Why are Leftists mostly atheists?

The ideology of the left is purely about the denial of human rights.

Their belief that religion must be regulated by the state, for example.
Their belief that the unborn aren't really human until some time after birth (provided they are at full term) denies the existence of humanity itself, and establishes that people don't have inherent rights..but only exist as humans with rights until the government says so.

Their belief that people should be charged with crimes for saying things they don't agree with...

All those things are examples of human rights violations. I could go one.
You say "purely" about the denial of human rights. That's what's known as a massive exaggeration. If you expect people to take you seriously...

What is human rights based upon? If there is no God, if we are not really made in his image, then we are just glorified animals. The Founding Fathers, although not all Christians, recognized that our rights came from God.

And what do we do with animals? Do we not use them as beasts of burden, lock them up in zoos for our entertainment, kill and eat them, etc.?

Of course, you would probably say that human have rights cuz they are smarter. Well then, what about the stupid people on this planet? Do they not have natural rights?

Stupid people do not have the right to impose their stupidity on the rest of the population.

Words best spoken into your nearest mirror. In one breath you defend. With the next you attack. Is broad assignation of generic identities and tidal generalization the core of your purported mysticism? I was just beginning to enjoy it . . . again.

In the waters of contention THE TRUTH is brought out.

You aren't contending so much as dictating, although, guilty aren't we all?
Why do you say that atheists are against human rights? Like who?
The ideology of the left is purely about the denial of human rights.

Their belief that religion must be regulated by the state, for example.
Their belief that the unborn aren't really human until some time after birth (provided they are at full term) denies the existence of humanity itself, and establishes that people don't have inherent rights..but only exist as humans with rights until the government says so.

Their belief that people should be charged with crimes for saying things they don't agree with...

All those things are examples of human rights violations. I could go one.
You say "purely" about the denial of human rights. That's what's known as a massive exaggeration. If you expect people to take you seriously...

What is human rights based upon? If there is no God, if we are not really made in his image, then we are just glorified animals. The Founding Fathers, although not all Christians, recognized that our rights came from God.

And what do we do with animals? Do we not use them as beasts of burden, lock them up in zoos for our entertainment, kill and eat them, etc.?

Of course, you would probably say that human have rights cuz they are smarter. Well then, what about the stupid people on this planet? Do they not have natural rights?

Stupid people do not have the right to impose their stupidity on the rest of the population.

Words best spoken into your nearest mirror. In one breath you defend. With the next you attack. Is broad assignation of generic identities and tidal generalization the core of your purported mysticism? I was just beginning to enjoy it . . . again.
In the waters of contention THE TRUTH is brought out.
You say "purely" about the denial of human rights. That's what's known as a massive exaggeration. If you expect people to take you seriously...

What is human rights based upon? If there is no God, if we are not really made in his image, then we are just glorified animals. The Founding Fathers, although not all Christians, recognized that our rights came from God.

And what do we do with animals? Do we not use them as beasts of burden, lock them up in zoos for our entertainment, kill and eat them, etc.?

Of course, you would probably say that human have rights cuz they are smarter. Well then, what about the stupid people on this planet? Do they not have natural rights?

Stupid people do not have the right to impose their stupidity on the rest of the population.

Words best spoken into your nearest mirror. In one breath you defend. With the next you attack. Is broad assignation of generic identities and tidal generalization the core of your purported mysticism? I was just beginning to enjoy it . . . again.

In the waters of contention THE TRUTH is brought out.

You aren't contending so much as dictating, although, guilty aren't we all?

If you are feeling like something is being dictated perhaps you should examine your own conscience.
American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
You do realize that not all atheists are leftist; don’t you?

Of course, but there is a reason why most people of faith are conservatives.

Abortion is a key issue regarding this. People who are serious about their faith are forced not to endorse genocide with their vote because the Dims embrace abortion as a key foundational principle. Any time someone is appointed to SCOTUS, this is the only issue they seem to care about when deciding who should get appointed. Nothing else much matters to them.

As I stated earlier, Nancy Pelosi says she is Catholic but sides against the church that says abortion is murder. Her political party positions matter more to her than the church, yet she still insists on saying she is a Catholic.

