Why are Leftists mostly atheists?

American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.

I agree with you.

A common atheist theme involves a worldview wherein since the living days of Babylon essentially, religion through pure theocracy or proxy state faith controlled or determined and appointed-by kings, have tyrannically repressed and limited Man's understanding of his world and prevented the great liberation of the mind and body to explore whatever frontiers in art, science, philosophy, etc. he so chose, regardless of risk to the species.

This sect of atheist blames God and organized religion for the murder of hundreds of millions down through history, and therefore approaches the religious with an heir of superiority in possessing such a confident, arrogant and all knowing view of religion, and so wishes to enlighten and "unburden" the believer from his ignorance. Of course, this breed of atheist fails to realize only man is to blame for man's own actions and the resulting consequences.

The second breed of atheist, perhaps the most knowingly nefarious, is the graduate of a humanities or social sciences program or the uneducated mouthpiece of the same, who has through the French postmodernist "young-masters" found the "antidote" to God in the roots of Marxist doctrine in one strain or the other. This breed is one of pure intellectualism, a state which is also a religion unto itself and a living, updating way of explaining, or "intellectualizing away" God for achievement of ultimate materialism through philosophy. The postmodernist indoctrinated use antipositivism, deconstructionism and critical theory to rationalize and "take apart" the probability of God, largely by dismissing millennia of belief with arrogance of self-wisdom.

This breed of atheist despises the very thought of a being higher than himself who could possibly know more or be more wise. In effect, the postmodernist believes that he knows more than the "father and the Father" and lives in a state of constant rebellion against reality, human nature and the natural world. Unfortunately, this is the strain of atheism sweeping our nation for six plus decades; the strain we fight against in the current culture wars. Their greatest enemy is tradition. No tradition is more powerful than religion. Chances of peacefully co-existing with this strain are very low. (see: communist purges of the faithful)

The final strain of atheism is a more personal, individual specific one. Adherents are individuals who still do or once believed, but whose faith was shaken by personal tragedy or traumatic, life altering event; an event which convinced or partially convinced them God does not exist. Most can be reasoned with, co-existed with, as they at least understand the basis for faith and many of them desire a return or to be led back to strong belief.

Of course, these three categories overlap.

Worthy of a brief mention is the fourth "atheist" strain, those who seek to argue against God and religion for enjoyment of the debate, or for the pleasure of inspiring doubt or drawing out emotional response from the believer. Perhaps even stronger in faith than some believers, this strain despises the effect of religious authority on their lives yet remains a follower of it. Curious.

In closing, yes, I agree broadly with you in your conclusion that the atheist would rather worship man or a human king, than accept a higher, mysterious and unseen omnipotent power. However, I would only add that many so-called atheists worship themselves or pop culture, as spreading disbelief has become something of an "In" trend at the moment.

And finally, at the atheist's core is the philosophy of ultimate personal freedom without consequence or punishment for any act--no matter how depraved. See, without a God and the accompanying indelible facts of right and wrong to fear or adhere to, the atheist can justify any sin or level of violence as acceptable simply because no such thing as fundamental right and wrong exist; it's all academic, philosophic, relative to the situation, fluid and variable. In other words: the act of "thinking or reasoning away" all morality. So instead of killing in the name of a God, as most atheists use in argument against Christian history, they would kill in the name of themselves, or in the name of self justification otherwise known as complete lack of personal responsibility
American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
Education tends to make doGs less relevant. You can explain things with logic and intelligence rather than faith.

A complete education (eventually) leads one back to the Father and Logos. Pure intellectualism leads one deeper into self-aggrandizement and moral relativism. One cannot think away the fallen tree blocking the road by convincing himself it does not exist; he must acknowledge the problem and then actually find a means of moving it. Often, moving the downed tree involves asking for help (prayer).
This is getting even scarier. MrGracie is atheist. And a lefty.

I wouldn't worry too much. We all try to live by our best example on our best days. On most other days we're just as human as anyone else. Truth is one constant. Conversations led by truth without fear of outcome for telling it often open all kinds of doors for both participants.
American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
some chose Trump... like Saul.... :rolleyes: a life lesson on, Be careful of what you wish for.....
American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
People on the right are into fake news because they have faith.
I know plenty of atheists that would get into heaven before a nasty person like you.

It's just a matter of waiting ...right?

You wait and see
Nah, I'll just make the most of the time I have. You go ahead and waste it, waiting for the magical afterlife.

You just harm any animal or hunt or make animal life suffer........you just wait and see.....GOD is waiting for you.....up there.... to show you the kind way.

HIS way.

The secular state is all about protecting animals


In fact, the people in Biblical times often worshipped animals or the sun or moon.

For you see, you either worship creation or the Creator.

Thats nice. Get all the whining out of your system. Personally, I'm against abortion. I am just not so deluded and self important enough to think I have a magical sky wizard telling me I get to decide for others.

I reckon this is the same reason that the Left allows MS 13 to cross the border and kill Americans.

They are just not self important enough to think a magical sky wizard tells them to decide for others on what to do about it.
American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
People on the right are into fake news because they have faith.

No, they have been brainwashed by a hostile nation to believe that it is patriotism and a religious duty to promote communist interests as a prelude to a much greater assault.

