Why Are Liberals Always Explaining what Conservatives Think?

. Because there are certain issues that need attention, and paying attention to the issues that need attention is not meant to increase the over all size of government, but to take care of a problem instead. Next question.

Tripling the size of ICE won’t increase the size of government? Really?

No because it will vastly reduce the number of ticks sucking on the ass of society.

Unless we get rid of most red states, those ticks will still be here.


So you are saying you want to allow the red states to secede?

I don’t think anyone would miss them. But no. It would be just dandy if the ticks in the red states would start paying their own way and for shit-for-brains losers like you to understand that expelling every brown person you run across won’t reduce welfare much.

The "ticks" you are referring to are blacks and Hispanics. You're a fucking racist.
''Why Are Liberals Always Explaining what Conservatives Think?''

seems to be less about explaining what conservatives think and more about explaining what conservatives believe, or what they perceive that the conservatives believe without knowing with certainty, and it probably comes from the winner-take-all culture in the political system because it doesn't allow for modest differences in opinions between individuals. it's strictly about mood swings, which is why conservatives are likely to argue that liberalism is some kind of mental disorder, or it's rather easy to point out whenever liberals are self-contradictory or hypocritical. it's also easy to take notice of the fact that both the parties have their fair share of liberal morons, just have the choice between the welfare state or the warfare state. it really is some deep rooted psychological bullshit. there is only one white man, there is only one woman, there is only one black man, there is only one hispanic, there is only one christian, there is only one jew, there is only one muslim, there is only one mexican, there is only one liberal, there is only one conservative, we are merely the carbon copies of the ideal stereotype, and that is all we're ever allowed to be.
No because it will vastly reduce the number of ticks sucking on the ass of society.
. Tripling the size of ice in order to combat 11 million intruders might be a good trade off.

Definitely a "win,win" situation......but of course leftards and liberals will clog up the courts. LULAC, LA RAZA attorneys will file brief after brief to keep their spawn here while they crank out anchor baby after anchor baby that we pay for.......

And as usual- to racist assholes like you- brown Americans are always 'anchor babies'- not Americans.
. If they are Americans, then who cares what color they are, but that's not what is being discussed here is it ? One of the things being discussed is status whether legal or not, and why a lib like yourself tries to put words or insinuations into the conversation, in which don't even have anything to do with a person's color. It's an old tactic, and it's getting even older and more revealed as the issues are attempted to be addressed.

I am putting the use of the term 'anchor baby' in its correct cont

Which is as a label used by racists for Americans whose parents happen to be on the browner side of complexion.

No, "anchor baby" is not a racist term but to a marxist POS like you that pushes "political correctness" I'm sure you see it that way because you are an idiot. BTW, barrypuppet's certificate of live birth was a 100% piece of fakery....deal with it.
. Tripling the size of ice in order to combat 11 million intruders might be a good trade off.

Definitely a "win,win" situation......but of course leftards and liberals will clog up the courts. LULAC, LA RAZA attorneys will file brief after brief to keep their spawn here while they crank out anchor baby after anchor baby that we pay for.......

And as usual- to racist assholes like you- brown Americans are always 'anchor babies'- not Americans.
. If they are Americans, then who cares what color they are, but that's not what is being discussed here is it ? One of the things being discussed is status whether legal or not, and why a lib like yourself tries to put words or insinuations into the conversation, in which don't even have anything to do with a person's color. It's an old tactic, and it's getting even older and more revealed as the issues are attempted to be addressed.

I am putting the use of the term 'anchor baby' in its correct cont

Which is as a label used by racists for Americans whose parents happen to be on the browner side of complexion.

No, "anchor baby" is not a racist term but to a marxist POS like you that pushes "political correctness" I'm sure you see it that way because you are an idiot. BTW, barrypuppet's certificate of live birth was a 100% piece of fakery....deal with it.

The State of Hawaii says you and your Birther crue are idiots.

Deal with it.

And yes- you are racist piece of shits who think Americans whose parents are the wrong hue of brown are 'anchor babies'
Definitely a "win,win" situation......but of course leftards and liberals will clog up the courts. LULAC, LA RAZA attorneys will file brief after brief to keep their spawn here while they crank out anchor baby after anchor baby that we pay for.......

