Why are republicans so stupid when it comes to Food Stamps?

Here is a thought, mind your own damn business and worry about the groceries YOU BUY instead of being consumed about what everyone else is doing.

If it's my tax dollars that are paying for the groceries of somebody else, shouldn't it be my business?


Do you tell your barber how to spend his money? It was your money. You gave it to him. Do you tell him how he should spend it?

Do you tell your Congressman what to do with his money? He is paid with your tax dollars. It was your taxes that funded him.

Do you tell a soldier how to spend his money? He is paid with tax dollars, some of them were yours. Is how he spends his money your business?

Do you tell a government contractor how to spend his money? Come on, by your logic every company that does business with the government should have a government official reviewing every single one of their expenditures.

And tell me, since when was the government so damn smart that it should determine how people spend their benefits?

You are comparing people that work for money and people that take working people's money. Apples and oranges.

Let's say a friend or coworker of yours asks you for $5,000 because he's kind of down on his luck. So you give him that 5K and think nothing of it. Now he takes a Hawaiian vacation with his family. Are you going to tell me you wouldn't be bothered by that????

When a lowlife is at the grocery store buying all kinds of food with our money, and then whips out cash for booze, cigarettes, big bags of dog food, cat litter, I should just say "oh well, I wasn't doing anything better with my money anyways?" Like hell!

My attitude towards the so-called poor people changed young in my life. Like many kids, I was kind of liberal, and then I grew up because I seen what was happening around me. I became more conservative as time went on. True story:

I was in line at the grocery store a few weeks ago. Some lowlife was asking people if they would let him buy some of their items with his food stamps, and then he would give them their items back when they gave him the cash for them.

I am sorry, I really am. Sorry that have so little to think about, so little to concern yourself with, that while you are at the grocery store you consume yourself with what everybody else is buying and how they are paying. But I know not everyone goes to the grocery store with a list, picks up only what's on the list, and gets in and out in moments.

And come on dude, do you want that lowlife driving trucks on the road with you, do you want him loading your trucks? I know I don't want his ass in my way. The tiny portion of my taxes that goes to keep him out of the way is a good investment.
I don't give a shit how the wealthy earn their money. I don't give a shit how they spend their money. I don't even give a shit how they invest their money. If it's legal, cool beans. Although in my world rent seeking would be a felony. I just want them to pay their fair share.

And you on the left are the only people that can say what that fair share is. And while focusing on what they pay in taxes, you are looking over their shoulders telling them what they should do with THEIR MONEY that THEY EARNED.

But I busted out laughing when you were talking about the city of Cleveland and their city vehicles. Dubai, in the country of UAE, where many people do not work and the welfare system is among the richest in the world, they have Bugatti Veyron police cars. Obviously, the percentage of a population working has absolutely nothing to do with the health of the economy.

Maybe you should give your Dubai secrets to the city of Detroit. I'm sure that they would like to have Bugatti Veyron police cars too!

Hell, you can determine fair share. How about this, how about the wealthy pay at least the same percentage of their income in taxes as you do? I mean I figure you work hard. Should not someone sitting on their ass making money SPECULATING in the stock market pay at least as much as you? And did I not say I didn't give a happy damn how they SPENT their money? Well, except for rent seeking, which should be illegal because it is the same thing as STEALING. It is TAKING MONEY without creating value.

Obviously, your definition of a low-life is different than mine. To me a low life is some scumbag reaping profits by collecting RENTS, and no, I don't mean collecting rent from rental properties.

And I thought I was pretty clear about Dubai. I bet there isn't a single person in Dubai that is worried about who is collecting those welfare benefits or how they are spending their money. When the people of Detroit start doing the same it will be a beginning.

jon do you realize that you look very stupid by trying to argue with cartoons as if you were a child? Is your idea of debate both sides flashing cartoons at each other? See why we are sure that liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Is any other conclusion possible?

