Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

The reason Conservatives are always cruel to the poor is this:

People are born with both instinct and intelligence. Their instincts were developed during the hunter-gatherer stage of humanity.

In a hunter-gatherer tribe there is always a disproportion between the population and the amount of resources available. To survive, individuals must horde all the resources they can which inevitably means depriving other members of the tribe. It's a zero-sum game. Since taking for yourself means denying others, instinctively, denying others means taking for yourself.

The BIG difference between Conservatives and Liberals is that Conservatives are dominated by their instincts and use their intelligence to justify their instincts. Liberals are primarily guided by their intelligence and have either weak instincts or have learned to suppress their instincts in favor if their intelligence.


Let me explain in terms you can understand:

I basically said that Conservatives are a bunch of dumb monkeys that can't get laid without a grand note taped to their foreheads.
wow. And then you wonder why we are where we are at.

N.C. No class.

Of course Conservatives elected such a classy President!
And yet, Medicare is essentially a single payer system, and none of the things you are whining about happens to those of us who are insured under it.

Except it is deep in debt and getting deeper every hour.


U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Oh, here we go! I started my career in health insurance in May, 1966, which was one month before Medicare went into effect. That was 51 years ago, and for that entire period of time, I have been hearing that Medicare is going broke and will fail. What a surprise that you should bring it up! How long will I have to wait for that to happens?
Will it fail before, or after Social Security? Before or after ACA? I sure hope it doesn't fail before my cataract surgery next month!

why did they have to add medicare to our payroll deductions then?

Questions and Answers for the Additional Medicare Tax

"On Nov. 26, 2013, the IRS issued final regulations (TD 9645) implementing the Additional Medicare Tax as added by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Additional Medicare Tax applies to wages, railroad retirement (RRTA) compensation, and self-employment income over certain thresholds. Employers are responsible for withholding the tax on wages and RRTA compensation in certain circumstances.

1. When did Additional Medicare Tax start?

Additional Medicare Tax went into effect in 2013 and applies to wages, compensation, and self-employment income above a threshold amount received in taxable years beginning after Dec. 31, 2012."

yeah talk to the hand. :eusa_hand:

Well, my best guess as to why, IS TO KEEP MEDICARE FROM GOING BROKE!!!
so they raised taxes on who? the middle class. how is it the dems treat middle class with such disrespect?
Exactly wrong, dupe. Why was repeal and replace a giant tax cut for the rich? DUH.
It's all about the hate & greed. Most white Republican dudes have adopted a very hateful hostile approach to our poor. It's a 'FUCK YOU, I GOT MINE' mentality. I know the mentality well, i used to consider myself a Republican. Their treatment of our poor is pretty evil.

It really is amazing they actually consider themselves 'Good Americans' and 'Good Christians.' 'Conservative Christians' should try actually reading Jesus' teachings sometime. Instead of always desperately trying to justify their hate & hostility towards our poor, they should start reading the Bible again. It might just save their rotting souls.

dude more of:
  • :lalala:

Its more than a fuck you, I got mine attitude

They actively go after the poor, try to turn the voters against them, blame the poor for the shape of the economy
The poor are an easy target. They dont own newspapers or tv stations and have to carry right wing guilt around like a fucking big lead weight.

Republicans have a choice..

Blame the rich who are assuming more and more of our nations wealth
Blame the poor who cannot stand up for themselves

It's a Nazi-like bully mentality. They know the poor can't stand up for themselves. They're easy to abuse. I seriously believe some greedy Republicans on this thread, would support passing laws making being poor a 'crime.' They would have no problem imprisoning them all. They would gladly 'disappear' them.

dude more of:

Hey, i just call em like i see em. I seriously believe some of you greedy Republicans would have no problem rounding up our poor and imprisoning them forever. You'd love to 'Disappear' them. And the next step would of course be 'Extermination.' Y'all do sound like Nazis. Sorry, but you do.
It's all about the hate & greed. Most white Republican dudes have adopted a very hateful hostile approach to our poor. It's a 'FUCK YOU, I GOT MINE' mentality. I know the mentality well, i used to consider myself a Republican. Their treatment of our poor is pretty evil.