And as usual- to racist assholes like you- brown Americans are always 'anchor babies'- not Americans.
. If they are Americans, then who cares what color they are, but that's not what is being discussed here is it ? One of the things being discussed is status whether legal or not, and why a lib like yourself tries to put words or insinuations into the conversation, in which don't even have anything to do with a person's color. It's an old tactic, and it's getting even older and more revealed as the issues are attempted to be addressed.

I am putting the use of the term 'anchor baby' in its correct cont

Which is as a label used by racists for Americans whose parents happen to be on the browner side of complexion.

No, "anchor baby" is not a racist term but to a marxist POS like you that pushes "political correctness" I'm sure you see it that way because you are an idiot. BTW, barrypuppet's certificate of live birth was a 100% piece of fakery....deal with it.

The State of Hawaii says you and your Birther crue are idiots.

Deal with it.

And yes- you are racist piece of shits who think Americans whose parents are the wrong hue of brown are 'anchor babies'

Nope, it was a cut and paste job that was easily taken apart...had something like 17 layers to it. Mis-matched fonts....just a piss poor job. As far as me being "racist"? What's "racist" about not wanting to pay for the births of illegals that come over here to squirt out an anchor baby and taking advantage of the system? I had to pay up front for both of my children before my wife was even allowed in the hospital...what makes illegals so friggin' special?
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

What did the GOP audience mean when they yelled out "let him die" at the GOP debates in Las Vegas?

What did Rick Santorum mean when he said Obama wants everyone in the US to have an education. What a snob.

What did Republican Lt. Gov Andre Bauer mean when he said feed the poor and they will breed.

Why do Republicans in congress get millions from farm subsidies, but cut food stamps for children and veterans.

Why did Joe Barton apologize to BP after the horrendous Gulf Oil Spill.

Why did Republicans block health care for first responders for 10 years.

Why haven't Republicans apologized to President Obama after he released his long form birth certificate.

Why do Republicans endlessly go after Mrs. Clinton when 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush and only 4 under Mrs. Clinton.

Why do Republicans insist the world is only thousands of years old.

Why do Republicans think science is a faith.

Why do Republicans deny science, laugh at scientists and yet insist more than 6% of scientists are Republican.

Why are Republicans 90% white.

Why do Republicans practice voter suppression.

Why do Republicans want to "save" the fetus but do nothing to help the born.

Why do Republicans think Sarah Palin is smart and President Obama is dumb.

Why would Republicans believe anything Donald Trump says when he said everything he says is only a "suggestion".

OK, start with those.

Barrypuppet's birth certificate that was released on line was a joke that had over 17 different layers that were easily dissected by Adobe....it was a poorly done and by the time the Barrypuppet admin figured it out?

LOL- what a nutball Birther.

President Obama- the only President to ever show voters his birth certificate- the only President to ever have the state of his birth officially confirm he was born there.

Of course nutjobs like you don't believe.
. Obama's actions spoke way on louder than any birth certificate could have ever revealed, and that old word TOLERANCE just somehow keeps creeping into every situation being encountered these days.
And as usual- to racist assholes like you- brown Americans are always 'anchor babies'- not Americans.
. If they are Americans, then who cares what color they are, but that's not what is being discussed here is it ? One of the things being discussed is status whether legal or not, and why a lib like yourself tries to put words or insinuations into the conversation, in which don't even have anything to do with a person's color. It's an old tactic, and it's getting even older and more revealed as the issues are attempted to be addressed.

I am putting the use of the term 'anchor baby' in its correct cont

Which is as a label used by racists for Americans whose parents happen to be on the browner side of complexion.

No, "anchor baby" is not a racist term but to a marxist POS like you that pushes "political correctness" I'm sure you see it that way because you are an idiot. BTW, barrypuppet's certificate of live birth was a 100% piece of fakery....deal with it.

The State of Hawaii says you and your Birther crue are idiots.

Deal with it.

And yes- you are racist piece of shits who think Americans whose parents are the wrong hue of brown are 'anchor babies'

Nope, it was a cut and paste job that was easily taken apart...had something like 17 layers to it. Mis-matched fonts....just a piss poor job. As far as me being "racist"? What's "racist" about not wanting to pay for the births of illegals that come over here to squirt out an anchor baby and taking advantage of the system? I had to pay up front for both of my children before my wife was even allowed in the hospital...what makes illegals so friggin' special?
. They won't answer honestly, because they can't. You are absolutely 100% correct. Me and my wife have been given nothing for free, and we worked our butts off in some of the most (not so desired jobs in America that there was), but we persevered and stayed the course until we got our land, home, and vehicles paid for. We don't have a lot, but what we got was worked for, and was paid for in the same way. You betcha it makes me angry by what all has gone on, and is going on now. I see people getting a free ride by Government, and making government their god in life. Then they have the nerve to rally around a government that has become hostile to hard working American workers.
. If they are Americans, then who cares what color they are, but that's not what is being discussed here is it ? One of the things being discussed is status whether legal or not, and why a lib like yourself tries to put words or insinuations into the conversation, in which don't even have anything to do with a person's color. It's an old tactic, and it's getting even older and more revealed as the issues are attempted to be addressed.

