Why are Democrats berating Trump?

Oh, did I leave out the fact that he is really a Liberal at heart and will show you if he is elected. But don't worry about it. You go and play with your little friends.
Guys! Trump is a DNC dream come true. He is a walking, talking clown who cannot win the General. Let him win the nomination. Most dedicated, reasonable Conservatives hate the man and will never vote for him,

If that were true, then why has the D establishment from their media outlets to the DNC criticized him nonstop? If he is a dream come true for the D Party, shouldn't they refrain from attacking him?

It is very hard not to call "Stupid"..."Stupid" even if it is best let the man hang himself. He has lied continuously. he has proposed unconstitutional agendas. He has acted as no other political candidate has acted before. He should be a total embarrassment to everyone that shares Democratic principles. Now can you understand why the Dems are criticizing him?

Can you imagine John F Kennedy or Ronald Reagan calling a political opponent a "loser?" Can you?
Well your little summary is straight from MSLSD (I do like to watch Morning Joe for the comedy).

Placing a moratorium on Muslim immigration until our corrupt and incompetent government can figure it out, is NOT unconstitutional...no matter how many times the NY Times and Wolf Blitzed tells you this. Why do you believe lies?

That aside, Trump is a grandstanding big gov welfare/warfare progressive. I find other than his positions on immigration and the border, he is reprehensible.
Guys! Trump is a DNC dream come true. He is a walking, talking clown who cannot win the General. Let him win the nomination. Most dedicated, reasonable Conservatives hate the man and will never vote for him,

If that were true, then why has the D establishment from their media outlets to the DNC criticized him nonstop? If he is a dream come true for the D Party, shouldn't they refrain from attacking him?

It is very hard not to call "Stupid"..."Stupid" even if it is best let the man hang himself. He has lied continuously. he has proposed unconstitutional agendas. He has acted as no other political candidate has acted before. He should be a total embarrassment to everyone that shares Democratic principles. Now can you understand why the Dems are criticizing him?

Can you imagine John F Kennedy or Ronald Reagan calling a political opponent a "loser?" Can you?
Well your little summary is straight from MSLSD (I do like to watch Morning Joe for the comedy).

Placing a moratorium on Muslim immigration until our corrupt and incompetent government can figure it out, is NOT unconstitutional...no matter how many times the NY Times and Wolf Blitzed tells you this. Why do you believe lies?

That aside, Trump is a grandstanding big gov welfare/warfare progressive. I find other than his positions on immigration and the border, he is reprehensible.

So you won't vote for him when nominate? The best chance the GOP has is to nominate Rubio, in my opinion.

Oh, and Joe Scarborough is a Republican...a good one.
Guys! Trump is a DNC dream come true. He is a walking, talking clown who cannot win the General. Let him win the nomination. Most dedicated, reasonable Conservatives hate the man and will never vote for him,

If that were true, then why has the D establishment from their media outlets to the DNC criticized him nonstop? If he is a dream come true for the D Party, shouldn't they refrain from attacking him?

It is very hard not to call "Stupid"..."Stupid" even if it is best let the man hang himself. He has lied continuously. he has proposed unconstitutional agendas. He has acted as no other political candidate has acted before. He should be a total embarrassment to everyone that shares Democratic principles. Now can you understand why the Dems are criticizing him?

Can you imagine John F Kennedy or Ronald Reagan calling a political opponent a "loser?" Can you?
Well your little summary is straight from MSLSD (I do like to watch Morning Joe for the comedy).

Placing a moratorium on Muslim immigration until our corrupt and incompetent government can figure it out, is NOT unconstitutional...no matter how many times the NY Times and Wolf Blitzed tells you this. Why do you believe lies?

That aside, Trump is a grandstanding big gov welfare/warfare progressive. I find other than his positions on immigration and the border, he is reprehensible.

So you won't vote for him when nominate? The best chance the GOP has is to nominate Rubio, in my opinion.

Oh, and Joe Scarborough is a Republican...a good one.
Rubio is the establishment pick, now that your boy Little Jebbie is about done. Rubio like most Rs, is a big gov statist...so not surprised you like him.

