Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Take away food from the poor and you have a lot hungry people.
Take away housing from the poor and you have a lot more homeless people.
Take away healthcare from the poor and you have more sick people.

In the US you have 9 million single parent families on welfare which includes 19 million kids. Take away government support and you'll have more runaways, child prostitution, and juvenile crime. With very rare exception, a single mother in poverty can not make enough money to support a family and care for the kids.

I'm quite aware of that, and do you know why? Because these are the same promises liberals made to us before welfare reform began. Between the time the law passed until it's implementation, we were promised riots in the streets, decomposed bodies of people from starvation, children running naked with no place to live, stores closed down and boarded up so nobody got any food.............. It never happened.

What will hungry people do with no food? Earn money to buy food.
What will people do with no HUD home in the suburbs? Seek shelter in the inner-city

How do we know most people would react this way? Because it's a basic law of electricity which also applies to people.

Electricity will take it's least path of resistance to travel. People do the exact same to survive.

You need food, and you have two choices A) government giving you food, or B) Go out and work for food. Now, what's is that path of least resistance to obtain food? What about shelter? What about utilities?

You on the left don't give people enough credit. If forced to, people would rather live another day to fight than to give up, crawl into a corner and die just because government isn't there to take care of them.
First off, 50% of those receiving government welfare have jobs, mostly par time and temp jobs.

Secondly, the majority of those that do not work at all either have to care for a number of children, have drug or alcohol addiction problems, mental problems, physical disabilities, lack of education, lack of any job training, or a criminal background. They are poor candidates for even minimum wage jobs. I have worked around these people in food banks and a homeless shelter. Believe me you would not even consider hiring most of them.

My major concern with a proposal to stop all goverment assistance to the poor is not so much for the poor but for the effect it would have on all society. However, the chance of this happens is about zero so it's hardly worth discussing.

Then let me ask: why is it I can support myself because I never had children, never became addicted to alcohol or drugs, had a lack of education or job training, or have a criminal record?

You see..... these are called choices. We all make choices in life. As for those legitimately physically or mentally incapable of taking care of themselves, we as a society do take care of those people.

Our government can't create programs to rectify bad choices in life. When somebody makes a bad choice, they have to live with the consequences. If you are a 18 year old punk who doesn't know any better and tries to rob a bank, you may end up in prison for over 20 years. if you make the mistake of murdering somebody, it may cost you your life.
I think it's obvious the poor did not make the right choices. The problem is the 16 million kids they produce who live in poverty. You can't cut the parents out of welfare programs without cutting the kids. Most of the welfare money goes to families. Unless they are disabled single adults without dependents get very little welfare money. The families are the problem.

Great. So because of the kids, do nothing to end generational welfare because let's face it, we have to feel bad for somebody, don't we? And we will use the excuse of the kids next discussion, and the discussion after that, and the discussion after that, and the...........

20 trillion in the hole and rolling. Someday there won't be a choice whether to cut people off of welfare or not. There won't be anywhere to borrow money from. They will die out in the street because there won't be any jobs by then either.

It's not a matter of "if" it's a matter of "when."
You think depriving food and shelter for 16 million kids will end generational welfare. That's just a bit ridiculous.

If that were the case, the hell holes of this world such as the large cities in Bangladesh would have certainly seen economic mobility among the poor in the late 20th century because they practiced your theory of let the poor work or starve for decades and poverty only grew.

Generational poverty in Bangladesh was broken in the late 1990's with international assistance that provided healthcare clinics, food, public housing, education, job training, and capital for economic expansion. By 2010 the poverty rate in the country had dropped from 44.2% in 1991 to 18.5% in 2016.

Today Bangladesh has the second fastest growing economy in the world with a GDP growth rate of 7.1%.

The poor in America are certain far better off than the poor in Bangladesh but I think this example, although extreme shows quite well the problem of poverty is not solved by ignoring the problem.
Or do like I do, and have a list of really cheap, easy meals that can be thrown together quickly. I flat-out refuse to come home from work and fiddle around with complicated cooking, but I'm also determined that my family will eat complete, nutritious meals. The section of my cookbook for easy-peasy meals is invaluable.
I used to prepare meals on the weekends and freeze them for the work week..

