Why Are Republicans Lying About Healthcare???

The reason Republicans lie about healthcare is because they want Americans to die and die quickly. It’s cheaper.
Scarborough tears into GOP candidates promising protections for pre-existing conditions: ‘They’re all lying’

Republicans across the country are lying to their voters about protecting pre-existing conditions -- Republicans have for years and years voted over 70 times to take away pre-existing conditions protection from citizens and now they are lying about for the mid-terms.....why? -- because according to a FoxNews poll, Obamacare is more popular than the tax-cuts, more popular than Trump himself and far far far more popular than Trumpcare.

When asked about the republicans sudden switch on Obamacare, the Morning Joe host said “Oh my God, they’re all lying," Scarborough said. "Let’s just start with [Gov. Rick Scott (R) in Florida… Did you know that he’s at the head of a lawsuit to do what? He’s suing to make sure that insurance companies do not have to cover pre-existing conditions. Scarborough added that many other Republicans are "also are either suing to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to support pre-existing conditions, or voted in Congress to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to pay for pre-existing conditions."

I understand that you Trump lovers don't mind when Trump lies -- like when he lied about covering more Americans with better quality coverage for less cost -- which was a lie...You didn't mind when he recently said that the middle class will get a 10% tax-cut next month because he is idiotic enough to think he can do this without congress -- but when it came to Obamacare, republicans clutched their pearls in outrage over "you can keep your doctor" -- to them, this was the worst lie ever told by a politician ever, evil in fact..

However, 20 more million Americans got health care under Obama versus 3 million less people having health care under Trump -- but to some of these delusional Trump voters, more Americans getting health care is bad, less Americans getting health care is good --- but the rest of the country disagrees with this premise, most of the country seems to like having protection for pre-existing conditions, so much so, that Republicans are pretending to have always have been in favor of this protection -- So Trump lovers, especially those with pre-existing conditions -- will you be ok with these protections being stripped as long as Trump told you it was a good thing to do?

Fear mongering. Obamacare is not popular and pre-existing coverage will remain as it is also included in Trumpcare.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How do you pay for covering pre-existing conditions without a mandate?
The idea was to increase the insurance pool so those with pre-existing conditions would be covered

Republicans have no plan

the obozocare plan was to tax the shit out of healthy young people in order to pay for sick old people, the young saw through that bullshit and opted out. Pre-existing conditions have always been covered, you may have had to pay a higher premium just like you pay higher car insurance if you have a string of DUIs.

there is no free lunch, winger, someone has to pay.
Scarborough tears into GOP candidates promising protections for pre-existing conditions: ‘They’re all lying’

Republicans across the country are lying to their voters about protecting pre-existing conditions -- Republicans have for years and years voted over 70 times to take away pre-existing conditions protection from citizens and now they are lying about for the mid-terms.....why? -- because according to a FoxNews poll, Obamacare is more popular than the tax-cuts, more popular than Trump himself and far far far more popular than Trumpcare.

When asked about the republicans sudden switch on Obamacare, the Morning Joe host said “Oh my God, they’re all lying," Scarborough said. "Let’s just start with [Gov. Rick Scott (R) in Florida… Did you know that he’s at the head of a lawsuit to do what? He’s suing to make sure that insurance companies do not have to cover pre-existing conditions. Scarborough added that many other Republicans are "also are either suing to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to support pre-existing conditions, or voted in Congress to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to pay for pre-existing conditions."

I understand that you Trump lovers don't mind when Trump lies -- like when he lied about covering more Americans with better quality coverage for less cost -- which was a lie...You didn't mind when he recently said that the middle class will get a 10% tax-cut next month because he is idiotic enough to think he can do this without congress -- but when it came to Obamacare, republicans clutched their pearls in outrage over "you can keep your doctor" -- to them, this was the worst lie ever told by a politician ever, evil in fact..

