Why Are Liberals Always Explaining what Conservatives Think?

Why can't you just admit that government is essential to civilized society?

Oh, yes indeed. We need 17 government employees for every taxpayer in order to "redistribute" the tax payers' earnings to the hordes of welfare parasites, er, so sorry, no slight intended, Loyal Democrat Voters.

How much has the US spent on tax deductions..?
Why can't you just admit that government is essential to civilized society?

Oh, yes indeed. We need 17 government employees for every taxpayer in order to "redistribute" the tax payers' earnings to the hordes of welfare parasites, er, so sorry, no slight intended, Loyal Democrat Voters.

I'm sorry do you not understand what constitutes as "welfare spending"? This includes Medicare and Medicaid. Food stamps alone cost a measly 70 billion per year.

And of course how typical for you to not include our ridiculous and bloated defense budget that mostly exists because of republican policies.
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...
Do a search, most of my threads are questions to self-proclaimed conservatives. Don't recall you responding to any of them.

Stop lying.

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...most [all] of my threads are [race baiting] questions to self-proclaimed conservatives.

Fixed if for you Brother Marc. I told you last year I wouldn't join in on any of your threads anymore because of their race baiting nature but just couldn't let this foul ball fly unchallenged.
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...
Why can't you just admit that government is essential to civilized society?

We need MORE gubermint! MORE fees!!!! MORE entitlements and subsidies!!!

So says the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies.
Yeah I'm not surprised you don't really understand the full function of government.

Sure I do....to provide the 19 essential services per the constitution but what we have is a corporate entity that is running it in a for profit venture and it is owned by a foreign corporate entity. So much you do not know or even understand but this is a fact.

Take a look around this forum. This place is filled with conservatives explaining what liberals think as well. Instead of just assuming my positions why don't you ask or do a quick search? I am not very secretive with my views. lol

The Liberal responses to this thread prove my point. But let's start with you: Would you like to explain your Liberal(?) position on immigration, or would you like me to explain mine first? And can we avoid name calling?

Take a look around this forum. This place is filled with conservatives explaining what liberals think as well. Instead of just assuming my positions why don't you ask or do a quick search? I am not very secretive with my views. lol

The Liberal responses to this thread prove my point. But let's start with you: Would you like to explain your Liberal(?) position on immigration, or would you like me to explain mine first? And can we avoid name calling?

I am a moderate Libertarian and I won't call any names so long as you extend me the same courtesy. I am quite interested in hearing your position. Cheers.
Why Are Liberals Always Explaining what Conservatives Think

Because then the liberals can lie about them, as though conservatives actually thought the silly things liberals say about them.
Why can't you just admit that government is essential to civilized society?

Oh, yes indeed. We need 17 government employees for every taxpayer in order to "redistribute" the tax payers' earnings to the hordes of welfare parasites, er, so sorry, no slight intended, Loyal Democrat Voters.

How much has the US spent on tax deductions..?
That's not spending
then what is it?
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

Sure, I’ll try it…

As I understand it, Conservatives are for smaller government.
In his own words, Donald Trump will triple the number of ICE agents —expanding federal payrolls by 10,000 employees in one department alone.

My question is this: Why are self-described conservatives backing Donald Trump for President?
. Because there are certain issues that need attention, and paying attention to the issues that need attention is not meant to increase the over all size of government, but to take care of a problem instead. Next question.
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

Sure, I’ll try it…

As I understand it, Conservatives are for smaller government.
In his own words, Donald Trump will triple the number of ICE agents —expanding federal payrolls by 10,000 employees in one department alone.

My question is this: Why are self-described conservatives backing Donald Trump for President?
. Because there are certain issues that need attention, and paying attention to the issues that need attention is not meant to increase the over all size of government, but to take care of a problem instead. Next question.
When did Trump become a conservative, and Congress also?
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...
Why can't you just admit that government is essential to civilized society?

We need MORE gubermint! MORE fees!!!! MORE entitlements and subsidies!!!

So says the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies.
. The left are wanting more government (control), and this so they can use it to fundamentally change this nation forever. Just look who is lining up in the thousands for government jobs, while everyone else is chasing after private sector jobs to maximize their earnings and benefits. The thing is this though, and that is that government has become so powerful, that it is being pursued or chased after by those who want to use it to squash those who have had a powerful voice outside of government control. The libs by way of gaining more and more government control, want to use it to squash what they don't like or what they hate, and if anyone don't know this by now, well then you are flat crazy.

Take a look around this forum. This place is filled with conservatives explaining what liberals think as well. Instead of just assuming my positions why don't you ask or do a quick search? I am not very secretive with my views. lol
What do you think of conservatives explaining what liberals think ?
. Is that even possible ? :blahblah:
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

Sure, I’ll try it…

As I understand it, Conservatives are for smaller government.
In his own words, Donald Trump will triple the number of ICE agents —expanding federal payrolls by 10,000 employees in one department alone.

My question is this: Why are self-described conservatives backing Donald Trump for President?
. Because there are certain issues that need attention, and paying attention to the issues that need attention is not meant to increase the over all size of government, but to take care of a problem instead. Next question.
When did Trump become a conservative, and Congress also?
. When did Trump become a part of this thread ?

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