I am putting the use of the term 'anchor baby' in its correct cont

Which is as a label used by racists for Americans whose parents happen to be on the browner side of complexion.

No, "anchor baby" is not a racist term but to a marxist POS like you that pushes "political correctness" I'm sure you see it that way because you are an idiot. BTW, barrypuppet's certificate of live birth was a 100% piece of fakery....deal with it.

The State of Hawaii says you and your Birther crue are idiots.

Deal with it.

And yes- you are racist piece of shits who think Americans whose parents are the wrong hue of brown are 'anchor babies'

Nope, it was a cut and paste job that was easily taken apart...had something like 17 layers to it. Mis-matched fonts....just a piss poor job. As far as me being "racist"? What's "racist" about not wanting to pay for the births of illegals that come over here to squirt out an anchor baby and taking advantage of the system? I had to pay up front for both of my children before my wife was even allowed in the hospital...what makes illegals so friggin' special?
. They won't answer honestly, because they can't. You are absolutely 100% correct. Me and my wife have been given nothing free, and we worked our butts off in some of the most not so desired jobs in America that there is, but we persevered and stayed the course until we got our land, home, and vehicles paid for. We don't have a lot, but what we got was worked for and paid for in the same way. You betcha it makes me angry by what all has gone on, and is going on now. I see people getting a free ride by Government, and making government their god in life. Then they have the nerve to rally around a government that has become hostile to hard working American workers.

I could not agree more........
Libs have no clue...but according to them:
- They are smarter than everyone / you
- They know how to spend your money better than you do

In the end they should stick to speaking for themselves because they suck at trying to speak for us.
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

What did the GOP audience mean when they yelled out "let him die" at the GOP debates in Las Vegas?

What did Rick Santorum mean when he said Obama wants everyone in the US to have an education. What a snob.

What did Republican Lt. Gov Andre Bauer mean when he said feed the poor and they will breed.

Why do Republicans in congress get millions from farm subsidies, but cut food stamps for children and veterans.

Why did Joe Barton apologize to BP after the horrendous Gulf Oil Spill.

Why did Republicans block health care for first responders for 10 years.

Why haven't Republicans apologized to President Obama after he released his long form birth certificate.

Why do Republicans endlessly go after Mrs. Clinton when 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush and only 4 under Mrs. Clinton.

Why do Republicans insist the world is only thousands of years old.

Why do Republicans think science is a faith.

Why do Republicans deny science, laugh at scientists and yet insist more than 6% of scientists are Republican.

Why are Republicans 90% white.

Why do Republicans practice voter suppression.

Why do Republicans want to "save" the fetus but do nothing to help the born.

Why do Republicans think Sarah Palin is smart and President Obama is dumb.

Why would Republicans believe anything Donald Trump says when he said everything he says is only a "suggestion".

OK, start with those.
So we give them a chance to explain how we are wrong, and they ignore it.

Republicans do so much bad to this country, I really, really want to know why. When they hurt America, they hurt themselves, their children, their grandchildren. All of their spawn are badly affected.
Libs have no clue...but according to them:
- They are smarter than everyone / you
- They know how to spend your money better than you do

In the end they should stick to speaking for themselves because they suck at trying to speak for us.

Specifically, on what issues do you think liberals most misrepresent conservatives.
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

Why Are Liberals Always Explaining what Conservatives Think?

We're just trying to help you understand how fucking stupid you are.

"We"? Dude, you couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper bag with a boxcutter and a flashlight. Your debating skills are "nil".

What would you like to debate me on? One on one.

How about the foreign owned Federal Reserve system? Oklahoma city bombing false flag event? 9/11/01 Sandy Hook? How your beloved "gubermint" is actually a foreign owned corporate entity? Weather modification via geo-engineering? Go ahead and pick.......
No, I don't. It's convoluted thinking.
Public employees build personal wealth in exactly the same way as private employees do. They buy homes and invest for retirement just like everyone else.

