Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?

Because to eat healthy takes more money and time. The poor tend to eat more processed foods. Organic foods cost a lot more. Uncared bacon for example costs more than processed bacon that has been filled with nitrates. Organic fruits and vegetables cost more than non organic. It is cheaper to buy highly processed mac and cheese than buy the organic macaroni and organic cheeses.

Buying Coke and Mountain Dew is cheaper than buying real fruit juice.

There's also the fact that fewer and fewer people know how to do things like cooking for themselves. They need pre-made food.
true,,but the difference is the american politicians made their money mostly before entering politics ,,not so much the Russians

Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?

Because to eat healthy takes more money and time. The poor tend to eat more processed foods. Organic foods cost a lot more. Uncared bacon for example costs more than processed bacon that has been filled with nitrates. Organic fruits and vegetables cost more than non organic. It is cheaper to buy highly processed mac and cheese than buy the organic macaroni and organic cheeses.

Buying Coke and Mountain Dew is cheaper than buying real fruit juice.

BS. oatmeal is cheap, rice is cheap, hamburger is cheap, orange juice is cheap, people are fat (both rich and poor) because of what they choose to eat, not what they are forced to eat.

Do you think Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnel can afford organic food?

Orange juice is not cheap, unless you want to go to the effort of clipping coupons and buying in bulk, and it's still not as cheap as soda.

While oatmeal, rice, and hamburger are cheap, they are not especially healthy as a diet. Personally, I buy ground turkey instead of ground beef. It's almost always less expensive, and it's healthier. Oatmeal and rice are primarily fillers that I add in small amounts to stretch meals.

Fresh produce, on the other hand, is extremely inexpensive, and I have no idea why people don't take advantage of that more. I rarely ever buy my family processed snacks; my kids actually prefer it if I come home with bags of apples, bananas, peaches, veggie platters, and some low-fat ranch dressing for them to dip the veggies in.
I can eat healthy for $60 a week.
Fast food is around $150 a week for cheap stuff.

So your entire theory is blown to hell of which it came from.
It is not just price. It is also time. In a house of two people working paying bills it is hard to find time to prepare a good meal or sometimes you are just to damn tired to do it. While it is true that food bad for you is not really cheaper it is not labor intensive. Think about it this way. Who the hell wants to debone a chicken after working 12 hours? Also I hate the fact that people ever care what I eat... I giant chunk of my pay check goes to food. ALL FOOD. none of it is really cheap any more. I am sure if I was on food stamps I could eat steak and shrimp but I am not on welfare I work for a living and cant afford those things. I also dont just feed myself. Two people work in my household of 4 . We pay our bills and buy food and sometimes we have something extra to buy for ourselves which isn't very often.

You want to know a expense I have??? My daughters school. She goes to public school and is a honor roll student. Yet there isnt a week that goes by that the school doesn't seem to have a hand in my pocket for something or another. 80 dollar calculator, Lap top, uniform for cheer leading or sports or what ever activity she is at that time.... Now I could say no you cant be in that activity and no I dont care if you work hard to get a scholarship to a university I know me of my wife cant afford. I am not a liberal I cant do that.
sorry pal, just excuses. make five meals on the weekend while you have time and freeze them. then pop them in the oven when you get home after your 12 hour shift. excuses are just that, excuses.

Or do like I do, and have a list of really cheap, easy meals that can be thrown together quickly. I flat-out refuse to come home from work and fiddle around with complicated cooking, but I'm also determined that my family will eat complete, nutritious meals. The section of my cookbook for easy-peasy meals is invaluable.
I used to prepare meals on the weekends and freeze them for the work week..

There are lots of ways to provide your family with good meals without overcomplicating your life. You just have to be willing to find them.
i am learning to cook from scratch, more.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?

Because to eat healthy takes more money and time. The poor tend to eat more processed foods. Organic foods cost a lot more. Uncared bacon for example costs more than processed bacon that has been filled with nitrates. Organic fruits and vegetables cost more than non organic. It is cheaper to buy highly processed mac and cheese than buy the organic macaroni and organic cheeses.

Buying Coke and Mountain Dew is cheaper than buying real fruit juice.

There's also the fact that fewer and fewer people know how to do things like cooking for themselves. They need pre-made food.
You don't know what your talking about. Cooking is easy.
It is not just price. It is also time. In a house of two people working paying bills it is hard to find time to prepare a good meal or sometimes you are just to damn tired to do it. While it is true that food bad for you is not really cheaper it is not labor intensive. Think about it this way. Who the hell wants to debone a chicken after working 12 hours? Also I hate the fact that people ever care what I eat... I giant chunk of my pay check goes to food. ALL FOOD. none of it is really cheap any more. I am sure if I was on food stamps I could eat steak and shrimp but I am not on welfare I work for a living and cant afford those things. I also dont just feed myself. Two people work in my household of 4 . We pay our bills and buy food and sometimes we have something extra to buy for ourselves which isn't very often.

