WHY are Republicans letting the swamp define issues?!?!?!?!?


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
The demo_rats and swamp dwellers started the issue about Michael Flynn

"Yates—along with former national intelligence director James Clapper Jr. and CIA director John Brennan—told the incoming administration that “Flynn had put himself in a compromising position” at the end of last year and was vulnerable to blackmail because of his potentially illegal discussions of U.S. sanctions with the diplomat."

WHY is whatever Gen Flynn did, "a compromising" position and vulnerable to blackmail?

Why couldn't the new president and his staff decide the matter?

All those 3 motherfuckers hated everything about DJT. They contrived an issue and the Democratic Media Complex blows it out of proportion.

Its a motherfucking scam. Concentrate on important issues and don't let the sons of bitches distract you.

The demo_rats and swamp dwellers started the issue about Michael Flynn

"Yates—along with former national intelligence director James Clapper Jr. and CIA director John Brennan—told the incoming administration that “Flynn had put himself in a compromising position” at the end of last year and was vulnerable to blackmail because of his potentially illegal discussions of U.S. sanctions with the diplomat."

WHY is whatever Gen Flynn did, "a compromising" position and vulnerable to blackmail?

Why couldn't the new president and his staff decide the matter?

All those 3 motherfuckers hated everything about DJT. They contrived an issue and the Democratic Media Complex blows it out of proportion.

Its a motherfucking scam. Concentrate on important issues and don't let the sons of bitches distract you.


Did Clapper and Brennan force Trump and his team to stick their dicks in that hornet's nest?
The demo_rats and swamp dwellers started the issue about Michael Flynn

"Yates—along with former national intelligence director James Clapper Jr. and CIA director John Brennan—told the incoming administration that “Flynn had put himself in a compromising position” at the end of last year and was vulnerable to blackmail because of his potentially illegal discussions of U.S. sanctions with the diplomat."

WHY is whatever Gen Flynn did, "a compromising" position and vulnerable to blackmail?

Why couldn't the new president and his staff decide the matter?

All those 3 motherfuckers hated everything about DJT. They contrived an issue and the Democratic Media Complex blows it out of proportion.

Its a motherfucking scam. Concentrate on important issues and don't let the sons of bitches distract you.

Flynn had put himself in a compromising position
It's compromising because of when the coming president was helped by hacking done by the Russians. They actually immediately undercutting the sitting president issuing sanctions to those same Russians for that hacking, signals not just them not condemning a foreign power meddling in the election process, but them actually approving of it.

vulnerable to blackmail because of his potentially illegal discussions of U.S. sanctions with the diplomat.
It's potentially illegal because it violates the Logan act, and it opens him up to blackmail, because exposing those conversations to the public could and as is been proven now, will lead to his resignation.
The demo_rats and swamp dwellers started the issue about Michael Flynn

"Yates—along with former national intelligence director James Clapper Jr. and CIA director John Brennan—told the incoming administration that “Flynn had put himself in a compromising position” at the end of last year and was vulnerable to blackmail because of his potentially illegal discussions of U.S. sanctions with the diplomat."

WHY is whatever Gen Flynn did, "a compromising" position and vulnerable to blackmail?

Why couldn't the new president and his staff decide the matter?

All those 3 motherfuckers hated everything about DJT. They contrived an issue and the Democratic Media Complex blows it out of proportion.

Its a motherfucking scam. Concentrate on important issues and don't let the sons of bitches distract you.

Why is Flynn vulnerable to blackmail? You're kidding me, right?
Russia most definitely recorded the conversation as did the CIA. In order to save his ass he could have given Russia top secret information or any number of things during the past 3 weeks.
Trump's Russian ties and what they have on him too is going to be the death of him but how much will it hurt the country.
You don't think there weren't going to be paybacks to Putin for helping Trump win the election? Really?
The demo_rats and swamp dwellers started the issue about Michael Flynn

"Yates—along with former national intelligence director James Clapper Jr. and CIA director John Brennan—told the incoming administration that “Flynn had put himself in a compromising position” at the end of last year and was vulnerable to blackmail because of his potentially illegal discussions of U.S. sanctions with the diplomat."

WHY is whatever Gen Flynn did, "a compromising" position and vulnerable to blackmail?

Why couldn't the new president and his staff decide the matter?

All those 3 motherfuckers hated everything about DJT. They contrived an issue and the Democratic Media Complex blows it out of proportion.

Its a motherfucking scam. Concentrate on important issues and don't let the sons of bitches distract you.


Did Clapper and Brennan force Trump and his team to stick their dicks in that hornet's nest?


Elaborate clearly and succinctly sans the butthurt.


The demo_rats and swamp dwellers started the issue about Michael Flynn

"Yates—along with former national intelligence director James Clapper Jr. and CIA director John Brennan—told the incoming administration that “Flynn had put himself in a compromising position” at the end of last year and was vulnerable to blackmail because of his potentially illegal discussions of U.S. sanctions with the diplomat."

WHY is whatever Gen Flynn did, "a compromising" position and vulnerable to blackmail?

Why couldn't the new president and his staff decide the matter?

All those 3 motherfuckers hated everything about DJT. They contrived an issue and the Democratic Media Complex blows it out of proportion.

Its a motherfucking scam. Concentrate on important issues and don't let the sons of bitches distract you.