There are lots of ways to provide your family with good meals without overcomplicating your life. You just have to be willing to find them.
Sure there are, after being a single parent twice, I have had to find all the ways I can to provide not just the food but the energy to do it..I don't go for pre made foods as having been employed at several food production facilities I have seen how they operate..I cook from raw stock only and grow my own veggies..

I LOVE home-grown produce. Even living in an apartment, I make a point of having stuff on my balcony to let me grow the important stuff, like tomatoes.

Things we grow always taste better

Absolutely. Not to mention, I have no intention of paying those kind of prices for fresh herbs and spices.
Whereas every modern country beside us has 4 weeks at least after 1 year. So by the time provincial ugly Americans have time to see the world, they're married off bloody tourists who learn nothing....

Just curious how many dozen times you have thrown up that very post on this thread alone.

Rather pointless is it not?
Not once,
Whereas every modern country beside us has 4 weeks at least after 1 year. So by the time provincial ugly Americans have time to see the world, they're married off bloody tourists who learn nothing....

Just curious how many dozen times you have thrown up that very post on this thread alone.

Rather pointless is it not?

Unless I actually work for the government, the government has and should have nothing to say about how much vacation time I have.
No wonder our New BS GOP government serves only the greedy rich now, with bleating dupes like you people...the corporations will take care of us lol...

Oh hey, you're still here. I think it's just so cute, how you keep talking and thinking people listen to you.
I'm quite aware of that, and do you know why? Because these are the same promises liberals made to us before welfare reform began. Between the time the law passed until it's implementation, we were promised riots in the streets, decomposed bodies of people from starvation, children running naked with no place to live, stores closed down and boarded up so nobody got any food.............. It never happened.

What will hungry people do with no food? Earn money to buy food.
What will people do with no HUD home in the suburbs? Seek shelter in the inner-city

How do we know most people would react this way? Because it's a basic law of electricity which also applies to people.

Electricity will take it's least path of resistance to travel. People do the exact same to survive.

You need food, and you have two choices A) government giving you food, or B) Go out and work for food. Now, what's is that path of least resistance to obtain food? What about shelter? What about utilities?

You on the left don't give people enough credit. If forced to, people would rather live another day to fight than to give up, crawl into a corner and die just because government isn't there to take care of them.
First off, 50% of those receiving government welfare have jobs, mostly par time and temp jobs.

Secondly, the majority of those that do not work at all either have to care for a number of children, have drug or alcohol addiction problems, mental problems, physical disabilities, lack of education, lack of any job training, or a criminal background. They are poor candidates for even minimum wage jobs. I have worked around these people in food banks and a homeless shelter. Believe me you would not even consider hiring most of them.

My major concern with a proposal to stop all goverment assistance to the poor is not so much for the poor but for the effect it would have on all society. However, the chance of this happens is about zero so it's hardly worth discussing.

Then let me ask: why is it I can support myself because I never had children, never became addicted to alcohol or drugs, had a lack of education or job training, or have a criminal record?

You see..... these are called choices. We all make choices in life. As for those legitimately physically or mentally incapable of taking care of themselves, we as a society do take care of those people.

Our government can't create programs to rectify bad choices in life. When somebody makes a bad choice, they have to live with the consequences. If you are a 18 year old punk who doesn't know any better and tries to rob a bank, you may end up in prison for over 20 years. if you make the mistake of murdering somebody, it may cost you your life.
I think it's obvious the poor did not make the right choices. The problem is the 16 million kids they produce who live in poverty. You can't cut the parents out of welfare programs without cutting the kids. Most of the welfare money goes to families. Unless they are disabled single adults without dependents get very little welfare money. The families are the problem.

Great. So because of the kids, do nothing to end generational welfare because let's face it, we have to feel bad for somebody, don't we? And we will use the excuse of the kids next discussion, and the discussion after that, and the discussion after that, and the...........