What is stupid is ignoring the FACTS presented within those cartoons. Either dispute the facts, accept the facts, or STFU.
Cupcake, IF you want to make an assertion about it, just do it, don't ask others to do it for you :)

Little boy the OP is about entitlements. It's not my fault you can't read and comprehend .

Sorry cupcake, don't ask others for something YOU want, IF you can find it great :(

You look pretty stupid here kid, sorry. The thread is about entitlements, you want to deflect an change the topic. I won't let you. If you can't answer that's fine. I enjoy slapping you around.

Sure cupcake, you've done that *shaking head*

I'm sorry is there some reason you can't find entitlement charts YOU like?


23 Million Fewer Americans Would Have Health Coverage Under Obamacare Repeal Plan, Budget Office Confirms

Trump's Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts

Trump to propose big cuts to safety net in new budget, slashing Medicaid and opening door to other limits

Trump to propose big cuts to safety net in new budget this week



Son you are the one who inserted a Budget chart to make a point in a thread about entitlements.

Cupcake, you mean I pointed to how the GOP blows up debt (and reward the richest with the lowest tax "burden" in 80+ years) with their "job creator" policies AS they gut the safety net for the poor working class? True
Food stamp use increased 70% during the Obama years. Is that good news or bad news to the left?
Well we did have the great recession...did you consider that or jump straight to "Obama's fault"? Not saying it's the only possible reason but the world has far more impactful forces than that of one man in the highest office.

I think some would find it reasonable that it shot up right after the recession, but DumBama put an increase in food stamps as part of his Pork Bill. I guess he thought poor people were too skinny.

But the usage of food stamps was still high long after the recession technically ended, and remains high today.

See, I thought the Democrats said how great of a job DumBama did with the economy. If that's so, why is food stamp usage still so high?

View attachment 128682

Wait, THAT can't be correct, the selected one Dubya had 8 years of GOP "job creator" policies? How can that graph be true?


MARCH 18, 2015

No Mystery Why SNAP Enrollment Remains High: It’s Still the Economy

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program) historically has been the most responsive federal program, after unemployment insurance, in assisting families and communities during economic downturns. The Great Recession was no exception, as SNAP enrollment rose sharply after 2007. (See Figure 1.) SNAP enrollment remains high compared to historic levels, but it has begun to decline and is expected to fall much further.


  • While the labor market has improved and the unemployment rate has declined markedly in the past few years, there is still considerable “slack” in the labor market (people not working who want to be, or people who want to be working more hours than they are), as the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) continues to emphasize in its economic assessments. In particular, the share of the population with a job remains abnormally low, the number of people working fewer hours than they would like remains abnormally high, long-term unemployment remains unusually high, and wage growth continues to be anemic.

  • Job losses were huge in the Great Recession, and it has taken years to dig out of the resulting deep jobs hole. The additional job creation needed to catch up with population growth since 2007 and restore full employment has barely begun.
No Mystery Why SNAP Enrollment Remains High: It’s Still the Economy



The administration is seeking to slash food stamps for low-income households of more than six people — most of which include young children.
Trump official in charge of food stamps departs from Trump’s plan to gut the program

...Instead, Perdue believes that reduced spending on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program could be achieved by “a growing economy and falling unemployment,” a spokesman for the Department of Agriculture said in a statement.

That differs sharply from the administration’s proposal for cutting SNAP, which would achieve the vast bulk of its $193 billion in savings by kicking the costs down to state government.

Analysis | Trump official in charge of food stamps departs from Trump’s plan to gut the program
Food stamp use increased 70% during the Obama years. Is that good news or bad news to the left?
Well we did have the great recession...did you consider that or jump straight to "Obama's fault"? Not saying it's the only possible reason but the world has far more impactful forces than that of one man in the highest office.

I think some would find it reasonable that it shot up right after the recession, but DumBama put an increase in food stamps as part of his Pork Bill. I guess he thought poor people were too skinny.

But the usage of food stamps was still high long after the recession technically ended, and remains high today.

