Why are republicans so stupid when it comes to Food Stamps?

First, remember our two little states. In mine only one person was working. That one person paid one hundred percent of the taxes because he made one hundred percent of the income. Here is the deal, I agree with you. The wealthy pay too much of the total taxes. So let's make the tax rates what they were in the 1950's, when the rich had high marginal tax rates but shouldered less of the total tax burden.

Now, to rent seeking.

Rent-seeking - Wikipedia

My favorite definition. Instead of making more pie, rent seeking is gaining more of the pie that is already there.

Your lower investment taxes, it's ignorant to claim they stimulate investment. If a company thinks they can make a dollar they will invest a dollar. More importantly, the weighted average cost of capital is INVERSELY related to the marginal tax rate. That's right, the higher the tax rate the LOWER the cost of capital. It's fundamental accounting. When tax rates are low companies are less likely to invest in risky investments and stick with the tried and true, RENT SEEKING.

Wealthy people don't rent seek (according to Wiki's description) They always invest their profits for more profits.

Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain.

Back in the 1950's, there were few countries to take your business to. Travel was more dangerous than it is today because we didn't have satellites in the universe telling you weather conditions. If you did leave, you still had to conduct meetings with your heads of staff. But it didn't make sense to move your business because back in the 50's, people in other countries made the same as US workers; or close to it.

Today is different. Today, travel is much safer. You can take your company elsewhere, and track your other investments on your cell phone. Meetings? All done on the internet today. Labor? One-fifth of the cost of US labor.

As to your one-state theory: If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the government would still collect 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to invest or work?

"Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain. "



California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
Whatever the president says, this state does the opposite. It's working.

...That's a claim worth exploring. Look at California, which is one-eighth of the U.S. population with 39 million people and one-seventh of the nation's gross domestic product of $2.3 trillion. Far from being a mess, California's economy is bigger than ever, rivaling the U.K. as No. 5 in the world, when figures for 2016 are officially tabulated.
California is the chief reason America is the only developed economy to achieve record GDP growth since the financial crisis of 2008 and ensuing global recession, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Much of the U.S. growth can be traced to California laws promoting clean energy, government accountability and protections for undocumented people. Governor Jerry Brown, now in his fourth term, considers immigrants a major reason for the state's success: "39 percent of us are Latino and the majority are from Mexico," he said in a March 2 interview in his Sacramento office.

California is the chief reason America is the only developed economy to achieve record GDP growth since the financial crisis of 2008 and ensuing global recession, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Much of the U.S. growth can be traced to California laws promoting clean energy, government accountability and protections for undocumented people. Governor Jerry Brown, now in his fourth term, considers immigrants a major reason for the state's success: "39 percent of us are Latino and the majority are from Mexico," he said in a March 2 interview in his Sacramento office.
California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump

The Myth of the Rich Who Flee From Taxes

It’s an article of faith among low-tax advocates that income tax increases aimed at the rich simply drive them away.

It turns out that a large majority of people move for far more compelling reasons, like jobs, the cost of housing, family ties or a warmer climate. At least three recent academic studies have demonstrated that the number of people who move for tax reasons is negligible, even among the wealthy.


High Taxes Are Not a Prime Reason for Relocation, Studies Say
You look pretty stupid here kid, sorry. The thread is about entitlements, you want to deflect an change the topic. I won't let you. If you can't answer that's fine. I enjoy slapping you around.

Sure cupcake, you've done that *shaking head*

I'm sorry is there some reason you can't find entitlement charts YOU like?


23 Million Fewer Americans Would Have Health Coverage Under Obamacare Repeal Plan, Budget Office Confirms

Trump's Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts

Trump to propose big cuts to safety net in new budget, slashing Medicaid and opening door to other limits

Trump to propose big cuts to safety net in new budget this week



Son you are the one who inserted a Budget chart to make a point in a thread about entitlements.

Cupcake, you mean I pointed to how the GOP blows up debt (and reward the richest with the lowest tax "burden" in 80+ years) with their "job creator" policies AS they gut the safety net for the poor working class? True

Hey, like you stated before, we have a printing press that creates "money" out of thin air......why not expand the printing presses and make more debt notes? It's a "win, win" situation correct?

But really, why should we have a food stamp program any way because Barrypuppet left us in such a incredible great shape....so much so that we can allow illegals to come over here to take jobs AND since leftards claim that illegals do not suck off the social welfare system and do not take a dime from the "security net"? Perhaps that it is time that U.S citizens learn the work ethic of illegals that come over here and do nothing but make our economy better by taking menial labor jobs and live on it while not taking nor asking for benefits?? At least that is what leftards contend and claim...........no????

Without false premises, distortions and lies what would the right wing EVER have cupcake???

Once more cupcake ONE time CONServatives were EVER on the correct side of US history?

Or 3 policies the GOP gave US the past 50 years that worked as promised???

