Why are Democrats stonewalling a border security bill?

For every local or State tax dollar that Adams spends on migrants in New York City...

The next Federal administration should deduct a dollar of Federal money going to NYC from the Treasury...

That way, the Sanctuary City truly "pays its own way" to BE a Sanctuary City, rather than the rest of us subsidizing that insanity.
It was only after the great Orange Man bad weighed in on it, that it was shot down.
Wrongo---again. It was after it was discovered that Ukraine and Israel were going to be the recipients of $100B of a $118B BORDER SECURITY bill. Border security for WHO? Ukraine and Israel while the invasion of a minimum of 5K illegal immigrants a day are allowed into the country with a leftist DC court as the SOLE arbiter. Try again moron.
My reason is to stop Putin, a muderous war criminal thug who has caused the deaths of thousands of civilians, including children with this invasion of a sovereign country.
Where was your concern when Obummer allowed him to unilaterally annex Crimea? What does that say about your morals. You are up in arms because your party is being slammed for wasting US tax dollars on a war that is not our making nor our responsibility by treaty. Probably nothing but a money laundering scheme for the democrats and rino swamp critters. Vietnam 2.0.
When did Biden invite anyone to "come on down and surge the border." These types of unhinged claims is why no one but other right wing nutters takes you seriously. Prove it, show me the actual quotes from Biden saying this, otherwise you're just tallking out of your ANUZ again.


"Worst invasion in history"
Who was the POTUS in 2021 moron?
Where was your concern when Obummer allowed him to unilaterally annex Crimea? What does that say about your morals. You are up in arms because your party is being slammed for wasting US tax dollars on a war that is not our making nor our responsibility by treaty. Probably nothing but a money laundering scheme for the democrats and rino swamp critters. Vietnam 2.0.
You mean you agree with Obama?
Ask any business how disruptive it would be to lose everyone, have to go through a new government program to find new people and then start them in the exact same job.

Sounds like basically lighting money on fire.
So now, we are going to have government regulations requiring companies to have on site interpreters to give these illegals new jobs?

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