Can you see the uptick in the lefty leftard propaganda coincidentally right before another extremely fateful election?

This votto guy is a fake.
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American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
Education tends to make doGs less relevant. You can explain things with logic and intelligence rather than faith.

A complete education (eventually) leads one back to the Father and Logos. Pure intellectualism leads one deeper into self-aggrandizement and moral relativism. One cannot think away the fallen tree blocking the road by convincing himself it does not exist; he must acknowledge the problem and then actually find a means of moving it. Often, moving the downed tree involves asking for help (prayer).
You're going to pray a heavy object off the road?

Right, you work on that, I'mma go get my chainsaw and tow chain.
American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
Education tends to make doGs less relevant. You can explain things with logic and intelligence rather than faith.

Logic and intelligence?

Tell me, what threatens mankind and the world today? Is it dogs? Well let's see, there is global warming, WMD's, Monsanto messing with the genetic reproduction of plants that threaten future food supplies, etc., etc.

Did dogs cause all that? It seems to me that logic and science did.

Just like the story in Genesis as Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden tree of knowledge, maybe, just maybe, what we need is not more knowledge. Maybe we just need a little wisdom because without out it, knowledge just brings us death

But I digress.
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American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
People on the right are into fake news because they have faith.

It sure would be nice to have an intelligent conversation with someone on the Left, but then, would they be on the Left if they were intelligent?

I guess not.
American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
some chose Trump... like Saul.... :rolleyes: a life lesson on, Be careful of what you wish for.....

I would agree. Trump is not our savior.
American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
Maybe because they rationally think God does not exist

Is it irrational to think that God exists, something the vast majority of human beings believe?

Or is it irrational to think that socialism can work for the first time in human history?
American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
Education tends to make doGs less relevant. You can explain things with logic and intelligence rather than faith.

A complete education (eventually) leads one back to the Father and Logos. Pure intellectualism leads one deeper into self-aggrandizement and moral relativism. One cannot think away the fallen tree blocking the road by convincing himself it does not exist; he must acknowledge the problem and then actually find a means of moving it. Often, moving the downed tree involves asking for help (prayer).
You're going to pray a heavy object off the road?

Right, you work on that, I'mma go get my chainsaw and tow chain.

You missed it. This time of year, I keep the chainsaw in my truck. Storms can happen any time. One could grow old and toothless waiting on the county to clean up the road. It's what we do without the availability of a chainsaw that matters. You've understood the tree too literally.
American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
Education tends to make doGs less relevant. You can explain things with logic and intelligence rather than faith.

A complete education (eventually) leads one back to the Father and Logos. Pure intellectualism leads one deeper into self-aggrandizement and moral relativism. One cannot think away the fallen tree blocking the road by convincing himself it does not exist; he must acknowledge the problem and then actually find a means of moving it. Often, moving the downed tree involves asking for help (prayer).
You're going to pray a heavy object off the road?

Right, you work on that, I'mma go get my chainsaw and tow chain.

You missed it. This time of year, I keep the chainsaw in my truck. Storms can happen any time. One could grow old and toothless waiting on the county to clean up the road. It's what we do without the availability of a chainsaw that matters. You've understood the tree too literally.
Literal tree or metaphorical tree you still ain't gonna move it by praying.
Leftists are atheists because you can't be anti-human rights, and a Christian.
Leftists are atheists because you can't be anti-human rights, and a Christian.

Another agent of the enemy..suddenly appears

Leftists are pro-human rights which is inspired by christian teaching.

Right wing white nationalist make america great again brainwashed hypocrites want to build walls, take away inalienable rights, sow discord, promote Russian interests, overturn the constitution, and throw everyone who objects to bigotry and fascism into prison.
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American Creation: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, as heard by the American Colonists

I was reading Thomas Paines "Common Sense", when it all hit me as to why Leftists are mostly atheists.

Thomas discusses the scripture 1 Samuel 8 in his pamphlet Common Sense that was instrumental in gaining support for the American Revolution. Why? Because Thomas was telling people that rejecting a human king, like the Kind of England, had a Biblical basis. The chapter has to do with the people of Israel demanding a king. Up until that time, the Hebrew nation was only held together via judges that maintained peace in society. However, some of these judges became corrupt and the people tired of enemies with kings and armies constantly at their heels, so they wanted a king of their own to fight them off.

Samuel is upset by their request as he goes before God and discusses the situation with him. God tells him that the people are rejecting him as their king, and tells Samuel to give them a warning of what will happen to them if a sinful man becomes their king by giving them example after example of how they will be abused and mistreated. However, the people will not be swayed and demand their king, so God gives them Saul their first king.

From then on, the Hebrew nation spirals downward into oblivion until the Hebrew people become swallowed up by the Gentile nations and eventually into the ovens of Europe because they did not heed the warnings.

At our core we all demand a king, well, at least most of us. We all have an innate need to look to a higher power for help in a world that is dark and unjust with the knowledge that we can't do it alone.

So those of faith who choose God as their king and atheists choose a human king, or the state.

It's just that simple.
People on the right are into fake news because they have faith.

It sure would be nice to have an intelligent conversation with someone on the Left, but then, would they be on the Left if they were intelligent?

I guess not.
That's your comeback, a juvenile insult? :lol:

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