See, I thought the Democrats said how great of a job DumBama did with the economy. If that's so, why is food stamp usage still so high?

View attachment 128682

Wait, THAT can't be correct, the selected one Dubya had 8 years of GOP "job creator" policies? How can that graph be true?


MARCH 18, 2015

No Mystery Why SNAP Enrollment Remains High: It’s Still the Economy

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program) historically has been the most responsive federal program, after unemployment insurance, in assisting families and communities during economic downturns. The Great Recession was no exception, as SNAP enrollment rose sharply after 2007. (See Figure 1.) SNAP enrollment remains high compared to historic levels, but it has begun to decline and is expected to fall much further.


  • While the labor market has improved and the unemployment rate has declined markedly in the past few years, there is still considerable “slack” in the labor market (people not working who want to be, or people who want to be working more hours than they are), as the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) continues to emphasize in its economic assessments. In particular, the share of the population with a job remains abnormally low, the number of people working fewer hours than they would like remains abnormally high, long-term unemployment remains unusually high, and wage growth continues to be anemic.

  • Job losses were huge in the Great Recession, and it has taken years to dig out of the resulting deep jobs hole. The additional job creation needed to catch up with population growth since 2007 and restore full employment has barely begun.
No Mystery Why SNAP Enrollment Remains High: It’s Still the Economy


In other words, DumBama was a failure. Thanks for the admission.
Food stamp use increased 70% during the Obama years. Is that good news or bad news to the left?
Well we did have the great recession...did you consider that or jump straight to "Obama's fault"? Not saying it's the only possible reason but the world has far more impactful forces than that of one man in the highest office.

I think some would find it reasonable that it shot up right after the recession, but DumBama put an increase in food stamps as part of his Pork Bill. I guess he thought poor people were too skinny.

But the usage of food stamps was still high long after the recession technically ended, and remains high today.

See, I thought the Democrats said how great of a job DumBama did with the economy. If that's so, why is food stamp usage still so high?

View attachment 128682

Wait, THAT can't be correct, the selected one Dubya had 8 years of GOP "job creator" policies? How can that graph be true?


MARCH 18, 2015

No Mystery Why SNAP Enrollment Remains High: It’s Still the Economy

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program) historically has been the most responsive federal program, after unemployment insurance, in assisting families and communities during economic downturns. The Great Recession was no exception, as SNAP enrollment rose sharply after 2007. (See Figure 1.) SNAP enrollment remains high compared to historic levels, but it has begun to decline and is expected to fall much further.


  • While the labor market has improved and the unemployment rate has declined markedly in the past few years, there is still considerable “slack” in the labor market (people not working who want to be, or people who want to be working more hours than they are), as the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) continues to emphasize in its economic assessments. In particular, the share of the population with a job remains abnormally low, the number of people working fewer hours than they would like remains abnormally high, long-term unemployment remains unusually high, and wage growth continues to be anemic.

  • Job losses were huge in the Great Recession, and it has taken years to dig out of the resulting deep jobs hole. The additional job creation needed to catch up with population growth since 2007 and restore full employment has barely begun.
No Mystery Why SNAP Enrollment Remains High: It’s Still the Economy


In other words, DumBama was a failure. Thanks for the admission.

Sure cupcake, sure


Dec 2, 2016 - Under President Obama's leadership, the economy has added 15.5 million private sector jobs over the last 81 months


I don't give a shit how the wealthy earn their money. I don't give a shit how they spend their money. I don't even give a shit how they invest their money. If it's legal, cool beans. Although in my world rent seeking would be a felony. I just want them to pay their fair share.

And you on the left are the only people that can say what that fair share is. And while focusing on what they pay in taxes, you are looking over their shoulders telling them what they should do with THEIR MONEY that THEY EARNED.

But I busted out laughing when you were talking about the city of Cleveland and their city vehicles. Dubai, in the country of UAE, where many people do not work and the welfare system is among the richest in the world, they have Bugatti Veyron police cars. Obviously, the percentage of a population working has absolutely nothing to do with the health of the economy.

