Why are Constitutional Conservative Christians / Tea Party Christian's such a bunch of know it all's

Funny how health care is amoral. Levin is just another talk radio , same as Rush , Hannity, etc, all worried about their pocket books. They are all racist, by that I mean the median income and under, if you have money they are fine with you. Money is their God.

You may be doing them a disservice. I would like to use car insurance as an analogy. We buy car insurance to protect ourselves in case of a major accident. Chances are most people will not have this major accident, but coverage is there if we should. Next imagine that car insurance companies began adding tears to the upholstery, tire replacement, maintenance costs, and finally gas. Our insurance would skyrocket, people wouldn't be able to afford it--which is exactly what our imaginary car insurer wants. Now he can to to the government and tell the government, "Look! Too many people can't pay for car insurance! The government must help all these via government assistance." Sometimes some people cannot afford something, but the government--well that's different. The government has shown a willingness to pay for everything. Let the government pay the insurance companies. They're happy, the government pays the bill. The taxpayers may be unhappy, but let them be unhappy with the government, not with the insurance and businesses that deal in automobile services.

Medical insurance started out by insuring costs for major medical emergencies. People paid for their day-to-day issues such as physicals, colds/flu, stitches and the like. Then insurance companies began adding more and more coverage, insurance rates began to grow, then skyrocket. Yay! Now we're to the point where people can demand the government pays for it all.

What we need to do is go back to insurance companies covering major medical events and we the people treat the more health issues as we do groceries, gasoline, and school supplies. Anything other than major medical is on us. The problem with this? Individuals don't pay bills. I know! Let's have everything insured and then the insurance companies can pay the bills! Oops! Insurance becomes unaffordable which takes to the government.

People who want big government or a nanny-type government always trot out the poor. That's the picture they look at. Conservative Talk Radio takes a look at how people (including the poor) can be independent of government. The Liberal Way creates more poor people. The Conservative Way creates fewer poor people. Either way, the poor are taken care of. The question is how many poor people do we want to create? Many of us don't want big business and the government to make us poor so that they can take care of us who are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves if left alone. We want the government there for those who truly need taken care of, who can't take care of themselves when left to their own devices.

I disagree, the sooner one gets diagnosed with a condition the cheaper it is. One needs to take care of early onset DM, VD's, CA, etc to prevent costly medical care for advanced treatment.

When it comes to auto ins, if you have never used it, great that is what one wants, but if you do, you will find out what your car is worth, how much they total it out for. According to you , auto ins should not go up, since autos are getting safer and safer. Here in MI we pay NO fault and we pay for life time medical care, and also we pay for underinsured and uninsured, since so many drive without ins. A fender bender can easily total your car out, they play their game just like the health insurance companies. Then we get to the teen drivers, we have to charge them more do to inexperience, and auto insurance goes by points. Get a speeding ticket , they raise your ins.
I disagree, the sooner one gets diagnosed with a condition the cheaper it is. One needs to take care of early onset DM, VD's, CA, etc to prevent costly medical care for advanced treatment.

Absolutely. We can pay for these tests in the same manner we pay for gasoline and groceries. They are not that expensive. Remember, major medical coverage only can reduce premiums which leaves money in the pocket to pay for the more incidental parts of health coverage.

My last post was overly long. I just wanted to say that very good people, everyone very caring people, can and do see things from very different perspectives.
What do you consider major medical? How much do you think family drs visits cost or specialist visits cost. That is why they go to the ER, they do not have the 150 to 300 bucks to pay.
So! Religious freedom is not your forte?

Ummm.. I thought I already replied..but I will again..

I am all for religous freedom..I am not for another christian telling me how I need to act/ think/ vote to be a christian..
I was on a woman's christian forum during the Bush administration and war.. Over and over I was told that if I do not agree with Bush's then I am not patriotic for our soldier or a christian..I saw that for 8 years, during Obama they were so ugly to him.

Sounds very much to me that you are anti Christian and are trying to weave it through your leftist talking points!

Why, because I can't stand people who use politics to pretend that they are a much better and smarter christian than me?
I go to a bible study where the leader is a democrat as well, she will not allow politics in class because every single one of the other women are far right... I love these girls, and this would make people resentful.
Seriously, in your face know it all's

I was in a group talking to some people about a Dignity and Assisted Dying discussion and they act like they are the founders of the bible and brought Jesus to their people so they were so happy to High Jack the topic.

One person said .."Well I am a Constitutional Conservative Christian who believes in the constitution only in the United States Of America and when it comes to my walk with God..
Then sites some quotes from the bible on why he is so smart and such a christian...

Seriously folks, this is so damaging to non believers, who think if this is what a christian is forget it..and lost their chance with finding God.