20 trillion in the hole and rolling. Someday there won't be a choice whether to cut people off of welfare or not. There won't be anywhere to borrow money from. They will die out in the street because there won't be any jobs by then either.

It's not a matter of "if" it's a matter of "when."
You think depriving food and shelter for 16 million kids will end generational welfare. That's just a bit ridiculous.

If that were the case, the hell holes of this world such as the large cities in Bangladesh would have certainly seen economic mobility among the poor in the late 20th century because they practiced your theory of let the poor work or starve for decades and poverty only grew.

Generational poverty in Bangladesh was broken in the late 1990's with international assistance that provided healthcare clinics, food, public housing, education, job training, and capital for economic expansion. By 2010 the poverty rate in the country had dropped from 44.2% in 1991 to 18.5% in 2016.

Today Bangladesh has the second fastest growing economy in the world with a GDP growth rate of 7.1%.

The poor in America are certain far better off than the poor in Bangladesh but I think this example, although extreme shows quite well the problem of poverty is not solved by ignoring the problem.
what he actually stated in his post was that if the number of poor increases and the number of those who can fund them decreases, there is a threshold that some will be left to fend for themselves. That's all he said. you simply lied about his post. how fking white of you.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?

Because to eat healthy takes more money and time. The poor tend to eat more processed foods. Organic foods cost a lot more. Uncared bacon for example costs more than processed bacon that has been filled with nitrates. Organic fruits and vegetables cost more than non organic. It is cheaper to buy highly processed mac and cheese than buy the organic macaroni and organic cheeses.

Buying Coke and Mountain Dew is cheaper than buying real fruit juice.

There's also the fact that fewer and fewer people know how to do things like cooking for themselves. They need pre-made food.
You don't know what your talking about. Cooking is easy.

Explain that to my wife. She is unable to boil water.
It's all about the hate & greed. Most white Republican dudes have adopted a very hateful hostile approach to our poor. It's a 'FUCK YOU, I GOT MINE' mentality. I know the mentality well, i used to consider myself a Republican. Their treatment of our poor is pretty evil.

It really is amazing they actually consider themselves 'Good Americans' and 'Good Christians.' 'Conservative Christians' should try actually reading Jesus' teachings sometime. Instead of always desperately trying to justify their hate & hostility towards our poor, they should start reading the Bible again. It might just save their rotting souls.

Its more than a fuck you, I got mine attitude

They actively go after the poor, try to turn the voters against them, blame the poor for the shape of the economy
The poor are an easy target. They dont own newspapers or tv stations and have to carry right wing guilt around like a fucking big lead weight.

Republicans have a choice..

Blame the rich who are assuming more and more of our nations wealth
Blame the poor who cannot stand up for themselves

It's a Nazi-like bully mentality. They know the poor can't stand up for themselves. They're easy to abuse. I seriously believe some greedy Republicans on this thread, would support passing laws making being poor a 'crime.' They would have no problem imprisoning them all. They would gladly 'disappear' them.

They have been playing that card for decades

As the middle class struggles and wonders why their standard of living is diminishing....Rather than point out the rich who have seen their personal wealth increase significantly....it is easier for Republicans to point to some poor person who has a cell phone

Wise observation. Yeah, they lash out at those they know can't fight back. It's frustration and hate. They need a scapegoat. And the poor are the perfect target for that. It's 'all their fault' things are going to shit. I'm very disappointed in most Republicans these days. They've lost their way.
Its more than a fuck you, I got mine attitude

They actively go after the poor, try to turn the voters against them, blame the poor for the shape of the economy
The poor are an easy target. They dont own newspapers or tv stations and have to carry right wing guilt around like a fucking big lead weight.

Republicans have a choice..

Blame the rich who are assuming more and more of our nations wealth
Blame the poor who cannot stand up for themselves

It's a Nazi-like bully mentality. They know the poor can't stand up for themselves. They're easy to abuse. I seriously believe some greedy Republicans on this thread, would support passing laws making being poor a 'crime.' They would have no problem imprisoning them all. They would gladly 'disappear' them.

