Why are republicans so stupid when it comes to Food Stamps?

1) The cost of food stamps is a small fraction of the overall welfare budget

2) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids

3) Few people even qualify for food stamps because it is reserved for the poorest of the poor. It's a program way behind on the rate of inflation as well.

4) Some Veterans are on food stamps.

5) Any adult on food stamps has a job

Republicans in congress are either complete assholes or are willfully ignorant.

But hey i get it: it gives republicans hard ons to say "i don't need a handout! I provide! I'm tough as nails! Derp, derp, derp!" They then pretend complete falsehoods or stereotypes about the program because it makes them feel more manly i guess.

Why can't facts ever permeate the republican bubble?

What is the point of this little rant?

As opposed to the rights demonizing the poor?
The "right" spends more time. Volunteering and donating to the poor...while the left pays them lip service.

You are going to have to document that claim. The vast majority of the charitable contributions the right make have to do with their church. Contributing to the building fund for a new fellowship hall with basketball court and swimming pool is not helping the poor, it is helping themselves.
The churches run the food pantries,soup kitchens,urban gardens and out reach programs.

The left support elite programs such as the symphony, opera and other "arts".

When they aren't whining about everyone else that is...


How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people’s money

Donald Trump was in a tuxedo, standing next to his award: a statue of a palm tree, as tall as a toddler. It was 2010, and Trump was being honored by a charity — the Palm Beach Police Foundation — for his “selfless support” of its cause.

His support did not include any of his own money.

Instead, Trump had found a way to give away somebody else’s money and claim the credit for himself.

Trump had earlier gone to a charity in New Jersey — the Charles Evans Foundation, named for a deceased businessman — and asked for a donation. Trump said he was raising money for the Palm Beach Police Foundation.

The Evans Foundation said yes. In 2009 and 2010, it gave a total of $150,000 to the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a small charity that the Republican presidential nominee founded in 1987.

Then, Trump’s foundation turned around and made donations to the police group in South Florida. In those years, the Trump Foundation’s gifts totaled $150,000.

Trump had effectively turned the Evans Foundation’s gifts into his own gifts, without adding any money of his own.

On the night that he won the Palm Tree Award for his philanthropy, Trump may have actually made money. The gala was held at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, and the police foundation paid to rent the room.

How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people’s money

She said 'churches' and those that donate to them......Trump Foundation is not a church and neither is Clinton Foundation. You are comparing apples to maggots

She said, which is why I asked fot LINKIE.

Then I produced a story about how cheeto takes credit for "his charity"...

Clinton Foundation? Oh right that thing that the Clinton's gave above 90% of their charity too. How about Cheeto?

Clinton Foundation is rated A by the largest charity evaluator, BTW

...3. Step back. How much money have Clinton and Trump each donated to charity?

For Hillary and Bill Clinton, the total is $23.2 million between 2001 and 2015. That figure comes from the Clintons’ joint tax returns, which the Democratic nominee has released.

In that 15-year period — the years since the Clintons left the White House — they earned about $237 million in adjusted gross income, much of it from speaking fees and book royalties. So Clinton and her husband donated about 9.8 percent of their adjusted gross income.

Trump says he is worth far more than the Clintons. He recently claimed his net worth as more than $10 billion.

But it appears he has donated far less.

The Washington Post has identified about $3.9 million in donations since 2001 from Trump’s own pocket.

What we know about the charitable giving by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
1) The cost of food stamps is a small fraction of the overall welfare budget

2) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids

3) Few people even qualify for food stamps because it is reserved for the poorest of the poor. It's a program way behind on the rate of inflation as well.

4) Some Veterans are on food stamps.

5) Any adult on food stamps has a job

Republicans in congress are either complete assholes or are willfully ignorant.

But hey i get it: it gives republicans hard ons to say "i don't need a handout! I provide! I'm tough as nails! Derp, derp, derp!" They then pretend complete falsehoods or stereotypes about the program because it makes them feel more manly i guess.

Why can't facts ever permeate the republican bubble?

Why do you have to start every thread like you some kind of political master ?

IOW: Why do you always come off sounding like a dick ?

Is the left any less ignorant ? Answer: No.