I'll wait patiently :)

Both political parties are owned by the same ones that control the monetary system using the military industrial complex to force weaker countries to accept our monopoly money in exchange for their goods because these countries have to have dollars to buy oil from OPEC countries and any country that doesn't like this agreement can count on the military to persuade them to reconsider. There isn't a c--t hair's worth of difference between the two parties. Are you familiar with the book "Tragedy And Hope" by Carroll Quigley? It's a big book but it contains loads of information about how the "powers that be" that is the CFR (which is an offshoot think tank of the Royal Institute For International Affairs or more commonly referred to as "Chatham House) pull the strings while giving the impression that we actually have a say on how we are governed. I know what I am talking about...you? Not so much....hell, not even at all. You are tied to an ideology that has you blinded to the real truth of our situation.
First, remember our two little states. In mine only one person was working. That one person paid one hundred percent of the taxes because he made one hundred percent of the income. Here is the deal, I agree with you. The wealthy pay too much of the total taxes. So let's make the tax rates what they were in the 1950's, when the rich had high marginal tax rates but shouldered less of the total tax burden.

Now, to rent seeking.

Rent-seeking - Wikipedia

My favorite definition. Instead of making more pie, rent seeking is gaining more of the pie that is already there.

Your lower investment taxes, it's ignorant to claim they stimulate investment. If a company thinks they can make a dollar they will invest a dollar. More importantly, the weighted average cost of capital is INVERSELY related to the marginal tax rate. That's right, the higher the tax rate the LOWER the cost of capital. It's fundamental accounting. When tax rates are low companies are less likely to invest in risky investments and stick with the tried and true, RENT SEEKING.

Wealthy people don't rent seek (according to Wiki's description) They always invest their profits for more profits.

Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain.

Back in the 1950's, there were few countries to take your business to. Travel was more dangerous than it is today because we didn't have satellites in the universe telling you weather conditions. If you did leave, you still had to conduct meetings with your heads of staff. But it didn't make sense to move your business because back in the 50's, people in other countries made the same as US workers; or close to it.

Today is different. Today, travel is much safer. You can take your company elsewhere, and track your other investments on your cell phone. Meetings? All done on the internet today. Labor? One-fifth of the cost of US labor.

As to your one-state theory: If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the government would still collect 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to invest or work?

WTF you mean wealthy people don't seek rents? What do you call political contributions? Jesus, the only money DeVos has ever invested was in seeking rents. And the Koch's, they spend hundreds of millions of dollars SEEKING RENTS. Jesus dude, wake up and smell the coffee.

Come on, do you hit the cap on Social Security taxes? If not, why do you have to pay Social Security taxes on every dime you make and the wealthy don't? And just how much long term capital gains do you claim? Does it make any sense at all that unearned income is taxed lower than earned income. Damn, unearned, earned---WTF, it should be obvious.

And that definition of rent seeking, it is income THAT IS NOT EARNED. Again, WTF. Funny, you are really pissed at the food stamp beneficiary spending money he doesn't earn, but the wealthy claiming millions and millions in UNEARNED income and paying a lower tax rate than your hard working ass, you just bend over and ask for another. It pisses me off and talk about being penny wise and pound foolish.
Sure cupcake, you've done that *shaking head*

I'm sorry is there some reason you can't find entitlement charts YOU like?


23 Million Fewer Americans Would Have Health Coverage Under Obamacare Repeal Plan, Budget Office Confirms

Trump's Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts

Trump to propose big cuts to safety net in new budget, slashing Medicaid and opening door to other limits

Trump to propose big cuts to safety net in new budget this week



Son you are the one who inserted a Budget chart to make a point in a thread about entitlements.

Cupcake, you mean I pointed to how the GOP blows up debt (and reward the richest with the lowest tax "burden" in 80+ years) with their "job creator" policies AS they gut the safety net for the poor working class? True

Hey, like you stated before, we have a printing press that creates "money" out of thin air......why not expand the printing presses and make more debt notes? It's a "win, win" situation correct?

But really, why should we have a food stamp program any way because Barrypuppet left us in such a incredible great shape....so much so that we can allow illegals to come over here to take jobs AND since leftards claim that illegals do not suck off the social welfare system and do not take a dime from the "security net"? Perhaps that it is time that U.S citizens learn the work ethic of illegals that come over here and do nothing but make our economy better by taking menial labor jobs and live on it while not taking nor asking for benefits?? At least that is what leftards contend and claim...........no????

Without false premises, distortions and lies what would the right wing EVER have cupcake???

Once more cupcake ONE time CONServatives were EVER on the correct side of US history?

Or 3 policies the GOP gave US the past 50 years that worked as promised???

I'll wait patiently :)

Both political parties are owned by the same ones that control the monetary system using the military industrial complex to force weaker countries to accept our monopoly money in exchange for their goods because these countries have to have dollars to buy oil from OPEC countries and any country that doesn't like this agreement can count on the military to persuade them to reconsider. There isn't a c--t hair's worth of difference between the two parties. Are you familiar with the book "Tragedy And Hope" by Carroll Quigley? It's a big book but it contains loads of information about how the "powers that be" that is the CFR (which is an offshoot think tank of the Royal Institute For International Affairs or more commonly referred to as "Chatham House) pull the strings while giving the impression that we actually have a say on how we are governed. I know what I am talking about...you? Not so much....hell, not even at all. You are tied to an ideology that has you blinded to the real truth of our situation.