They have been playing that card for decades

As the middle class struggles and wonders why their standard of living is diminishing....Rather than point out the rich who have seen their personal wealth increase significantly....it is easier for Republicans to point to some poor person who has a cell phone

Wise observation. Yeah, they lash out at those they know can't fight back. It's frustration and hate. They need a scapegoat. And the poor are the perfect target for that. It's 'all their fault' things are going to shit. I'm very disappointed in most Republicans these days. They've lost their way.
ahhh look at you, who died and left you spokesperson for the poor? you treat them like they can't defend themselves you simpleton.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?

Because to eat healthy takes more money and time. The poor tend to eat more processed foods. Organic foods cost a lot more. Uncared bacon for example costs more than processed bacon that has been filled with nitrates. Organic fruits and vegetables cost more than non organic. It is cheaper to buy highly processed mac and cheese than buy the organic macaroni and organic cheeses.

Buying Coke and Mountain Dew is cheaper than buying real fruit juice.

There's also the fact that fewer and fewer people know how to do things like cooking for themselves. They need pre-made food.
You don't know what your talking about. Cooking is easy.

Explain that to my wife. She is unable to boil water.
The poor are an easy target. They dont own newspapers or tv stations and have to carry right wing guilt around like a fucking big lead weight.

Republicans have a choice..

Blame the rich who are assuming more and more of our nations wealth
Blame the poor who cannot stand up for themselves

It's a Nazi-like bully mentality. They know the poor can't stand up for themselves. They're easy to abuse. I seriously believe some greedy Republicans on this thread, would support passing laws making being poor a 'crime.' They would have no problem imprisoning them all. They would gladly 'disappear' them.

They have been playing that card for decades

As the middle class struggles and wonders why their standard of living is diminishing....Rather than point out the rich who have seen their personal wealth increase significantly....it is easier for Republicans to point to some poor person who has a cell phone

Wise observation. Yeah, they lash out at those they know can't fight back. It's frustration and hate. They need a scapegoat. And the poor are the perfect target for that. It's 'all their fault' things are going to shit. I'm very disappointed in most Republicans these days. They've lost their way.
ahhh look at you, who died and left you spokesperson for the poor? you treat them like they can't defend themselves you simpleton.

They can't for the most part. And y'all greedy Republicans know that. That's why you focus all your hate on them. It's a Nazi-like bully mentality.
Republicans have a choice..

Blame the rich who are assuming more and more of our nations wealth
Blame the poor who cannot stand up for themselves

It's a Nazi-like bully mentality. They know the poor can't stand up for themselves. They're easy to abuse. I seriously believe some greedy Republicans on this thread, would support passing laws making being poor a 'crime.' They would have no problem imprisoning them all. They would gladly 'disappear' them.

They have been playing that card for decades

As the middle class struggles and wonders why their standard of living is diminishing....Rather than point out the rich who have seen their personal wealth increase significantly....it is easier for Republicans to point to some poor person who has a cell phone

Wise observation. Yeah, they lash out at those they know can't fight back. It's frustration and hate. They need a scapegoat. And the poor are the perfect target for that. It's 'all their fault' things are going to shit. I'm very disappointed in most Republicans these days. They've lost their way.
ahhh look at you, who died and left you spokesperson for the poor? you treat them like they can't defend themselves you simpleton.

They can't for the most part. And y'all greedy Republicans know that. That's why you focus all your hate on them. It's a Nazi-like bully mentality.
Ok, this is the essence of the difference between conservatives and liberals. Since conservatives have little to no creative impulse, everything is about making a buck. Those of us who are creative also have to eat so we try to earn money in interesting ways and aren't looking for the largest short term gain we can possibly get. However, that doesn't mean we don't feel screwed when an opportunist funnels the fruits of our creativity primarily to themselves.
then don't sell your labor to anyone

you accepted a price for your labor if you don't like the arrangement then quit your job
I don't work in some little low tech cottage industry like you apparently do. I could go the consulting route but my wife has a disease that requires continuing medical support and the uncertainty of consulting makes her too nervous. I don't suppose a little thing like that would stop you though.
I work for myself and have for a long time. Now we have people who work for us. I cannot go to work for a month and still make more than I did the month before.