So what is your point about Joe S? You still think Rs are different from Ds...how terribly naive.
Guys! Trump is a DNC dream come true. He is a walking, talking clown who cannot win the General. Let him win the nomination. Most dedicated, reasonable Conservatives hate the man and will never vote for him,

If that were true, then why has the D establishment from their media outlets to the DNC criticized him nonstop? If he is a dream come true for the D Party, shouldn't they refrain from attacking him?

It is very hard not to call "Stupid"..."Stupid" even if it is best let the man hang himself. He has lied continuously. he has proposed unconstitutional agendas. He has acted as no other political candidate has acted before. He should be a total embarrassment to everyone that shares Democratic principles. Now can you understand why the Dems are criticizing him?

Can you imagine John F Kennedy or Ronald Reagan calling a political opponent a "loser?" Can you?
Well your little summary is straight from MSLSD (I do like to watch Morning Joe for the comedy).

Placing a moratorium on Muslim immigration until our corrupt and incompetent government can figure it out, is NOT unconstitutional...no matter how many times the NY Times and Wolf Blitzed tells you this. Why do you believe lies?

That aside, Trump is a grandstanding big gov welfare/warfare progressive. I find other than his positions on immigration and the border, he is reprehensible.

So you won't vote for him when nominate? The best chance the GOP has is to nominate Rubio, in my opinion.

Oh, and Joe Scarborough is a Republican...a good one.
Rubio is the establishment pick, now that your boy Little Jebbie is about done. Rubio like most Rs, is a big gov statist...so not surprised you like him.

So what is your point about Joe S? You still think Rs are different from Ds...how terribly naive.

Then I assume you are a "Shut Her Down!" Cruz fan.....Eh?
Guys! Trump is a DNC dream come true. He is a walking, talking clown who cannot win the General. Let him win the nomination. Most dedicated, reasonable Conservatives hate the man and will never vote for him,


Absolutely- Run Donald Run.

He is the candidate the GOP deserves!
Guys! Trump is a DNC dream come true. He is a walking, talking clown who cannot win the General. Let him win the nomination. Most dedicated, reasonable Conservatives hate the man and will never vote for him,

Trump won't be the nominee – democrats aren't that lucky.

The fact is Trump isn't a serious candidate.

If he isn't the GOP nominee, he may very well run as an independent--he's narcissistic enough to do that. Of course, that would without any doubt result in a Democratic win. So, either way, it is good for us.

Well, at the last debate he swore his allegiance, if that really exists, to the Republican Party. But he also signed the silly paper earlier and then reiterated that he might run third party of mistreated by the GOP Brass.

The way I see it, he ain't going anywhere. Donald has put to much into this to walk away. The only way the GOP is going to stop him is to do something underhanded. That might bring the rage out in him.

And yes, the thought of him being a Hillary surrogate has crossed my mind often. But I do think Donald only cares about Donald. So, I doubt that it the case.
What Trump says is always subject to change. For example, he committed himself to supporting the Republican nominee. Then later he added, "if I'm treated fairly. On his ban of Muslims entering the country, it was all Muslims. Then Muslim athletes were excluded, then US citizens and diplomats. Then he says the ban applies to all Muslim. This is all typically Trump. It's right out his playbook. Keep the opposition off guard by continually changing your stance. If you look at any of his issues, he's like a boxer jumping back and forth defining and redefining himself.
Guys! Trump is a DNC dream come true. He is a walking, talking clown who cannot win the General. Let him win the nomination. Most dedicated, reasonable Conservatives hate the man and will never vote for him,

Trump won't be the nominee – democrats aren't that lucky.

The fact is Trump isn't a serious candidate.

If he isn't the GOP nominee, he may very well run as an independent--he's narcissistic enough to do that. Of course, that would without any doubt result in a Democratic win. So, either way, it is good for us.

Well, at the last debate he swore his allegiance, if that really exists, to the Republican Party. But he also signed the silly paper earlier and then reiterated that he might run third party of mistreated by the GOP Brass.

