW???

This wasn't Gibson's first offense... They had been illegally importing wood for years. Wood harvestd from endangered forests that India is trying to protect.

If India is trying to protect that wood how the hell does it end up 10,000 from where it grows?

Because operations like Gibson illegally import it. Do try to keep up.
This wasn't Gibson's first offense... They had been illegally importing wood for years. Wood harvestd from endangered forests that India is trying to protect.

That's a story not backed by facts. The wood itself was LEGALLY obtained. It CAME with a restriction that it had to be prepped ONLY by Indian labor. What made it illegal was allowing US workers to trim and refinish it. That law -- which relegates Gibson labor to 3rd world status is what you're defending here.

They knew what the law was, they broke it.

A few more laws like that --- and your future spawn will be using guitars to crap in...
And they won't be blaming "the rich"...
I'm not the poster CURRENTLY defending a bad system..

Because there's a LAW --- the American workers are DAMNED? Are you thinking clearly here? Because there's a LAW -- they can't SAND ON WOOD that comes from India?

Since when did the left pussy out --- because there's a LAW???

This wasn't Gibson's first offense... They had been illegally importing wood for years. Wood harvestd from endangered forests that India is trying to protect.

If India is trying to protect that wood how the hell does it end up 10,000 from where it grows?

India wasn't trying to protect the wood. The wood complied with all of India's laws. That wasn't the problem. Had the guitars been made in India an imported by Gibson, they would have been in full compliance with the laws of India and the US. The law that Gibson broke was in importing the raw material to be made into guitars here. Next time, they'll move their manufacturing and close all the guitar factories here.
Gibson should leave the country. Take the US government advice and move to Madagascar.

As long as they pay a huge tariff to get their shit back in this country...

But here's the point.

Gibson Guitar acknowledges exotic wood violation

Gibson admitted they were wrong and paid the fine. Why are you still arguing a point they aren't even trying to make anymore?

Oh, that's right. Gummit Bad.
The question should be why are the moochers so resentful of those that have earned more than they have.

Usually, because those who've earned too much stole it....

You got a few companies that make more than a 15% profit margin? Wall Street needs to know who the GOOD thiefs are.. Why don't you share a few with us?

I personally think that NBA players are stealing from the team laundry staff...
If India is trying to protect that wood how the hell does it end up 10,000 from where it grows?

India was NOT trying to protect the wood, but was engaging in protectionism.

{The Federal Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. has suggested that the use of wood from India that is not finished by Indian workers is illegal, not because of U.S. law, but because it is the Justice Department's interpretation of a law in India. (If the same wood from the same tree was finished by Indian workers, the material would be legal.) This action was taken without the support and consent of the government in India.

On August 24, 2011, around 8:45 a.m. CDT, agents for the federal government executed four search warrants on Gibson's facilities in Nashville and Memphis and seized several pallets of wood, electronic files and guitars. Gibson had to cease its manufacturing operations and send workers home for the day, while armed agents executed the search warrants. Gibson has fully cooperated with the execution of the search warrants.}

Gibson Press Release

Comrade Stalin is lying, yet again.

Anyone surprised?

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