However, 20 more million Americans got health care under Obama versus 3 million less people having health care under Trump -- but to some of these delusional Trump voters, more Americans getting health care is bad, less Americans getting health care is good --- but the rest of the country disagrees with this premise, most of the country seems to like having protection for pre-existing conditions, so much so, that Republicans are pretending to have always have been in favor of this protection -- So Trump lovers, especially those with pre-existing conditions -- will you be ok with these protections being stripped as long as Trump told you it was a good thing to do?

Fear mongering. Obamacare is not popular and pre-existing coverage will remain as it is also included in Trumpcare.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How do you pay for covering pre-existing conditions without a mandate?
The idea was to increase the insurance pool so those with pre-existing conditions would be covered

Republicans have no plan

the obozocare plan was to tax the shit out of healthy young people in order to pay for sick old people, the young saw through that bullshit and opted out. Pre-existing conditions have always been covered, you may have had to pay a higher premium just like you pay higher car insurance if you have a string of DUIs.

there is no free lunch, winger, someone has to pay.
That’s not true nitwit. The problem with healthcare is the Republicans want to make sure that the money keeps flowing to healthcare companies. They won’t stand for it any other way. Healthcare companies have no doctors or nurses or medicine or hospitals. They’re middleman. They just skim money off of existing policies. Billions and billions of dollars are skimmed off of existing policies.
Get rid of the insurance companies and we’d save a fortune. How many policies does it take for an insurance company to have private jets? And CEOs making $50 million?
Scarborough tears into GOP candidates promising protections for pre-existing conditions: ‘They’re all lying’

Republicans across the country are lying to their voters about protecting pre-existing conditions -- Republicans have for years and years voted over 70 times to take away pre-existing conditions protection from citizens and now they are lying about for the mid-terms.....why? -- because according to a FoxNews poll, Obamacare is more popular than the tax-cuts, more popular than Trump himself and far far far more popular than Trumpcare.

When asked about the republicans sudden switch on Obamacare, the Morning Joe host said “Oh my God, they’re all lying," Scarborough said. "Let’s just start with [Gov. Rick Scott (R) in Florida… Did you know that he’s at the head of a lawsuit to do what? He’s suing to make sure that insurance companies do not have to cover pre-existing conditions. Scarborough added that many other Republicans are "also are either suing to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to support pre-existing conditions, or voted in Congress to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to pay for pre-existing conditions."

I understand that you Trump lovers don't mind when Trump lies -- like when he lied about covering more Americans with better quality coverage for less cost -- which was a lie...You didn't mind when he recently said that the middle class will get a 10% tax-cut next month because he is idiotic enough to think he can do this without congress -- but when it came to Obamacare, republicans clutched their pearls in outrage over "you can keep your doctor" -- to them, this was the worst lie ever told by a politician ever, evil in fact..

However, 20 more million Americans got health care under Obama versus 3 million less people having health care under Trump -- but to some of these delusional Trump voters, more Americans getting health care is bad, less Americans getting health care is good --- but the rest of the country disagrees with this premise, most of the country seems to like having protection for pre-existing conditions, so much so, that Republicans are pretending to have always have been in favor of this protection -- So Trump lovers, especially those with pre-existing conditions -- will you be ok with these protections being stripped as long as Trump told you it was a good thing to do?

It was in Romney care and came from the heritage foundation..


Millions have already died because of obamacare. Its a despicable tragedy.

Truth. Obamacare is an abomination. Its time to get rid of this killer.
You are an idiot, Seriously,you are an idiot.

Its good to get that bitter rage out! Lol. Seriously though, obamacare is a national tragedy.
Well that’s just because for your kind not enough people were dying under bush.

I don’t know what it is with Republicans and their hatred for the American middle-class.

Wanting them to work for slave labor wages. Not wanting them to have healthcare. Not wanting them to be covered by any safety regulations. Just wanting them to die and suffer first. Why is that?
Millions have already died because of obamacare. Its a despicable tragedy.

