Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?


Then show that your fair tax does not result in an overall reduction of what the wealthy are paying
Because the rich buy more stuff.... Good lord are you really that simple?

Actually, if you gave one million dollars to a rich person, and $1 dollar to 1 million poor people, which would see the quickest use of money?
The rich guy will invest it and create more jobs the poor guy will buy a black n mild.

Will he?

Actually the rich guy is more likely to hoard it. The poor people will spend it.
Only if the rich guy didnt work for it like, Sure actors and sports players would horde it but business people would invest it and make more.... I know it is forgien to you the fact that the rich get richer because they actually invest and not sit around and bitch like you.

Business people don't buy fast cars? Don't buy nice apartments? Don't keep money aside for a rainy day? no, doesn't happen?
And yet that has never happened anywhere in the world. There is no single payer system on the planet that let's the average person get the same healthcare as the government official. As a matter of fact a lot of these government official's get to come to the US for treatment at their tax payers expense. Everyone paying in simply means you get to pay for something you will never receive. You're paying for anyone but you.
Only if they're independently wealthy...so much bs misinformation... All other modern countries have better life spans than us and we spend 18% of GDP on health care. France is closest with 11%- UK is less than 8%. That's why our premiums and deductibles have to be so high- or we can do it the old GOP way, with scams, cut-offs, a half million bankruptcies a year, and 40k deaths a year.
In socialism nobody is independently wealthy you moron. The government took all of that. The only rich people are government officials who obviously didn't create their wealth they just stole it form the people they claim to be helping.
There are plenty of rich people in socialist EU, Canada, OZ, NZ, dupe. Just not on the backs of the non-rich like here...

You're right that there are rich people in socialist countries.

They are the politicians and their friends.

Politicians never get rich in government except on the backs of the people
all russian politicians are million and billionaires

American politicians are the same

Then show that your fair tax does not result in an overall reduction of what the wealthy are paying
Because the rich buy more stuff.... Good lord are you really that simple?

Actually, if you gave one million dollars to a rich person, and $1 dollar to 1 million poor people, which would see the quickest use of money?

one dollar would not make any difference to a poor person, or the economy. the rich guy might buy 10 cars or a yacht, thereby creating hundreds of jobs ----------- for people who actually wanted to work.

Damn...that's a new one

The yacht theory of trickle down

Do blue collar union workers build yachts? yes or no.

They also build single family homes and cars

So shouldn't we be directing more money towards those who buy single family homes and cars?
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.

Government can't educate. Only people can educate themselves
people can educate others, but the others have to want to learn. If there is no value in
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.
that's bullshit too

ask anyone if a salad is healthier than a Snickers bar and tell me what they say

Yeah sure, and ask anyone which they'd prefer to eat, and many would say Snickers Bar simply because they don't know what the snickers bar will actually do to them.

Again, it's about making choices and having reasons to make those choices.

If the salad tasted better because they'd been taught how to do it, taught how to enjoy salad, then maybe they'd eat it. If they'd been taught what sugar does to their brains then maybe they'd have reasons no to eat the snickers. Some would, some wouldn't.

But education is how you change people's attitudes. Maybe if a snickers wasn't cheaper than a salad, then maybe people would also choose to eat salad.

But hey, you keep them there excuses rolling.
so now you're saying the public schools don't educate the kids on what nutrition is? LOL.

Well, take a look around you at the increasing numbers of uneducated imbeciles in society, and YOU tell US.
I was being facetious
The corporation that I work for now is a good example of the dynamic I'm describing. When I started, the company was run by the founder who took it from small start up to international corporation. He was an engineer turned entrepreneur who never forgot the value of the people who were working for him and he had numerous programs for training and recognition that showed him to be a true humanitarian. Fast forward about 5 or 10 years and he was getting too old to continue. That's when the usual cadre of self promoters, and business types who had no idea how to create a product all vying for their lucrative slot in the big corporation. The humanitarian aspect disappeared and was replaced by the usual mantra of downsize, outsource and exploit. As someone who innovates for a living, I can tell you that the idea that there are no limits to your slice of the pie has been listening to too many motivational speakers. As fast paced as the development cycle is, there are always limits and the guys at the top will make sure they get way more than anyone else.