The way I see it, he ain't going anywhere. Donald has put to much into this to walk away. The only way the GOP is going to stop him is to do something underhanded. That might bring the rage out in him.

And yes, the thought of him being a Hillary surrogate has crossed my mind often. But I do think Donald only cares about Donald. So, I doubt that it the case.
What Trump says is always subject to change. For example, he committed himself to supporting the Republican nominee. Then later he added, "if I'm treated fairly. On his ban of Muslims entering the country, it was all Muslims. Then Muslim athletes were excluded, then US citizens and diplomats. Then he says the ban applies to all Muslim. This is all typically Trump. It's right out his playbook. Keep the opposition off guard by continually changing your stance. If you look at any of his issues, he's like a boxer jumping back and forth defining and redefining himself.
Maybe Hillary started loaning him her focus groups. She determines where she stands on issues and changes stances much the same way. One day gay marriage is loathsome, the next it is just. Fist she helps negotiate the TPP, then she repudiates it b/c her people don' t like it. Etc.

Hell, maybe we can rid ourselves of both of them if they run on the same ticket. I'm having a hard time deciding which is the more absurd candidate.

Guys! Trump is a DNC dream come true. He is a walking, talking clown who cannot win the General. Let him win the nomination. Most dedicated, reasonable Conservatives hate the man and will never vote for him,

Trump won't be the nominee – democrats aren't that lucky.

The fact is Trump isn't a serious candidate.

If he isn't the GOP nominee, he may very well run as an independent--he's narcissistic enough to do that. Of course, that would without any doubt result in a Democratic win. So, either way, it is good for us.

Well, at the last debate he swore his allegiance, if that really exists, to the Republican Party. But he also signed the silly paper earlier and then reiterated that he might run third party of mistreated by the GOP Brass.

The way I see it, he ain't going anywhere. Donald has put to much into this to walk away. The only way the GOP is going to stop him is to do something underhanded. That might bring the rage out in him.

And yes, the thought of him being a Hillary surrogate has crossed my mind often. But I do think Donald only cares about Donald. So, I doubt that it the case.
What Trump says is always subject to change. For example, he committed himself to supporting the Republican nominee. Then later he added, "if I'm treated fairly. On his ban of Muslims entering the country, it was all Muslims. Then Muslim athletes were excluded, then US citizens and diplomats. Then he says the ban applies to all Muslim. This is all typically Trump. It's right out his playbook. Keep the opposition off guard by continually changing your stance. If you look at any of his issues, he's like a boxer jumping back and forth defining and redefining himself.
Maybe Hillary started loaning him her focus groups. She determines where she stands on issues and changes stances much the same way. One day gay marriage is loathsome, the next it is just. Fist she helps negotiate the TPP, then she repudiates it b/c her people don' t like it. Etc.

Hell, maybe we can rid ourselves of both of them if they run on the same ticket. I'm having a hard time deciding which is the more absurd candidate.

I haven't heard of any of Hillary's proposals that would violate the 1st , 5th, and 14 amendment of the constitution. If Republicans weren't so intent on nominating someone who will split the party and energize Democrats around a candidate that's yesterdays news, they just might have a chance to win the election. However, Republicans seem to make a habit of shooting themselves in the foot when it comes time to nominate a presidental candidate.
I doubt Trump will be president. But I'm equally of mind that whoever is elected will piss you off as much as Trump could on his best day.
Trump's best day as president would be his inauguration. From there it would go down hill.

I haven't been particularly disappointed in any president since Jimmy Carter. I don't think GW Bush was a good president but he was just what I expected..
Trump won't be the nominee – democrats aren't that lucky.

The fact is Trump isn't a serious candidate.

If he isn't the GOP nominee, he may very well run as an independent--he's narcissistic enough to do that. Of course, that would without any doubt result in a Democratic win. So, either way, it is good for us.

Well, at the last debate he swore his allegiance, if that really exists, to the Republican Party. But he also signed the silly paper earlier and then reiterated that he might run third party of mistreated by the GOP Brass.