It really is amazing they actually consider themselves 'Good Americans' and 'Good Christians.' 'Conservative Christians' should try actually reading Jesus' teachings sometime. Instead of always desperately trying to justify their hate & hostility towards our poor, they should start reading the Bible again. It might just save their rotting souls.

Its more than a fuck you, I got mine attitude

They actively go after the poor, try to turn the voters against them, blame the poor for the shape of the economy
The poor are an easy target. They dont own newspapers or tv stations and have to carry right wing guilt around like a fucking big lead weight.

Republicans have a choice..

Blame the rich who are assuming more and more of our nations wealth
Blame the poor who cannot stand up for themselves
Hilariously ironic, dupe. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
yes a reduction to the ridiculous instead of the truth

Republicans need people like you to point out how well off our poor people are

The wealthy don't need to pay more taxes.....Poor people are buying coffee

the wealthy don't need to pay more taxes the top 10% of earners already pay 70% of all income taxes

the bottom 50% pay zero % of all income taxes

and yes I hate to tell you this but if you are really poor you don't buy a $5 Crappaccino from Starfucks and you certainly don't smoke a pack a day

you buy a big tin of Folgers and make your coffee at home.

When you control most of the income...you pay most of the income taxes
Funny how that works out

I don't see many Starbucks in poor neighborhoods

No but there's a Dunkins on every corner and they sell those ridiculously expensive coffee drinks too

and there is no way that 10% of earners earn more in total than 90% of all earners

yet they still pay more in income tax than 90% of people combined

you want to talk "fair" share well it ain't what we got now

a truly fair share would be a flat percentage of everyone's income period

Show me a flat tax where the rich don't end up paying less and the poor end up paying more

why do the so called poor not have to pay income tax?

If you have an income then you should pay income tax

If you want "fair" shares then a flat tax is the only way to go that way everyone pays a share that's determined to be fair for everyone
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.
that's bullshit too

ask anyone if a salad is healthier than a Snickers bar and tell me what they say

Yeah sure, and ask anyone which they'd prefer to eat, and many would say Snickers Bar simply because they don't know what the snickers bar will actually do to them.

Again, it's about making choices and having reasons to make those choices.

If the salad tasted better because they'd been taught how to do it, taught how to enjoy salad, then maybe they'd eat it. If they'd been taught what sugar does to their brains then maybe they'd have reasons no to eat the snickers. Some would, some wouldn't.

But education is how you change people's attitudes. Maybe if a snickers wasn't cheaper than a salad, then maybe people would also choose to eat salad.

But hey, you keep them there excuses rolling.
I don't think education is the problem when comes to the poor and their diet.
When parents have to find the cheapest food available for their family, it’s nearly always going to be less likely to be fresh; more likely to be highly calorific, and therefore filling.

You also have to factor in how exhausting poverty is. Often the last thing that stressed poor parents need at the end of the day is to start a meal from scratch. This is why, however well meant, the “why not buy some veg from the local market and make a lovely stew?” rationale so often takes on the ring of Marie Antoinette’s fabled suggestion to let them eat cake.
For the urban poor (you know who that is) there is no local market. They get processed crap from the fake 7-11 or McDs
Except it is deep in debt and getting deeper every hour.


U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Oh, here we go! I started my career in health insurance in May, 1966, which was one month before Medicare went into effect. That was 51 years ago, and for that entire period of time, I have been hearing that Medicare is going broke and will fail. What a surprise that you should bring it up! How long will I have to wait for that to happens?
Will it fail before, or after Social Security? Before or after ACA? I sure hope it doesn't fail before my cataract surgery next month!

why did they have to add medicare to our payroll deductions then?

Questions and Answers for the Additional Medicare Tax

"On Nov. 26, 2013, the IRS issued final regulations (TD 9645) implementing the Additional Medicare Tax as added by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Additional Medicare Tax applies to wages, railroad retirement (RRTA) compensation, and self-employment income over certain thresholds. Employers are responsible for withholding the tax on wages and RRTA compensation in certain circumstances.