And don't even get me started on Michael Eisner. He turned Disneyland into a tee shirt store. Talk about putting minimal value in and milking maximum money out.

Eisner did turn the Disney Corp into a T shirt company but people made money off the t shirts. Lots of money because other people wanted to buy the t-shirts. I made a nice profit on my stock. Hundreds of millions of people bought what Eisner was selling

If you don't ever want to buy anything made by Disney then that is fine. You don't ever have to contribute to the money that the CEO of Disney makes. It doesn't hurt you in the least how much the CEO of Disney makes, does it?

In fact it doesn't hurt you in the least what any CEO makes and that is the reason you never answered my questions, isn't it? You can't come up with any concrete examples of where some CEOs salary has ever hurt you, can you?

However, I can you a great example of how the filthy ass government hurts me. I have to pay taxes each year and other people gets some of the money that I earned. People that did nothing to earn the money that I gave the filthy government.
Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people poured their creativity and talent into making Disneyland one of the coolest places in the world and as it happened, it turned a nice profit at the same time. Then this greedy fucking parasite moves in and in a classic case of short term self interest, makes it half as cool as it once was. Sorry, this is the seedy belly on capitalism at work. Why couldn't he have picked an industry that's already been ruined like health insurance to ply his trade?
didn't those tens and hundreds of thousands of people make a buck? Or are you saying they did out the goodness of their hearts? you all are too funny I have to admit that. comedians all of you.
Ok, this is the essence of the difference between conservatives and liberals. Since conservatives have little to no creative impulse, everything is about making a buck. Those of us who are creative also have to eat so we try to earn money in interesting ways and aren't looking for the largest short term gain we can possibly get. However, that doesn't mean we don't feel screwed when an opportunist funnels the fruits of our creativity primarily to themselves.
then don't sell your labor to anyone

you accepted a price for your labor if you don't like the arrangement then quit your job
I don't work in some little low tech cottage industry like you apparently do. I could go the consulting route but my wife has a disease that requires continuing medical support and the uncertainty of consulting makes her too nervous. I don't suppose a little thing like that would stop you though.
Only if they're independently wealthy...so much bs misinformation... All other modern countries have better life spans than us and we spend 18% of GDP on health care. France is closest with 11%- UK is less than 8%. That's why our premiums and deductibles have to be so high- or we can do it the old GOP way, with scams, cut-offs, a half million bankruptcies a year, and 40k deaths a year.
In socialism nobody is independently wealthy you moron. The government took all of that. The only rich people are government officials who obviously didn't create their wealth they just stole it form the people they claim to be helping.
There are plenty of rich people in socialist EU, Canada, OZ, NZ, dupe. Just not on the backs of the non-rich like here...

You're right that there are rich people in socialist countries.

They are the politicians and their friends.

Politicians never get rich in government except on the backs of the people
all russian politicians are million and billionaires

American politicians are the same
true,,but the difference is the american politicians made their money mostly before entering politics ,,not so much the Russians
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?

Because to eat healthy takes more money and time. The poor tend to eat more processed foods. Organic foods cost a lot more. Uncared bacon for example costs more than processed bacon that has been filled with nitrates. Organic fruits and vegetables cost more than non organic. It is cheaper to buy highly processed mac and cheese than buy the organic macaroni and organic cheeses.

Buying Coke and Mountain Dew is cheaper than buying real fruit juice.

BS. oatmeal is cheap, rice is cheap, hamburger is cheap, orange juice is cheap, people are fat (both rich and poor) because of what they choose to eat, not what they are forced to eat.

Do you think Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnel can afford organic food?

Mikey and Rosie decide to eat like they do and be like they are.

Orange juice is not as cheap as pop, oatmeal, rice are high carb foods that tend to put weight on people.
But I thought the republicans were starving us? Changing your BS story now?
I made a list. You want to play games so I sent you to educate yourself.
I can eat healthy for $60 a week.
Fast food is around $150 a week for cheap stuff.