Maybe you should give your Dubai secrets to the city of Detroit. I'm sure that they would like to have Bugatti Veyron police cars too!

Hell, you can determine fair share. How about this, how about the wealthy pay at least the same percentage of their income in taxes as you do? I mean I figure you work hard. Should not someone sitting on their ass making money SPECULATING in the stock market pay at least as much as you? And did I not say I didn't give a happy damn how they SPENT their money? Well, except for rent seeking, which should be illegal because it is the same thing as STEALING. It is TAKING MONEY without creating value.

Obviously, your definition of a low-life is different than mine. To me a low life is some scumbag reaping profits by collecting RENTS, and no, I don't mean collecting rent from rental properties.

And I thought I was pretty clear about Dubai. I bet there isn't a single person in Dubai that is worried about who is collecting those welfare benefits or how they are spending their money. When the people of Detroit start doing the same it will be a beginning.

Many people in Detroit are getting government handouts. Look at Detroit today!

I don't understand what you mean by "rent seeking." It's a term I'm unfamiliar with, and I'm a landlord.

Do you understand what income taxes are? Do you realize that nearly half of our country pays no income taxes at all? Do you understand that the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay nearly 70% of all collected income taxes? I call that more than their fair share.

Investment taxes are lower for one reason: to incentivize investment in US companies. When US companies do good, jobs are created. When US companies do good, it gives them a reason to stay in the US. Investors provide money to those companies so all these good things can happen.
Little boy the OP is about entitlements. It's not my fault you can't read and comprehend .

Sorry cupcake, don't ask others for something YOU want, IF you can find it great :(

You look pretty stupid here kid, sorry. The thread is about entitlements, you want to deflect an change the topic. I won't let you. If you can't answer that's fine. I enjoy slapping you around.

Sure cupcake, you've done that *shaking head*

I'm sorry is there some reason you can't find entitlement charts YOU like?


23 Million Fewer Americans Would Have Health Coverage Under Obamacare Repeal Plan, Budget Office Confirms

Trump's Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts

Trump to propose big cuts to safety net in new budget, slashing Medicaid and opening door to other limits

Trump to propose big cuts to safety net in new budget this week



Son you are the one who inserted a Budget chart to make a point in a thread about entitlements.

Cupcake, you mean I pointed to how the GOP blows up debt (and reward the richest with the lowest tax "burden" in 80+ years) with their "job creator" policies AS they gut the safety net for the poor working class? True

Hey, like you stated before, we have a printing press that creates "money" out of thin air......why not expand the printing presses and make more debt notes? It's a "win, win" situation correct?

But really, why should we have a food stamp program any way because Barrypuppet left us in such a incredible great shape....so much so that we can allow illegals to come over here to take jobs AND since leftards claim that illegals do not suck off the social welfare system and do not take a dime from the "security net"? Perhaps that it is time that U.S citizens learn the work ethic of illegals that come over here and do nothing but make our economy better by taking menial labor jobs and live on it while not taking nor asking for benefits?? At least that is what leftards contend and claim...........no????
I am sorry, I really am. Sorry that have so little to think about, so little to concern yourself with, that while you are at the grocery store you consume yourself with what everybody else is buying and how they are paying. But I know not everyone goes to the grocery store with a list, picks up only what's on the list, and gets in and out in moments.

And come on dude, do you want that lowlife driving trucks on the road with you, do you want him loading your trucks? I know I don't want his ass in my way. The tiny portion of my taxes that goes to keep him out of the way is a good investment.

Sorry to disappoint you, but immigrants are taking those jobs because Americans won't. Americans have their HUD house in the suburbs, they have their Obama phone, they have Obama care or Medicaid, they have enough food stamps to sell to others. Why work?