Go fuck yourself you self righteous arrogant asshole.

Here is a thought, mind your own damn business and worry about the groceries YOU BUY instead of being consumed about what everyone else is doing.

If it's my tax dollars that are paying for the groceries of somebody else, shouldn't it be my business?
Here is a thought, mind your own damn business and worry about the groceries YOU BUY instead of being consumed about what everyone else is doing.

If it's my tax dollars that are paying for the groceries of somebody else, shouldn't it be my business?


Do you tell your barber how to spend his money? It was your money. You gave it to him. Do you tell him how he should spend it?

Do you tell your Congressman what to do with his money? He is paid with your tax dollars. It was your taxes that funded him.

Do you tell a soldier how to spend his money? He is paid with tax dollars, some of them were yours. Is how he spends his money your business?

Do you tell a government contractor how to spend his money? Come on, by your logic every company that does business with the government should have a government official reviewing every single one of their expenditures.

And tell me, since when was the government so damn smart that it should determine how people spend their benefits?
Oh well, guess I was wrong. Now, to your two states, I got news for you, rather everyone works or not does not make a happy damn. It really doesn't. Your position, and your viewpoint, has no basis in economics whatsoever. It has no basis in anthropology or sociology. It is completely based on your obsession with what OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING. Here is a thought, focus on yourself.

Why is it you on the left say focus on ourselves when we give our hard earned money to other people, yet you say focus on millionaires and billionaires when it comes time to taking money that other people made?

It's like the HUD house next door to me. Why is HUD using my money to support lowlifes in the suburbs? I shouldn't be concerned about that? I have to go to work every day to live here. I have to get up early in the morning whether it''s a beautiful day that I'd rather be spending at home or when it's 3 degrees outside and I have to trudge through the snow to get in my car at 6:00 am.

You bet it's my business, especially when they come home at 2 or 3 in the morning playing their car radio, slamming doors, laughing out loud because they are so Fn drunk and high, and wake me up when I have to get up in three hours for work!

To keep it simple, well five people live in your state and five people live in mine. In your state one dude earns $900,000, the other four earn $25,000 each. The one dude can't spend all his money and he is too chicken shit to invest any. He RENTS $300,000 a year to the other four, collects interest, and saves that as well.

In my state one dude works and the other four all sit on their ass. The one dude makes a million a year, but we tax him $400,000 that we re-distribute, yeah, that dirty word, to the other four. Which economy will have more spending and more demand? Before you answer, do you know anything about the United Arab Emirates? You ever hear of this city call Dubai? I mean if the key to success is everyone working and nobody getting free shit, well the UAE would be crumbling to the ground. Instead, the exact opposite happened.

Let me put it another way: which city does better, the city with a lot of government dependents or a city with few or none? I live in the Cleveland suburbs. Before inner-city people started to move in here during the housing bubble, our city was great. They had money, crime was down, drugs were few and far in between, our schools were rated one of the best in the county. Home values were up.

Now compare that to the city of Cleveland itself. They are broke, they lack enough police protection, their schools are the worst, many of the city vehicles are ten years old or more. Streets get plowed in the winter time, but very slowly because of lack of equipment and help. Side streets sometimes have to wait days to get their street plowed.

When more people are working, that means better city services, better investment for people that wish to invest, creates a housing demand because other working people want to move in there.
Oh well, guess I was wrong. Now, to your two states, I got news for you, rather everyone works or not does not make a happy damn. It really doesn't. Your position, and your viewpoint, has no basis in economics whatsoever. It has no basis in anthropology or sociology. It is completely based on your obsession with what OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING. Here is a thought, focus on yourself.

Why is it you on the left say focus on ourselves when we give our hard earned money to other people, yet you say focus on millionaires and billionaires when it comes time to taking money that other people made?

It's like the HUD house next door to me. Why is HUD using my money to support lowlifes in the suburbs? I shouldn't be concerned about that? I have to go to work every day to live here. I have to get up early in the morning whether it''s a beautiful day that I'd rather be spending at home or when it's 3 degrees outside and I have to trudge through the snow to get in my car at 6:00 am.