1) The cost of food stamps is a small fraction of the overall welfare budget

2) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids

3) Few people even qualify for food stamps because it is reserved for the poorest of the poor. It's a program way behind on the rate of inflation as well.

4) Some Veterans are on food stamps.

5) Any adult on food stamps has a job

Republicans in congress are either complete assholes or are willfully ignorant.

But hey i get it: it gives republicans hard ons to say "i don't need a handout! I provide! I'm tough as nails! Derp, derp, derp!" They then pretend complete falsehoods or stereotypes about the program because it makes them feel more manly i guess.

Why can't facts ever permeate the republican bubble?
Food stamps are incredibly abused by deadbeats… Shit for brains
Son you are the one who inserted a Budget chart to make a point in a thread about entitlements.

Cupcake, you mean I pointed to how the GOP blows up debt (and reward the richest with the lowest tax "burden" in 80+ years) with their "job creator" policies AS they gut the safety net for the poor working class? True

Hey, like you stated before, we have a printing press that creates "money" out of thin air......why not expand the printing presses and make more debt notes? It's a "win, win" situation correct?

But really, why should we have a food stamp program any way because Barrypuppet left us in such a incredible great shape....so much so that we can allow illegals to come over here to take jobs AND since leftards claim that illegals do not suck off the social welfare system and do not take a dime from the "security net"? Perhaps that it is time that U.S citizens learn the work ethic of illegals that come over here and do nothing but make our economy better by taking menial labor jobs and live on it while not taking nor asking for benefits?? At least that is what leftards contend and claim...........no????

Without false premises, distortions and lies what would the right wing EVER have cupcake???

Once more cupcake ONE time CONServatives were EVER on the correct side of US history?

Or 3 policies the GOP gave US the past 50 years that worked as promised???

I'll wait patiently :)

Both political parties are owned by the same ones that control the monetary system using the military industrial complex to force weaker countries to accept our monopoly money in exchange for their goods because these countries have to have dollars to buy oil from OPEC countries and any country that doesn't like this agreement can count on the military to persuade them to reconsider. There isn't a c--t hair's worth of difference between the two parties. Are you familiar with the book "Tragedy And Hope" by Carroll Quigley? It's a big book but it contains loads of information about how the "powers that be" that is the CFR (which is an offshoot think tank of the Royal Institute For International Affairs or more commonly referred to as "Chatham House) pull the strings while giving the impression that we actually have a say on how we are governed. I know what I am talking about...you? Not so much....hell, not even at all. You are tied to an ideology that has you blinded to the real truth of our situation.



See? You simply prove my point that you don't know diddly squat...you duck, dodge and dive out of the way of the salient and well thought out points that I make that you have no hope of refuting. Those that read this thread will see that what you lack in substance, you attempt to make up in quantity of worthless blather......it really sucks to be you. But I do "thank" you for being such a good prop.........you played the part well.

First, remember our two little states. In mine only one person was working. That one person paid one hundred percent of the taxes because he made one hundred percent of the income. Here is the deal, I agree with you. The wealthy pay too much of the total taxes. So let's make the tax rates what they were in the 1950's, when the rich had high marginal tax rates but shouldered less of the total tax burden.

Now, to rent seeking.

Rent-seeking - Wikipedia

My favorite definition. Instead of making more pie, rent seeking is gaining more of the pie that is already there.

Your lower investment taxes, it's ignorant to claim they stimulate investment. If a company thinks they can make a dollar they will invest a dollar. More importantly, the weighted average cost of capital is INVERSELY related to the marginal tax rate. That's right, the higher the tax rate the LOWER the cost of capital. It's fundamental accounting. When tax rates are low companies are less likely to invest in risky investments and stick with the tried and true, RENT SEEKING.

Wealthy people don't rent seek (according to Wiki's description) They always invest their profits for more profits.

Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain.

Back in the 1950's, there were few countries to take your business to. Travel was more dangerous than it is today because we didn't have satellites in the universe telling you weather conditions. If you did leave, you still had to conduct meetings with your heads of staff. But it didn't make sense to move your business because back in the 50's, people in other countries made the same as US workers; or close to it.

Today is different. Today, travel is much safer. You can take your company elsewhere, and track your other investments on your cell phone. Meetings? All done on the internet today. Labor? One-fifth of the cost of US labor.

As to your one-state theory: If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the government would still collect 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to invest or work?

WTF you mean wealthy people don't seek rents? What do you call political contributions? Jesus, the only money DeVos has ever invested was in seeking rents. And the Koch's, they spend hundreds of millions of dollars SEEKING RENTS. Jesus dude, wake up and smell the coffee.