So on the road today (and trust me, I've been doing this a long time) you have immigrants that can't read or speak a word of English. They are driving 75,000 lbs vehicles right next to you in your minivan with your family. They are terrible drivers to boot.

So how would I feel about Americans taking those jobs? Absolutely happy.
I don't give a shit how the wealthy earn their money. I don't give a shit how they spend their money. I don't even give a shit how they invest their money. If it's legal, cool beans. Although in my world rent seeking would be a felony. I just want them to pay their fair share.

And you on the left are the only people that can say what that fair share is. And while focusing on what they pay in taxes, you are looking over their shoulders telling them what they should do with THEIR MONEY that THEY EARNED.

But I busted out laughing when you were talking about the city of Cleveland and their city vehicles. Dubai, in the country of UAE, where many people do not work and the welfare system is among the richest in the world, they have Bugatti Veyron police cars. Obviously, the percentage of a population working has absolutely nothing to do with the health of the economy.

Maybe you should give your Dubai secrets to the city of Detroit. I'm sure that they would like to have Bugatti Veyron police cars too!

Hell, you can determine fair share. How about this, how about the wealthy pay at least the same percentage of their income in taxes as you do? I mean I figure you work hard. Should not someone sitting on their ass making money SPECULATING in the stock market pay at least as much as you? And did I not say I didn't give a happy damn how they SPENT their money? Well, except for rent seeking, which should be illegal because it is the same thing as STEALING. It is TAKING MONEY without creating value.

Obviously, your definition of a low-life is different than mine. To me a low life is some scumbag reaping profits by collecting RENTS, and no, I don't mean collecting rent from rental properties.

And I thought I was pretty clear about Dubai. I bet there isn't a single person in Dubai that is worried about who is collecting those welfare benefits or how they are spending their money. When the people of Detroit start doing the same it will be a beginning.

Many people in Detroit are getting government handouts. Look at Detroit today!

I don't understand what you mean by "rent seeking." It's a term I'm unfamiliar with, and I'm a landlord.

Do you understand what income taxes are? Do you realize that nearly half of our country pays no income taxes at all? Do you understand that the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay nearly 70% of all collected income taxes? I call that more than their fair share.

Investment taxes are lower for one reason: to incentivize investment in US companies. When US companies do good, jobs are created. When US companies do good, it gives them a reason to stay in the US. Investors provide money to those companies so all these good things can happen.

First, remember our two little states. In mine only one person was working. That one person paid one hundred percent of the taxes because he made one hundred percent of the income. Here is the deal, I agree with you. The wealthy pay too much of the total taxes. So let's make the tax rates what they were in the 1950's, when the rich had high marginal tax rates but shouldered less of the total tax burden.

Now, to rent seeking.

Rent-seeking - Wikipedia

My favorite definition. Instead of making more pie, rent seeking is gaining more of the pie that is already there.

Your lower investment taxes, it's ignorant to claim they stimulate investment. If a company thinks they can make a dollar they will invest a dollar. More importantly, the weighted average cost of capital is INVERSELY related to the marginal tax rate. That's right, the higher the tax rate the LOWER the cost of capital. It's fundamental accounting. When tax rates are low companies are less likely to invest in risky investments and stick with the tried and true, RENT SEEKING.
I am sorry, I really am. Sorry that have so little to think about, so little to concern yourself with, that while you are at the grocery store you consume yourself with what everybody else is buying and how they are paying. But I know not everyone goes to the grocery store with a list, picks up only what's on the list, and gets in and out in moments.

And come on dude, do you want that lowlife driving trucks on the road with you, do you want him loading your trucks? I know I don't want his ass in my way. The tiny portion of my taxes that goes to keep him out of the way is a good investment.

Sorry to disappoint you, but immigrants are taking those jobs because Americans won't. Americans have their HUD house in the suburbs, they have their Obama phone, they have Obama care or Medicaid, they have enough food stamps to sell to others. Why work?