I'm talking about their paychecks, dipshit. Government confiscated that money from tax payers so they could pay government employees.
And as usual- to racist assholes like you- brown Americans are always 'anchor babies'- not Americans.
. If they are Americans, then who cares what color they are, but that's not what is being discussed here is it ? One of the things being discussed is status whether legal or not, and why a lib like yourself tries to put words or insinuations into the conversation, in which don't even have anything to do with a person's color. It's an old tactic, and it's getting even older and more revealed as the issues are attempted to be addressed.

I am putting the use of the term 'anchor baby' in its correct cont

Which is as a label used by racists for Americans whose parents happen to be on the browner side of complexion.

No, "anchor baby" is not a racist term but to a marxist POS like you that pushes "political correctness" I'm sure you see it that way because you are an idiot. BTW, barrypuppet's certificate of live birth was a 100% piece of fakery....deal with it.

The State of Hawaii says you and your Birther crue are idiots.

Deal with it.

And yes- you are racist piece of shits who think Americans whose parents are the wrong hue of brown are 'anchor babies'

Nope, it was a cut and paste job that was easily taken apart...had something like 17 layers to it. Mis-matched fonts....just a piss poor job. As far as me being "racist"? What's "racist" about not wanting to pay for the births of illegals that come over here to squirt out an anchor baby and taking advantage of the system? I had to pay up front for both of my children before my wife was even allowed in the hospital...what makes illegals so friggin' special?

a) The State of Hawaii says you are an idiot- and points out that they have been confirming that Barack Obama was born in the United States for years now
b) Then don't pay for the births of illegal aliens- however any child born in the United States is an American citizen- despite you calling them 'anchor babies' because you don't like the color of the parents skin.
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

What did the GOP audience mean when they yelled out "let him die" at the GOP debates in Las Vegas?

What did Rick Santorum mean when he said Obama wants everyone in the US to have an education. What a snob.

What did Republican Lt. Gov Andre Bauer mean when he said feed the poor and they will breed.

Why do Republicans in congress get millions from farm subsidies, but cut food stamps for children and veterans.

Why did Joe Barton apologize to BP after the horrendous Gulf Oil Spill.

Why did Republicans block health care for first responders for 10 years.

Why haven't Republicans apologized to President Obama after he released his long form birth certificate.

Why do Republicans endlessly go after Mrs. Clinton when 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush and only 4 under Mrs. Clinton.

Why do Republicans insist the world is only thousands of years old.

Why do Republicans think science is a faith.

Why do Republicans deny science, laugh at scientists and yet insist more than 6% of scientists are Republican.

Why are Republicans 90% white.

Why do Republicans practice voter suppression.

Why do Republicans want to "save" the fetus but do nothing to help the born.

Why do Republicans think Sarah Palin is smart and President Obama is dumb.

Why would Republicans believe anything Donald Trump says when he said everything he says is only a "suggestion".

OK, start with those.

Barrypuppet's birth certificate that was released on line was a joke that had over 17 different layers that were easily dissected by Adobe....it was a poorly done and by the time the Barrypuppet admin figured it out?

LOL- what a nutball Birther.

President Obama- the only President to ever show voters his birth certificate- the only President to ever have the state of his birth officially confirm he was born there.

Of course nutjobs like you don't believe.
. Obama's actions spoke way on louder than any birth certificate could have ever revealed, and that old word TOLERANCE just somehow keeps creeping into every situation being encountered these days.

True- President Obama's actions show him to be a far better man, husband and father than any of you nutjobs.
Libs have no clue...but according to them:
- They are smarter than everyone / you
- They know how to spend your money better than you do

I am smarter than you- not all Conservatives, but all of you right wing nut jobs.
I don't know how to spend your money, but I do believe you have to contribute to pay for our countries expenses just like the rest of us.
No, I don't. It's convoluted thinking.
Public employees build personal wealth in exactly the same way as private employees do. They buy homes and invest for retirement just like everyone else.

I'm talking about their paychecks, dipshit. Government confiscated that money from tax payers so they could pay government employees.

Our country has expenses- we pay taxes for our countries expenses. If you don't like to pay taxes to the United States- feel free to move somewhere else, but as long as you continue to live here, pay your fair share.

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