You bet it's my business, especially when they come home at 2 or 3 in the morning playing their car radio, slamming doors, laughing out loud because they are so Fn drunk and high, and wake me up when I have to get up in three hours for work!

To keep it simple, well five people live in your state and five people live in mine. In your state one dude earns $900,000, the other four earn $25,000 each. The one dude can't spend all his money and he is too chicken shit to invest any. He RENTS $300,000 a year to the other four, collects interest, and saves that as well.

In my state one dude works and the other four all sit on their ass. The one dude makes a million a year, but we tax him $400,000 that we re-distribute, yeah, that dirty word, to the other four. Which economy will have more spending and more demand? Before you answer, do you know anything about the United Arab Emirates? You ever hear of this city call Dubai? I mean if the key to success is everyone working and nobody getting free shit, well the UAE would be crumbling to the ground. Instead, the exact opposite happened.

Let me put it another way: which city does better, the city with a lot of government dependents or a city with few or none? I live in the Cleveland suburbs. Before inner-city people started to move in here during the housing bubble, our city was great. They had money, crime was down, drugs were few and far in between, our schools were rated one of the best in the county. Home values were up.

Now compare that to the city of Cleveland itself. They are broke, they lack enough police protection, their schools are the worst, many of the city vehicles are ten years old or more. Streets get plowed in the winter time, but very slowly because of lack of equipment and help. Side streets sometimes have to wait days to get their street plowed.

When more people are working, that means better city services, better investment for people that wish to invest, creates a housing demand because other working people want to move in there.

You deserve a thought out response and I will provide one later this evening. At the moment, I got some living to do. But I will answer your question,

Why is it you on the left say focus on ourselves when we give our hard earned money to other people, yet you say focus on millionaires and billionaires when it comes time to taking money that other people made?

I don't give a shit how the wealthy earn their money. I don't give a shit how they spend their money. I don't even give a shit how they invest their money. If it's legal, cool beans. Although in my world rent seeking would be a felony. I just want them to pay their fair share.

But I busted out laughing when you were talking about the city of Cleveland and their city vehicles. Dubai, in the country of UAE, where many people do not work and the welfare system is among the richest in the world, they have Bugatti Veyron police cars. Obviously, the percentage of a population working has absolutely nothing to do with the health of the economy.

Check Out Dubai's $6.5 Million USD Police Car Fleet featuring a Bugatti Veyron | Highsnobiety
Here is a thought, mind your own damn business and worry about the groceries YOU BUY instead of being consumed about what everyone else is doing.

If it's my tax dollars that are paying for the groceries of somebody else, shouldn't it be my business?


Do you tell your barber how to spend his money? It was your money. You gave it to him. Do you tell him how he should spend it?

Do you tell your Congressman what to do with his money? He is paid with your tax dollars. It was your taxes that funded him.

Do you tell a soldier how to spend his money? He is paid with tax dollars, some of them were yours. Is how he spends his money your business?

Do you tell a government contractor how to spend his money? Come on, by your logic every company that does business with the government should have a government official reviewing every single one of their expenditures.

And tell me, since when was the government so damn smart that it should determine how people spend their benefits?

You are comparing people that work for money and people that take working people's money. Apples and oranges.

Let's say a friend or coworker of yours asks you for $5,000 because he's kind of down on his luck. So you give him that 5K and think nothing of it. Now he takes a Hawaiian vacation with his family. Are you going to tell me you wouldn't be bothered by that????

When a lowlife is at the grocery store buying all kinds of food with our money, and then whips out cash for booze, cigarettes, big bags of dog food, cat litter, I should just say "oh well, I wasn't doing anything better with my money anyways?" Like hell!

My attitude towards the so-called poor people changed young in my life. Like many kids, I was kind of liberal, and then I grew up because I seen what was happening around me. I became more conservative as time went on. True story:

I was in line at the grocery store a few weeks ago. Some lowlife was asking people if they would let him buy some of their items with his food stamps, and then he would give them their items back when they gave him the cash for them.
1) The cost of food stamps is a small fraction of the overall welfare budget

2) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids

3) Few people even qualify for food stamps because it is reserved for the poorest of the poor. It's a program way behind on the rate of inflation as well.