Very odd.
I would dispute that given the heavy Democract voting practices of minorities. Blacks, and Hispanics in particular heavily are Christian of one stripe or another.

Again, it depends who you are calling "Christian".

If you are calling someone a Christian, like Nancy Pelosi, she places her political beliefs ahead of the church. It matters little what the church teaches from her perspective, all that matters is the political ideology that she has sold her soul to.
What is human rights based upon? If there is no God, if we are not really made in his image, then we are just glorified animals. The Founding Fathers, although not all Christians, recognized that our rights came from God.

And what do we do with animals? Do we not use them as beasts of burden, lock them up in zoos for our entertainment, kill and eat them, etc.?

Of course, you would probably say that human have rights cuz they are smarter. Well then, what about the stupid people on this planet? Do they not have natural rights?

Stupid people do not have the right to impose their stupidity on the rest of the population.

Words best spoken into your nearest mirror. In one breath you defend. With the next you attack. Is broad assignation of generic identities and tidal generalization the core of your purported mysticism? I was just beginning to enjoy it . . . again.

In the waters of contention THE TRUTH is brought out.

You aren't contending so much as dictating, although, guilty aren't we all?

If you are feeling something is being dictated perhaps you should examine your own conscience.

We're examining one another's. Aren't we? With a definite redolence of "But I know best." "No, I do."
Another reason most leftists are atheists...

you can't defend this disgusting, obviously demonic shit...unless you are an atheist (or some sort of child sacrificing cult)

Here is an article breaking down religion and party affiliation

U.S. religious groups and their political leanings

As we can see, those who affiliate themselves with Christian churches are more than likely conservative.

Naturally, you have churches, like the one Obama attended, that adhere to Black Liberation Theology, which views the state as an instrument of God himself to reach out to the poor and those in need, but most understand that church and state led to Inquisitions, ghettos and Crusades. Christ tried to warn us that his kingdom was not of this world, nor can be.

Now look at how agnostics and atheists rate. It proves my point.

As for Muslims and Jews, I find that many Jews identify as a Jew but don't practice their religion. In fact, many I have met identify as a Jew but don't believe in God.

As for Muslims, their religion is more related to the state and Sharia law. Their religion is therefore, more focused on political power than on the power of God. I guess you could argue that they believe that the power of God comes through political power, as they utterly reject Christ's warnings about the kingdom of God never being able to be a part of this world.

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Stupid people do not have the right to impose their stupidity on the rest of the population.

Words best spoken into your nearest mirror. In one breath you defend. With the next you attack. Is broad assignation of generic identities and tidal generalization the core of your purported mysticism? I was just beginning to enjoy it . . . again.

In the waters of contention THE TRUTH is brought out.

You aren't contending so much as dictating, although, guilty aren't we all?

If you are feeling something is being dictated perhaps you should examine your own conscience.

We're examining one another's. Aren't we? With a definite redolence of "But I know best." "No, I do."

No, "we" are not doing anything..

I am.
American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
You do realize that not all atheists are leftist; don’t you?

Of course, but there is a reason why most people of faith are conservatives.

Abortion is a key issue regarding this. People who are serious about their faith are forced not to endorse genocide with their vote because the Dims embrace abortion as a key foundational principle. Any time someone is appointed to SCOTUS, this is the only issue they seem to care about when deciding who should get appointed. Nothing else much matters to them.

As I stated earlier, Nancy Pelosi says she is Catholic but sides against the church that says abortion is murder. Her political party positions matter more to her than the church, yet she still insists on saying she is a Catholic.

Very odd.
I would dispute that given the heavy Democract voting practices of minorities. Blacks, and Hispanics in particular heavily are Christian of one stripe or another.

Again, it depends who you are calling "Christian".

If you are calling someone a Christian, like Nancy Pelosi, she places her political beliefs ahead of the church. It matters little what the church teaches from her perspective, all that matters is the political ideology that she has sold her soul to.
It isn’t neccesarily my calling them Christian; as much as it is how they would itentify themselves. Are you suggesting that it is their voting habits that truly determines their piety, rather than their own faith? I’m just trying to get a handle on what you’re trying to say here...
American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
You do realize that not all atheists are leftist; don’t you?

Of course, but there is a reason why most people of faith are conservatives.