The way I see it, he ain't going anywhere. Donald has put to much into this to walk away. The only way the GOP is going to stop him is to do something underhanded. That might bring the rage out in him.

And yes, the thought of him being a Hillary surrogate has crossed my mind often. But I do think Donald only cares about Donald. So, I doubt that it the case.
What Trump says is always subject to change. For example, he committed himself to supporting the Republican nominee. Then later he added, "if I'm treated fairly. On his ban of Muslims entering the country, it was all Muslims. Then Muslim athletes were excluded, then US citizens and diplomats. Then he says the ban applies to all Muslim. This is all typically Trump. It's right out his playbook. Keep the opposition off guard by continually changing your stance. If you look at any of his issues, he's like a boxer jumping back and forth defining and redefining himself.
Maybe Hillary started loaning him her focus groups. She determines where she stands on issues and changes stances much the same way. One day gay marriage is loathsome, the next it is just. Fist she helps negotiate the TPP, then she repudiates it b/c her people don' t like it. Etc.

Hell, maybe we can rid ourselves of both of them if they run on the same ticket. I'm having a hard time deciding which is the more absurd candidate.

I haven't heard of any of Hillary's proposals that would violate the 1st , 5th, and 14 amendment of the constitution. If Republicans weren't so intent on nominating someone who will split the party and energize Democrats around a candidate that's yesterdays news, they just might have a chance to win the election. However, Republicans seem to make a habit of shooting themselves in the foot when it comes time to nominate a presidental candidate.

What does the Bill of Rights matter anymore? Federal statists in both parties don't give a shit about it, why should Trump be any different? Do you think Bernie, Hillary or any of the other potential Republican nominees is any different?

Bush and Obama have already shredded it. So what is your point? The NDAA and the Patriot Act have already made a mockery of it.
He is saying all sorts of good stuff the FED UP crowd wants to hear i.e. build a wall, deportation, no Muslim immigrants until figure out what going on etc.

But.......one does get the feeling he could blow it at any minute. Agreed.

But.......when he appears to blow it? they like him more? Is it the "raw" real honesty?
He vindicates their prejudices, biases, bigotry, and racism, but most of all, he acts as if their ignorance and stupidity are anything but. They love him for it.
Trump and his supporters - I'll include myself here for full disclosure - we can sense the fear in the bullshit brigade and we're coming for you guys. We've heard all the ad hominem. We've heard the bullshit constitutionality claims and red herrings about bigotry. We've heard you project that we're angry and now we're scared. We've seen that your candidate choice is a joke.
Placing a moratorium on Muslim immigration until our corrupt and incompetent government can figure it out, is NOT unconstitutional..

But it is racist, anti-religion, and shows how scared the right is of its own shadow.....
Why must you vomit up left wing talking points?

Ever heard of thinking logically?
But it is racist, anti-religion, and shows how scared the right is of its own shadow.....
Why must you vomit up left wing talking points?

Ever heard of thinking logically?[/QUOTE]

It's logical that the vast majority of serial killers in the US are white males. Are you spruiking a moratorium on white males immigrating to the US, too?
If he isn't the GOP nominee, he may very well run as an independent--he's narcissistic enough to do that. Of course, that would without any doubt result in a Democratic win. So, either way, it is good for us.

Well, at the last debate he swore his allegiance, if that really exists, to the Republican Party. But he also signed the silly paper earlier and then reiterated that he might run third party of mistreated by the GOP Brass.

The way I see it, he ain't going anywhere. Donald has put to much into this to walk away. The only way the GOP is going to stop him is to do something underhanded. That might bring the rage out in him.

And yes, the thought of him being a Hillary surrogate has crossed my mind often. But I do think Donald only cares about Donald. So, I doubt that it the case.
What Trump says is always subject to change. For example, he committed himself to supporting the Republican nominee. Then later he added, "if I'm treated fairly. On his ban of Muslims entering the country, it was all Muslims. Then Muslim athletes were excluded, then US citizens and diplomats. Then he says the ban applies to all Muslim. This is all typically Trump. It's right out his playbook. Keep the opposition off guard by continually changing your stance. If you look at any of his issues, he's like a boxer jumping back and forth defining and redefining himself.
Maybe Hillary started loaning him her focus groups. She determines where she stands on issues and changes stances much the same way. One day gay marriage is loathsome, the next it is just. Fist she helps negotiate the TPP, then she repudiates it b/c her people don' t like it. Etc.

