Why are republicans so stupid when it comes to Food Stamps?

They ain't dirt poor. If they are on Snap and have kids under 5 they are also getting WIC...kids over 5 free school lunches...free day care aid...Medicaid... free bus passes....government help with utilities and housing. Plus whatever their wages are. They eat better than the folks footing the bill too give them their government handouts.

You are living a fantasy.
Cut food stamps out all together.

Here's an idea, Bush92: You are making $92,000 dollars at a good job and you are hit by no fault of your own, get sick, spend years unable to work until you are bankrupt and end up on food stamps trying to get back on your feet. When it happens, let them come to me so I can tell them your idea, sorry, Bush92 doesn't get any food stamps, no food. Just shoot him in the head and bury him in a ditch! Isn't that what the Nazis did? Congrats! You are in good company then. Sieg Heil.
Sounds good to me. I would take the bullet.

Loaf of bread 1.29 carton of eggs 1.29 Cantalope 1.29 ea

6 meals .62 each

Let me know how that works for you. Slice of bread for breakfast, An egg for lunch and a piece of cantaloupe for dinner. And I would love to know where you can get those things that cheap! Certainly not here! Let us know when you start living that way!!!
They are using my tax money so it is my business..

Is it? Once you send you tax money in, its the feds money. Is what the fed spends its money on for guns and tanks your business too? Why don't you tell the military to use only the cheapest weapons, cheapest ammo and soldiers can live on $2.00 a meal too.

So...yeah...people can eat for less than $ 2.00 per meal.

Let us know when you start living on a packet of oatmeal for breakfast every morning and a can of the cheapest spaghetti for dinner each night.


Stew meat 3.50 5 lb bag of potatoes 1.00 ..1.00 worth of carrots.

6 servings.... 92 cents each

Plus potatoes left over for breakfast to go with my eggs . toast and cantaloupe. :)

Loaf of bread 1.29 carton of eggs 1.29 Cantalope 1.29 ea

6 meals .62 each

Let me know how that works for you. Slice of bread for breakfast, An egg for lunch and a piece of cantaloupe for dinner. And I would love to know where you can get those things that cheap! Certainly not here! Let us know when you start living that way!!!
Uh...eggs, toast and fruit for breakfast for 6 people. .62 cents a serving.

Loaf of bread 1.29 carton of eggs 1.29 Cantalope 1.29 ea

6 meals .62 each

Let me know how that works for you. Slice of bread for breakfast, An egg for lunch and a piece of cantaloupe for dinner. And I would love to know where you can get those things that cheap! Certainly not here! Let us know when you start living that way!!!
Apparently you don't shop much. Every store has weekly sales.

Read the store ads.
They ain't dirt poor. If they are on Snap and have kids under 5 they are also getting WIC...kids over 5 free school lunches...free day care aid...Medicaid... free bus passes....government help with utilities and housing. Plus whatever their wages are. They eat better than the folks footing the bill too give them their government handouts.

You are living a fantasy.
Nope. If they qualify for one program they qualify for all and they apply for everything.
Holy shit . You want examples of waste , the military spending is where it's at .

At least food stamp spending gets recycled into our economy.

Sure does, Pelosi says every $1.00 dollar is like $1.72....must be some of that Obama math.

Low informed one, NOT Pelosi

SNAP Stimulates Economic Activity During an Economic Downturn

The Food Assistance National Input-Output Multiplier (FANIOM) Model and Stimulus Effects of SNAP

The report found that:

  • An increase of $1 billion in SNAP expenditures is estimated to increase economic activity (GDP) by $1.79 billion. In other words, every $5 in new SNAP benefits generates as much as $9 of economic activity.
USDA ERS - Economic Linkages

Interesting. So what if the government buys us all new houses? How about a new car every four years? What about new boats? How about new swimming pools? Imagine the economic activity if nobody worked and government gave us all kinds of free stuff and we just stayed home. Our country would be filthy rich with all that economic activity.

