Why Are Liberals Always Explaining what Conservatives Think?

You mean like Donald Trump who thinks Mexican-Americans are ineligible to be judges,

and who wants to abolish the EPA?

Get rid of the EPA. In fact, get rid of all bureaucracies.

The two biggest threats to freedom in our society are lifelong appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because neither are held accountable. As we have seen with the Democrats in the IRS scandal and yes, even the EPA, politicians use bureaucrats to do things against the will of the people and not take responsibility for them. They just shrug their shoulders and say "I had nothing to do with it!"

And where and when did Trump say Mexican-American judges are ineligible to serve on the court?
. He said Trump thinks it, instead of said it.. Hope I helped.
If you don't like to pay taxes to the United States- feel free to move somewhere else, but as long as you continue to live here, pay your fair share.

Or you can just dock your boat somewhere else so you don't have to pay your fair share.
I am smarter than you- not all Conservatives, but all of you right wing nut jobs.
I don't know how to spend your money, but I do believe you have to contribute to pay for our countries expenses just like the rest of us.

The rest of us? Nearly half of the people in our country pay no income tax at all. What is this "rest of us" BS?
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So we give them a chance to explain how we are wrong, and they ignore it.

Republicans do so much bad to this country, I really, really want to know why. When they hurt America, they hurt themselves, their children, their grandchildren. All of their spawn are badly affected.

So what did Republicans do that's bad for the country?
Specifically, on what issues do you think liberals most misrepresent conservatives.

How about the lies regarding white, wealthy racists who want to pollute the air and water? Or how they want to starve old people and poor people.

Liberals have a bizarre way of interpreting things.

Wanting border security = hating all immigrants, even legal ones
Wanting lower taxes = wanting to starve people
Disliking Hillary for being a dishonest bitch = war on women
Religious people (on both sides of the fence) being against abortion = war on women
Being against Obamacare = racism
Wanting welfare reform = racism
Wanting border control = racism, bigotry, etc.
Disagreeing with anything Obama does = racism (even though the right disagreed with Clinton and every other president on the same issues)
Wanting reasonable regulations on businesses that don't destroy them = greedy capitalist pig
Supporting the constitution = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Supporting the military = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Liking Rand Paul or any Libertarian = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
NRA members = domestic terrorists who need to be put on the Homeland Security watch list despite not being a threat to anyone (unless you consider a lack of a tyrannical government a threat)
Talk about violence in inner cities like Chicago = racist
Talk about violence among Syrian refugees = bigot, Islamophobe

Thing that used to be done in the interest of national security are now deemed radical by the left.

Basically, anyone who disagrees with them is called names, ridiculed and they seek to shut them up by declaring that anything other than the left's narrative is hate speech. No safe zones for conservatives who would rather not listen to the bullshit offered up on college campuses these days.
The difference between your list and mine is that you are doing some weird kind of imaginary translating that no one actually believes. Not asking any questions at all. I asked real questions to real events:

What did the GOP audience mean when they yelled out "let him die" at the GOP debates in Las Vegas?

What did Rick Santorum mean when he said Obama wants everyone in the US to have an education. What a snob.

What did Republican Lt. Gov Andre Bauer mean when he said feed the poor and they will breed.

Why do Republicans in congress get millions from farm subsidies, but cut food stamps for children and veterans.

Why did Joe Barton apologize to BP after the horrendous Gulf Oil Spill.

Why did Republicans block health care for first responders for 10 years.

Why haven't Republicans apologized to President Obama after he released his long form birth certificate.

Why do Republicans endlessly go after Mrs. Clinton when 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush and only 4 under Mrs. Clinton.

Why do Republicans insist the world is only thousands of years old.

Why do Republicans think science is a faith.

Why do Republicans deny science, laugh at scientists and yet insist more than 6% of scientists are Republican.

Why are Republicans 90% white.

Why do Republicans practice voter suppression.

Why do Republicans want to "save" the fetus but do nothing to help the born.

Why do Republicans think Sarah Palin is smart and President Obama is dumb.

Why would Republicans believe anything Donald Trump says when he said everything he says is only a "suggestion".


Do you understand the difference.
Specifically, on what issues do you think liberals most misrepresent conservatives.

How about the lies regarding white, wealthy racists who want to pollute the air and water? Or how they want to starve old people and poor people.

Liberals have a bizarre way of interpreting things.

Wanting border security = hating all immigrants, even legal ones
Wanting lower taxes = wanting to starve people
Disliking Hillary for being a dishonest bitch = war on women
Religious people (on both sides of the fence) being against abortion = war on women
Being against Obamacare = racism
Wanting welfare reform = racism
Wanting border control = racism, bigotry, etc.
Disagreeing with anything Obama does = racism (even though the right disagreed with Clinton and every other president on the same issues)
Wanting reasonable regulations on businesses that don't destroy them = greedy capitalist pig
Supporting the constitution = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Supporting the military = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
Liking Rand Paul or any Libertarian = radical that needs to be put on the Homeland Security watch list
NRA members = domestic terrorists who need to be put on the Homeland Security watch list despite not being a threat to anyone (unless you consider a lack of a tyrannical government a threat)
Talk about violence in inner cities like Chicago = racist
Talk about violence among Syrian refugees = bigot, Islamophobe

Thing that used to be done in the interest of national security are now deemed radical by the left.

Basically, anyone who disagrees with them is called names, ridiculed and they seek to shut them up by declaring that anything other than the left's narrative is hate speech. No safe zones for conservatives who would rather not listen to the bullshit offered up on college campuses these days.

That was greatness....may I post this on my FB page?

Feel free.

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