Why Are Liberals Always Explaining what Conservatives Think?

Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

Why Are Liberals Always Explaining what Conservatives Think?

We're just trying to help you understand how fucking stupid you are.

"We"? Dude, you couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper bag with a boxcutter and a flashlight. Your debating skills are "nil".

What would you like to debate me on? One on one.

How about the foreign owned Federal Reserve system? Oklahoma city bombing false flag event? 9/11/01 Sandy Hook? How your beloved "gubermint" is actually a foreign owned corporate entity? Weather modification via geo-engineering? Go ahead and pick.......

How about how you believe every Konspiracy theory there is out there?

Libs have no clue...but according to them:
- They are smarter than everyone / you
- They know how to spend your money better than you do

I am smarter than you- not all Conservatives, but all of you right wing nut jobs.
I don't know how to spend your money, but I do believe you have to contribute to pay for our countries expenses just like the rest of us.
Expenses....like the $6 billion Hillary made disappear and the $500 million Barry just stole.
Specifically, on what issues do you think liberals most misrepresent conservatives.

How about the lies regarding white, wealthy racists who want to pollute the air and water? Or how they want to starve old people and poor people.

Liberals have a bizarre way of interpreting things.

Wanting border security = hating all immigrants, even legal ones
Wanting lower taxes = wanting to starve people
Disliking Hillary for being a dishonest bitch = war on women
Religious people (on both sides of the fence) being against abortion = war on women
Being against Obamacare = racism
Wanting welfare reform = racism
Wanting border control = racism, bigotry, etc.
Disagreeing with anything Obama does = racism (even though the right disagreed with Clinton and every other president on the same issues)
Wanting reasonable regulations on businesses that don't destroy them = greedy capitalist pig
Supporting the constitution = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Supporting the military = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Liking Rand Paul or any Libertarian = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
NRA members = domestic terrorists who need to be put on the Homeland Security watch list despite not being a threat to anyone (unless you consider a lack of a tyrannical government a threat)
Talk about violence in inner cities like Chicago = racist
Talk about violence among Syrian refugees = bigot, Islamophobe

Things that used to be done in the interest of national security are now deemed radical by the left.

Basically, anyone who disagrees with them is called names, ridiculed and they seek to shut them up by declaring that anything other than the left's narrative is hate speech. No safe zones for conservatives who would rather not listen to the bullshit offered up on college campuses these days.

I can't understand how the left can say they are for women's rights and yet defend a government that masquerades as a religion that denies rights to women. They can legally beat them.

I can't understand how the left can say they want to decrease violence in this country, then attack the law abiding citizens who don't pose a problem and insist that the dangerous ones are off-limits. Only incidents the liberal media even covers are those they think are potential rightwing nuts. And that is assumed from the start and the truth never seems to matter.

I can't understand how the left can say they want to end poverty yet coddle people who make the worst decisions possible. At the same time, they shake their finger at those doing things the right way and lecture them about paying their fair share.

Yup, you work and pay your "fair" share so that someone who doesn't do shit can receive their "fair" share. That ensures a lifetime of poverty and the left just throws more money and benefits at them and can't figure out why it hasn't worked in over 50 years. Instead, the number of people on welfare increased. Not winning that battle, are we? But then who is really trying? Hard to give up those votes when all you have to do is promise more. Successful people tend to lean to the right because they don't appreciate that grubby government paw in their pocket at all times. That's middle class. The wealthiest people are in bed with Washington elites. It's us middle class who get screwed every damn time.
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Libs have no clue...but according to them:
- They are smarter than everyone / you
- They know how to spend your money better than you do

I am smarter than you- not all Conservatives, but all of you right wing nut jobs.
I don't know how to spend your money, but I do believe you have to contribute to pay for our countries expenses just like the rest of us.

Stop hiding your light underneath a bushel because I have seen nothing from you that leads me to believe that you have even so much as a 80 IQ. You know NOTHING about how this system actually works. You have no fucking clue about the income tax and where it actually goes. You have no clue about what a CAFR is....you are utterly CLUELESS.
Specifically, on what issues do you think liberals most misrepresent conservatives.