so shove your veiled insults up your ass
I'm guessing it's some parasitic insurance scam. How's that for unveiled?

no network marketing for me.

we have a brick and mortar good old fashioned business with 14 employees and are adding 3 more over the next 9 months or so

and FYI my top 3 highest paid employees hold doctorates
That's actually admirable.
Ok, this is the essence of the difference between conservatives and liberals. Since conservatives have little to no creative impulse, everything is about making a buck. Those of us who are creative also have to eat so we try to earn money in interesting ways and aren't looking for the largest short term gain we can possibly get. However, that doesn't mean we don't feel screwed when an opportunist funnels the fruits of our creativity primarily to themselves.
then don't sell your labor to anyone

you accepted a price for your labor if you don't like the arrangement then quit your job
I don't work in some little low tech cottage industry like you apparently do. I could go the consulting route but my wife has a disease that requires continuing medical support and the uncertainty of consulting makes her too nervous. I don't suppose a little thing like that would stop you though.
I work for myself and have for a long time. Now we have people who work for us. I cannot go to work for a month and still make more than I did the month before.

so shove your veiled insults up your ass
I'm guessing it's some parasitic insurance scam. How's that for unveiled?

no network marketing for me.

we have a brick and mortar good old fashioned business with 14 employees and are adding 3 more over the next 9 months or so

and FYI my top 3 highest paid employees hold doctorates

Trump University?
We ALREADY have a flat tax after 35 years of Reaganist transfer of taxes to the states- which kill the nonrich like YOU. That's how the rich end up with all the new wealth, stupid.

Add it up, anyone making any real money pays the same, silly dupe.
lumping state local and federal into one stat is a dodge. we are and have been talking about federal taxes. Don't want to pay state income taxes or sales taxes then move to one of the states that don't have them
TAXES ARE TAXES, ferchrissake, dumbass dupe. Your propaganda machine is doing the dodging, FOOL.
And don't forget the ridiculously high FEES we've been hit with the last 35 years either. "Must save the rich!"
what fees?

and state fees don't count because not everyone pays the same ones
Car licensing, BUSINESS licensing, etc etc. WTF is WRONG WITH YOU , dupe? The crap you complain about without thinking about who's at the bottom of it. GOP dupes like YOU. LOLARGHHHHH.
my car registration fees haven't gone up in over 10 years so you see why talking about state fees is a waste of time?
I have paid the same exact business entity since we opened so that hasn't gone up either so do you see why talking state fees is a waste of time?
then don't sell your labor to anyone

you accepted a price for your labor if you don't like the arrangement then quit your job
I don't work in some little low tech cottage industry like you apparently do. I could go the consulting route but my wife has a disease that requires continuing medical support and the uncertainty of consulting makes her too nervous. I don't suppose a little thing like that would stop you though.
I work for myself and have for a long time. Now we have people who work for us. I cannot go to work for a month and still make more than I did the month before.

so shove your veiled insults up your ass
I'm guessing it's some parasitic insurance scam. How's that for unveiled?

no network marketing for me.

we have a brick and mortar good old fashioned business with 14 employees and are adding 3 more over the next 9 months or so

and FYI my top 3 highest paid employees hold doctorates

Trump University?

lumping state local and federal into one stat is a dodge. we are and have been talking about federal taxes. Don't want to pay state income taxes or sales taxes then move to one of the states that don't have them

Taxes are taxes

They still come out of your pocket

state and local taxes are too variable to use. which is why I only speak to federal taxes
And that's why you're a brainwashed functional idiot, dupe of the greedy rich GOP. TAXES ARE TAXES, and the Gop has been busy moving fed taxes (progressive) to the states (regressive). DUH. All they have is bs for the dupes about how the rich pay all the taxes. (BULLSHYTTE).

hey you can always move to a state with lower taxes. federal taxes are a constant for everyone

Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?
Taxes are taxes

They still come out of your pocket

state and local taxes are too variable to use. which is why I only speak to federal taxes
And that's why you're a brainwashed functional idiot, dupe of the greedy rich GOP. TAXES ARE TAXES, and the Gop has been busy moving fed taxes (progressive) to the states (regressive). DUH. All they have is bs for the dupes about how the rich pay all the taxes. (BULLSHYTTE).

hey you can always move to a state with lower taxes. federal taxes are a constant for everyone

Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?