What makes you leftists think that if people didn't have food stamps, they would quit eating? If people didn't have food stamps, they would still buy food and create this so-called economic activity anyway.

Yep, in your scenario you are absolutely right. The economic activity would be huge. Let's put it in action. Only one person works in the entire nation. He makes billions and billions of dollars. He can't possibly spend it all, so he loans it out, at INTEREST. How is that economy going? The rest of the nation has no money, has no income, can't possibly even think about buying anything. The poor working dude gets nothing in interest, nobody can afford to pay it and nobody is generating any demand.

The government jumps in. Taxes the hell out of the rich dude. Redistributes, and yes, I used the word, that income to those not working. Now they are buying houses, buying furniture, buying cars. Suddenly, some of them, seeing the growing demand, start borrowing what is left of the rich dudes SAVINGS. Now, why they can actually afford to pay interest. Now, the rich dude is actually getting a return on his SAVINGS. Holy shit, now the interest the rich dude is making MORE THAN COMPENSATES for the taxes he is paying. Why, because of the multiplier effect, because of the higher velocity.

Dude, I like you. Of the few righties on this board you seem to have a little bit of a brain. Thing about it, this makes sense. It really is basic economics.

If that were basic economics, Detroit would be our largest economic engine today. My city of Cleveland would not be far behind.

Taxpayer handouts do not stimulate anything. It's a pretence to justify working people supporting the non-working.

Let's say that you and I were governors of our states. In my state, everybody physically and mentally capable had to work for their money. In your state, anybody that doesn't want to work doesn't have to because you will give them money not to work. Which of our states do you think would be more economically successful?

Oh well, guess I was wrong. Now, to your two states, I got news for you, rather everyone works or not does not make a happy damn. It really doesn't. Your position, and your viewpoint, has no basis in economics whatsoever. It has no basis in anthropology or sociology. It is completely based on your obsession with what OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING. Here is a thought, focus on yourself.

To keep it simple, well five people live in your state and five people live in mine. In your state one dude earns $900,000, the other four earn $25,000 each. The one dude can't spend all his money and he is too chicken shit to invest any. He RENTS $300,000 a year to the other four, collects interest, and saves that as well.

In my state one dude works and the other four all sit on their ass. The one dude makes a million a year, but we tax him $400,000 that we re-distribute, yeah, that dirty word, to the other four. Which economy will have more spending and more demand? Before you answer, do you know anything about the United Arab Emirates? You ever hear of this city call Dubai? I mean if the key to success is everyone working and nobody getting free shit, well the UAE would be crumbling to the ground. Instead, the exact opposite happened.
Sure does, Pelosi says every $1.00 dollar is like $1.72....must be some of that Obama math.

Low informed one, NOT Pelosi

SNAP Stimulates Economic Activity During an Economic Downturn

The Food Assistance National Input-Output Multiplier (FANIOM) Model and Stimulus Effects of SNAP

The report found that:

  • An increase of $1 billion in SNAP expenditures is estimated to increase economic activity (GDP) by $1.79 billion. In other words, every $5 in new SNAP benefits generates as much as $9 of economic activity.
USDA ERS - Economic Linkages

Interesting. So what if the government buys us all new houses? How about a new car every four years? What about new boats? How about new swimming pools? Imagine the economic activity if nobody worked and government gave us all kinds of free stuff and we just stayed home. Our country would be filthy rich with all that economic activity.

What makes you leftists think that if people didn't have food stamps, they would quit eating? If people didn't have food stamps, they would still buy food and create this so-called economic activity anyway.

Yep, in your scenario you are absolutely right. The economic activity would be huge. Let's put it in action. Only one person works in the entire nation. He makes billions and billions of dollars. He can't possibly spend it all, so he loans it out, at INTEREST. How is that economy going? The rest of the nation has no money, has no income, can't possibly even think about buying anything. The poor working dude gets nothing in interest, nobody can afford to pay it and nobody is generating any demand.