Truth. Obamacare is an abomination. Its time to get rid of this killer.
You are an idiot, Seriously,you are an idiot.

Its good to get that bitter rage out! Lol. Seriously though, obamacare is a national tragedy.
Well that’s just because for your kind not enough people were dying under bush.

I don’t know what it is with Republicans and their hatred for the American middle-class.

Wanting them to work for slave labor wages. Not wanting them to have healthcare. Not wanting them to be covered by any safety regulations. Just wanting them to die and suffer first. Why is that?

Have you checked lately how much businesses are paying? And here we are again, private business leaving govt behind. Your feeling are obfuscating logic. Nobody is advocating for death or suffering. This is the propaganda that has been stitched into your brain by your fellow dems.
Scarborough tears into GOP candidates promising protections for pre-existing conditions: ‘They’re all lying’

Republicans across the country are lying to their voters about protecting pre-existing conditions -- Republicans have for years and years voted over 70 times to take away pre-existing conditions protection from citizens and now they are lying about for the mid-terms.....why? -- because according to a FoxNews poll, Obamacare is more popular than the tax-cuts, more popular than Trump himself and far far far more popular than Trumpcare.

When asked about the republicans sudden switch on Obamacare, the Morning Joe host said “Oh my God, they’re all lying," Scarborough said. "Let’s just start with [Gov. Rick Scott (R) in Florida… Did you know that he’s at the head of a lawsuit to do what? He’s suing to make sure that insurance companies do not have to cover pre-existing conditions. Scarborough added that many other Republicans are "also are either suing to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to support pre-existing conditions, or voted in Congress to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to pay for pre-existing conditions."

I understand that you Trump lovers don't mind when Trump lies -- like when he lied about covering more Americans with better quality coverage for less cost -- which was a lie...You didn't mind when he recently said that the middle class will get a 10% tax-cut next month because he is idiotic enough to think he can do this without congress -- but when it came to Obamacare, republicans clutched their pearls in outrage over "you can keep your doctor" -- to them, this was the worst lie ever told by a politician ever, evil in fact..

However, 20 more million Americans got health care under Obama versus 3 million less people having health care under Trump -- but to some of these delusional Trump voters, more Americans getting health care is bad, less Americans getting health care is good --- but the rest of the country disagrees with this premise, most of the country seems to like having protection for pre-existing conditions, so much so, that Republicans are pretending to have always have been in favor of this protection -- So Trump lovers, especially those with pre-existing conditions -- will you be ok with these protections being stripped as long as Trump told you it was a good thing to do?

I never met a Republican that didn't lie; this is nothing new.

LYING = 'standard operating procedure' aka SOP for the GOP

There is an old saying that you can take to the bank, "If a politicians lips are moving he/she is lying". You will note there is no difference between democrat and republican except in your imagination.

I never said there was a difference, or no difference, or any difference, or ............
Fear mongering. Obamacare is not popular and pre-existing coverage will remain as it is also included in Trumpcare.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How do you pay for covering pre-existing conditions without a mandate?
The idea was to increase the insurance pool so those with pre-existing conditions would be covered

Republicans have no plan
/----/ I picked up this beauty for $25. I think it's a GMC but not sure. Anyway, I called Progressive and asked for a pre existing damage policy so they would pay to have it rebuilt. The guy hung up on me. I wonder why.

At least your view that peoples lives are no more important than inanimate objects is in line with the Republican party .
/----/ My view is insurance is insurance - and no company can stay in business if they are forced to provide policies for pre-existing illness or car damage because people will just game the system. Your agenda is to collapse the private insurance companies and usher in single payer. Sorry you missed my point.