Come on, do you hit the cap on Social Security taxes? If not, why do you have to pay Social Security taxes on every dime you make and the wealthy don't? And just how much long term capital gains do you claim? Does it make any sense at all that unearned income is taxed lower than earned income. Damn, unearned, earned---WTF, it should be obvious.

And that definition of rent seeking, it is income THAT IS NOT EARNED. Again, WTF. Funny, you are really pissed at the food stamp beneficiary spending money he doesn't earn, but the wealthy claiming millions and millions in UNEARNED income and paying a lower tax rate than your hard working ass, you just bend over and ask for another. It pisses me off and talk about being penny wise and pound foolish.

In my opinion, what a person makes is their business--not societies. How they spend that money is their business too since it is their money.

When somebody is spending my money, that is my concern. Why? Because I go out and work for it every day, that's why.

If you put high taxes on capital gains, less people will invest in capital gains. That's the whole idea. We need those rich people monies to support our stock market and other capital investments because in the end, it benefits us all.

Long term capital gains? Let me ask, do you own a house? Because if you do, you have a long term capital gain? Tax break? Unless they changed the laws, you don't have to pay taxes on the first home you buy once you sell it at a profit. It doesn't have to be the first home either. You can choose any house you like if you plan on moving around quite a bit.

And where is your retirement account? Mine is in the stock market like most people. I am hoping for a great return in a few years once I'm out of the workforce and retired. To get that return, I need to see the market grow. To make the market grow, I need people to get that lower tax so they will pump that money into the market.
Here is a thought, mind your own damn business and worry about the groceries YOU BUY instead of being consumed about what everyone else is doing.

If it's my tax dollars that are paying for the groceries of somebody else, shouldn't it be my business?


Do you tell your barber how to spend his money? It was your money. You gave it to him. Do you tell him how he should spend it?

Do you tell your Congressman what to do with his money? He is paid with your tax dollars. It was your taxes that funded him.

Do you tell a soldier how to spend his money? He is paid with tax dollars, some of them were yours. Is how he spends his money your business?

Do you tell a government contractor how to spend his money? Come on, by your logic every company that does business with the government should have a government official reviewing every single one of their expenditures.

And tell me, since when was the government so damn smart that it should determine how people spend their benefits?

What the hell? You don't have a clue what taxes are do you son?

Where's the fun in running a welfare state if we can't use it to bully people?
First, remember our two little states. In mine only one person was working. That one person paid one hundred percent of the taxes because he made one hundred percent of the income. Here is the deal, I agree with you. The wealthy pay too much of the total taxes. So let's make the tax rates what they were in the 1950's, when the rich had high marginal tax rates but shouldered less of the total tax burden.

Now, to rent seeking.

Rent-seeking - Wikipedia

My favorite definition. Instead of making more pie, rent seeking is gaining more of the pie that is already there.

Your lower investment taxes, it's ignorant to claim they stimulate investment. If a company thinks they can make a dollar they will invest a dollar. More importantly, the weighted average cost of capital is INVERSELY related to the marginal tax rate. That's right, the higher the tax rate the LOWER the cost of capital. It's fundamental accounting. When tax rates are low companies are less likely to invest in risky investments and stick with the tried and true, RENT SEEKING.

Wealthy people don't rent seek (according to Wiki's description) They always invest their profits for more profits.

Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain.

Back in the 1950's, there were few countries to take your business to. Travel was more dangerous than it is today because we didn't have satellites in the universe telling you weather conditions. If you did leave, you still had to conduct meetings with your heads of staff. But it didn't make sense to move your business because back in the 50's, people in other countries made the same as US workers; or close to it.

Today is different. Today, travel is much safer. You can take your company elsewhere, and track your other investments on your cell phone. Meetings? All done on the internet today. Labor? One-fifth of the cost of US labor.

As to your one-state theory: If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the government would still collect 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to invest or work?

"Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain. "



California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
Whatever the president says, this state does the opposite. It's working.

...That's a claim worth exploring. Look at California, which is one-eighth of the U.S. population with 39 million people and one-seventh of the nation's gross domestic product of $2.3 trillion. Far from being a mess, California's economy is bigger than ever, rivaling the U.K. as No. 5 in the world, when figures for 2016 are officially tabulated.
California is the chief reason America is the only developed economy to achieve record GDP growth since the financial crisis of 2008 and ensuing global recession, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Much of the U.S. growth can be traced to California laws promoting clean energy, government accountability and protections for undocumented people. Governor Jerry Brown, now in his fourth term, considers immigrants a major reason for the state's success: "39 percent of us are Latino and the majority are from Mexico," he said in a March 2 interview in his Sacramento office.

California is the chief reason America is the only developed economy to achieve record GDP growth since the financial crisis of 2008 and ensuing global recession, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Much of the U.S. growth can be traced to California laws promoting clean energy, government accountability and protections for undocumented people. Governor Jerry Brown, now in his fourth term, considers immigrants a major reason for the state's success: "39 percent of us are Latino and the majority are from Mexico," he said in a March 2 interview in his Sacramento office.
California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump

The Myth of the Rich Who Flee From Taxes

It’s an article of faith among low-tax advocates that income tax increases aimed at the rich simply drive them away.