The government jumps in. Taxes the hell out of the rich dude. Redistributes, and yes, I used the word, that income to those not working. Now they are buying houses, buying furniture, buying cars. Suddenly, some of them, seeing the growing demand, start borrowing what is left of the rich dudes SAVINGS. Now, why they can actually afford to pay interest. Now, the rich dude is actually getting a return on his SAVINGS. Holy shit, now the interest the rich dude is making MORE THAN COMPENSATES for the taxes he is paying. Why, because of the multiplier effect, because of the higher velocity.

Dude, I like you. Of the few righties on this board you seem to have a little bit of a brain. Thing about it, this makes sense. It really is basic economics.

If that were basic economics, Detroit would be our largest economic engine today. My city of Cleveland would not be far behind.

Taxpayer handouts do not stimulate anything. It's a pretence to justify working people supporting the non-working.

Let's say that you and I were governors of our states. In my state, everybody physically and mentally capable had to work for their money. In your state, anybody that doesn't want to work doesn't have to because you will give them money not to work. Which of our states do you think would be more economically successful?

Oh well, guess I was wrong. Now, to your two states, I got news for you, rather everyone works or not does not make a happy damn. It really doesn't. Your position, and your viewpoint, has no basis in economics whatsoever. It has no basis in anthropology or sociology. It is completely based on your obsession with what OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING. Here is a thought, focus on yourself.

To keep it simple, well five people live in your state and five people live in mine. In your state one dude earns $900,000, the other four earn $25,000 each. The one dude can't spend all his money and he is too chicken shit to invest any. He RENTS $300,000 a year to the other four, collects interest, and saves that as well.

In my state one dude works and the other four all sit on their ass. The one dude makes a million a year, but we tax him $400,000 that we re-distribute, yeah, that dirty word, to the other four. Which economy will have more spending and more demand? Before you answer, do you know anything about the United Arab Emirates? You ever hear of this city call Dubai? I mean if the key to success is everyone working and nobody getting free shit, well the UAE would be crumbling to the ground. Instead, the exact opposite happened.
Totally stupid and absurd example since you can't make a lot of money in this case 900,000 or whatever without people spending 900,000. So start over please and this time think before you Post.
Nobody works in Dubai and they are fairly well off because they have a ton of oil. 1+1 = 2
Cut food stamps out all together.

Here's an idea, Bush92: You are making $92,000 dollars at a good job and you are hit by no fault of your own, get sick, spend years unable to work until you are bankrupt and end up on food stamps trying to get back on your feet. When it happens, let them come to me so I can tell them your idea, sorry, Bush92 doesn't get any food stamps, no food. Just shoot him in the head and bury him in a ditch! Isn't that what the Nazis did? Congrats! You are in good company then. Sieg Heil.
------------------------------------- i assume that Bush92 is an American . As an American i recognize that he is entitled to food stamps should the need arise TFreak .
1) The cost of food stamps is a small fraction of the overall welfare budget

2) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids

3) Few people even qualify for food stamps because it is reserved for the poorest of the poor. It's a program way behind on the rate of inflation as well.

4) Some Veterans are on food stamps.

5) Any adult on food stamps has a job

Republicans in congress are either complete assholes or are willfully ignorant.

But hey i get it: it gives republicans hard ons to say "i don't need a handout! I provide! I'm tough as nails! Derp, derp, derp!" They then pretend complete falsehoods or stereotypes about the program because it makes them feel more manly i guess.

Why can't facts ever permeate the republican bubble?
I am all for helping people in need. What I object to is to allow Food Stamp users to buy all that junk food that supermarkets make all their money on. They need to be required to buy healthy food. Maybe if they start eating healthy their health care costs might just go down. Bet most are on Medicaid.
Capitalism is about rational choice; there are no guarantees that past performance will be equal to future performance, in capital based markets.