4) Some Veterans are on food stamps.

5) Any adult on food stamps has a job

Republicans in congress are either complete assholes or are willfully ignorant.

But hey i get it: it gives republicans hard ons to say "i don't need a handout! I provide! I'm tough as nails! Derp, derp, derp!" They then pretend complete falsehoods or stereotypes about the program because it makes them feel more manly i guess.

Why can't facts ever permeate the republican bubble?

Please provide your proof that republicans are stupid when it comes to food stamps.

This would be a poll or a test of some kind that shows republicans don't know anything about them.

Please provide it. Or else ask the moderators to move the thread to a zone where asswipe titles can boil in their own bullshit.
Food stamp use increased 70% during the Obama years. Is that good news or bad news to the left?

After 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies? Weird


The guy could not be more right.

Government helps the rich stay rich or get richer.

Wonder if Ha-Joon cares to comment on that ?
I don't give a shit how the wealthy earn their money. I don't give a shit how they spend their money. I don't even give a shit how they invest their money. If it's legal, cool beans. Although in my world rent seeking would be a felony. I just want them to pay their fair share.

And you on the left are the only people that can say what that fair share is. And while focusing on what they pay in taxes, you are looking over their shoulders telling them what they should do with THEIR MONEY that THEY EARNED.

But I busted out laughing when you were talking about the city of Cleveland and their city vehicles. Dubai, in the country of UAE, where many people do not work and the welfare system is among the richest in the world, they have Bugatti Veyron police cars. Obviously, the percentage of a population working has absolutely nothing to do with the health of the economy.

Maybe you should give your Dubai secrets to the city of Detroit. I'm sure that they would like to have Bugatti Veyron police cars too!
Why are Democrats so stupid when it comes to other people's money?



Show us one on Entitlement spending son.

Sure cupcake

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Most Federally Dependent States

(1 = Most Dependent)


Total Score

‘State Residents’ Dependency’ Rank

‘State Government’s Dependency’ Rank

1 Kentucky 76.16 6 5
2 Mississippi 75.59 7 1
3 New Mexico 73.88 3 17
4 Alabama 72.45 4 14
5 West Virginia 68.97 5 15
6 South Carolina 68.17 2 31
7 Montana 65.91 14 4
8 Tennessee 61.76 20 3
9 Maine 61.02 13 9
10 Indiana 59.18 7 23
11 Arizona 59.08 15 11
12 Louisiana 55.39 40 2
13 South Dakota 53.57 24 7
14 Missouri 52.66 31 6
15 Oregon 51.51 23 10
16 Georgia 49.81 34 8
17 Idaho 49.64 19 19
18 Vermont 49.56 18 20
19 Wyoming 48.80 26 12
20 Maryland 48.18 11 32
21 Oklahoma 47.78 21 18
22 Pennsylvania 46.15 17 30
23 Alaska 45.81 10 40
24 Rhode Island 45.05 36 16
25 Florida 43.84 27 22
26 Ohio 42.25 45 13
27 Arkansas 42.12 38 21
28 North Carolina 41.63 32 25
29 Hawaii 41.63 9 46
30 Iowa 41.38 33 26
31 Wisconsin 41.09 16 38
32 North Dakota 40.46 1 50
33 Michigan 40.43 35 27
34 New York 37.65 44 24
35 Texas 36.81 42 28
36 Washington 35.32 30 33
37 Colorado 35.20 29 34
38 Virginia 34.43 12 49
39 Nebraska 33.78 47 29
40 Utah 33.28 28 35
41 New Hampshire 31.11 37 36
42 Connecticut 27.80 22 48
43 Massachusetts 27.36 46 37
44 Nevada 26.94 25 47
45 Kansas 25.39 39 45
46 California 25.36 41 43
47 Illinois 23.96 48 41
48 New Jersey 23.84 49 39
49 Minnesota 23.09 43 44
50 Delaware 21.32 50 42

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Why are Democrats so stupid when it comes to other people's money?



Show us one on Entitlement spending son.