Hell, maybe we can rid ourselves of both of them if they run on the same ticket. I'm having a hard time deciding which is the more absurd candidate.

I haven't heard of any of Hillary's proposals that would violate the 1st , 5th, and 14 amendment of the constitution. If Republicans weren't so intent on nominating someone who will split the party and energize Democrats around a candidate that's yesterdays news, they just might have a chance to win the election. However, Republicans seem to make a habit of shooting themselves in the foot when it comes time to nominate a presidental candidate.

What does the Bill of Rights matter anymore? Federal statists in both parties don't give a shit about it, why should Trump be any different? Do you think Bernie, Hillary or any of the other potential Republican nominees is any different?

Bush and Obama have already shredded it. So what is your point? The NDAA and the Patriot Act have already made a mockery of it.
Ok, let's accept the premise that our presidents have violated the Bill of Rights at one time or another. Is that a reason to elect a person who proposes it before he is even elected, a person who proposes violating the oath of office? Your logic is that of most convicted criminals, since others have done it's ok for me to do it.
But it is racist, anti-religion, and shows how scared the right is of its own shadow.....
Why must you vomit up left wing talking points?

Ever heard of thinking logically?

It's logical that the vast majority of serial killers in the US are white males. Are you spruiking a moratorium on white males immigrating to the US, too?[/QUOTE]
Why have you tried to change the subject of our debate?

Answer...cause you lost.
Well, at the last debate he swore his allegiance, if that really exists, to the Republican Party. But he also signed the silly paper earlier and then reiterated that he might run third party of mistreated by the GOP Brass.

The way I see it, he ain't going anywhere. Donald has put to much into this to walk away. The only way the GOP is going to stop him is to do something underhanded. That might bring the rage out in him.

And yes, the thought of him being a Hillary surrogate has crossed my mind often. But I do think Donald only cares about Donald. So, I doubt that it the case.
What Trump says is always subject to change. For example, he committed himself to supporting the Republican nominee. Then later he added, "if I'm treated fairly. On his ban of Muslims entering the country, it was all Muslims. Then Muslim athletes were excluded, then US citizens and diplomats. Then he says the ban applies to all Muslim. This is all typically Trump. It's right out his playbook. Keep the opposition off guard by continually changing your stance. If you look at any of his issues, he's like a boxer jumping back and forth defining and redefining himself.
Maybe Hillary started loaning him her focus groups. She determines where she stands on issues and changes stances much the same way. One day gay marriage is loathsome, the next it is just. Fist she helps negotiate the TPP, then she repudiates it b/c her people don' t like it. Etc.

Hell, maybe we can rid ourselves of both of them if they run on the same ticket. I'm having a hard time deciding which is the more absurd candidate.

I haven't heard of any of Hillary's proposals that would violate the 1st , 5th, and 14 amendment of the constitution. If Republicans weren't so intent on nominating someone who will split the party and energize Democrats around a candidate that's yesterdays news, they just might have a chance to win the election. However, Republicans seem to make a habit of shooting themselves in the foot when it comes time to nominate a presidental candidate.

What does the Bill of Rights matter anymore? Federal statists in both parties don't give a shit about it, why should Trump be any different? Do you think Bernie, Hillary or any of the other potential Republican nominees is any different?

Bush and Obama have already shredded it. So what is your point? The NDAA and the Patriot Act have already made a mockery of it.
Ok, let's accept the premise that our presidents have violated the Bill of Rights at one time or another. Is that a reason to elect a person who proposes it before he is even elected, a person who proposes violating the oath of office? Your logic is that of most convicted criminals, since others have done it's ok for me to do it.

I'm not voting for him, are you suggesting the you should?

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