So on the road today (and trust me, I've been doing this a long time) you have immigrants that can't read or speak a word of English. They are driving 75,000 lbs vehicles right next to you in your minivan with your family. They are terrible drivers to boot.

So how would I feel about Americans taking those jobs? Absolutely happy.

If you paid attention to my posts you will know I have three sons, all have worked the tomato fields. They were the ONLY AMERICANS. Don't kid yourself. Oh, and I would not be caught dead in a minivan. And again, would you rather that lowlife in the grocery store be driving those trucks? I wouldn't.
First, remember our two little states. In mine only one person was working. That one person paid one hundred percent of the taxes because he made one hundred percent of the income. Here is the deal, I agree with you. The wealthy pay too much of the total taxes. So let's make the tax rates what they were in the 1950's, when the rich had high marginal tax rates but shouldered less of the total tax burden.

Now, to rent seeking.

Rent-seeking - Wikipedia

My favorite definition. Instead of making more pie, rent seeking is gaining more of the pie that is already there.

Your lower investment taxes, it's ignorant to claim they stimulate investment. If a company thinks they can make a dollar they will invest a dollar. More importantly, the weighted average cost of capital is INVERSELY related to the marginal tax rate. That's right, the higher the tax rate the LOWER the cost of capital. It's fundamental accounting. When tax rates are low companies are less likely to invest in risky investments and stick with the tried and true, RENT SEEKING.

Wealthy people don't rent seek (according to Wiki's description) They always invest their profits for more profits.

Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain.

Back in the 1950's, there were few countries to take your business to. Travel was more dangerous than it is today because we didn't have satellites in the universe telling you weather conditions. If you did leave, you still had to conduct meetings with your heads of staff. But it didn't make sense to move your business because back in the 50's, people in other countries made the same as US workers; or close to it.

Today is different. Today, travel is much safer. You can take your company elsewhere, and track your other investments on your cell phone. Meetings? All done on the internet today. Labor? One-fifth of the cost of US labor.

As to your one-state theory: If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the government would still collect 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to invest or work?
If you paid attention to my posts you will know I have three sons, all have worked the tomato fields. They were the ONLY AMERICANS. Don't kid yourself. Oh, and I would not be caught dead in a minivan. And again, would you rather that lowlife in the grocery store be driving those trucks? I wouldn't.

You have lowlifes driving no matter what you do. But if that's the situation, wouldn't you rather it be US lowlifes who can read the road signs, or foreign lowlifes that can't? US lowlifes who got off of social programs and are contributing to our tax base, or foreigners who send their US money back to their home country????
I don't give a shit how the wealthy earn their money. I don't give a shit how they spend their money. I don't even give a shit how they invest their money. If it's legal, cool beans. Although in my world rent seeking would be a felony. I just want them to pay their fair share.

And you on the left are the only people that can say what that fair share is. And while focusing on what they pay in taxes, you are looking over their shoulders telling them what they should do with THEIR MONEY that THEY EARNED.

But I busted out laughing when you were talking about the city of Cleveland and their city vehicles. Dubai, in the country of UAE, where many people do not work and the welfare system is among the richest in the world, they have Bugatti Veyron police cars. Obviously, the percentage of a population working has absolutely nothing to do with the health of the economy.

Maybe you should give your Dubai secrets to the city of Detroit. I'm sure that they would like to have Bugatti Veyron police cars too!

Hell, you can determine fair share. How about this, how about the wealthy pay at least the same percentage of their income in taxes as you do? I mean I figure you work hard. Should not someone sitting on their ass making money SPECULATING in the stock market pay at least as much as you? And did I not say I didn't give a happy damn how they SPENT their money? Well, except for rent seeking, which should be illegal because it is the same thing as STEALING. It is TAKING MONEY without creating value.

Obviously, your definition of a low-life is different than mine. To me a low life is some scumbag reaping profits by collecting RENTS, and no, I don't mean collecting rent from rental properties.

