Why Are Moms Like Me Being Called Domestic Terrorists?

Youā€™re calling parents ā€œanimalsā€ without a single word of condemnation for the real animal: the piece of scum who raped the girl in the girlsā€™ bathroom.

Hereā€™s whatā€™s happening: Democrats are in a panic because it shows how their ā€œwokeā€ agenda, allowing boys into girlsā€™ bathrooms, is endangering female students. So rather than admit this, they go on full front attack, calling parents domestic terrorists and bringing in the FBI to intimidate them into silence.

There are two evil parties to this situation:

1) the rapist
2) the radical leftists who covered it up and instead go on the attack against parents objecting to the damage the leftists are doing
How did bathrooms get brought into the FBI investigating terroristic threats at school board meetings?
It's always some conspiracy with you animals, isnt it?
You're the one who doesn't know what it means. Dims all have their own special meanings for every word in the dictionary.
Yep, and the web has been adding their meanings to the online dictionaries :(. Thank God I still have several hard back dictionaries :).
"intimidation" means the school board doesn't want to hear what parents think of their decisions. So what they really want is to be free of any criticism for their decisions.
same with every demofk.
Consider this:

State school boards associations are condemning the National School Boards Association (NSBA) for mischaracterizing protests in their districts and using them to justify the involvement of federal law enforcement and domestic terrorism laws against concerned parents.

Just last month, the NSBA sent a letter to President Joe Biden begging him and his administration to prosecute and punish parents who were fed up with the radical indoctrination of their children in schools. Shortly after, the U.S. Justice Departmentā€™s Attorney General Merrick Garland directed the FBI and state attorneys to address ā€œa disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff who participate in the vital work of running our nationā€™s public schools.ā€

As of Wednesday, at least 14 state school board associations reported to Parents Defending Education that they were not consulted before the letter was sent to the Biden administration. Particular organizations such as the Georgia School Boards Association said the NSBA even cited incidents in their state as justification for federal overreach without asking them for input first.

ā€œThe Georgia School Boards Association (GSBA) was not consulted about this letter, did not provide information to NSBA, and was not informed that the letter was being sent, even though a Georgia school district was used as an example in the letter,ā€ GSBA noted in its statement to Parents Defending Education. ā€œGSBA supports the constitutional authority of local boards to manage and control the public schools of this state. Elected officials and appointed leadership who are closest to the community are best suited to make those decisions, especially the hard ones. ā€¦ While we look for support to our state and federal governments, we do not seek the involvement of federal law enforcement or other officials in local decisions.ā€

While a handful of the state associations simply said they were unaware of NSBAā€™s letter until it was published, most state groups condemned the national associationā€™s request to use domestic terrorism laws to target parents and said the protests theyā€™ve experienced have not warranted law enforcement involvement beyond the local and state level.

ā€œThe DSBA disagrees, in the strongest possible terms, with parents and citizens protesting school board meetings being characterized as ā€˜domestic terroristsā€™ and their protests being likened to ā€˜hate crimes,ā€™ā€ the Delaware School Boards Association said in a statement. ā€œThe DSBA firmly asserts that citizen and public engagement in school board meetings is an integral and vital aspect of school board governance. We also made it clear that any attempt to silence citizensā€™ voices is a clear violation of their rights to free speech. The DSBA is an apolitical advocacy organization, and we do not engage in partisan politics.ā€
[Delaware? Blue Delaware?]

A few of the associations even said they support parentsā€™ rights to protest and publicly express frustration with how their children are being taught.

What I think we have here is yet another attempt by the Left to squelch free speech. And using what should be nonpartisan and unbiased federal agencies to do it.

Domestic terrorism? Bullshit.
Just last month, the NSBA sent a letter to President Joe Biden begging him and his administration to prosecute and punish parents who were fed up...

"Now, we ask that the federal government investigate, intercept, and prevent the current threats and acts of violence against our public school officials through existing statutes, executive authority, interagency and intergovernmental task forces, and other extraordinary measures to ensure the safety of our children and educators, to protect interstate commerce, and to preserve public school infrastructure and campuses.

NSBA respectfully asks that a joint collaboration among federal law enforcement agencies, state and local law enforcement, and with public school officials be undertaken to focus on these threats.

We also request the assistance of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service to intervene against threatening letters and cyberbullying attacks that have been transmitted to students, school board members, district administrators, and other educators."

"Now, we ask that the federal government investigate, intercept, and prevent the current threats and acts of violence against our public school officials through existing statutes, executive authority, interagency and intergovernmental task forces, and other extraordinary measures to ensure the safety of our children and educators, to protect interstate commerce, and to preserve public school infrastructure and campuses.

NSBA respectfully asks that a joint collaboration among federal law enforcement agencies, state and local law enforcement, and with public school officials be undertaken to focus on these threats.

We also request the assistance of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service to intervene against threatening letters and cyberbullying attacks that have been transmitted to students, school board members, district administrators, and other educators."

Legal mumbo-jumbo. The bottom line here is that the school board doesn't anyone to know what a bunch of weasels they are. Parents speaking up at schoolboard meetings lets the cat out of the bag. Their attacks on parents are nothing more than that.

Why Are Moms Like Me Being Called Domestic Terrorists?​

Because crazy fuckers, who don't even have kids, are showing up to school board meetings and threatening to kill everyone.

If you're not threatening to blow up buildings and murdering dozens of people, I wouldn't worry about it.
they pay their salaries. you still don't understand do you?
How did bathrooms get brought into the FBI investigating terroristic threats at school board meetings?
It's always some conspiracy with you animals, isnt it?
the reason for the altercation? Did you read the post?
How did bathrooms get brought into the FBI investigating terroristic threats at school board meetings?
It's always some conspiracy with you animals, isnt it?

It's all part of the grand conspiracy.

Sympathy Rage. It's an Add-On Feature for the Neo-Qult.
Anyone and everyone who steps up, speks out, opposes the Marxist Liberal Extremist Democrat ideology, agenda, and tyrannical oppression, intimidation, and punishment for non-compliance must quickly be dealt with, demonized, intimidated, silenced, and called a racist and / or terrorist.
No. Itā€™s what I call violence and threats from maladjusted dumbfuck adults who donā€™t know any better.
Yet you excuse the savages on your side who kill cops , burn buildings, and loot to their hearts content. You and your ilk are true dumbfucks who are going to learn what happens when you poke Mama Bear.
You are so predictably pathetic.
Says a pathetic sheep who does what her leftard masters say. Wear your mask. Stay at home. Force your bullshit on children. Go find another kid Covid death youā€™ll cheer about. Then fuck off.

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