How does one "game the system" with healthcare?
Scarborough tears into GOP candidates promising protections for pre-existing conditions: ‘They’re all lying’

Republicans across the country are lying to their voters about protecting pre-existing conditions -- Republicans have for years and years voted over 70 times to take away pre-existing conditions protection from citizens and now they are lying about for the mid-terms.....why? -- because according to a FoxNews poll, Obamacare is more popular than the tax-cuts, more popular than Trump himself and far far far more popular than Trumpcare.

When asked about the republicans sudden switch on Obamacare, the Morning Joe host said “Oh my God, they’re all lying," Scarborough said. "Let’s just start with [Gov. Rick Scott (R) in Florida… Did you know that he’s at the head of a lawsuit to do what? He’s suing to make sure that insurance companies do not have to cover pre-existing conditions. Scarborough added that many other Republicans are "also are either suing to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to support pre-existing conditions, or voted in Congress to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to pay for pre-existing conditions."

I understand that you Trump lovers don't mind when Trump lies -- like when he lied about covering more Americans with better quality coverage for less cost -- which was a lie...You didn't mind when he recently said that the middle class will get a 10% tax-cut next month because he is idiotic enough to think he can do this without congress -- but when it came to Obamacare, republicans clutched their pearls in outrage over "you can keep your doctor" -- to them, this was the worst lie ever told by a politician ever, evil in fact..

However, 20 more million Americans got health care under Obama versus 3 million less people having health care under Trump -- but to some of these delusional Trump voters, more Americans getting health care is bad, less Americans getting health care is good --- but the rest of the country disagrees with this premise, most of the country seems to like having protection for pre-existing conditions, so much so, that Republicans are pretending to have always have been in favor of this protection -- So Trump lovers, especially those with pre-existing conditions -- will you be ok with these protections being stripped as long as Trump told you it was a good thing to do?

It was in Romney care and came from the heritage foundation..


Yea, and?

Truth. Obamacare is an abomination. Its time to get rid of this killer.
You are an idiot, Seriously,you are an idiot.

Its good to get that bitter rage out! Lol. Seriously though, obamacare is a national tragedy.
Well that’s just because for your kind not enough people were dying under bush.

I don’t know what it is with Republicans and their hatred for the American middle-class.

Wanting them to work for slave labor wages. Not wanting them to have healthcare. Not wanting them to be covered by any safety regulations. Just wanting them to die and suffer first. Why is that?

Have you checked lately how much businesses are paying? And here we are again, private business leaving govt behind. Your feeling are obfuscating logic. Nobody is advocating for death or suffering. This is the propaganda that has been stitched into your brain by your fellow dems.
Yes, they are advocating for death and suffering -- period...

If that makes you feel uncomfortable to where you will try to pretend otherwise, that is your problem....but where I am from, 3 million less people with coverage is not better than 20 million more people with coverage...
Millions have already died because of obamacare. Its a despicable tragedy.

Truth. Obamacare is an abomination. Its time to get rid of this killer.
You are an idiot, Seriously,you are an idiot.

Its good to get that bitter rage out! Lol. Seriously though, obamacare is a national tragedy.
and yet still more popular than any proposal republicans put forth.....and what else is more popular than that? Medicare for All
How do you pay for covering pre-existing conditions without a mandate?
The idea was to increase the insurance pool so those with pre-existing conditions would be covered

Republicans have no plan
/----/ I picked up this beauty for $25. I think it's a GMC but not sure. Anyway, I called Progressive and asked for a pre existing damage policy so they would pay to have it rebuilt. The guy hung up on me. I wonder why.

At least your view that peoples lives are no more important than inanimate objects is in line with the Republican party .
/----/ My view is insurance is insurance - and no company can stay in business if they are forced to provide policies for pre-existing illness or car damage because people will just game the system. Your agenda is to collapse the private insurance companies and usher in single payer. Sorry you missed my point.