Sure cupcake

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Most Federally Dependent States

(1 = Most Dependent)


Total Score

‘State Residents’ Dependency’ Rank

‘State Government’s Dependency’ Rank

1 Kentucky 76.16 6 5
2 Mississippi 75.59 7 1
3 New Mexico 73.88 3 17
4 Alabama 72.45 4 14
5 West Virginia 68.97 5 15
6 South Carolina 68.17 2 31
7 Montana 65.91 14 4
8 Tennessee 61.76 20 3
9 Maine 61.02 13 9
10 Indiana 59.18 7 23
11 Arizona 59.08 15 11
12 Louisiana 55.39 40 2
13 South Dakota 53.57 24 7
14 Missouri 52.66 31 6
15 Oregon 51.51 23 10
16 Georgia 49.81 34 8
17 Idaho 49.64 19 19
18 Vermont 49.56 18 20
19 Wyoming 48.80 26 12
20 Maryland 48.18 11 32
21 Oklahoma 47.78 21 18
22 Pennsylvania 46.15 17 30
23 Alaska 45.81 10 40
24 Rhode Island 45.05 36 16
25 Florida 43.84 27 22
26 Ohio 42.25 45 13
27 Arkansas 42.12 38 21
28 North Carolina 41.63 32 25
29 Hawaii 41.63 9 46
30 Iowa 41.38 33 26
31 Wisconsin 41.09 16 38
32 North Dakota 40.46 1 50
33 Michigan 40.43 35 27
34 New York 37.65 44 24
35 Texas 36.81 42 28
36 Washington 35.32 30 33
37 Colorado 35.20 29 34
38 Virginia 34.43 12 49
39 Nebraska 33.78 47 29
40 Utah 33.28 28 35
41 New Hampshire 31.11 37 36
42 Connecticut 27.80 22 48
43 Massachusetts 27.36 46 37
44 Nevada 26.94 25 47
45 Kansas 25.39 39 45
46 California 25.36 41 43
47 Illinois 23.96 48 41
48 New Jersey 23.84 49 39
49 Minnesota 23.09 43 44
50 Delaware 21.32 50 42

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States


Entitlement spending by President son. I cannot be side tracked.
I don't give a shit how the wealthy earn their money. I don't give a shit how they spend their money. I don't even give a shit how they invest their money. If it's legal, cool beans. Although in my world rent seeking would be a felony. I just want them to pay their fair share.

And you on the left are the only people that can say what that fair share is. And while focusing on what they pay in taxes, you are looking over their shoulders telling them what they should do with THEIR MONEY that THEY EARNED.

But I busted out laughing when you were talking about the city of Cleveland and their city vehicles. Dubai, in the country of UAE, where many people do not work and the welfare system is among the richest in the world, they have Bugatti Veyron police cars. Obviously, the percentage of a population working has absolutely nothing to do with the health of the economy.

Maybe you should give your Dubai secrets to the city of Detroit. I'm sure that they would like to have Bugatti Veyron police cars too!




Why are Democrats so stupid when it comes to other people's money?



Show us one on Entitlement spending son.

Sure cupcake

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Most Federally Dependent States

(1 = Most Dependent)


Total Score

‘State Residents’ Dependency’ Rank

‘State Government’s Dependency’ Rank

1 Kentucky 76.16 6 5
2 Mississippi 75.59 7 1
3 New Mexico 73.88 3 17
4 Alabama 72.45 4 14
5 West Virginia 68.97 5 15
6 South Carolina 68.17 2 31
7 Montana 65.91 14 4
8 Tennessee 61.76 20 3
9 Maine 61.02 13 9
10 Indiana 59.18 7 23
11 Arizona 59.08 15 11
12 Louisiana 55.39 40 2
13 South Dakota 53.57 24 7
14 Missouri 52.66 31 6
15 Oregon 51.51 23 10
16 Georgia 49.81 34 8
17 Idaho 49.64 19 19
18 Vermont 49.56 18 20
19 Wyoming 48.80 26 12
20 Maryland 48.18 11 32
21 Oklahoma 47.78 21 18
22 Pennsylvania 46.15 17 30
23 Alaska 45.81 10 40
24 Rhode Island 45.05 36 16
25 Florida 43.84 27 22
26 Ohio 42.25 45 13
27 Arkansas 42.12 38 21
28 North Carolina 41.63 32 25
29 Hawaii 41.63 9 46
30 Iowa 41.38 33 26
31 Wisconsin 41.09 16 38
32 North Dakota 40.46 1 50
33 Michigan 40.43 35 27
34 New York 37.65 44 24
35 Texas 36.81 42 28
36 Washington 35.32 30 33
37 Colorado 35.20 29 34
38 Virginia 34.43 12 49
39 Nebraska 33.78 47 29
40 Utah 33.28 28 35
41 New Hampshire 31.11 37 36
42 Connecticut 27.80 22 48
43 Massachusetts 27.36 46 37
44 Nevada 26.94 25 47
45 Kansas 25.39 39 45
46 California 25.36 41 43
47 Illinois 23.96 48 41
48 New Jersey 23.84 49 39
49 Minnesota 23.09 43 44
50 Delaware 21.32 50 42