Abortion is a key issue regarding this. People who are serious about their faith are forced not to endorse genocide with their vote because the Dims embrace abortion as a key foundational principle. Any time someone is appointed to SCOTUS, this is the only issue they seem to care about when deciding who should get appointed. Nothing else much matters to them.

Genocide? Nothing else matters to Dims??

Really? lol

Indeed. Abortion has become one of the foundational principles of the democrat party.

If you believe that abortion is murder, then you have no other choice but to vote against them.

For example, if I lived in Nazi Germany, I could never vote for a Nazi because of their genocide, not matter how great their socialist policies were.

And trust me, German citizens had "free" everything as they enjoyed a higher living standard than citizens in Ally countries. In short, Hitler bought off a society knee deep in genocide and war weary.

Shrug, it worked. There were not uprisings during WW2 like there was in WW1 due to poor living standards, which is why Hitler embraced the Nanny state.

Abortion is not the one of the foundational principles of the democratic party. Protecting a womans right is.

You would never vote for a nazi?

Then why do you support trump who brazenly promotes white nationalism and employs nazi style propaganda, methods of mind control, and the demonization of defenseless people?
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Leftists are atheists because you can't be anti-human rights, and a Christian.
Why do you say that atheists are against human rights? Like who?
The ideology of the left is purely about the denial of human rights.

Their belief that religion must be regulated by the state, for example.
Their belief that the unborn aren't really human until some time after birth (provided they are at full term) denies the existence of humanity itself, and establishes that people don't have inherent rights..but only exist as humans with rights until the government says so.

Their belief that people should be charged with crimes for saying things they don't agree with...

All those things are examples of human rights violations. I could go one.
You say "purely" about the denial of human rights. That's what's known as a massive exaggeration. If you expect people to take you seriously...
I don't care if you take me seriously, you're a brainwashed leftist goon.

And it wasn't an exaggeration. You people just refuse to acknowledge reality. That's one reason you can't learn.
Words best spoken into your nearest mirror. In one breath you defend. With the next you attack. Is broad assignation of generic identities and tidal generalization the core of your purported mysticism? I was just beginning to enjoy it . . . again.

In the waters of contention THE TRUTH is brought out.

You aren't contending so much as dictating, although, guilty aren't we all?

If you are feeling something is being dictated perhaps you should examine your own conscience.

We're examining one another's. Aren't we? With a definite redolence of "But I know best." "No, I do."

No, "we" are not doing anything..

I am.

You are dripping drops onto the surface of a depthless pool. The resultant concentric but widening rings, sonant susurrus in their travels, and while entertaining, fail to reach the shoreline. Tell me, can you see your reflection? You stand on soft, conciliatory ground of accusation; accusing other Christians of ignorance while peddling panacea tonic, bottled, yet not so denatured from others' faith as you wish. Whose words fasten strongest to your nous? Of Logos--or self?
American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
You do realize that not all atheists are leftist; don’t you?

Of course, but there is a reason why most people of faith are conservatives.

Abortion is a key issue regarding this. People who are serious about their faith are forced not to endorse genocide with their vote because the Dims embrace abortion as a key foundational principle. Any time someone is appointed to SCOTUS, this is the only issue they seem to care about when deciding who should get appointed. Nothing else much matters to them.

Genocide? Nothing else matters to Dims??

Really? lol

Indeed. Abortion has become one of the foundational principles of the democrat party.

If you believe that abortion is murder, then you have no other choice but to vote against them.

For example, if I lived in Nazi Germany, I could never vote for a Nazi because of their genocide, not matter how great their socialist policies were.

And trust me, German citizens had "free" everything as they enjoyed a higher living standard than citizens in Ally countries. In short, Hitler bought off a society knee deep in genocide and war weary.

Shrug, it worked. There were not uprisings during WW2 like there was in WW1 due to poor living standards, which is why Hitler embraced the Nanny state.

Abortion is not the one of the foundational principles of the democratic party. Protecting a womans right is.

You would never vote for a nazi?

Then why do you support trump who brazenly promotes white nationalist nazi style propaganda, methods of mind control, and the demonization of defenseless people?

Would you say that FDR was a better President than Trump?

Of course you would, you have no choice since the DNC continues the vision of FDR's promotion of "positive rights".