So your entire theory is blown to hell of which it came from.
It is not just price. It is also time. In a house of two people working paying bills it is hard to find time to prepare a good meal or sometimes you are just to damn tired to do it. While it is true that food bad for you is not really cheaper it is not labor intensive. Think about it this way. Who the hell wants to debone a chicken after working 12 hours? Also I hate the fact that people ever care what I eat... I giant chunk of my pay check goes to food. ALL FOOD. none of it is really cheap any more. I am sure if I was on food stamps I could eat steak and shrimp but I am not on welfare I work for a living and cant afford those things. I also dont just feed myself. Two people work in my household of 4 . We pay our bills and buy food and sometimes we have something extra to buy for ourselves which isn't very often.

You want to know a expense I have??? My daughters school. She goes to public school and is a honor roll student. Yet there isnt a week that goes by that the school doesn't seem to have a hand in my pocket for something or another. 80 dollar calculator, Lap top, uniform for cheer leading or sports or what ever activity she is at that time.... Now I could say no you cant be in that activity and no I dont care if you work hard to get a scholarship to a university I know me of my wife cant afford. I am not a liberal I cant do that.
sorry pal, just excuses. make five meals on the weekend while you have time and freeze them. then pop them in the oven when you get home after your 12 hour shift. excuses are just that, excuses.

Or do like I do, and have a list of really cheap, easy meals that can be thrown together quickly. I flat-out refuse to come home from work and fiddle around with complicated cooking, but I'm also determined that my family will eat complete, nutritious meals. The section of my cookbook for easy-peasy meals is invaluable.
I used to prepare meals on the weekends and freeze them for the work week..

There are lots of ways to provide your family with good meals without overcomplicating your life. You just have to be willing to find them.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.

Government can't educate. Only people can educate themselves
people can educate others, but the others have to want to learn. If there is no value in
Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.
that's bullshit too

ask anyone if a salad is healthier than a Snickers bar and tell me what they say

Yeah sure, and ask anyone which they'd prefer to eat, and many would say Snickers Bar simply because they don't know what the snickers bar will actually do to them.

Again, it's about making choices and having reasons to make those choices.

If the salad tasted better because they'd been taught how to do it, taught how to enjoy salad, then maybe they'd eat it. If they'd been taught what sugar does to their brains then maybe they'd have reasons no to eat the snickers. Some would, some wouldn't.

But education is how you change people's attitudes. Maybe if a snickers wasn't cheaper than a salad, then maybe people would also choose to eat salad.

But hey, you keep them there excuses rolling.
so now you're saying the public schools don't educate the kids on what nutrition is? LOL.

Well, take a look around you at the increasing numbers of uneducated imbeciles in society, and YOU tell US.
I was being facetious

Well, parents have to want their kids to learn. Problem here is that the parents are telling everyone it's all indoctrination, so they don't need to learn it, they expect the teachers to teach them, and the parents don't do anything. It's a big bad cycle, that never gets better because every fucker has an excuse why they shouldn't do anything.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

Studies show that Republicans donate more to charity than Democrats who will only donate if forced by taxes. So, I guess it depends on silly you want to be with stupid news stories.

You seem to be all in on stupid.

Conservatives look at the morality of one's actual actions. Leftists look at the "morality" of one's government policy intentions. And I do mean "intentions". They don't even care about the actual results of the policy; just what they HOPED it would do.
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.

Government can't educate. Only people can educate themselves
people can educate others, but the others have to want to learn. If there is no value in
that's bullshit too

ask anyone if a salad is healthier than a Snickers bar and tell me what they say

Yeah sure, and ask anyone which they'd prefer to eat, and many would say Snickers Bar simply because they don't know what the snickers bar will actually do to them.

Again, it's about making choices and having reasons to make those choices.

If the salad tasted better because they'd been taught how to do it, taught how to enjoy salad, then maybe they'd eat it. If they'd been taught what sugar does to their brains then maybe they'd have reasons no to eat the snickers. Some would, some wouldn't.

But education is how you change people's attitudes. Maybe if a snickers wasn't cheaper than a salad, then maybe people would also choose to eat salad.

But hey, you keep them there excuses rolling.
so now you're saying the public schools don't educate the kids on what nutrition is? LOL.