How about the lies regarding white, wealthy racists who want to pollute the air and water? Or how they want to starve old people and poor people.

Liberals have a bizarre way of interpreting things.

Wanting border security = hating all immigrants, even legal ones
Wanting lower taxes = wanting to starve people
Disliking Hillary for being a dishonest bitch = war on women
Religious people (on both sides of the fence) being against abortion = war on women
Being against Obamacare = racism
Wanting welfare reform = racism
Wanting border control = racism, bigotry, etc.
Disagreeing with anything Obama does = racism (even though the right disagreed with Clinton and every other president on the same issues)
Wanting reasonable regulations on businesses that don't destroy them = greedy capitalist pig
Supporting the constitution = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Supporting the military = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Liking Rand Paul or any Libertarian = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
NRA members = domestic terrorists who need to be put on the Homeland Security watch list despite not being a threat to anyone (unless you consider a lack of a tyrannical government a threat)
Talk about violence in inner cities like Chicago = racist
Talk about violence among Syrian refugees = bigot, Islamophobe

Thing that used to be done in the interest of national security are now deemed radical by the left.

Basically, anyone who disagrees with them is called names, ridiculed and they seek to shut them up by declaring that anything other than the left's narrative is hate speech. No safe zones for conservatives who would rather not listen to the bullshit offered up on college campuses these days.
The difference between your list and mine is that you are doing some weird kind of imaginary translating that no one actually believes. Not asking any questions at all. I asked real questions to real events:

What did the GOP audience mean when they yelled out "let him die" at the GOP debates in Las Vegas?

What did Rick Santorum mean when he said Obama wants everyone in the US to have an education. What a snob.

What did Republican Lt. Gov Andre Bauer mean when he said feed the poor and they will breed.

Why do Republicans in congress get millions from farm subsidies, but cut food stamps for children and veterans.

Why did Joe Barton apologize to BP after the horrendous Gulf Oil Spill.

Why did Republicans block health care for first responders for 10 years.

Why haven't Republicans apologized to President Obama after he released his long form birth certificate.

Why do Republicans endlessly go after Mrs. Clinton when 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush and only 4 under Mrs. Clinton.

Why do Republicans insist the world is only thousands of years old.

Why do Republicans think science is a faith.

Why do Republicans deny science, laugh at scientists and yet insist more than 6% of scientists are Republican.

Why are Republicans 90% white.

Why do Republicans practice voter suppression.

Why do Republicans want to "save" the fetus but do nothing to help the born.

Why do Republicans think Sarah Palin is smart and President Obama is dumb.

Why would Republicans believe anything Donald Trump says when he said everything he says is only a "suggestion".


Do you understand the difference.
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

Why Are Liberals Always Explaining what Conservatives Think?

We're just trying to help you understand how fucking stupid you are.

"We"? Dude, you couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper bag with a boxcutter and a flashlight. Your debating skills are "nil".

What would you like to debate me on? One on one.

How about the foreign owned Federal Reserve system? Oklahoma city bombing false flag event? 9/11/01 Sandy Hook? How your beloved "gubermint" is actually a foreign owned corporate entity? Weather modification via geo-engineering? Go ahead and pick.......

How about how you believe every Konspiracy theory there is out there?


Tell ya what....spend 16,000 to 17,000 hours really digging into topics like the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 or what the Tavistock and Brookings Institute was all about and attack it from very angle possible and then get back to me. I bet you still believe that Oswald was responsible for the murder of JFK....don't ya???
Specifically, on what issues do you think liberals most misrepresent conservatives.

How about the lies regarding white, wealthy racists who want to pollute the air and water? Or how they want to starve old people and poor people.

Liberals have a bizarre way of interpreting things.