1. When did Additional Medicare Tax start?

Additional Medicare Tax went into effect in 2013 and applies to wages, compensation, and self-employment income above a threshold amount received in taxable years beginning after Dec. 31, 2012."

yeah talk to the hand. :eusa_hand:

Well, my best guess as to why, IS TO KEEP MEDICARE FROM GOING BROKE!!!
so they raised taxes on who? the middle class. how is it the dems treat middle class with such disrespect?
Exactly wrong, dupe. Why was repeal and replace a giant tax cut for the rich? DUH.
why don't you tell me, I never made that claim.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.
that's bullshit too

ask anyone if a salad is healthier than a Snickers bar and tell me what they say

Yeah sure, and ask anyone which they'd prefer to eat, and many would say Snickers Bar simply because they don't know what the snickers bar will actually do to them.

Again, it's about making choices and having reasons to make those choices.

If the salad tasted better because they'd been taught how to do it, taught how to enjoy salad, then maybe they'd eat it. If they'd been taught what sugar does to their brains then maybe they'd have reasons no to eat the snickers. Some would, some wouldn't.

But education is how you change people's attitudes. Maybe if a snickers wasn't cheaper than a salad, then maybe people would also choose to eat salad.

But hey, you keep them there excuses rolling.
I don't think education is the problem when comes to the poor and their diet.
When parents have to find the cheapest food available for their family, it’s nearly always going to be less likely to be fresh; more likely to be highly calorific, and therefore filling.

You also have to factor in how exhausting poverty is. Often the last thing that stressed poor parents need at the end of the day is to start a meal from scratch. This is why, however well meant, the “why not buy some veg from the local market and make a lovely stew?” rationale so often takes on the ring of Marie Antoinette’s fabled suggestion to let them eat cake.
For the urban poor (you know who that is) there is no local market. They get processed crap from the fake 7-11 or McDs
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

The reason Conservatives are always cruel to the poor is this:

People are born with both instinct and intelligence. Their instincts were developed during the hunter-gatherer stage of humanity.

In a hunter-gatherer tribe there is always a disproportion between the population and the amount of resources available. To survive, individuals must horde all the resources they can which inevitably means depriving other members of the tribe. It's a zero-sum game. Since taking for yourself means denying others, instinctively, denying others means taking for yourself.

The BIG difference between Conservatives and Liberals is that Conservatives are dominated by their instincts and use their intelligence to justify their instincts. Liberals are primarily guided by their intelligence and have either weak instincts or have learned to suppress their instincts in favor if their intelligence.


Let me explain in terms you can understand:

I basically said that Conservatives are a bunch of dumb monkeys that can't get laid without a grand note taped to their foreheads.

Let me explain this in terms you can understand:

You're basically a babbling dimwit.

Perfect example of Conservative primitivism:

You can't either recognize or make a humorous comeback.

You're basically a babbling dimwit.

All the wit of an imbecile!
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.

Government can't educate. Only people can educate themselves
and a government will never lift the poor out of poverty.
dude more of:
  • :lalala:

Its more than a fuck you, I got mine attitude

They actively go after the poor, try to turn the voters against them, blame the poor for the shape of the economy
The poor are an easy target. They dont own newspapers or tv stations and have to carry right wing guilt around like a fucking big lead weight.

Republicans have a choice..

Blame the rich who are assuming more and more of our nations wealth
Blame the poor who cannot stand up for themselves

It's a Nazi-like bully mentality. They know the poor can't stand up for themselves. They're easy to abuse. I seriously believe some greedy Republicans on this thread, would support passing laws making being poor a 'crime.' They would have no problem imprisoning them all. They would gladly 'disappear' them.

dude more of:

Hey, i just call em like i see em. I seriously believe some of you greedy Republicans would have no problem rounding up our poor and imprisoning them forever. You'd love to 'Disappear' them. And the next step would of course be 'Extermination.' Y'all do sound like Nazis. Sorry, but you do.
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.
that's bullshit too

ask anyone if a salad is healthier than a Snickers bar and tell me what they say

Yeah sure, and ask anyone which they'd prefer to eat, and many would say Snickers Bar simply because they don't know what the snickers bar will actually do to them.

Again, it's about making choices and having reasons to make those choices.