It turns out that a large majority of people move for far more compelling reasons, like jobs, the cost of housing, family ties or a warmer climate. At least three recent academic studies have demonstrated that the number of people who move for tax reasons is negligible, even among the wealthy.


High Taxes Are Not a Prime Reason for Relocation, Studies Say

First, remember our two little states. In mine only one person was working. That one person paid one hundred percent of the taxes because he made one hundred percent of the income. Here is the deal, I agree with you. The wealthy pay too much of the total taxes. So let's make the tax rates what they were in the 1950's, when the rich had high marginal tax rates but shouldered less of the total tax burden.

Now, to rent seeking.

Rent-seeking - Wikipedia

My favorite definition. Instead of making more pie, rent seeking is gaining more of the pie that is already there.

Your lower investment taxes, it's ignorant to claim they stimulate investment. If a company thinks they can make a dollar they will invest a dollar. More importantly, the weighted average cost of capital is INVERSELY related to the marginal tax rate. That's right, the higher the tax rate the LOWER the cost of capital. It's fundamental accounting. When tax rates are low companies are less likely to invest in risky investments and stick with the tried and true, RENT SEEKING.

Wealthy people don't rent seek (according to Wiki's description) They always invest their profits for more profits.

Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain.

Back in the 1950's, there were few countries to take your business to. Travel was more dangerous than it is today because we didn't have satellites in the universe telling you weather conditions. If you did leave, you still had to conduct meetings with your heads of staff. But it didn't make sense to move your business because back in the 50's, people in other countries made the same as US workers; or close to it.

Today is different. Today, travel is much safer. You can take your company elsewhere, and track your other investments on your cell phone. Meetings? All done on the internet today. Labor? One-fifth of the cost of US labor.

As to your one-state theory: If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the government would still collect 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to invest or work?

"Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain. "



California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
Whatever the president says, this state does the opposite. It's working.

...That's a claim worth exploring. Look at California, which is one-eighth of the U.S. population with 39 million people and one-seventh of the nation's gross domestic product of $2.3 trillion. Far from being a mess, California's economy is bigger than ever, rivaling the U.K. as No. 5 in the world, when figures for 2016 are officially tabulated.
California is the chief reason America is the only developed economy to achieve record GDP growth since the financial crisis of 2008 and ensuing global recession, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Much of the U.S. growth can be traced to California laws promoting clean energy, government accountability and protections for undocumented people. Governor Jerry Brown, now in his fourth term, considers immigrants a major reason for the state's success: "39 percent of us are Latino and the majority are from Mexico," he said in a March 2 interview in his Sacramento office.

California is the chief reason America is the only developed economy to achieve record GDP growth since the financial crisis of 2008 and ensuing global recession, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Much of the U.S. growth can be traced to California laws promoting clean energy, government accountability and protections for undocumented people. Governor Jerry Brown, now in his fourth term, considers immigrants a major reason for the state's success: "39 percent of us are Latino and the majority are from Mexico," he said in a March 2 interview in his Sacramento office.
California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump

The Myth of the Rich Who Flee From Taxes

It’s an article of faith among low-tax advocates that income tax increases aimed at the rich simply drive them away.

It turns out that a large majority of people move for far more compelling reasons, like jobs, the cost of housing, family ties or a warmer climate. At least three recent academic studies have demonstrated that the number of people who move for tax reasons is negligible, even among the wealthy.


High Taxes Are Not a Prime Reason for Relocation, Studies Say


What propaganda? The right wing prefers to, "love on the rich" under our form of capitalism and "hate on the poor".

Why does your comrade only post old information? Most of his copy and pastes don't even get through the administration of former President George Bush. Others only cover the last year of President Bush. Why is it that you do that? Afraid of the facts?
Last edited:
How bout some sensible fixes ? With the bet cards , its harder to commit fraud .

Don't you mean ebt cards? I believe bet cards are for on-line betting.

In my opinion, the majority of food stamps recipients are, at least partially, gaming the system.
How bout some sensible fixes ? With the bet cards , its harder to commit fraud .

Don't you mean ebt cards? I believe bet cards are for on-line betting.

In my opinion, the majority of food stamps recipients are, at least partially, gaming the system.

I don't think majority ! Many people get a rather low amount . $40-50 bucks . I forget what the average amount is .

There's a lot of elderly fix income types . And people on disability .
1) The cost of food stamps is a small fraction of the overall welfare budget

2) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids

3) Few people even qualify for food stamps because it is reserved for the poorest of the poor. It's a program way behind on the rate of inflation as well.

4) Some Veterans are on food stamps.

5) Any adult on food stamps has a job

Republicans in congress are either complete assholes or are willfully ignorant.

But hey i get it: it gives republicans hard ons to say "i don't need a handout! I provide! I'm tough as nails! Derp, derp, derp!" They then pretend complete falsehoods or stereotypes about the program because it makes them feel more manly i guess.