You want to know a expense I have??? My daughters school. She goes to public school and is a honor roll student. Yet there isnt a week that goes by that the school doesn't seem to have a hand in my pocket for something or another. 80 dollar calculator, Lap top, uniform for cheer leading or sports or what ever activity she is at that time.... Now I could say no you cant be in that activity and no I dont care if you work hard to get a scholarship to a university I know me of my wife cant afford. I am not a liberal I cant do that.
sorry pal, just excuses. make five meals on the weekend while you have time and freeze them. then pop them in the oven when you get home after your 12 hour shift. excuses are just that, excuses.

Or do like I do, and have a list of really cheap, easy meals that can be thrown together quickly. I flat-out refuse to come home from work and fiddle around with complicated cooking, but I'm also determined that my family will eat complete, nutritious meals. The section of my cookbook for easy-peasy meals is invaluable.
I used to prepare meals on the weekends and freeze them for the work week..

There are lots of ways to provide your family with good meals without overcomplicating your life. You just have to be willing to find them.
Sure there are, after being a single parent twice, I have had to find all the ways I can to provide not just the food but the energy to do it..I don't go for pre made foods as having been employed at several food production facilities I have seen how they operate..I cook from raw stock only and grow my own veggies..

I LOVE home-grown produce. Even living in an apartment, I make a point of having stuff on my balcony to let me grow the important stuff, like tomatoes.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?

Because to eat healthy takes more money and time. The poor tend to eat more processed foods. Organic foods cost a lot more. Uncared bacon for example costs more than processed bacon that has been filled with nitrates. Organic fruits and vegetables cost more than non organic. It is cheaper to buy highly processed mac and cheese than buy the organic macaroni and organic cheeses.

Buying Coke and Mountain Dew is cheaper than buying real fruit juice.

BS. oatmeal is cheap, rice is cheap, hamburger is cheap, orange juice is cheap, people are fat (both rich and poor) because of what they choose to eat, not what they are forced to eat.

Do you think Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnel can afford organic food?

Orange juice is not cheap, unless you want to go to the effort of clipping coupons and buying in bulk, and it's still not as cheap as soda.

While oatmeal, rice, and hamburger are cheap, they are not especially healthy as a diet. Personally, I buy ground turkey instead of ground beef. It's almost always less expensive, and it's healthier. Oatmeal and rice are primarily fillers that I add in small amounts to stretch meals.

Fresh produce, on the other hand, is extremely inexpensive, and I have no idea why people don't take advantage of that more. I rarely ever buy my family processed snacks; my kids actually prefer it if I come home with bags of apples, bananas, peaches, veggie platters, and some low-fat ranch dressing for them to dip the veggies in.
I buy frozen OJ concentrate at walmart for .99 cents.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?

Because to eat healthy takes more money and time. The poor tend to eat more processed foods. Organic foods cost a lot more. Uncared bacon for example costs more than processed bacon that has been filled with nitrates. Organic fruits and vegetables cost more than non organic. It is cheaper to buy highly processed mac and cheese than buy the organic macaroni and organic cheeses.

Buying Coke and Mountain Dew is cheaper than buying real fruit juice.

There's also the fact that fewer and fewer people know how to do things like cooking for themselves. They need pre-made food.
You don't know what your talking about. Cooking is easy.

It often is, but the fact remains that fewer people know how to do it. The domestic arts are dying arts.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

The reason Conservatives are always cruel to the poor is this:

People are born with both instinct and intelligence. Their instincts were developed during the hunter-gatherer stage of humanity.

In a hunter-gatherer tribe there is always a disproportion between the population and the amount of resources available. To survive, individuals must horde all the resources they can which inevitably means depriving other members of the tribe. It's a zero-sum game. Since taking for yourself means denying others, instinctively, denying others means taking for yourself.

The BIG difference between Conservatives and Liberals is that Conservatives are dominated by their instincts and use their intelligence to justify their instincts. Liberals are primarily guided by their intelligence and have either weak instincts or have learned to suppress their instincts in favor if their intelligence.


Let me explain in terms you can understand:

I basically said that Conservatives are a bunch of dumb monkeys that can't get laid without a grand note taped to their foreheads.
wow. And then you wonder why we are where we are at.

N.C. No class.
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Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

Studies show that Republicans donate more to charity than Democrats who will only donate if forced by taxes. So, I guess it depends on silly you want to be with stupid news stories.

You seem to be all in on stupid.

Conservatives look at the morality of one's actual actions. Leftists look at the "morality" of one's government policy intentions. And I do mean "intentions". They don't even care about the actual results of the policy; just what they HOPED it would do.
Private charity only covers multitudes of sins. Public policy can solve simple poverty and establish a secular and temporal, Commune of Heaven on Earth.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.