Wanting border security = hating all immigrants, even legal ones
Wanting lower taxes = wanting to starve people
Disliking Hillary for being a dishonest bitch = war on women
Religious people (on both sides of the fence) being against abortion = war on women
Being against Obamacare = racism
Wanting welfare reform = racism
Wanting border control = racism, bigotry, etc.
Disagreeing with anything Obama does = racism (even though the right disagreed with Clinton and every other president on the same issues)
Wanting reasonable regulations on businesses that don't destroy them = greedy capitalist pig
Supporting the constitution = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Supporting the military = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Liking Rand Paul or any Libertarian = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
NRA members = domestic terrorists who need to be put on the Homeland Security watch list despite not being a threat to anyone (unless you consider a lack of a tyrannical government a threat)
Talk about violence in inner cities like Chicago = racist
Talk about violence among Syrian refugees = bigot, Islamophobe

Thing that used to be done in the interest of national security are now deemed radical by the left.

Basically, anyone who disagrees with them is called names, ridiculed and they seek to shut them up by declaring that anything other than the left's narrative is hate speech. No safe zones for conservatives who would rather not listen to the bullshit offered up on college campuses these days.
The difference between your list and mine is that you are doing some weird kind of imaginary translating that no one actually believes. Not asking any questions at all. I asked real questions to real events:

What did the GOP audience mean when they yelled out "let him die" at the GOP debates in Las Vegas?

What did Rick Santorum mean when he said Obama wants everyone in the US to have an education. What a snob.

What did Republican Lt. Gov Andre Bauer mean when he said feed the poor and they will breed.

Why do Republicans in congress get millions from farm subsidies, but cut food stamps for children and veterans.

Why did Joe Barton apologize to BP after the horrendous Gulf Oil Spill.

Why did Republicans block health care for first responders for 10 years.

Why haven't Republicans apologized to President Obama after he released his long form birth certificate.

Why do Republicans endlessly go after Mrs. Clinton when 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush and only 4 under Mrs. Clinton.

Why do Republicans insist the world is only thousands of years old.

Why do Republicans think science is a faith.

Why do Republicans deny science, laugh at scientists and yet insist more than 6% of scientists are Republican.

Why are Republicans 90% white.

Why do Republicans practice voter suppression.

Why do Republicans want to "save" the fetus but do nothing to help the born.

Why do Republicans think Sarah Palin is smart and President Obama is dumb.

Why would Republicans believe anything Donald Trump says when he said everything he says is only a "suggestion".


Do you understand the difference.
Specifically, on what issues do you think liberals most misrepresent conservatives.

How about the lies regarding white, wealthy racists who want to pollute the air and water? Or how they want to starve old people and poor people.

Liberals have a bizarre way of interpreting things.

Wanting border security = hating all immigrants, even legal ones
Wanting lower taxes = wanting to starve people
Disliking Hillary for being a dishonest bitch = war on women
Religious people (on both sides of the fence) being against abortion = war on women
Being against Obamacare = racism
Wanting welfare reform = racism
Wanting border control = racism, bigotry, etc.
Disagreeing with anything Obama does = racism (even though the right disagreed with Clinton and every other president on the same issues)
Wanting reasonable regulations on businesses that don't destroy them = greedy capitalist pig
Supporting the constitution = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Supporting the military = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Liking Rand Paul or any Libertarian = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
NRA members = domestic terrorists who need to be put on the Homeland Security watch list despite not being a threat to anyone (unless you consider a lack of a tyrannical government a threat)
Talk about violence in inner cities like Chicago = racist
Talk about violence among Syrian refugees = bigot, Islamophobe

Thing that used to be done in the interest of national security are now deemed radical by the left.

Basically, anyone who disagrees with them is called names, ridiculed and they seek to shut them up by declaring that anything other than the left's narrative is hate speech. No safe zones for conservatives who would rather not listen to the bullshit offered up on college campuses these days.

That was greatness....may I post this on my FB page?
Specifically, on what issues do you think liberals most misrepresent conservatives.

How about the lies regarding white, wealthy racists who want to pollute the air and water? Or how they want to starve old people and poor people.