But let's look at the record. Has Trump ever imprisoned American citizens because of their race? No, no he has not, yet Trump is the racist Nazi and not FDR for locking up innocent Japanese Americans?

Then you try to accuse Trump of racism for separating illegal immigrants from their children as the media uses pictures of children in cages taken during the Obama administration to attack Trump on the issue, yet Obama was a better President than Trump?

Get some help.
You do realize that not all atheists are leftist; don’t you?

Of course, but there is a reason why most people of faith are conservatives.

Abortion is a key issue regarding this. People who are serious about their faith are forced not to endorse genocide with their vote because the Dims embrace abortion as a key foundational principle. Any time someone is appointed to SCOTUS, this is the only issue they seem to care about when deciding who should get appointed. Nothing else much matters to them.

Genocide? Nothing else matters to Dims??

Really? lol

Indeed. Abortion has become one of the foundational principles of the democrat party.

If you believe that abortion is murder, then you have no other choice but to vote against them.

For example, if I lived in Nazi Germany, I could never vote for a Nazi because of their genocide, not matter how great their socialist policies were.

And trust me, German citizens had "free" everything as they enjoyed a higher living standard than citizens in Ally countries. In short, Hitler bought off a society knee deep in genocide and war weary.

Shrug, it worked. There were not uprisings during WW2 like there was in WW1 due to poor living standards, which is why Hitler embraced the Nanny state.

Abortion is not the one of the foundational principles of the democratic party. Protecting a womans right is.

You would never vote for a nazi?

Then why do you support trump who brazenly promotes white nationalist nazi style propaganda, methods of mind control, and the demonization of defenseless people?

Would you say that FDR was a better President than Trump?

Of course you would, you have no choice since the DNC continues the vision of FDR's promotion of "positive rights".

But let's look at the record. Has Trump ever imprisoned American citizens because of their race? No, no he has not, yet Trump is the racist Nazi and not FDR for locking up innocent Japanese Americans?

Then you try to accuse Trump of racism for separating illegal immigrants from their children as the media uses pictures of children in cages taken during the Obama administration to attack Trump on the issue, yet Obama was a better President than Trump?

Get some help.

Isn't the command of God to not oppress, the widow, the orphan and the alien and to not deny them justice? mr. religion??

Get some help? lol... OK

American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
You do realize that not all atheists are leftist; don’t you?

Of course, but there is a reason why most people of faith are conservatives.

Abortion is a key issue regarding this. People who are serious about their faith are forced not to endorse genocide with their vote because the Dims embrace abortion as a key foundational principle. Any time someone is appointed to SCOTUS, this is the only issue they seem to care about when deciding who should get appointed. Nothing else much matters to them.

Genocide? Nothing else matters to Dims??

Really? lol

Indeed. Abortion has become one of the foundational principles of the democrat party.

If you believe that abortion is murder, then you have no other choice but to vote against them.

For example, if I lived in Nazi Germany, I could never vote for a Nazi because of their genocide, not matter how great their socialist policies were.

And trust me, German citizens had "free" everything as they enjoyed a higher living standard than citizens in Ally countries. In short, Hitler bought off a society knee deep in genocide and war weary.

Shrug, it worked. There were not uprisings during WW2 like there was in WW1 due to poor living standards, which is why Hitler embraced the Nanny state.

Abortion is not the one of the foundational principles of the democratic party. Protecting a womans right is.

You would never vote for a nazi?

Then why do you support trump who brazenly promotes white nationalism and employs nazi style propaganda, methods of mind control, and the demonization of defenseless people?
Of course, but there is a reason why most people of faith are conservatives.

Abortion is a key issue regarding this. People who are serious about their faith are forced not to endorse genocide with their vote because the Dims embrace abortion as a key foundational principle. Any time someone is appointed to SCOTUS, this is the only issue they seem to care about when deciding who should get appointed. Nothing else much matters to them.

Genocide? Nothing else matters to Dims??

Really? lol

Indeed. Abortion has become one of the foundational principles of the democrat party.

If you believe that abortion is murder, then you have no other choice but to vote against them.

For example, if I lived in Nazi Germany, I could never vote for a Nazi because of their genocide, not matter how great their socialist policies were.