Well, take a look around you at the increasing numbers of uneducated imbeciles in society, and YOU tell US.
I was being facetious

Well, parents have to want their kids to learn. Problem here is that the parents are telling everyone it's all indoctrination, so they don't need to learn it, they expect the teachers to teach them, and the parents don't do anything. It's a big bad cycle, that never gets better because every fucker has an excuse why they shouldn't do anything.
Who are these "everyone" they are telling? Can you prove any of your baseless claims? Ever?
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

The reason Conservatives are always cruel to the poor is this:

People are born with both instinct and intelligence. Their instincts were developed during the hunter-gatherer stage of humanity.

In a hunter-gatherer tribe there is always a disproportion between the population and the amount of resources available. To survive, individuals must horde all the resources they can which inevitably means depriving other members of the tribe. It's a zero-sum game. Since taking for yourself means denying others, instinctively, denying others means taking for yourself.

The BIG difference between Conservatives and Liberals is that Conservatives are dominated by their instincts and use their intelligence to justify their instincts. Liberals are primarily guided by their intelligence and have either weak instincts or have learned to suppress their instincts in favor if their intelligence.


Let me explain in terms you can understand:

I basically said that Conservatives are a bunch of dumb monkeys that can't get laid without a grand note taped to their foreheads.
I can eat healthy for $60 a week.
Fast food is around $150 a week for cheap stuff.

So your entire theory is blown to hell of which it came from.
It is not just price. It is also time. In a house of two people working paying bills it is hard to find time to prepare a good meal or sometimes you are just to damn tired to do it. While it is true that food bad for you is not really cheaper it is not labor intensive. Think about it this way. Who the hell wants to debone a chicken after working 12 hours? Also I hate the fact that people ever care what I eat... I giant chunk of my pay check goes to food. ALL FOOD. none of it is really cheap any more. I am sure if I was on food stamps I could eat steak and shrimp but I am not on welfare I work for a living and cant afford those things. I also dont just feed myself. Two people work in my household of 4 . We pay our bills and buy food and sometimes we have something extra to buy for ourselves which isn't very often.

You want to know a expense I have??? My daughters school. She goes to public school and is a honor roll student. Yet there isnt a week that goes by that the school doesn't seem to have a hand in my pocket for something or another. 80 dollar calculator, Lap top, uniform for cheer leading or sports or what ever activity she is at that time.... Now I could say no you cant be in that activity and no I dont care if you work hard to get a scholarship to a university I know me of my wife cant afford. I am not a liberal I cant do that.
sorry pal, just excuses. make five meals on the weekend while you have time and freeze them. then pop them in the oven when you get home after your 12 hour shift. excuses are just that, excuses.

Or do like I do, and have a list of really cheap, easy meals that can be thrown together quickly. I flat-out refuse to come home from work and fiddle around with complicated cooking, but I'm also determined that my family will eat complete, nutritious meals. The section of my cookbook for easy-peasy meals is invaluable.
I used to prepare meals on the weekends and freeze them for the work week..

There are lots of ways to provide your family with good meals without overcomplicating your life. You just have to be willing to find them.
Sure there are, after being a single parent twice, I have had to find all the ways I can to provide not just the food but the energy to do it..I don't go for pre made foods as having been employed at several food production facilities I have seen how they operate..I cook from raw stock only and grow my own veggies..
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

The reason Conservatives are always cruel to the poor is this:

People are born with both instinct and intelligence. Their instincts were developed during the hunter-gatherer stage of humanity.

In a hunter-gatherer tribe there is always a disproportion between the population and the amount of resources available. To survive, individuals must horde all the resources they can which inevitably means depriving other members of the tribe. It's a zero-sum game. Since taking for yourself means denying others, instinctively, denying others means taking for yourself.

The BIG difference between Conservatives and Liberals is that Conservatives are dominated by their instincts and use their intelligence to justify their instincts. Liberals are primarily guided by their intelligence and have either weak instincts or have learned to suppress their instincts in favor if their intelligence.


Let me explain in terms you can understand:

I basically said that Conservatives are a bunch of dumb monkeys that can't get laid without a grand note taped to their foreheads.
Grand notes are not available anymore. Next fantasy.

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