If the salad tasted better because they'd been taught how to do it, taught how to enjoy salad, then maybe they'd eat it. If they'd been taught what sugar does to their brains then maybe they'd have reasons no to eat the snickers. Some would, some wouldn't.

But education is how you change people's attitudes. Maybe if a snickers wasn't cheaper than a salad, then maybe people would also choose to eat salad.

But hey, you keep them there excuses rolling.
I don't think education is the problem when it comes to the poor and their diet.
When parents have to find the cheapest food available for their family, it’s nearly always going to be less likely to be fresh; more likely to be highly calorific, and therefore more filling.

You also have to factor in how exhausting poverty is. Often the last thing that stressed poor parents need at the end of the day is to start a meal from scratch. This is why, however well meant, the “why not buy some veg from the local market and make a lovely stew?” rationale so often takes on the ring of Marie Antoinette’s fabled suggestion to let them eat cake.

The lazy man's excuse.......I'm so tired!
that's bullshit too

ask anyone if a salad is healthier than a Snickers bar and tell me what they say

Yeah sure, and ask anyone which they'd prefer to eat, and many would say Snickers Bar simply because they don't know what the snickers bar will actually do to them.

Again, it's about making choices and having reasons to make those choices.

If the salad tasted better because they'd been taught how to do it, taught how to enjoy salad, then maybe they'd eat it. If they'd been taught what sugar does to their brains then maybe they'd have reasons no to eat the snickers. Some would, some wouldn't.

But education is how you change people's attitudes. Maybe if a snickers wasn't cheaper than a salad, then maybe people would also choose to eat salad.

But hey, you keep them there excuses rolling.
I didn't say prefer to eat I said ask them which food is better for them

they already know so as I said they CHOOSE to eat crappy food even though they KNOW what healthy food is

So we should restrict what kinds of food can be bought with government handout money

But then ask them WHY a salad is better for them rather than a snickers, and do you think they'll be able to give a good enough answer for them to make a good decision?

Do you know what sugar does to your brain? Do you know why it reduces the oxygen levels to your brain making you more forgetful? Do you know what things you need to take in order to be healthier?

Many don't. You need to teach people.

I've been doing research into the impact of bad eating on learning, and it's shocking, and I know for certain those most people don't have a clue.
it doesn't matter.
everyone KNOWS already that fruit is better than candy
everyone knows that to lose weight you need to eat less and move more

sooner or later everything is a choice

eating like shit is a choice
being fat is a choice

sorry to tell you this but I am not responsible for other people's poor choices neither is anyone else

Yes, they do. But everyone knows that smoking can cause lung cancer. But everyone knows that smoking is cool and it can help you lose weight too.

People know a lot of things. But there are lots of choices. Smoking is addictive, so is sugar. Do people know this? This isn't just an issue of weight.

Did you know the recommended daily amount for food differs in the US? Yeah, the US has calorie intake at a much higher level than other countries. Doesn't help when people are told that a larger size is the acceptable norm.

Again, it's about helping people to make the right choices. What seems obvious to many, isn't. Saying "do 3 hours of exercise a day" doesn't get into people's brains. Showing people what not doing this exercise will do to their bodies is another matter. Teaching them, having them think about it, having them think about the consequences, this is the sort of thing that education is failing to do.

Not my problem.

Fat Fucks know why they are fat the time honored progressive panacea, throwing money at the problem to "raise awareness" doesn't work.

People will be fat if they want to be fat
people will smoke if they want to smoke

we the taxpayers shouldn't be paying for their fast food or their butts. Instead of an EBT card you can use to buy shit food you restrict it so you can only buy certain foods. That will cost us a shit ton less than wasting money on educating people to make choices they do not want to make
And yet, Medicare is essentially a single payer system, and none of the things you are whining about happens to those of us who are insured under it.

Except it is deep in debt and getting deeper every hour.


U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Oh, here we go! I started my career in health insurance in May, 1966, which was one month before Medicare went into effect. That was 51 years ago, and for that entire period of time, I have been hearing that Medicare is going broke and will fail. What a surprise that you should bring it up! How long will I have to wait for that to happens?
Will it fail before, or after Social Security? Before or after ACA? I sure hope it doesn't fail before my cataract surgery next month!

why did they have to add medicare to our payroll deductions then?