For instance :

~Pat Robertson: Opposition To Trump Is Revolt Against God
Robertson also suggests that those people opposing Trump are challenging God’s authority. Referring to Psalm 2:2

Btw, Roberston was hateful and against Obama for 8 years..

And a few past damaging words..

~When Jerry Farwell said on National news that 9/11 happened because of the gays.

"Anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother," Governor Bentley said Monday at a church service held moments after his inauguration, according to The Birmingham News.

Men with “rebellious” wives should live where wife-beating is legal. Pat Roberston


The way you moved from your one personal experience to a few cherry picked comments out of millions of possible quotes over the time frame involved, was not very convincing.

It is interesting that you remember that the man your were talking to called himself a Constitutional Christian, but can't remember what point he had to make on the issue...

Ahhh Cherry Pickers...lol...who says that Mark Leven?

Here are his exact words..


fear too few are knowledgeable and willing to fight for the Constitution. The sheep have been indoctrinated to think free stuff from the government is actually "free".

- I don't understand the logic of denying the government a say in assisted suicide but allowing almost total control of everything else (e.g. Obama Care, defining marriage, so-called "gun control", determining what is "normal" behavior, what level of taxation is appropriate, who gets welfare, who we are going to bomb or murder or subsidize today, etc. It gets a little dicey when you start cherry-picking the issues you want the government to stay out of while demanding government intervention on others. I think I will just stick to the Constitution.

God, and the Constitution, say all people are created equal. The principles of God are that life is sacred. This is why we don't believe in end of life options, abortion, etc. Hussein care shoved immoral health care down our throats. Hussein care is a redistribution of wealth.

Funny how health care is amoral. Levin is just another talk radio , same as Rush , Hannity, etc, all worried about their pocket books. They are all racist, by that I mean the median income and under, if you have money they are fine with you. Money is their God.

I once listened to Leven on the radio, and he is just as hateful as Rush..and is an idiot.
Seriously, in your face know it all's

I was in a group talking to some people about a Dignity and Assisted Dying discussion and they act like they are the founders of the bible and brought Jesus to their people so they were so happy to High Jack the topic.

One person said .."Well I am a Constitutional Conservative Christian who believes in the constitution only in the United States Of America and when it comes to my walk with God..
Then sites some quotes from the bible on why he is so smart and such a christian...

Seriously folks, this is so damaging to non believers, who think if this is what a christian is forget it..and lost their chance with finding God.

For instance :

~Pat Robertson: Opposition To Trump Is Revolt Against God
Robertson also suggests that those people opposing Trump are challenging God’s authority. Referring to Psalm 2:2

Btw, Roberston was hateful and against Obama for 8 years..

And a few past damaging words..

~When Jerry Farwell said on National news that 9/11 happened because of the gays.

"Anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother," Governor Bentley said Monday at a church service held moments after his inauguration, according to The Birmingham News.

Men with “rebellious” wives should live where wife-beating is legal. Pat Roberston

The only thing I can think of is that we paid attention during class.
Funny how health care is amoral. Levin is just another talk radio , same as Rush , Hannity, etc, all worried about their pocket books. They are all racist, by that I mean the median income and under, if you have money they are fine with you. Money is their God.

You may be doing them a disservice. I would like to use car insurance as an analogy. We buy car insurance to protect ourselves in case of a major accident. Chances are most people will not have this major accident, but coverage is there if we should. Next imagine that car insurance companies began adding tears to the upholstery, tire replacement, maintenance costs, and finally gas. Our insurance would skyrocket, people wouldn't be able to afford it--which is exactly what our imaginary car insurer wants. Now he can to to the government and tell the government, "Look! Too many people can't pay for car insurance! The government must help all these via government assistance." Sometimes some people cannot afford something, but the government--well that's different. The government has shown a willingness to pay for everything. Let the government pay the insurance companies. They're happy, the government pays the bill. The taxpayers may be unhappy, but let them be unhappy with the government, not with the insurance and businesses that deal in automobile services.

Medical insurance started out by insuring costs for major medical emergencies. People paid for their day-to-day issues such as physicals, colds/flu, stitches and the like. Then insurance companies began adding more and more coverage, insurance rates began to grow, then skyrocket. Yay! Now we're to the point where people can demand the government pays for it all.

What we need to do is go back to insurance companies covering major medical events and we the people treat the more health issues as we do groceries, gasoline, and school supplies. Anything other than major medical is on us. The problem with this? Individuals don't pay bills. I know! Let's have everything insured and then the insurance companies can pay the bills! Oops! Insurance becomes unaffordable which takes to the government.