How does one "game the system" with healthcare?
Scarborough tears into GOP candidates promising protections for pre-existing conditions: ‘They’re all lying’

Republicans across the country are lying to their voters about protecting pre-existing conditions -- Republicans have for years and years voted over 70 times to take away pre-existing conditions protection from citizens and now they are lying about for the mid-terms.....why? -- because according to a FoxNews poll, Obamacare is more popular than the tax-cuts, more popular than Trump himself and far far far more popular than Trumpcare.

When asked about the republicans sudden switch on Obamacare, the Morning Joe host said “Oh my God, they’re all lying," Scarborough said. "Let’s just start with [Gov. Rick Scott (R) in Florida… Did you know that he’s at the head of a lawsuit to do what? He’s suing to make sure that insurance companies do not have to cover pre-existing conditions. Scarborough added that many other Republicans are "also are either suing to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to support pre-existing conditions, or voted in Congress to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to pay for pre-existing conditions."

I understand that you Trump lovers don't mind when Trump lies -- like when he lied about covering more Americans with better quality coverage for less cost -- which was a lie...You didn't mind when he recently said that the middle class will get a 10% tax-cut next month because he is idiotic enough to think he can do this without congress -- but when it came to Obamacare, republicans clutched their pearls in outrage over "you can keep your doctor" -- to them, this was the worst lie ever told by a politician ever, evil in fact..

However, 20 more million Americans got health care under Obama versus 3 million less people having health care under Trump -- but to some of these delusional Trump voters, more Americans getting health care is bad, less Americans getting health care is good --- but the rest of the country disagrees with this premise, most of the country seems to like having protection for pre-existing conditions, so much so, that Republicans are pretending to have always have been in favor of this protection -- So Trump lovers, especially those with pre-existing conditions -- will you be ok with these protections being stripped as long as Trump told you it was a good thing to do?

It was in Romney care and came from the heritage foundation..


Yea, and?

So how can you say they're lying with a straight face?
Millions have already died because of obamacare. Its a despicable tragedy.

Truth. Obamacare is an abomination. Its time to get rid of this killer.
You are an idiot, Seriously,you are an idiot.

Its good to get that bitter rage out! Lol. Seriously though, obamacare is a national tragedy.
and yet still more popular than any proposal republicans put forth.....and what else is more popular than that? Medicare for All

Their was no health care crisis, it was manufactured by the left.

Scarborough tears into GOP candidates promising protections for pre-existing conditions: ‘They’re all lying’

Republicans across the country are lying to their voters about protecting pre-existing conditions -- Republicans have for years and years voted over 70 times to take away pre-existing conditions protection from citizens and now they are lying about for the mid-terms.....why? -- because according to a FoxNews poll, Obamacare is more popular than the tax-cuts, more popular than Trump himself and far far far more popular than Trumpcare.

When asked about the republicans sudden switch on Obamacare, the Morning Joe host said “Oh my God, they’re all lying," Scarborough said. "Let’s just start with [Gov. Rick Scott (R) in Florida… Did you know that he’s at the head of a lawsuit to do what? He’s suing to make sure that insurance companies do not have to cover pre-existing conditions. Scarborough added that many other Republicans are "also are either suing to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to support pre-existing conditions, or voted in Congress to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to pay for pre-existing conditions."

I understand that you Trump lovers don't mind when Trump lies -- like when he lied about covering more Americans with better quality coverage for less cost -- which was a lie...You didn't mind when he recently said that the middle class will get a 10% tax-cut next month because he is idiotic enough to think he can do this without congress -- but when it came to Obamacare, republicans clutched their pearls in outrage over "you can keep your doctor" -- to them, this was the worst lie ever told by a politician ever, evil in fact..

However, 20 more million Americans got health care under Obama versus 3 million less people having health care under Trump -- but to some of these delusional Trump voters, more Americans getting health care is bad, less Americans getting health care is good --- but the rest of the country disagrees with this premise, most of the country seems to like having protection for pre-existing conditions, so much so, that Republicans are pretending to have always have been in favor of this protection -- So Trump lovers, especially those with pre-existing conditions -- will you be ok with these protections being stripped as long as Trump told you it was a good thing to do?

