Why are Democrats stonewalling a border security bill?


76 Senators voted for the bill.

If it was voted in the house it would pass.
According to Democrats Trump is so powerful he would have stopped it there. Based on Democrats claims entirely. Biden lacks authority to pass a border bill.
And I doubt you will.

Let's just learn from an economist.

I don't need to hear tom sewell discuss his bias on economics to me. He is a follower of milton freidman and approaches econ from a libertarian viewpoint. Christ bob, he writes from the hoover institute.

I asked about your understanding of inflation.
According to Democrats Trump is so powerful he would have stopped it there. Based on Democrats claims entirely. Biden lacks authority to pass a border bill.
Again, WTF are you posting about bob.
SMFH! Who reads for you? You are too stupid to do it for yourself. I said I DO NOT GIVE A FCK ABOUT WHO IS INVOLVED IN THAT WAR. I HAVE NO HORSE IN THE RACE. THEY CAN BOTH KILL EACH OTHER OFF FOR ALL I CARE. You are the one taking sides--Is Zelensky sending you money too? What is your reason for wanting to throw US taxpayer $$$ into the crapper? I think you protest too much, commie.
My reason is to stop Putin, a muderous war criminal thug who has caused the deaths of thousands of civilians, including children with this invasion of a sovereign country.

The fact that you "do not give a fuck" about that speaks volumes about your morals.

Keep earning those Trump brownie points.
My reason is to stop Putin, a muderous war criminal thug who has caused the deaths of thousands of civilians, including children with this invasion of a sovereign country.

The fact that you "do not give a fuck" about that speaks volumes about your morals.

Keep earning those Trump brownie points.
They're brown, but not talking points that he's eating.
It was replaced with ANZUS, moron. Semantics. You suggested that the US wouldn't come to the aid of Australia which is grasping at best. Take your "America is the world's cop" BS down the road. I would suggest you put on your big girl panties as well and go over and give Zelensky a hand if it is that important to you and keep your hands out of American's pockets.

You specifically mentioned SEATO, moron! lmao. Now you're just talking out of your ANUZ. This old treaty is no different than the agreement signed by the US to provide weapons to Ukraine and they're honoring it. I don't see the problem here.
The worst invasion of US soil in the history of this nation happened in the last three years due solely to Biden's invitation to "Come On Down and surge the border" Run along you commie, globalist POS.

When did Biden invite anyone to "come on down and surge the border." These types of unhinged claims is why no one but other right wing nutters takes you seriously. Prove it, show me the actual quotes from Biden saying this, otherwise you're just tallking out of your ANUZ again.


"Worst invasion in history"
Increase demand for beef will increase the price for beef too.

Not to mention those illegal immigrants are highly involved in the meat packing plants and so the lack of illegal immigrant labor will mean less beef also.

Yup, it's awful!
Now let's deport 20 million illegals and see how awful.
And then we can bring in some temp workers if it makes sense.

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