Why advocate socialism on a potentially, national basis, right wingers?

Laissez-fair, all the way!
I am all for helping those who are poor,

Apparently you are not!

Give vouchers that must be used for certain foods only....milk, eggs, bread, milk, cheese, oatmeal, canned meats, fruit/veg, etc. You don't see too many food stamp users buying canned tuna.....just saying

Look, food stamps (SNAP) is already restricted that you can only use it to but certain qualified things! Strictly groceries, not even vitamin pills. As to your comment that you don't see too many food stamp users buying tuna: How the hell would you know? Do they have a flag on their head identifying them as they shop and check out? Do you stop and interview them as they leave the store checking their cart? They are allotted a certain dollar value, typically no more than $6.00 a day to live on for food (at most) and how they spend it, on peanut butter, milk, cheese or fish is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Go out and try living on $6.00 a day ($2.00 a meal) for food. Let us know how it works out for you. I bet you spend more than that on ONE MEAL.

They are using my tax money so it is my business....ok lets keep it simple then...mandatory drug testing for SNAP
Y'all need an Order to Show Cause for your right wing propaganda. It is beginning to be tiresome to some on the left.

It is not Your money. It is the Peoples' money whenever Congress needs to appropriate it for Government. That is what is called, a social Power to Tax. It can be found in Article 1, Section 8.

Thus, You need Standing to claim that it is Your tax money.
Low informed one, NOT Pelosi

SNAP Stimulates Economic Activity During an Economic Downturn

The Food Assistance National Input-Output Multiplier (FANIOM) Model and Stimulus Effects of SNAP

The report found that:

  • An increase of $1 billion in SNAP expenditures is estimated to increase economic activity (GDP) by $1.79 billion. In other words, every $5 in new SNAP benefits generates as much as $9 of economic activity.
USDA ERS - Economic Linkages

Interesting. So what if the government buys us all new houses? How about a new car every four years? What about new boats? How about new swimming pools? Imagine the economic activity if nobody worked and government gave us all kinds of free stuff and we just stayed home. Our country would be filthy rich with all that economic activity.

What makes you leftists think that if people didn't have food stamps, they would quit eating? If people didn't have food stamps, they would still buy food and create this so-called economic activity anyway.

Yep, in your scenario you are absolutely right. The economic activity would be huge. Let's put it in action. Only one person works in the entire nation. He makes billions and billions of dollars. He can't possibly spend it all, so he loans it out, at INTEREST. How is that economy going? The rest of the nation has no money, has no income, can't possibly even think about buying anything. The poor working dude gets nothing in interest, nobody can afford to pay it and nobody is generating any demand.

The government jumps in. Taxes the hell out of the rich dude. Redistributes, and yes, I used the word, that income to those not working. Now they are buying houses, buying furniture, buying cars. Suddenly, some of them, seeing the growing demand, start borrowing what is left of the rich dudes SAVINGS. Now, why they can actually afford to pay interest. Now, the rich dude is actually getting a return on his SAVINGS. Holy shit, now the interest the rich dude is making MORE THAN COMPENSATES for the taxes he is paying. Why, because of the multiplier effect, because of the higher velocity.

Dude, I like you. Of the few righties on this board you seem to have a little bit of a brain. Thing about it, this makes sense. It really is basic economics.

If that were basic economics, Detroit would be our largest economic engine today. My city of Cleveland would not be far behind.

Taxpayer handouts do not stimulate anything. It's a pretence to justify working people supporting the non-working.

Let's say that you and I were governors of our states. In my state, everybody physically and mentally capable had to work for their money. In your state, anybody that doesn't want to work doesn't have to because you will give them money not to work. Which of our states do you think would be more economically successful?