Government can't educate. Only people can educate themselves

And yet another excuse.

Actually you could say "teachers can't educate, pupils can only teach themselves", and yet good teachers inspire and bad teachers.... expire????

You're talking crap of course.

Govt can set out a way for education to succeed, or not, and you can see the difference in education systems throughout the world. Otherwise if your fantasy world were real, a kid in Somalia would have as much chance of making it in this world as a kid in the best schools.... but it ain't so.

My friend and I went to public school together. We sat in many of same classes. I studied hard. He turned to drug use.

Government spent the same amount of money on both of us. We both obtained degrees. But i learned much more about history, sciences, math, etc than he did.

We are told that the government needs to educate, and I have no doubt it can help yo some degree. But it's up to the individual to actually learn. Good teachers are great but if the student is unwilling he wont learn.

Oh and FYI my friend has cleaned up his life and taught himself alot since then. He is an intelligent and industrious man despite our school years.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?

Because to eat healthy takes more money and time. The poor tend to eat more processed foods. Organic foods cost a lot more. Uncared bacon for example costs more than processed bacon that has been filled with nitrates. Organic fruits and vegetables cost more than non organic. It is cheaper to buy highly processed mac and cheese than buy the organic macaroni and organic cheeses.

Buying Coke and Mountain Dew is cheaper than buying real fruit juice.

BS. oatmeal is cheap, rice is cheap, hamburger is cheap, orange juice is cheap, people are fat (both rich and poor) because of what they choose to eat, not what they are forced to eat.

Do you think Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnel can afford organic food?

Orange juice is not cheap, unless you want to go to the effort of clipping coupons and buying in bulk, and it's still not as cheap as soda.

While oatmeal, rice, and hamburger are cheap, they are not especially healthy as a diet. Personally, I buy ground turkey instead of ground beef. It's almost always less expensive, and it's healthier. Oatmeal and rice are primarily fillers that I add in small amounts to stretch meals.

Fresh produce, on the other hand, is extremely inexpensive, and I have no idea why people don't take advantage of that more. I rarely ever buy my family processed snacks; my kids actually prefer it if I come home with bags of apples, bananas, peaches, veggie platters, and some low-fat ranch dressing for them to dip the veggies in.
I buy frozen OJ concentrate at walmart for .99 cents.

My family won't drink juice from concentrate. They hate it. S'okay. I actually do the coupon-and-bulk thing, and then keep pitchers of drinks in the fridge for them. It's actually kinda fun to hunt around for new recipes. And, of course, southern Arizona is great for making sun tea all year round.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

Studies show that Republicans donate more to charity than Democrats who will only donate if forced by taxes. So, I guess it depends on silly you want to be with stupid news stories.

You seem to be all in on stupid.

Conservatives look at the morality of one's actual actions. Leftists look at the "morality" of one's government policy intentions. And I do mean "intentions". They don't even care about the actual results of the policy; just what they HOPED it would do.
Private charity only covers multitudes of sins. Public policy can solve simple poverty and establish a secular and temporal, Commune of Heaven on Earth.

Sure thing Komrade.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?

Because to eat healthy takes more money and time. The poor tend to eat more processed foods. Organic foods cost a lot more. Uncared bacon for example costs more than processed bacon that has been filled with nitrates. Organic fruits and vegetables cost more than non organic. It is cheaper to buy highly processed mac and cheese than buy the organic macaroni and organic cheeses.

Buying Coke and Mountain Dew is cheaper than buying real fruit juice.

BS. oatmeal is cheap, rice is cheap, hamburger is cheap, orange juice is cheap, people are fat (both rich and poor) because of what they choose to eat, not what they are forced to eat.

Do you think Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnel can afford organic food?

Orange juice is not cheap, unless you want to go to the effort of clipping coupons and buying in bulk, and it's still not as cheap as soda.

While oatmeal, rice, and hamburger are cheap, they are not especially healthy as a diet. Personally, I buy ground turkey instead of ground beef. It's almost always less expensive, and it's healthier. Oatmeal and rice are primarily fillers that I add in small amounts to stretch meals.

Fresh produce, on the other hand, is extremely inexpensive, and I have no idea why people don't take advantage of that more. I rarely ever buy my family processed snacks; my kids actually prefer it if I come home with bags of apples, bananas, peaches, veggie platters, and some low-fat ranch dressing for them to dip the veggies in.
I buy frozen OJ concentrate at walmart for .99 cents.

My family won't drink juice from concentrate. They hate it. S'okay. I actually do the coupon-and-bulk thing, and then keep pitchers of drinks in the fridge for them. It's actually kinda fun to hunt around for new recipes. And, of course, southern Arizona is great for making sun tea all year round.