Why can't facts ever permeate the republican bubble?
Food stamps are incredibly abused by deadbeats… Shit for brains

Again, back that assertion up with documentation or STFU and quit wasting bandwidth.
Little boy the OP is about entitlements. It's not my fault you can't read and comprehend .

Sorry cupcake, don't ask others for something YOU want, IF you can find it great :(

You look pretty stupid here kid, sorry. The thread is about entitlements, you want to deflect an change the topic. I won't let you. If you can't answer that's fine. I enjoy slapping you around.

Sure cupcake, you've done that *shaking head*

I'm sorry is there some reason you can't find entitlement charts YOU like?


23 Million Fewer Americans Would Have Health Coverage Under Obamacare Repeal Plan, Budget Office Confirms

Trump's Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts

Trump to propose big cuts to safety net in new budget, slashing Medicaid and opening door to other limits

Trump to propose big cuts to safety net in new budget this week



Son you are the one who inserted a Budget chart to make a point in a thread about entitlements.

Cupcake, you mean I pointed to how the GOP blows up debt (and reward the richest with the lowest tax "burden" in 80+ years) with their "job creator" policies AS they gut the safety net for the poor working class? True
forget the capital gains tax,

let's enact a One Percenter Tax.

regular income tax rates for the working One Percent.

It can be Jobs Boom Act.

Kushner had to resign from 266 positions to avoid conflicts of interest
First, remember our two little states. In mine only one person was working. That one person paid one hundred percent of the taxes because he made one hundred percent of the income. Here is the deal, I agree with you. The wealthy pay too much of the total taxes. So let's make the tax rates what they were in the 1950's, when the rich had high marginal tax rates but shouldered less of the total tax burden.

Now, to rent seeking.

Rent-seeking - Wikipedia

My favorite definition. Instead of making more pie, rent seeking is gaining more of the pie that is already there.

Your lower investment taxes, it's ignorant to claim they stimulate investment. If a company thinks they can make a dollar they will invest a dollar. More importantly, the weighted average cost of capital is INVERSELY related to the marginal tax rate. That's right, the higher the tax rate the LOWER the cost of capital. It's fundamental accounting. When tax rates are low companies are less likely to invest in risky investments and stick with the tried and true, RENT SEEKING.

Wealthy people don't rent seek (according to Wiki's description) They always invest their profits for more profits.

Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain.

Back in the 1950's, there were few countries to take your business to. Travel was more dangerous than it is today because we didn't have satellites in the universe telling you weather conditions. If you did leave, you still had to conduct meetings with your heads of staff. But it didn't make sense to move your business because back in the 50's, people in other countries made the same as US workers; or close to it.

Today is different. Today, travel is much safer. You can take your company elsewhere, and track your other investments on your cell phone. Meetings? All done on the internet today. Labor? One-fifth of the cost of US labor.

As to your one-state theory: If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the government would still collect 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to invest or work?

WTF you mean wealthy people don't seek rents? What do you call political contributions? Jesus, the only money DeVos has ever invested was in seeking rents. And the Koch's, they spend hundreds of millions of dollars SEEKING RENTS. Jesus dude, wake up and smell the coffee.

Come on, do you hit the cap on Social Security taxes? If not, why do you have to pay Social Security taxes on every dime you make and the wealthy don't? And just how much long term capital gains do you claim? Does it make any sense at all that unearned income is taxed lower than earned income. Damn, unearned, earned---WTF, it should be obvious.

And that definition of rent seeking, it is income THAT IS NOT EARNED. Again, WTF. Funny, you are really pissed at the food stamp beneficiary spending money he doesn't earn, but the wealthy claiming millions and millions in UNEARNED income and paying a lower tax rate than your hard working ass, you just bend over and ask for another. It pisses me off and talk about being penny wise and pound foolish.

In my opinion, what a person makes is their business--not societies. How they spend that money is their business too since it is their money.

When somebody is spending my money, that is my concern. Why? Because I go out and work for it every day, that's why.

If you put high taxes on capital gains, less people will invest in capital gains. That's the whole idea. We need those rich people monies to support our stock market and other capital investments because in the end, it benefits us all.

Long term capital gains? Let me ask, do you own a house? Because if you do, you have a long term capital gain? Tax break? Unless they changed the laws, you don't have to pay taxes on the first home you buy once you sell it at a profit. It doesn't have to be the first home either. You can choose any house you like if you plan on moving around quite a bit.

And where is your retirement account? Mine is in the stock market like most people. I am hoping for a great return in a few years once I'm out of the workforce and retired. To get that return, I need to see the market grow. To make the market grow, I need people to get that lower tax so they will pump that money into the market.

First, remember our two little states. In mine only one person was working. That one person paid one hundred percent of the taxes because he made one hundred percent of the income. Here is the deal, I agree with you. The wealthy pay too much of the total taxes. So let's make the tax rates what they were in the 1950's, when the rich had high marginal tax rates but shouldered less of the total tax burden.

Now, to rent seeking.