Oh well, guess I was wrong. Now, to your two states, I got news for you, rather everyone works or not does not make a happy damn. It really doesn't. Your position, and your viewpoint, has no basis in economics whatsoever. It has no basis in anthropology or sociology. It is completely based on your obsession with what OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING. Here is a thought, focus on yourself.

To keep it simple, well five people live in your state and five people live in mine. In your state one dude earns $900,000, the other four earn $25,000 each. The one dude can't spend all his money and he is too chicken shit to invest any. He RENTS $300,000 a year to the other four, collects interest, and saves that as well.

In my state one dude works and the other four all sit on their ass. The one dude makes a million a year, but we tax him $400,000 that we re-distribute, yeah, that dirty word, to the other four. Which economy will have more spending and more demand? Before you answer, do you know anything about the United Arab Emirates? You ever hear of this city call Dubai? I mean if the key to success is everyone working and nobody getting free shit, well the UAE would be crumbling to the ground. Instead, the exact opposite happened.
Totally stupid and absurd example since you can't make a lot of money in this case 900,000 or whatever without people spending 900,000. So start over please and this time think before you Post.
Nobody works in Dubai and they are fairly well off because they have a ton of oil. 1+1 = 2

It was a perfect example. The $900,000 could come from OUT OF THE STATE. DUH HUH. You know, like American companies that have operations overseas. And if nobody works in Dubai cause they have oil, then the fawking damn idea that everyone has to work is STEWPYD. DUH HUH.

Arbeit Macht Frei, that is the mentality being expressed here and if your German is weak, it means "work sets you free", it was on the sign at the entrance to Auschwitz.

If you want to make everyone work, then MAKE EVERYONE WORK. Alice Walton, I doubt she has struck a lick in the last twenty years. Put here ass to work and keep her off the road, she has already killed one woman.

All this is just another glaring example of the cognitive dissonance of the right. First, we hear again the government, you know, the inept incompetent outfit that screws everything up, suddenly should be picking and choosing the foods people purchase. Absolutely outrageous.

But the one that really gets me. Illegal immigrants should be kept out. They "take American jobs". The right is scared as hell of the competition. But now, well everyone should work.

Here is the deal. If one can be happy unemployed and collecting welfare, then GOOD. Keep their ass at home and out of my way. And when raving conservatives are faced with that situation in real life they feel the same way.

I worked on a sales team and several members were big time conservatives. Then they hired this salesperson that had to be about the laziest piece of shit I have ever known. She burned "ups", blowing sales opportunities that more effective salespeople could have closed. She cost all of us money. Everyone that worked there was more than willing to pitch in and pay her to stay out of work. The overall economy works the same way. Better to pay people to stay home than have them in the work force "burning ups".
Why are republicans so stupid when it comes to Food Stamps?

It is not "stupidity" but a "general advance" of the right wing, for their, alleged Cause.
They ain't dirt poor. If they are on Snap and have kids under 5 they are also getting WIC...kids over 5 free school lunches...free day care aid...Medicaid... free bus passes....government help with utilities and housing. Plus whatever their wages are. They eat better than the folks footing the bill too give them their government handouts.

You are living a fantasy.
Nope. If they qualify for one program they qualify for all and they apply for everything.

"If they qualify for one program they qualify for all "

Gawd you cupcakes are an ignorant bunch....

They ain't dirt poor. If they are on Snap and have kids under 5 they are also getting WIC...kids over 5 free school lunches...free day care aid...Medicaid... free bus passes....government help with utilities and housing. Plus whatever their wages are. They eat better than the folks footing the bill too give them their government handouts.

You are living a fantasy.
Nope. If they qualify for one program they qualify for all and they apply for everything.

"If they qualify for one program they qualify for all "

Gawd you cupcakes are an ignorant bunch....

On top of free food via WIC and SNAP,utilities,housing,school lunches,bus passes, healthcare...

They also get fee cell phones.