People who want big government or a nanny-type government always trot out the poor. That's the picture they look at. Conservative Talk Radio takes a look at how people (including the poor) can be independent of government. The Liberal Way creates more poor people. The Conservative Way creates fewer poor people. Either way, the poor are taken care of. The question is how many poor people do we want to create? Many of us don't want big business and the government to make us poor so that they can take care of us who are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves if left alone. We want the government there for those who truly need taken care of, who can't take care of themselves when left to their own devices.

What happened is the greedy big money got into the insurance companies and medical treatment along with our medicines. The greedy then bought off the congress who do not vote in favor of the people.

Insurance kicked people off for getting cancer , or another major illness ...People then sold their homes and life savings and then the treatment would stop and people would die off by the millions..

I am all for going back to the way it was many years ago, but they need to address the corruption and they are not... Why , because the government is in bed with the medical world..

BTW Doctors are legally bound by the FDA to only use the drugs they approve...they jack up the prices and make it illegal to buy out of the states...
This stealing is off the back of the American people.
Seriously, in your face know it all's

I was in a group talking to some people about a Dignity and Assisted Dying discussion and they act like they are the founders of the bible and brought Jesus to their people so they were so happy to High Jack the topic.

One person said .."Well I am a Constitutional Conservative Christian who believes in the constitution only in the United States Of America and when it comes to my walk with God..
Then sites some quotes from the bible on why he is so smart and such a christian...

Seriously folks, this is so damaging to non believers, who think if this is what a christian is forget it..and lost their chance with finding God.

For instance :

~Pat Robertson: Opposition To Trump Is Revolt Against God
Robertson also suggests that those people opposing Trump are challenging God’s authority. Referring to Psalm 2:2

Btw, Roberston was hateful and against Obama for 8 years..

And a few past damaging words..

~When Jerry Farwell said on National news that 9/11 happened because of the gays.

"Anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother," Governor Bentley said Monday at a church service held moments after his inauguration, according to The Birmingham News.

Men with “rebellious” wives should live where wife-beating is legal. Pat Roberston


Let's not paint every conservative with a broad brush; we have some people with strongly held beliefs about religion just as your side does about atheism. And that extends to just about every other issue that we disagree on, you name it and there will be some for whom it approaches messianic proportions. The number of arrogant know-it-alls is not confined to one political faction on either side of the political spectrum. For some it reaches the level of violence extending to mass murder.
What do you consider major medical? How much do you think family drs visits cost or specialist visits cost. That is why they go to the ER, they do not have the 150 to 300 bucks to pay.

I disagree, the sooner one gets diagnosed with a condition the cheaper it is. One needs to take care of early onset DM, VD's, CA, etc to prevent costly medical care for advanced treatment.

Absolutely. We can pay for these tests in the same manner we pay for gasoline and groceries. They are not that expensive. Remember, major medical coverage only can reduce premiums which leaves money in the pocket to pay for the more incidental parts of health coverage.

My last post was overly long. I just wanted to say that very good people, everyone very caring people, can and do see things from very different perspectives.

To even get diagnosed with cancer or heart problems ect you need diagnostic tests and the the insurance companies would find a way to kick you off... This is exactly how it was before Obamacare..

Sort of like in your scenario when you got into a crash the insurance companies would look through your file with a smooth tooth comb and find something to deny you coverage even though you have paid every month for years and years.
I haven't seen any Conservative Christian/Tea Party mobs preventing the free speech of people who hold differing views on public polcies.

There is a HYUUUUUGE amount of evidence showing Progs being Know-It-All Mob Shout Downers.
Seriously, in your face know it all's

I was in a group talking to some people about a Dignity and Assisted Dying discussion and they act like they are the founders of the bible and brought Jesus to their people so they were so happy to High Jack the topic.

One person said .."Well I am a Constitutional Conservative Christian who believes in the constitution only in the United States Of America and when it comes to my walk with God..
Then sites some quotes from the bible on why he is so smart and such a christian...

Seriously folks, this is so damaging to non believers, who think if this is what a christian is forget it..and lost their chance with finding God.

For instance :

~Pat Robertson: Opposition To Trump Is Revolt Against God
Robertson also suggests that those people opposing Trump are challenging God’s authority. Referring to Psalm 2:2

Btw, Roberston was hateful and against Obama for 8 years..

And a few past damaging words..

~When Jerry Farwell said on National news that 9/11 happened because of the gays.

"Anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother," Governor Bentley said Monday at a church service held moments after his inauguration, according to The Birmingham News.

Men with “rebellious” wives should live where wife-beating is legal. Pat Roberston


Let's not paint every conservative with a broad brush; we have some people with strongly held beliefs about religion just as your side does about atheism. And that extends to just about every other issue that we disagree on, you name it and there will be some for whom it approaches messianic proportions. The number of arrogant know-it-alls is not confined to one political faction on either side of the political spectrum. For some it reaches the level of violence extending to mass murder.