Flynn had put himself in a compromising position
It's compromising because of when the coming president was helped by hacking done by the Russians. They actually immediately undercutting the sitting president issuing sanctions to those same Russians for that hacking, signals not just them not condemning a foreign power meddling in the election process, but them actually approving of it.

vulnerable to blackmail because of his potentially illegal discussions of U.S. sanctions with the diplomat.
It's potentially illegal because it violates the Logan act, and it opens him up to blackmail, because exposing those conversations to the public could and as is been proven now, will lead to his resignation.

There were many reasons to dislike Gen Flynn

But DJT should have reached his own conlusions after consulting his AG.

He threw him under the bus because the Russophobes holler and objected,

The so-called Logan Act violates , at least the First Amendment and has never been used in the past two hundred years.
Michael Flynn, Victim of the Deep State?
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Though wrong on Iran and almost everything else, he dared to question US sanctions on Russia, and those who salivate for WW3. Thus the CIA took him down, with the aid of Pence and the neocons.
He allegedly did more than question the sanctions. No?


It is alleged that he broke the law, Logan Act. If true he isn't a victim of the deep state, he is a victim of his own stupidity.
The demo_rats and swamp dwellers started the issue about Michael Flynn

"Yates—along with former national intelligence director James Clapper Jr. and CIA director John Brennan—told the incoming administration that “Flynn had put himself in a compromising position” at the end of last year and was vulnerable to blackmail because of his potentially illegal discussions of U.S. sanctions with the diplomat."

WHY is whatever Gen Flynn did, "a compromising" position and vulnerable to blackmail?

Why couldn't the new president and his staff decide the matter?

All those 3 motherfuckers hated everything about DJT. They contrived an issue and the Democratic Media Complex blows it out of proportion.

Its a motherfucking scam. Concentrate on important issues and don't let the sons of bitches distract you.


Did Clapper and Brennan force Trump and his team to stick their dicks in that hornet's nest?


Elaborate clearly and succinctly sans the butthurt.



You imply this is a trumped up issue for political purposes. I was just wondering if you think Trump and his team were set up?
The demo_rats and swamp dwellers started the issue about Michael Flynn

"Yates—along with former national intelligence director James Clapper Jr. and CIA director John Brennan—told the incoming administration that “Flynn had put himself in a compromising position” at the end of last year and was vulnerable to blackmail because of his potentially illegal discussions of U.S. sanctions with the diplomat."

WHY is whatever Gen Flynn did, "a compromising" position and vulnerable to blackmail?

Why couldn't the new president and his staff decide the matter?

All those 3 motherfuckers hated everything about DJT. They contrived an issue and the Democratic Media Complex blows it out of proportion.

Its a motherfucking scam. Concentrate on important issues and don't let the sons of bitches distract you.

Flynn had put himself in a compromising position
It's compromising because of when the coming president was helped by hacking done by the Russians. They actually immediately undercutting the sitting president issuing sanctions to those same Russians for that hacking, signals not just them not condemning a foreign power meddling in the election process, but them actually approving of it.

vulnerable to blackmail because of his potentially illegal discussions of U.S. sanctions with the diplomat.
It's potentially illegal because it violates the Logan act, and it opens him up to blackmail, because exposing those conversations to the public could and as is been proven now, will lead to his resignation.

There were many reasons to dislike Gen Flynn

But DJT should have reached his own conlusions after consulting his AG.

He threw him under the bus because the Russophobes holler and objected,

The so-called Logan Act violates , at least the First Amendment and has never been used in the past two hundred years.
I agree that siting the Logan act as proof of illegality is a stretch, it is highly unlikely that he will be prosecuted, but your OP asked about the POTENTIAL illegality of which I provided an answer for. I see you tried to marginalise my other arguments referring to them as Russophobia ( great term btw). You haven't however denied my original assertion though, namely that Russia did directly, and might I add insidiously meddled in the US election cycle. I would ask you the following question. If it would have been interference by France on behalf of the democrats would you have marginalised it? The simple act of them doing it, raises a myriad of questions. A foreign power wouldn't take this kind of chance on backing a candidate if the potential reward wasn't worth it. So is it amazing that the left seizes on every opportunity to tie this administration to the Russians, something you have to admit isn't that hard to do?
The demo_rats and swamp dwellers started the issue about Michael Flynn

"Yates—along with former national intelligence director James Clapper Jr. and CIA director John Brennan—told the incoming administration that “Flynn had put himself in a compromising position” at the end of last year and was vulnerable to blackmail because of his potentially illegal discussions of U.S. sanctions with the diplomat."

WHY is whatever Gen Flynn did, "a compromising" position and vulnerable to blackmail?

Why couldn't the new president and his staff decide the matter?

All those 3 motherfuckers hated everything about DJT. They contrived an issue and the Democratic Media Complex blows it out of proportion.

Its a motherfucking scam. Concentrate on important issues and don't let the sons of bitches distract you.

Why is Flynn vulnerable to blackmail? You're kidding me, right?
Russia most definitely recorded the conversation as did the CIA. In order to save his ass he could have given Russia top secret information or any number of things during the past 3 weeks.
Trump's Russian ties and what they have on him too is going to be the death of him but how much will it hurt the country.
You don't think there weren't going to be paybacks to Putin for helping Trump win the election? Really?

Don't care about your opinion.

Has AG Sessions considered the issue and what is his opinion?

Don't worry Count. Kelly Ann will spin you some alt facts tonite.

President Trump’s national security adviser, Gen. Michael Flynn, was forced to resign on Monday night as a result of getting caught lying about whether he discussed sanctions in a December telephone call with a Russian diplomat. The only reason the public learned about Flynn’s lie is because someone inside the U.S. government violated the criminal law by leaking the contents of Flynn’s intercepted communications."


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