Poor underprivileged people...so sad....so abused. :(
They ain't dirt poor. If they are on Snap and have kids under 5 they are also getting WIC...kids over 5 free school lunches...free day care aid...Medicaid... free bus passes....government help with utilities and housing. Plus whatever their wages are. They eat better than the folks footing the bill too give them their government handouts.

You are living a fantasy.
Nope. If they qualify for one program they qualify for all and they apply for everything.

"If they qualify for one program they qualify for all "

Gawd you cupcakes are an ignorant bunch....


They ain't dirt poor. If they are on Snap and have kids under 5 they are also getting WIC...kids over 5 free school lunches...free day care aid...Medicaid... free bus passes....government help with utilities and housing. Plus whatever their wages are. They eat better than the folks footing the bill too give them their government handouts.

You are living a fantasy.
Nope. If they qualify for one program they qualify for all and they apply for everything.

"If they qualify for one program they qualify for all "

Gawd you cupcakes are an ignorant bunch....

On top of free food via WIC and SNAP,utilities,housing,school lunches,bus passes, healthcare...

They also get fee cell phones.

Poor underprivileged people...so sad....so abused. :(

Yes, you left out the free trips to Cabo


why are liberals so stupid when it comes to everything else?

gosh - stereotypes are FUN!
They ain't dirt poor. If they are on Snap and have kids under 5 they are also getting WIC...kids over 5 free school lunches...free day care aid...Medicaid... free bus passes....government help with utilities and housing. Plus whatever their wages are. They eat better than the folks footing the bill too give them their government handouts.

You are living a fantasy.
Nope. If they qualify for one program they qualify for all and they apply for everything.

"If they qualify for one program they qualify for all "

Gawd you cupcakes are an ignorant bunch....


They ain't dirt poor. If they are on Snap and have kids under 5 they are also getting WIC...kids over 5 free school lunches...free day care aid...Medicaid... free bus passes....government help with utilities and housing. Plus whatever their wages are. They eat better than the folks footing the bill too give them their government handouts.

You are living a fantasy.
Nope. If they qualify for one program they qualify for all and they apply for everything.

"If they qualify for one program they qualify for all "

Gawd you cupcakes are an ignorant bunch....

On top of free food via WIC and SNAP,utilities,housing,school lunches,bus passes, healthcare...

They also get fee cell phones.

Poor underprivileged people...so sad....so abused. :(

Yes, you left out the free trips to Cabo


So...you got nothing but cut and paste propaganda. Not surprised.
I am all for helping those who are poor,

Apparently you are not!

Give vouchers that must be used for certain foods only....milk, eggs, bread, milk, cheese, oatmeal, canned meats, fruit/veg, etc. You don't see too many food stamp users buying canned tuna.....just saying

Look, food stamps (SNAP) is already restricted that you can only use it to but certain qualified things! Strictly groceries, not even vitamin pills. As to your comment that you don't see too many food stamp users buying tuna: How the hell would you know? Do they have a flag on their head identifying them as they shop and check out? Do you stop and interview them as they leave the store checking their cart? They are allotted a certain dollar value, typically no more than $6.00 a day to live on for food (at most) and how they spend it, on peanut butter, milk, cheese or fish is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Go out and try living on $6.00 a day ($2.00 a meal) for food. Let us know how it works out for you. I bet you spend more than that on ONE MEAL.

They are using my tax money so it is my business....ok lets keep it simple then...mandatory drug testing for SNAP

Somehow I goofed up and quoted you twice oh well...sorry

Example 2 Walmart...

Spahgetti 1.00 ( sometimes cheaper ) spahgetti sauce 1.00 ( sometimes cheaper) Salad kit 1.99 dressing 1.00. 1 tomato .64 cents,1 cucumber .69 cents.

Six servings for 1.05 each.

So...yeah...people can eat for less than $ 2.00 per meal.[/QUOTE]

A fishing pole , laying around

A hook

A worm

Yea people can eat for zero cents

Try to beat that.


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