Rent-seeking - Wikipedia

My favorite definition. Instead of making more pie, rent seeking is gaining more of the pie that is already there.

Your lower investment taxes, it's ignorant to claim they stimulate investment. If a company thinks they can make a dollar they will invest a dollar. More importantly, the weighted average cost of capital is INVERSELY related to the marginal tax rate. That's right, the higher the tax rate the LOWER the cost of capital. It's fundamental accounting. When tax rates are low companies are less likely to invest in risky investments and stick with the tried and true, RENT SEEKING.

Wealthy people don't rent seek (according to Wiki's description) They always invest their profits for more profits.

Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain.

Back in the 1950's, there were few countries to take your business to. Travel was more dangerous than it is today because we didn't have satellites in the universe telling you weather conditions. If you did leave, you still had to conduct meetings with your heads of staff. But it didn't make sense to move your business because back in the 50's, people in other countries made the same as US workers; or close to it.

Today is different. Today, travel is much safer. You can take your company elsewhere, and track your other investments on your cell phone. Meetings? All done on the internet today. Labor? One-fifth of the cost of US labor.

As to your one-state theory: If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the government would still collect 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to invest or work?

WTF you mean wealthy people don't seek rents? What do you call political contributions? Jesus, the only money DeVos has ever invested was in seeking rents. And the Koch's, they spend hundreds of millions of dollars SEEKING RENTS. Jesus dude, wake up and smell the coffee.

Come on, do you hit the cap on Social Security taxes? If not, why do you have to pay Social Security taxes on every dime you make and the wealthy don't? And just how much long term capital gains do you claim? Does it make any sense at all that unearned income is taxed lower than earned income. Damn, unearned, earned---WTF, it should be obvious.

And that definition of rent seeking, it is income THAT IS NOT EARNED. Again, WTF. Funny, you are really pissed at the food stamp beneficiary spending money he doesn't earn, but the wealthy claiming millions and millions in UNEARNED income and paying a lower tax rate than your hard working ass, you just bend over and ask for another. It pisses me off and talk about being penny wise and pound foolish.

In my opinion, what a person makes is their business--not societies. How they spend that money is their business too since it is their money.

When somebody is spending my money, that is my concern. Why? Because I go out and work for it every day, that's why.

If you put high taxes on capital gains, less people will invest in capital gains. That's the whole idea. We need those rich people monies to support our stock market and other capital investments because in the end, it benefits us all.

Long term capital gains? Let me ask, do you own a house? Because if you do, you have a long term capital gain? Tax break? Unless they changed the laws, you don't have to pay taxes on the first home you buy once you sell it at a profit. It doesn't have to be the first home either. You can choose any house you like if you plan on moving around quite a bit.

And where is your retirement account? Mine is in the stock market like most people. I am hoping for a great return in a few years once I'm out of the workforce and retired. To get that return, I need to see the market grow. To make the market grow, I need people to get that lower tax so they will pump that money into the market.

The food stamp beneficiary is no more spending your money than your barber. Come on, it is not a hard concept to understand. Once you turn over your tax money to the government, IT IS NOT YOURS ANYMORE, just like when you turn your money over to your barber, IT IS NOT YOURS ANYMORE.

But to the stock market. That is not investing. It is saving.

If you buy a lawnmower and use it to mow people's yards, you are investing. But, if you buy a piece of paper giving you ownership in someone's lawnmower, you are saving. You don't expect to go out there and mow yards. You expect to sell that piece of paper to someone else in the future. The dude doing the work, the one with the lawnmower, he never sees any of the money as that paper is transferred from individual to individual.

Dude,don't you drive a truck? You do not need people to pump money into the market. You need people to BUY THINGS and MAKE THINGS. When billions of dollars are tied up in the stock market, when the markets "capitalization" grows, it does not result in any production. In fact, it does the exact opposite, as more and more people put money into the market that could either be used to purchase goods, DEMAND, or produce goods, SUPPLY.

And funny thing about your retirement account. It is in the stock market. When you take it out, do you pay income taxes on it or capital gains? You pay income taxes on it. But the wealthy people, the people that put in non-qualified money, they pay capital gains. So even when you try to play their game, you still get screwed. Honestly, unless you have some huge employer match, placing money in a qualified retirement account is a sucker's bet that creates a tax bomb.

Now, I hope we can agree that since 1980 the economy has kind of sucked for working people like you. The vast majority of wealth creation has went to the upper one percent, most of that to the upper one tenth of a percent. In 1980 the total market capitalization, that is the total value of all stocks, was 40% of GDP. Today it is 140%. You need the market to grow like you need a hole in your head.
First, remember our two little states. In mine only one person was working. That one person paid one hundred percent of the taxes because he made one hundred percent of the income. Here is the deal, I agree with you. The wealthy pay too much of the total taxes. So let's make the tax rates what they were in the 1950's, when the rich had high marginal tax rates but shouldered less of the total tax burden.

Now, to rent seeking.

Rent-seeking - Wikipedia

My favorite definition. Instead of making more pie, rent seeking is gaining more of the pie that is already there.