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States


Entitlement spending by President son. I cannot be side tracked.

Cupcake, why don't YOU present that since YOU want it.

But how about showing 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator policies versus Obama's?

How is that snowflake?

Why are Democrats so stupid when it comes to other people's money?



Show us one on Entitlement spending son.

Sure cupcake

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Most Federally Dependent States

(1 = Most Dependent)


Total Score

‘State Residents’ Dependency’ Rank

‘State Government’s Dependency’ Rank

1 Kentucky 76.16 6 5
2 Mississippi 75.59 7 1
3 New Mexico 73.88 3 17
4 Alabama 72.45 4 14
5 West Virginia 68.97 5 15
6 South Carolina 68.17 2 31
7 Montana 65.91 14 4
8 Tennessee 61.76 20 3
9 Maine 61.02 13 9
10 Indiana 59.18 7 23
11 Arizona 59.08 15 11
12 Louisiana 55.39 40 2
13 South Dakota 53.57 24 7
14 Missouri 52.66 31 6
15 Oregon 51.51 23 10
16 Georgia 49.81 34 8
17 Idaho 49.64 19 19
18 Vermont 49.56 18 20
19 Wyoming 48.80 26 12
20 Maryland 48.18 11 32
21 Oklahoma 47.78 21 18
22 Pennsylvania 46.15 17 30
23 Alaska 45.81 10 40
24 Rhode Island 45.05 36 16
25 Florida 43.84 27 22
26 Ohio 42.25 45 13
27 Arkansas 42.12 38 21
28 North Carolina 41.63 32 25
29 Hawaii 41.63 9 46
30 Iowa 41.38 33 26
31 Wisconsin 41.09 16 38
32 North Dakota 40.46 1 50
33 Michigan 40.43 35 27
34 New York 37.65 44 24
35 Texas 36.81 42 28
36 Washington 35.32 30 33
37 Colorado 35.20 29 34
38 Virginia 34.43 12 49
39 Nebraska 33.78 47 29
40 Utah 33.28 28 35
41 New Hampshire 31.11 37 36
42 Connecticut 27.80 22 48
43 Massachusetts 27.36 46 37
44 Nevada 26.94 25 47
45 Kansas 25.39 39 45
46 California 25.36 41 43
47 Illinois 23.96 48 41
48 New Jersey 23.84 49 39
49 Minnesota 23.09 43 44
50 Delaware 21.32 50 42

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States


Entitlement spending by President son. I cannot be side tracked.

Cupcake, why don't YOU present that since YOU want it.

But how about showing 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator policies versus Obama's?

How is that snowflake?


You're dismissed kid. The thread is about ENTITLEMENT spending.
Food stamp use increased 70% during the Obama years. Is that good news or bad news to the left?
Well we did have the great recession...did you consider that or jump straight to "Obama's fault"? Not saying it's the only possible reason but the world has far more impactful forces than that of one man in the highest office.
Food stamp use increased 70% during the Obama years. Is that good news or bad news to the left?
Well we did have the great recession...did you consider that or jump straight to "Obama's fault"? Not saying it's the only possible reason but the world has far more impactful forces than that of one man in the highest office.
Obama's 2nd run was Make America Great Again and all he cared about was UHC and kissing Muslim ass.

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