And trust me, German citizens had "free" everything as they enjoyed a higher living standard than citizens in Ally countries. In short, Hitler bought off a society knee deep in genocide and war weary.

Shrug, it worked. There were not uprisings during WW2 like there was in WW1 due to poor living standards, which is why Hitler embraced the Nanny state.

Abortion is not the one of the foundational principles of the democratic party. Protecting a womans right is.

You would never vote for a nazi?

Then why do you support trump who brazenly promotes white nationalist nazi style propaganda, methods of mind control, and the demonization of defenseless people?

Would you say that FDR was a better President than Trump?

Of course you would, you have no choice since the DNC continues the vision of FDR's promotion of "positive rights".

But let's look at the record. Has Trump ever imprisoned American citizens because of their race? No, no he has not, yet Trump is the racist Nazi and not FDR for locking up innocent Japanese Americans?

Then you try to accuse Trump of racism for separating illegal immigrants from their children as the media uses pictures of children in cages taken during the Obama administration to attack Trump on the issue, yet Obama was a better President than Trump?

Get some help.

Isn't the command of God to not oppress, the widow, the orphan and the alien and to not deny them justice? mr. religion??

Get some help? lol... OK

The issue is open borders and unregulated immigration. The issue is not oppressing the widow and orphan.

In fact, the road to illegal immigration is a dangerous one that further oppresses the poor and in need.

The thing that needs fixed is the bureaucratic nightmare that is the legal path to citizenship. I know of a guy married to an American who is a productive member of society and it took him 7 years of hell and expense to become a legal citizen. This is insanity.

Then you have gangs like MS 13 who come across, who are dedicated to death and destruction and even worship satan just for kicks who are coming across that need stopped.

Securing the border is the only way to stop this. I often wonder how many immigrants die on the journey or are harmed along the way with the carrot of open borders dangling before them
Genocide? Nothing else matters to Dims??

Really? lol

Indeed. Abortion has become one of the foundational principles of the democrat party.

If you believe that abortion is murder, then you have no other choice but to vote against them.

For example, if I lived in Nazi Germany, I could never vote for a Nazi because of their genocide, not matter how great their socialist policies were.

And trust me, German citizens had "free" everything as they enjoyed a higher living standard than citizens in Ally countries. In short, Hitler bought off a society knee deep in genocide and war weary.

Shrug, it worked. There were not uprisings during WW2 like there was in WW1 due to poor living standards, which is why Hitler embraced the Nanny state.

Abortion is not the one of the foundational principles of the democratic party. Protecting a womans right is.

You would never vote for a nazi?

Then why do you support trump who brazenly promotes white nationalist nazi style propaganda, methods of mind control, and the demonization of defenseless people?

Would you say that FDR was a better President than Trump?

Of course you would, you have no choice since the DNC continues the vision of FDR's promotion of "positive rights".

But let's look at the record. Has Trump ever imprisoned American citizens because of their race? No, no he has not, yet Trump is the racist Nazi and not FDR for locking up innocent Japanese Americans?

Then you try to accuse Trump of racism for separating illegal immigrants from their children as the media uses pictures of children in cages taken during the Obama administration to attack Trump on the issue, yet Obama was a better President than Trump?

Get some help.

Isn't the command of God to not oppress, the widow, the orphan and the alien and to not deny them justice? mr. religion??

Get some help? lol... OK

The issue is open borders and unregulated immigration. The issue is not oppressing the widow and orphan.

In fact, the road to illegal immigration is a dangerous one that further oppresses the poor and in need.

Then you have gangs like MS 13 who come across, who are dedicated to death and destruction and even worship satan just for kicks.

Add to that mix identity politics, which assign group identities to minority individuals making them faceless and then exploit them for their political worth, and when finished, discard them back onto conveniently constructed social shelfs.
Genocide? Nothing else matters to Dims??

Really? lol

Indeed. Abortion has become one of the foundational principles of the democrat party.

If you believe that abortion is murder, then you have no other choice but to vote against them.

For example, if I lived in Nazi Germany, I could never vote for a Nazi because of their genocide, not matter how great their socialist policies were.

And trust me, German citizens had "free" everything as they enjoyed a higher living standard than citizens in Ally countries. In short, Hitler bought off a society knee deep in genocide and war weary.