And I thought I was pretty clear about Dubai. I bet there isn't a single person in Dubai that is worried about who is collecting those welfare benefits or how they are spending their money. When the people of Detroit start doing the same it will be a beginning.

Many people in Detroit are getting government handouts. Look at Detroit today!

I don't understand what you mean by "rent seeking." It's a term I'm unfamiliar with, and I'm a landlord.

Do you understand what income taxes are? Do you realize that nearly half of our country pays no income taxes at all? Do you understand that the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay nearly 70% of all collected income taxes? I call that more than their fair share.

Investment taxes are lower for one reason: to incentivize investment in US companies. When US companies do good, jobs are created. When US companies do good, it gives them a reason to stay in the US. Investors provide money to those companies so all these good things can happen.



Who Pays Taxes in America in 2016?

All Americans pay taxes. Most of us pay federal and state income taxes. Everyone who works pays federal payroll taxes. Everyone who buys gasoline pays federal and state gas taxes. Everyone who owns or rents a home directly or indirectly pays property taxes. Anyone who shops pays sales taxes in most states.

The federal income by itself is progressive. But when all of the taxes we pay are taken into account, most of that progressivity disappears. Those who advocate for tax cuts for the highest earners and erroneously claim that the wealthy are overtaxed focus solely on the federal personal income tax, while ignoring all of the other taxes that Americans pay. As the table to the right illustrates, the total share of taxes (federal, state, and local) that will be paid by Americans across the economic spectrum in 2016 is roughly equal to their total share of income.

Who Pays Taxes in America in 2016? | CTJReports




I don't give a shit how the wealthy earn their money. I don't give a shit how they spend their money. I don't even give a shit how they invest their money. If it's legal, cool beans. Although in my world rent seeking would be a felony. I just want them to pay their fair share.

And you on the left are the only people that can say what that fair share is. And while focusing on what they pay in taxes, you are looking over their shoulders telling them what they should do with THEIR MONEY that THEY EARNED.

But I busted out laughing when you were talking about the city of Cleveland and their city vehicles. Dubai, in the country of UAE, where many people do not work and the welfare system is among the richest in the world, they have Bugatti Veyron police cars. Obviously, the percentage of a population working has absolutely nothing to do with the health of the economy.

Maybe you should give your Dubai secrets to the city of Detroit. I'm sure that they would like to have Bugatti Veyron police cars too!

Hell, you can determine fair share. How about this, how about the wealthy pay at least the same percentage of their income in taxes as you do? I mean I figure you work hard. Should not someone sitting on their ass making money SPECULATING in the stock market pay at least as much as you? And did I not say I didn't give a happy damn how they SPENT their money? Well, except for rent seeking, which should be illegal because it is the same thing as STEALING. It is TAKING MONEY without creating value.

Obviously, your definition of a low-life is different than mine. To me a low life is some scumbag reaping profits by collecting RENTS, and no, I don't mean collecting rent from rental properties.

And I thought I was pretty clear about Dubai. I bet there isn't a single person in Dubai that is worried about who is collecting those welfare benefits or how they are spending their money. When the people of Detroit start doing the same it will be a beginning.

Many people in Detroit are getting government handouts. Look at Detroit today!

I don't understand what you mean by "rent seeking." It's a term I'm unfamiliar with, and I'm a landlord.

Do you understand what income taxes are? Do you realize that nearly half of our country pays no income taxes at all? Do you understand that the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay nearly 70% of all collected income taxes? I call that more than their fair share.

Investment taxes are lower for one reason: to incentivize investment in US companies. When US companies do good, jobs are created. When US companies do good, it gives them a reason to stay in the US. Investors provide money to those companies so all these good things can happen.


U.S. corporations earn record high profits, pay record low taxes

“The facts show that corporate America is not overtaxed and, in fact, goes to extraordinary lengths to avoid paying what they owe,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness, in a news release. “We hope this book of data can help change the false narrative on taxes peddled by wealthy corporations and their allies in Washington.”