Questions and Answers for the Additional Medicare Tax

"On Nov. 26, 2013, the IRS issued final regulations (TD 9645) implementing the Additional Medicare Tax as added by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Additional Medicare Tax applies to wages, railroad retirement (RRTA) compensation, and self-employment income over certain thresholds. Employers are responsible for withholding the tax on wages and RRTA compensation in certain circumstances.

1. When did Additional Medicare Tax start?

Additional Medicare Tax went into effect in 2013 and applies to wages, compensation, and self-employment income above a threshold amount received in taxable years beginning after Dec. 31, 2012."

yeah talk to the hand. :eusa_hand:

Well, my best guess as to why, IS TO KEEP MEDICARE FROM GOING BROKE!!!
so they raised taxes on who? the middle class. how is it the dems treat middle class with such disrespect?

So you think that a Medicare tax, as a percentage of payroll, is unfair? Which would you have preferred more, a higher tax on the poor, who are not paying taxes anyway, or a higher tax on the rich, which the democrats prefer?
Republicans need people like you to point out how well off our poor people are

The wealthy don't need to pay more taxes.....Poor people are buying coffee

the wealthy don't need to pay more taxes the top 10% of earners already pay 70% of all income taxes

the bottom 50% pay zero % of all income taxes

and yes I hate to tell you this but if you are really poor you don't buy a $5 Crappaccino from Starfucks and you certainly don't smoke a pack a day

you buy a big tin of Folgers and make your coffee at home.

When you control most of the income...you pay most of the income taxes
Funny how that works out

I don't see many Starbucks in poor neighborhoods

No but there's a Dunkins on every corner and they sell those ridiculously expensive coffee drinks too

and there is no way that 10% of earners earn more in total than 90% of all earners

yet they still pay more in income tax than 90% of people combined

you want to talk "fair" share well it ain't what we got now

a truly fair share would be a flat percentage of everyone's income period

Show me a flat tax where the rich don't end up paying less and the poor end up paying more

why do the so called poor not have to pay income tax?

If you have an income then you should pay income tax

If you want "fair" shares then a flat tax is the only way to go that way everyone pays a share that's determined to be fair for everyone
We ALREADY have a flat tax after 35 years of Reaganist transfer of taxes to the states- which kill the nonrich like YOU. That's how the rich end up with all the new wealth, stupid.

Add it up, anyone making any real money pays the same, silly dupe.
yes but you people don't want a flat tax on ALL income you want the convoluted tax code we have now

There is also a very popular "Fair Tax" which solves the problems of the flat tax.

Fair Tax Nation

How FAIRtax Works | FAIRtax.org
I know about the Fair tax and I'm not against a consumption tax. My biggest issue with the Fair Tax is the monthly "prebate" thing.

IMO it's beyond stupid to charge a higher tax rate only to spend millions every year to cut every person in the country a check the first of every month

Lower the rate get rid of the prebate and I'm on board
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Eisner did turn the Disney Corp into a T shirt company but people made money off the t shirts. Lots of money because other people wanted to buy the t-shirts. I made a nice profit on my stock. Hundreds of millions of people bought what Eisner was selling

If you don't ever want to buy anything made by Disney then that is fine. You don't ever have to contribute to the money that the CEO of Disney makes. It doesn't hurt you in the least how much the CEO of Disney makes, does it?

In fact it doesn't hurt you in the least what any CEO makes and that is the reason you never answered my questions, isn't it? You can't come up with any concrete examples of where some CEOs salary has ever hurt you, can you?