Shrug, it worked. There were not uprisings during WW2 like there was in WW1 due to poor living standards, which is why Hitler embraced the Nanny state.

Abortion is not the one of the foundational principles of the democratic party. Protecting a womans right is.

You would never vote for a nazi?

Then why do you support trump who brazenly promotes white nationalist nazi style propaganda, methods of mind control, and the demonization of defenseless people?

Would you say that FDR was a better President than Trump?

Of course you would, you have no choice since the DNC continues the vision of FDR's promotion of "positive rights".

But let's look at the record. Has Trump ever imprisoned American citizens because of their race? No, no he has not, yet Trump is the racist Nazi and not FDR for locking up innocent Japanese Americans?

Then you try to accuse Trump of racism for separating illegal immigrants from their children as the media uses pictures of children in cages taken during the Obama administration to attack Trump on the issue, yet Obama was a better President than Trump?

Get some help.

Isn't the command of God to not oppress, the widow, the orphan and the alien and to not deny them justice? mr. religion??

Get some help? lol... OK

The issue is open borders and unregulated immigration. The issue is not oppressing the widow and orphan.

In fact, the road to illegal immigration is a dangerous one that further oppresses the poor and in need.

The thing that needs fixed is the bureaucratic nightmare that is the legal path to citizenship. I know of a guy married to an American who is a productive member of society and it took him 7 years of hell and expense to become a legal citizen. This is insanity.

Then you have gangs like MS 13 who come across, who are dedicated to death and destruction and even worship satan just for kicks.

I think you should probably spend some time thinking about how to get your sanity back...if you ever had it.
Indeed. Abortion has become one of the foundational principles of the democrat party.

If you believe that abortion is murder, then you have no other choice but to vote against them.

For example, if I lived in Nazi Germany, I could never vote for a Nazi because of their genocide, not matter how great their socialist policies were.

And trust me, German citizens had "free" everything as they enjoyed a higher living standard than citizens in Ally countries. In short, Hitler bought off a society knee deep in genocide and war weary.

Shrug, it worked. There were not uprisings during WW2 like there was in WW1 due to poor living standards, which is why Hitler embraced the Nanny state.

Abortion is not the one of the foundational principles of the democratic party. Protecting a womans right is.

You would never vote for a nazi?

Then why do you support trump who brazenly promotes white nationalist nazi style propaganda, methods of mind control, and the demonization of defenseless people?

Would you say that FDR was a better President than Trump?

Of course you would, you have no choice since the DNC continues the vision of FDR's promotion of "positive rights".

But let's look at the record. Has Trump ever imprisoned American citizens because of their race? No, no he has not, yet Trump is the racist Nazi and not FDR for locking up innocent Japanese Americans?

Then you try to accuse Trump of racism for separating illegal immigrants from their children as the media uses pictures of children in cages taken during the Obama administration to attack Trump on the issue, yet Obama was a better President than Trump?

Get some help.

Isn't the command of God to not oppress, the widow, the orphan and the alien and to not deny them justice? mr. religion??

Get some help? lol... OK

The issue is open borders and unregulated immigration. The issue is not oppressing the widow and orphan.

In fact, the road to illegal immigration is a dangerous one that further oppresses the poor and in need.

Then you have gangs like MS 13 who come across, who are dedicated to death and destruction and even worship satan just for kicks.

Add to that mix identity politics, which assign group identities to minority individuals making them faceless and then exploit them for their political worth, and when finished, discard them back onto conveniently constructed social shelfs.

The democrat party is built on racism. In fact, they started the KKK and opposed freeing of slaves.

Then they switched gears and have created a black voting block of supporters that is only based upon race.

I just love it when they talk about white America dying off and getting outnumbered, don't you?

No party has been as racist since the Nazi party in Germany.
Leftists are atheists because you can't be anti-human rights, and a Christian.

Another agent of the enemy..suddenly appears

Leftists are pro-human rights which is inspired by christian teaching.

Right wing white nationalist make america great again brainwashed hypocrites want to build walls, take away inalienable rights, sow discord, promote Russian interests, overturn the constitution, and throw everyone who objects to bigotry and fascism into prison.

Who told you that?

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