U.S. corporations earn record high profits, pay record low taxes

Jul 30, 2013

If You're Wondering What's Wrong With America, Look At These Four Charts

Five years after the start of the financial crisis, the U.S. economy is still struggling.

Unemployment is above 7%.

Growth is weak.

Most consumers are strapped.

Meanwhile, the stock market is hitting record highs, and corporations are printing money.

If you're wondering what's going on here--why these two seemingly contradictory things are happening--we have four charts for you. They go a long way to explaining why our economy is the way it is--why a handful of Americans have never had it better while everyone else is getting crushed.

(The answer is that our 30-year obsession with "efficiency" and "return on capital" has produced a business culture that believes that companies only exist to make money for their owners, instead of also serving their other stakeholders--customers and employees. But we'll let the charts speak for themselves.)

CHART ONE: Corporate profits and profit margins are at an all-time high. American companies are making more money and more per dollar of sales than they ever have before. Full stop.


(Remarkably, some people are still saying that the problem with our economy is that companies are suffering from "too much regulation" and "too many taxes." Maybe little companies are, but big ones certainly aren't. What they're suffering from is a myopic obsession with short-term profits at the expense of long-term investment and value creation).

CHART TWO: Wages as a percent of the economy are at all-time low. Why are corporate profits so high? One reason is that companies are paying employees less than they ever have as a share of GDP. And that, in turn, is one reason the economy is so weak: Those "wages" represent spending power for American consumers. And American consumer spending is "revenue" for other companies. So our profit maximization obsession is actually starving the rest of the economy of revenue growth.

CHART FOUR: The share of our national income that is going to the people who do the work ("labor") is at an all-time low. The rest of the income, naturally, is going to owners ("capital"), who have it better today than they have ever had it before.

If You're Wondering What's Wrong With America, Look At These Four Charts

STUDY: These Charts Show There's Almost No Correlation Between Tax Rates and GDP


Capital Gains Tax Rates and Economic Growth (or not)

If you read the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal (or surf around the nether regions of Forbes.com), you may come to the conclusion that no aspect of tax policy is more important for economic growth than the way we tax capital gains. You’d be wrong

Capital Gains Tax Rates and Economic Growth (or not)
Sorry cupcake, don't ask others for something YOU want, IF you can find it great :(

You look pretty stupid here kid, sorry. The thread is about entitlements, you want to deflect an change the topic. I won't let you. If you can't answer that's fine. I enjoy slapping you around.

Sure cupcake, you've done that *shaking head*

I'm sorry is there some reason you can't find entitlement charts YOU like?


23 Million Fewer Americans Would Have Health Coverage Under Obamacare Repeal Plan, Budget Office Confirms

Trump's Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts

Trump to propose big cuts to safety net in new budget, slashing Medicaid and opening door to other limits

Trump to propose big cuts to safety net in new budget this week



Son you are the one who inserted a Budget chart to make a point in a thread about entitlements.

Cupcake, you mean I pointed to how the GOP blows up debt (and reward the richest with the lowest tax "burden" in 80+ years) with their "job creator" policies AS they gut the safety net for the poor working class? True

Hey, like you stated before, we have a printing press that creates "money" out of thin air......why not expand the printing presses and make more debt notes? It's a "win, win" situation correct?

But really, why should we have a food stamp program any way because Barrypuppet left us in such a incredible great shape....so much so that we can allow illegals to come over here to take jobs AND since leftards claim that illegals do not suck off the social welfare system and do not take a dime from the "security net"? Perhaps that it is time that U.S citizens learn the work ethic of illegals that come over here and do nothing but make our economy better by taking menial labor jobs and live on it while not taking nor asking for benefits?? At least that is what leftards contend and claim...........no????

Without false premises, distortions and lies what would the right wing EVER have cupcake???

Once more cupcake ONE time CONServatives were EVER on the correct side of US history?

Or 3 policies the GOP gave US the past 50 years that worked as promised???

I'll wait patiently :)

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