However, I can you a great example of how the filthy ass government hurts me. I have to pay taxes each year and other people gets some of the money that I earned. People that did nothing to earn the money that I gave the filthy government.
Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people poured their creativity and talent into making Disneyland one of the coolest places in the world and as it happened, it turned a nice profit at the same time. Then this greedy fucking parasite moves in and in a classic case of short term self interest, makes it half as cool as it once was. Sorry, this is the seedy belly on capitalism at work. Why couldn't he have picked an industry that's already been ruined like health insurance to ply his trade?
didn't those tens and hundreds of thousands of people make a buck? Or are you saying they did out the goodness of their hearts? you all are too funny I have to admit that. comedians all of you.
Ok, this is the essence of the difference between conservatives and liberals. Since conservatives have little to no creative impulse, everything is about making a buck. Those of us who are creative also have to eat so we try to earn money in interesting ways and aren't looking for the largest short term gain we can possibly get. However, that doesn't mean we don't feel screwed when an opportunist funnels the fruits of our creativity primarily to themselves.
then don't sell your labor to anyone

you accepted a price for your labor if you don't like the arrangement then quit your job
I don't work in some little low tech cottage industry like you apparently do. I could go the consulting route but my wife has a disease that requires continuing medical support and the uncertainty of consulting makes her too nervous. I don't suppose a little thing like that would stop you though.
I work for myself and have for a long time. Now we have people who work for us. I take a month off and still make more than I did the month before.

so shove your veiled insults up your ass
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the wealthy don't need to pay more taxes the top 10% of earners already pay 70% of all income taxes

the bottom 50% pay zero % of all income taxes

and yes I hate to tell you this but if you are really poor you don't buy a $5 Crappaccino from Starfucks and you certainly don't smoke a pack a day

you buy a big tin of Folgers and make your coffee at home.

When you control most of the income...you pay most of the income taxes
Funny how that works out

I don't see many Starbucks in poor neighborhoods

No but there's a Dunkins on every corner and they sell those ridiculously expensive coffee drinks too

and there is no way that 10% of earners earn more in total than 90% of all earners

yet they still pay more in income tax than 90% of people combined

you want to talk "fair" share well it ain't what we got now

a truly fair share would be a flat percentage of everyone's income period

Show me a flat tax where the rich don't end up paying less and the poor end up paying more

why do the so called poor not have to pay income tax?

If you have an income then you should pay income tax

If you want "fair" shares then a flat tax is the only way to go that way everyone pays a share that's determined to be fair for everyone
We ALREADY have a flat tax after 35 years of Reaganist transfer of taxes to the states- which kill the nonrich like YOU. That's how the rich end up with all the new wealth, stupid.

Add it up, anyone making any real money pays the same, silly dupe.
lumping state local and federal into one stat is a dodge. we are and have been talking about federal taxes. Don't want to pay state income taxes or sales taxes then move to one of the states that don't have them
Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people poured their creativity and talent into making Disneyland one of the coolest places in the world and as it happened, it turned a nice profit at the same time. Then this greedy fucking parasite moves in and in a classic case of short term self interest, makes it half as cool as it once was. Sorry, this is the seedy belly on capitalism at work. Why couldn't he have picked an industry that's already been ruined like health insurance to ply his trade?
didn't those tens and hundreds of thousands of people make a buck? Or are you saying they did out the goodness of their hearts? you all are too funny I have to admit that. comedians all of you.
Ok, this is the essence of the difference between conservatives and liberals. Since conservatives have little to no creative impulse, everything is about making a buck. Those of us who are creative also have to eat so we try to earn money in interesting ways and aren't looking for the largest short term gain we can possibly get. However, that doesn't mean we don't feel screwed when an opportunist funnels the fruits of our creativity primarily to themselves.
then don't sell your labor to anyone

you accepted a price for your labor if you don't like the arrangement then quit your job
I don't work in some little low tech cottage industry like you apparently do. I could go the consulting route but my wife has a disease that requires continuing medical support and the uncertainty of consulting makes her too nervous. I don't suppose a little thing like that would stop you though.
I work for myself and have for a long time. Now we have people who work for us. I cannot go to work for a month and still make more than I did the month before.

so shove your veiled insults up your ass
I'm guessing it's some parasitic insurance scam. How's that for unveiled?
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.

Government can't educate. Only people can educate themselves
and a government will never lift the poor out of poverty.
BS. And under Reaganism the last 35 years, it's done a great job of ruining the middle class. Now, thanks to you misinformed fools, "I know, a tax cut for the rich and a military buildup (more debt)".

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