I could probably also buy oranges and squeeze them myself, because oranges are stupid cheap all year long, but I'm a lazy bitch.
It is not just price. It is also time. In a house of two people working paying bills it is hard to find time to prepare a good meal or sometimes you are just to damn tired to do it. While it is true that food bad for you is not really cheaper it is not labor intensive. Think about it this way. Who the hell wants to debone a chicken after working 12 hours? Also I hate the fact that people ever care what I eat... I giant chunk of my pay check goes to food. ALL FOOD. none of it is really cheap any more. I am sure if I was on food stamps I could eat steak and shrimp but I am not on welfare I work for a living and cant afford those things. I also dont just feed myself. Two people work in my household of 4 . We pay our bills and buy food and sometimes we have something extra to buy for ourselves which isn't very often.

You want to know a expense I have??? My daughters school. She goes to public school and is a honor roll student. Yet there isnt a week that goes by that the school doesn't seem to have a hand in my pocket for something or another. 80 dollar calculator, Lap top, uniform for cheer leading or sports or what ever activity she is at that time.... Now I could say no you cant be in that activity and no I dont care if you work hard to get a scholarship to a university I know me of my wife cant afford. I am not a liberal I cant do that.
sorry pal, just excuses. make five meals on the weekend while you have time and freeze them. then pop them in the oven when you get home after your 12 hour shift. excuses are just that, excuses.

Or do like I do, and have a list of really cheap, easy meals that can be thrown together quickly. I flat-out refuse to come home from work and fiddle around with complicated cooking, but I'm also determined that my family will eat complete, nutritious meals. The section of my cookbook for easy-peasy meals is invaluable.
I used to prepare meals on the weekends and freeze them for the work week..

There are lots of ways to provide your family with good meals without overcomplicating your life. You just have to be willing to find them.
i am learning to cook from scratch, more.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

Studies show that Republicans donate more to charity than Democrats who will only donate if forced by taxes. So, I guess it depends on silly you want to be with stupid news stories.

You seem to be all in on stupid.

Conservatives look at the morality of one's actual actions. Leftists look at the "morality" of one's government policy intentions. And I do mean "intentions". They don't even care about the actual results of the policy; just what they HOPED it would do.
Private charity only covers multitudes of sins. Public policy can solve simple poverty and establish a secular and temporal, Commune of Heaven on Earth.
and show us one place that works. jeopardy music.
It's so funny how the wealthiest people on USMB (the ones claiming to pay the highest tax rates) are always looking for government to take more, and then are insulted when we question their honestly.
Isn't it funny the right always has to have a war on something?

In this thread, it's the War on the Poor.

The only war going in is the war against liberal lies.

So, Trump isn't taking stuff someone made up, and then declaring it as fact?

How is trump relevant to the lies this thread is predicated on?
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

Studies show that Republicans donate more to charity than Democrats who will only donate if forced by taxes. So, I guess it depends on silly you want to be with stupid news stories.

You seem to be all in on stupid.

Conservatives look at the morality of one's actual actions. Leftists look at the "morality" of one's government policy intentions. And I do mean "intentions". They don't even care about the actual results of the policy; just what they HOPED it would do.
Private charity only covers multitudes of sins. Public policy can solve simple poverty and establish a secular and temporal, Commune of Heaven on Earth.

Sure thing Komrade.
just practice for a divine, Commune of Heaven, dear.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?

Because to eat healthy takes more money and time. The poor tend to eat more processed foods. Organic foods cost a lot more. Uncared bacon for example costs more than processed bacon that has been filled with nitrates. Organic fruits and vegetables cost more than non organic. It is cheaper to buy highly processed mac and cheese than buy the organic macaroni and organic cheeses.

Buying Coke and Mountain Dew is cheaper than buying real fruit juice.

BS. oatmeal is cheap, rice is cheap, hamburger is cheap, orange juice is cheap, people are fat (both rich and poor) because of what they choose to eat, not what they are forced to eat.

Do you think Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnel can afford organic food?

Orange juice is not cheap, unless you want to go to the effort of clipping coupons and buying in bulk, and it's still not as cheap as soda.

While oatmeal, rice, and hamburger are cheap, they are not especially healthy as a diet. Personally, I buy ground turkey instead of ground beef. It's almost always less expensive, and it's healthier. Oatmeal and rice are primarily fillers that I add in small amounts to stretch meals.

Fresh produce, on the other hand, is extremely inexpensive, and I have no idea why people don't take advantage of that more. I rarely ever buy my family processed snacks; my kids actually prefer it if I come home with bags of apples, bananas, peaches, veggie platters, and some low-fat ranch dressing for them to dip the veggies in.
grapes, raisins. many things out there. peanuts. crackers shit, excuse is the only variable that is real.

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