I never met a Republican that didn't lie; this is nothing new.

LYING = 'standard operating procedure' aka SOP for the GOP

There is an old saying that you can take to the bank, "If a politicians lips are moving he/she is lying". You will note there is no difference between democrat and republican except in your imagination.

I never said there was a difference, or no difference, or any difference, or ............
What is the title of your OP? Do you have attention deficit disorder? The democrats lied about healthcare out of both sides of their mouths. Drop political parties stop shilling for those who use and abuse you.
You don't understand relativity yourself. Just as you have no understanding of the thread subject.

Here you go, loser. From Fox no less.
Fox News poll: Voters like Obamacare more than GOP tax cuts
/----/ Oversampling of democRATs - yes even Fox does it.
Among poll respondents, 49 percent identified themselves as Democrats, 39 percent identified themselves as Republicans, and 12 percent identified themselves as independents or "other."

"Fair and balanced"
/----/ I agree the poll is not fair or balanced.

It doesn't change the point in any way, dope.

Many of the Republicans now campaigning on protecting the coverage are also working to eliminate it.

Explain that.
They say they will protect coverage of pre-existing conditions

But only if you will pay more.......a lot more

I don't think most people undestand what is meant by pre-existing conditions. Many chronic and common diseases can fit that category. Including asthma, diabetes and heart disease.

Many, many people could be forced to pay much more. That is not helpful.
Scarborough tears into GOP candidates promising protections for pre-existing conditions: ‘They’re all lying’

Republicans across the country are lying to their voters about protecting pre-existing conditions -- Republicans have for years and years voted over 70 times to take away pre-existing conditions protection from citizens and now they are lying about for the mid-terms.....why? -- because according to a FoxNews poll, Obamacare is more popular than the tax-cuts, more popular than Trump himself and far far far more popular than Trumpcare.

When asked about the republicans sudden switch on Obamacare, the Morning Joe host said “Oh my God, they’re all lying," Scarborough said. "Let’s just start with [Gov. Rick Scott (R) in Florida… Did you know that he’s at the head of a lawsuit to do what? He’s suing to make sure that insurance companies do not have to cover pre-existing conditions. Scarborough added that many other Republicans are "also are either suing to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to support pre-existing conditions, or voted in Congress to make sure that insurance companies don’t have to pay for pre-existing conditions."

I understand that you Trump lovers don't mind when Trump lies -- like when he lied about covering more Americans with better quality coverage for less cost -- which was a lie...You didn't mind when he recently said that the middle class will get a 10% tax-cut next month because he is idiotic enough to think he can do this without congress -- but when it came to Obamacare, republicans clutched their pearls in outrage over "you can keep your doctor" -- to them, this was the worst lie ever told by a politician ever, evil in fact..

However, 20 more million Americans got health care under Obama versus 3 million less people having health care under Trump -- but to some of these delusional Trump voters, more Americans getting health care is bad, less Americans getting health care is good --- but the rest of the country disagrees with this premise, most of the country seems to like having protection for pre-existing conditions, so much so, that Republicans are pretending to have always have been in favor of this protection -- So Trump lovers, especially those with pre-existing conditions -- will you be ok with these protections being stripped as long as Trump told you it was a good thing to do?

I never met a Republican that didn't lie; this is nothing new.

LYING = 'standard operating procedure' aka SOP for the GOP

There is an old saying that you can take to the bank, "If a politicians lips are moving he/she is lying". You will note there is no difference between democrat and republican except in your imagination.

I never said there was a difference, or no difference, or any difference, or ............
What is the title of your OP? Do you have attention deficit disorder? The democrats lied about healthcare out of both sides of their mouths. Drop political parties stop shilling for those who use and abuse you.

Did I create the OP?

Did I create the thread?

Would you PLEASE stop replying to my posts if you are going to continue to be so ignorant?

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