Liberals have a bizarre way of interpreting things.

Wanting border security = hating all immigrants, even legal ones
Wanting lower taxes = wanting to starve people
Disliking Hillary for being a dishonest bitch = war on women
Religious people (on both sides of the fence) being against abortion = war on women
Being against Obamacare = racism
Wanting welfare reform = racism
Wanting border control = racism, bigotry, etc.
Disagreeing with anything Obama does = racism (even though the right disagreed with Clinton and every other president on the same issues)
Wanting reasonable regulations on businesses that don't destroy them = greedy capitalist pig
Supporting the constitution = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Supporting the military = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Liking Rand Paul or any Libertarian = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
NRA members = domestic terrorists who need to be put on the Homeland Security watch list despite not being a threat to anyone (unless you consider a lack of a tyrannical government a threat)
Talk about violence in inner cities like Chicago = racist
Talk about violence among Syrian refugees = bigot, Islamophobe

Thing that used to be done in the interest of national security are now deemed radical by the left.

Basically, anyone who disagrees with them is called names, ridiculed and they seek to shut them up by declaring that anything other than the left's narrative is hate speech. No safe zones for conservatives who would rather not listen to the bullshit offered up on college campuses these days.
The difference between your list and mine is that you are doing some weird kind of imaginary translating that no one actually believes. Not asking any questions at all. I asked real questions to real events:

What did the GOP audience mean when they yelled out "let him die" at the GOP debates in Las Vegas?

What did Rick Santorum mean when he said Obama wants everyone in the US to have an education. What a snob.

What did Republican Lt. Gov Andre Bauer mean when he said feed the poor and they will breed.

Why do Republicans in congress get millions from farm subsidies, but cut food stamps for children and veterans.

Why did Joe Barton apologize to BP after the horrendous Gulf Oil Spill.

Why did Republicans block health care for first responders for 10 years.

Why haven't Republicans apologized to President Obama after he released his long form birth certificate.

Why do Republicans endlessly go after Mrs. Clinton when 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush and only 4 under Mrs. Clinton.

Why do Republicans insist the world is only thousands of years old.

Why do Republicans think science is a faith.

Why do Republicans deny science, laugh at scientists and yet insist more than 6% of scientists are Republican.

Why are Republicans 90% white.

Why do Republicans practice voter suppression.

Why do Republicans want to "save" the fetus but do nothing to help the born.

Why do Republicans think Sarah Palin is smart and President Obama is dumb.

Why would Republicans believe anything Donald Trump says when he said everything he says is only a "suggestion".


Do you understand the difference.

At the very top, there is no difference between the two parties because they answer to their owners that actually own USA.INC. You are one of those idealistic commies that believe that the collective should trump the rights of the individual if it serves the "greater good"........and you don't care whose pocket you pick...
No, I don't. It's convoluted thinking.
Public employees build personal wealth in exactly the same way as private employees do. They buy homes and invest for retirement just like everyone else.

I'm talking about their paychecks, dipshit. Government confiscated that money from tax payers so they could pay government employees.

You make no sense at all.
Specifically, on what issues do you think liberals most misrepresent conservatives.

How about the lies regarding white, wealthy racists who want to pollute the air and water? .

You mean like Donald Trump who thinks Mexican-Americans are ineligible to be judges,

and who wants to abolish the EPA?

Anyone that belongs to racist organization has no business passing judgment on anyone, capiche?

The EPA is a corporate entity that has allowed the D.O.D to continue it's geo-engineering program that is corrupting the soil that grows our food, lands on the grass that cows graze on and lands in the water that we drink all the while we are inhaling these nano-particulates of heavy metals....so what the fucking good is the EPA?
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You make no sense at all.

You are either a government employee, government dependent, or just a complete idiot.

You don't know the difference between government and the private sector. One creates wealth, the other steals it. Even a simpleton could get that. The fact is that the government employees wouldn't have a paycheck or money to invest if the government didn't take the money from the private sector to pay them in the first place.
Specifically, on what issues do you think liberals most misrepresent conservatives.