Simple: to have control over those states. The federal government has to steal our money, then hang it over our heads if we want our own money back. If you want your money back, then you'll do things the way the federal government wants you to do them.
state and local taxes are too variable to use. which is why I only speak to federal taxes
And that's why you're a brainwashed functional idiot, dupe of the greedy rich GOP. TAXES ARE TAXES, and the Gop has been busy moving fed taxes (progressive) to the states (regressive). DUH. All they have is bs for the dupes about how the rich pay all the taxes. (BULLSHYTTE).

hey you can always move to a state with lower taxes. federal taxes are a constant for everyone

Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?

Simple: to have control over those states. The federal government has to steal our money, then hang it over our heads if we want our own money back. If you want your money back, then you'll do things the way the federal government wants you to do them.
Don't you live in Michigan or somesuch? If so, you get back more than you give. As a matter of fact, most of the people who complain most bitterly on this site get back more than they give.
And that's why you're a brainwashed functional idiot, dupe of the greedy rich GOP. TAXES ARE TAXES, and the Gop has been busy moving fed taxes (progressive) to the states (regressive). DUH. All they have is bs for the dupes about how the rich pay all the taxes. (BULLSHYTTE).

hey you can always move to a state with lower taxes. federal taxes are a constant for everyone

Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?

Simple: to have control over those states. The federal government has to steal our money, then hang it over our heads if we want our own money back. If you want your money back, then you'll do things the way the federal government wants you to do them.
Don't you live in Michigan or somesuch? If so, you get back more than you give. As a matter of fact, most of the people who complain most bitterly on this site get back more than they give.
which means people in other states are paying for programs that they don't benefit from

which is why we have to end the the federal government's strangle hold on state funding

let the money stay with the people in their own states after all that's how it was supposed to be if you want to use the Constitution

Personally I would rather pay less to the feds and more in my own state and town at least that way I have more of a say on what the fucktard politicians do with my money
hey you can always move to a state with lower taxes. federal taxes are a constant for everyone

Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?

Simple: to have control over those states. The federal government has to steal our money, then hang it over our heads if we want our own money back. If you want your money back, then you'll do things the way the federal government wants you to do them.
Don't you live in Michigan or somesuch? If so, you get back more than you give. As a matter of fact, most of the people who complain most bitterly on this site get back more than they give.
which means people in other states are paying for programs that they don't benefit from

which is why we have to end the the federal government's strangle hold on state funding

let the money stay with the people in their own states after all that's how it was supposed to be if you want to use the Constitution

Personally I would rather pay less to the feds and more in my own state and town at least that way I have more of a say on what the fucktard politicians do with my money
That is why we started a UNITED States

Kansas helps pay for shore protection. Maine helps pay for tornado relief. NYC pays for farm subsidies. Rich states pay for electrification of poor states

We are stronger as a whole than we are with every state looking out for themselves
Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?

Simple: to have control over those states. The federal government has to steal our money, then hang it over our heads if we want our own money back. If you want your money back, then you'll do things the way the federal government wants you to do them.
Don't you live in Michigan or somesuch? If so, you get back more than you give. As a matter of fact, most of the people who complain most bitterly on this site get back more than they give.
which means people in other states are paying for programs that they don't benefit from

which is why we have to end the the federal government's strangle hold on state funding

let the money stay with the people in their own states after all that's how it was supposed to be if you want to use the Constitution

Personally I would rather pay less to the feds and more in my own state and town at least that way I have more of a say on what the fucktard politicians do with my money
That is why we started a UNITED States

Kansas helps pay for shore protection. Maine helps pay for tornado relief. NYC pays for farm subsidies. Rich states pay for electrification of poor states

We are stronger as a whole than we are with every state looking out for themselves

no we get our money wasted by people who we cannot vote out of office

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