There are awesome christian people from both sides who should not mix with politics, and then there are evil people from both sides who are wolf's in sheep's clothing..
I suspect , well I know there are many conservative atheists. Some even use God as way to get rich. They are conservative when it comes to money, but not socially.
What do you consider major medical? How much do you think family drs visits cost or specialist visits cost. That is why they go to the ER, they do not have the 150 to 300 bucks to pay.
When people don't have enough to eat, they seek out food stamps for groceries. Likewise, if a person is in need of medical care, help is available. However, let's focus on the average person who can pay their bills. They pay it like any other bill.

As far as what is "major" that would have to be determined.
I haven't seen any Conservative Christian/Tea Party mobs preventing the free speech of people who hold differing views on public polcies.

There is a HYUUUUUGE amount of evidence showing Progs being Know-It-All Mob Shout Downers.

What do you consider major medical? How much do you think family drs visits cost or specialist visits cost. That is why they go to the ER, they do not have the 150 to 300 bucks to pay.
When people don't have enough to eat, they seek out food stamps for groceries. Likewise, if a person is in need of medical care, help is available. However, let's focus on the average person who can pay their bills. They pay it like any other bill.

As far as what is "major" that would have to be determined.

Determined by whom?
What happened is the greedy big money got into the insurance companies and medical treatment along with our medicines. The greedy then bought off the congress who do not vote in favor of the people.

Insurance kicked people off for getting cancer , or another major illness ...People then sold their homes and life savings and then the treatment would stop and people would die off by the millions..

I am all for going back to the way it was many years ago, but they need to address the corruption and they are not... Why , because the government is in bed with the medical world..

BTW Doctors are legally bound by the FDA to only use the drugs they approve...they jack up the prices and make it illegal to buy out of the states...
This stealing is off the back of the American people.

Yes, thank you for pointing out the greed and corruption involved. Another part of it was preventing all who want to become doctors from doing so. Fooling with supply and demand is foolish as well.
What do you consider major medical? How much do you think family drs visits cost or specialist visits cost. That is why they go to the ER, they do not have the 150 to 300 bucks to pay.
When people don't have enough to eat, they seek out food stamps for groceries. Likewise, if a person is in need of medical care, help is available. However, let's focus on the average person who can pay their bills. They pay it like any other bill.

As far as what is "major" that would have to be determined.

I got my first chemotherapy bill Meriweather ( this is not including the 6 surgeries, many many diagnostic tests, specialist doctors, hospital stay ect.

1 bag of chemotherapy for me was $10,000 , $20,000 to come back and get a shot the next day.
I had 12 of those when my cancer returned..We could get more affordable chemo out of the country.. But the FDA ( in bed with corruption makes it illegal )
My treatment for 2 x's having cancer was over $500,000

My cancer returned because I felt like a number on a conveyor belt with my first diagnosis .. The cancer surgeon was more interested making his plastic surgeon buddy money than to get all of the cancer out.. so it came back and was through out my body.

The 2nd doctor at Stanford was awesome and it was affordable because I was not considered a pre-existing condition because of Obamacare.
To even get diagnosed with cancer or heart problems ect you need diagnostic tests and the the insurance companies would find a way to kick you off... This is exactly how it was before Obamacare..

Sort of like in your scenario when you got into a crash the insurance companies would look through your file with a smooth tooth comb and find something to deny you coverage even though you have paid every month for years and years.

I'm not sure how to handle corrupt insurance companies that try to create loopholes and wiggle room for themselves other than finding a way to close all those loopholes. I have never had any trouble with any insurance in that regard, so someone with experience would know better how to address that.
I got my first chemotherapy bill Meriweather ( this is not including the 6 surgeries, many many diagnostic tests, specialist doctors, hospital stay ect.

1 bag of chemotherapy for me was $10,000 , $20,000 to come back and get a shot the next day.
I had 12 of those when my cancer returned..We could get more affordable chemo out of the country.. But the FDA ( in bed with corruption makes it illegal )
My treatment for 2 x's having cancer was over $500,000

My cancer returned because I felt like a number on a conveyor belt with my first diagnosis .. The cancer surgeon was more interested making his plastic surgeon buddy money than to get all of the cancer out.. so it came back and was through out my body.

The 2nd doctor at Stanford was awesome and it was affordable because I was not considered a pre-existing condition because of Obamacare.

I am so sorry to hear all you have had to go through, and happy that you had such care the second time around. I love hearing the success stories, as I have lost a few friends and loved ones to cancer.

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