How about the lies regarding white, wealthy racists who want to pollute the air and water? Or how they want to starve old people and poor people.

Liberals have a bizarre way of interpreting things.

Wanting border security = hating all immigrants, even legal ones
Wanting lower taxes = wanting to starve people
Disliking Hillary for being a dishonest bitch = war on women
Religious people (on both sides of the fence) being against abortion = war on women
Being against Obamacare = racism
Wanting welfare reform = racism
Wanting border control = racism, bigotry, etc.
Disagreeing with anything Obama does = racism (even though the right disagreed with Clinton and every other president on the same issues)
Wanting reasonable regulations on businesses that don't destroy them = greedy capitalist pig
Supporting the constitution = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Supporting the military = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Liking Rand Paul or any Libertarian = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
NRA members = domestic terrorists who need to be put on the Homeland Security watch list despite not being a threat to anyone (unless you consider a lack of a tyrannical government a threat)
Talk about violence in inner cities like Chicago = racist
Talk about violence among Syrian refugees = bigot, Islamophobe

Thing that used to be done in the interest of national security are now deemed radical by the left.

Basically, anyone who disagrees with them is called names, ridiculed and they seek to shut them up by declaring that anything other than the left's narrative is hate speech. No safe zones for conservatives who would rather not listen to the bullshit offered up on college campuses these days.
The difference between your list and mine is that you are doing some weird kind of imaginary translating that no one actually believes. Not asking any questions at all. I asked real questions to real events:

What did the GOP audience mean when they yelled out "let him die" at the GOP debates in Las Vegas?

What did Rick Santorum mean when he said Obama wants everyone in the US to have an education. What a snob.

What did Republican Lt. Gov Andre Bauer mean when he said feed the poor and they will breed.

Why do Republicans in congress get millions from farm subsidies, but cut food stamps for children and veterans.

Why did Joe Barton apologize to BP after the horrendous Gulf Oil Spill.

Why did Republicans block health care for first responders for 10 years.

Why haven't Republicans apologized to President Obama after he released his long form birth certificate.

Why do Republicans endlessly go after Mrs. Clinton when 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush and only 4 under Mrs. Clinton.

Why do Republicans insist the world is only thousands of years old.

Why do Republicans think science is a faith.

Why do Republicans deny science, laugh at scientists and yet insist more than 6% of scientists are Republican.

Why are Republicans 90% white.

Why do Republicans practice voter suppression.

Why do Republicans want to "save" the fetus but do nothing to help the born.

Why do Republicans think Sarah Palin is smart and President Obama is dumb.

Why would Republicans believe anything Donald Trump says when he said everything he says is only a "suggestion".


Do you understand the difference.
Please provide a link for all the 'facts, statistics, & info' you just pulled from your rear...otherwise I will count this as a great example of how libs try to talk for Conservatives...and fail.
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

What did the GOP audience mean when they yelled out "let him die" at the GOP debates in Las Vegas?

What did Rick Santorum mean when he said Obama wants everyone in the US to have an education. What a snob.

What did Republican Lt. Gov Andre Bauer mean when he said feed the poor and they will breed.

Why do Republicans in congress get millions from farm subsidies, but cut food stamps for children and veterans.

Why did Joe Barton apologize to BP after the horrendous Gulf Oil Spill.

Why did Republicans block health care for first responders for 10 years.

Why haven't Republicans apologized to President Obama after he released his long form birth certificate.

Why do Republicans endlessly go after Mrs. Clinton when 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush and only 4 under Mrs. Clinton.

Why do Republicans insist the world is only thousands of years old.

Why do Republicans think science is a faith.

Why do Republicans deny science, laugh at scientists and yet insist more than 6% of scientists are Republican.

Why are Republicans 90% white.

Why do Republicans practice voter suppression.

Why do Republicans want to "save" the fetus but do nothing to help the born.

Why do Republicans think Sarah Palin is smart and President Obama is dumb.

Why would Republicans believe anything Donald Trump says when he said everything he says is only a "suggestion".

OK, start with those.

Barrypuppet's birth certificate that was released on line was a joke that had over 17 different layers that were easily dissected by Adobe....it was a poorly done and by the time the Barrypuppet admin figured it out?

LOL- what a nutball Birther.

President Obama- the only President to ever show voters his birth certificate- the only President to ever have the state of his birth officially confirm he was born there.

Of course nutjobs like you don't believe.
. Obama's actions spoke way on louder than any birth certificate could have ever revealed, and that old word TOLERANCE just somehow keeps creeping into every situation being encountered these days.

True- President Obama's actions show him to be a far better man, husband and father than any of you nutjobs.
. Well I was talking about his radical actions in which made the birth certificate a trivial thing up side of what he has done since in that office. I'm not sure if hiding him out behind his supposed family values is working for his record of radicalism either.
Why can't you just admit that government is essential to civilized society?

Oh, yes indeed. We need 17 government employees for every taxpayer in order to "redistribute" the tax payers' earnings to the hordes of welfare parasites, er, so sorry, no slight intended, Loyal Democrat Voters.

How much has the US spent on tax deductions..?
Tax deduction.

When the government takes more than is required to meet the needs of the nation and returns it to the individual who paid more than was required.
Specifically, on what issues do you think liberals most misrepresent conservatives.

How about the lies regarding white, wealthy racists who want to pollute the air and water? .

You mean like Donald Trump who thinks Mexican-Americans are ineligible to be judges,

and who wants to abolish the EPA?

Anyone that belongs to racist organization has no business passing judgment on anyone, capiche?

The EPA is a corporate entity that has allowed the D.O.D to continue it's geo-engineering program that is corrupting the soil that grows our food, lands on the grass that cows graze on and lands in the water that we drink all the while we are inhaling these nano-particulates of heavy metals....so what the fucking good is the EPA?
. But, but, but, they tell us it's all safe. Around where I live the state sprays the ditches and roadways with chemicals to kill the growth along the highways and by ways. Then to compile the situation even farther, the utilities spray their right of ways with chemicals to kill the growth as well. This chemical is so strong that it kills small pine tree's and such also. Now where is all these chemicals washing away to when it rains heavily ? It washes right into the ditches & right into the ground water supply. It's no wonder why this nations citizens are eat up with cancers. Just remember when your riding down the beautiful turd colored highways, to thank you local and state government for all the cancer they are causing by allowing the out of control trends of doing things the easy way, instead of putting young folks to work doing the jobs they no longer want to do. Cancer won't get them (the basement dwelling generation of our today's youth though), because the drugs are getting them first.
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You mean like Donald Trump who thinks Mexican-Americans are ineligible to be judges,

and who wants to abolish the EPA?

Get rid of the EPA. In fact, get rid of all bureaucracies.

The two biggest threats to freedom in our society are lifelong appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because neither are held accountable. As we have seen with the Democrats in the IRS scandal and yes, even the EPA, politicians use bureaucrats to do things against the will of the people and not take responsibility for them. They just shrug their shoulders and say "I had nothing to do with it!"

And where and when did Trump say Mexican-American judges are ineligible to serve on the court?
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

Sure, I’ll try it…

As I understand it, Conservatives are for smaller government.
In his own words, Donald Trump will triple the number of ICE agents —expanding federal payrolls by 10,000 employees in one department alone.

My question is this: Why are self-described conservatives backing Donald Trump for President?
. Because there are certain issues that need attention, and paying attention to the issues that need attention is not meant to increase the over all size of government, but to take care of a problem instead. Next question.

Tripling the size of ICE won’t increase the size of government? Really?

No because it will vastly reduce the number of ticks sucking on the ass of society.

Unless we get rid of most red states, those ticks will still be here.

We don't need to get rid of red states.

We need to eliminate parasites who refuse to contribute to their existence.

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