Your lower investment taxes, it's ignorant to claim they stimulate investment. If a company thinks they can make a dollar they will invest a dollar. More importantly, the weighted average cost of capital is INVERSELY related to the marginal tax rate. That's right, the higher the tax rate the LOWER the cost of capital. It's fundamental accounting. When tax rates are low companies are less likely to invest in risky investments and stick with the tried and true, RENT SEEKING.

Wealthy people don't rent seek (according to Wiki's description) They always invest their profits for more profits.

Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain.

Back in the 1950's, there were few countries to take your business to. Travel was more dangerous than it is today because we didn't have satellites in the universe telling you weather conditions. If you did leave, you still had to conduct meetings with your heads of staff. But it didn't make sense to move your business because back in the 50's, people in other countries made the same as US workers; or close to it.

Today is different. Today, travel is much safer. You can take your company elsewhere, and track your other investments on your cell phone. Meetings? All done on the internet today. Labor? One-fifth of the cost of US labor.

As to your one-state theory: If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the government would still collect 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to invest or work?

WTF you mean wealthy people don't seek rents? What do you call political contributions? Jesus, the only money DeVos has ever invested was in seeking rents. And the Koch's, they spend hundreds of millions of dollars SEEKING RENTS. Jesus dude, wake up and smell the coffee.

Come on, do you hit the cap on Social Security taxes? If not, why do you have to pay Social Security taxes on every dime you make and the wealthy don't? And just how much long term capital gains do you claim? Does it make any sense at all that unearned income is taxed lower than earned income. Damn, unearned, earned---WTF, it should be obvious.

And that definition of rent seeking, it is income THAT IS NOT EARNED. Again, WTF. Funny, you are really pissed at the food stamp beneficiary spending money he doesn't earn, but the wealthy claiming millions and millions in UNEARNED income and paying a lower tax rate than your hard working ass, you just bend over and ask for another. It pisses me off and talk about being penny wise and pound foolish.

In my opinion, what a person makes is their business--not societies. How they spend that money is their business too since it is their money.

When somebody is spending my money, that is my concern. Why? Because I go out and work for it every day, that's why.

If you put high taxes on capital gains, less people will invest in capital gains. That's the whole idea. We need those rich people monies to support our stock market and other capital investments because in the end, it benefits us all.

Long term capital gains? Let me ask, do you own a house? Because if you do, you have a long term capital gain? Tax break? Unless they changed the laws, you don't have to pay taxes on the first home you buy once you sell it at a profit. It doesn't have to be the first home either. You can choose any house you like if you plan on moving around quite a bit.

And where is your retirement account? Mine is in the stock market like most people. I am hoping for a great return in a few years once I'm out of the workforce and retired. To get that return, I need to see the market grow. To make the market grow, I need people to get that lower tax so they will pump that money into the market.

First, remember our two little states. In mine only one person was working. That one person paid one hundred percent of the taxes because he made one hundred percent of the income. Here is the deal, I agree with you. The wealthy pay too much of the total taxes. So let's make the tax rates what they were in the 1950's, when the rich had high marginal tax rates but shouldered less of the total tax burden.

Now, to rent seeking.

Rent-seeking - Wikipedia

My favorite definition. Instead of making more pie, rent seeking is gaining more of the pie that is already there.

Your lower investment taxes, it's ignorant to claim they stimulate investment. If a company thinks they can make a dollar they will invest a dollar. More importantly, the weighted average cost of capital is INVERSELY related to the marginal tax rate. That's right, the higher the tax rate the LOWER the cost of capital. It's fundamental accounting. When tax rates are low companies are less likely to invest in risky investments and stick with the tried and true, RENT SEEKING.

Wealthy people don't rent seek (according to Wiki's description) They always invest their profits for more profits.

Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain.

Back in the 1950's, there were few countries to take your business to. Travel was more dangerous than it is today because we didn't have satellites in the universe telling you weather conditions. If you did leave, you still had to conduct meetings with your heads of staff. But it didn't make sense to move your business because back in the 50's, people in other countries made the same as US workers; or close to it.

Today is different. Today, travel is much safer. You can take your company elsewhere, and track your other investments on your cell phone. Meetings? All done on the internet today. Labor? One-fifth of the cost of US labor.

As to your one-state theory: If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the government would still collect 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to invest or work?

WTF you mean wealthy people don't seek rents? What do you call political contributions? Jesus, the only money DeVos has ever invested was in seeking rents. And the Koch's, they spend hundreds of millions of dollars SEEKING RENTS. Jesus dude, wake up and smell the coffee.

Come on, do you hit the cap on Social Security taxes? If not, why do you have to pay Social Security taxes on every dime you make and the wealthy don't? And just how much long term capital gains do you claim? Does it make any sense at all that unearned income is taxed lower than earned income. Damn, unearned, earned---WTF, it should be obvious.

And that definition of rent seeking, it is income THAT IS NOT EARNED. Again, WTF. Funny, you are really pissed at the food stamp beneficiary spending money he doesn't earn, but the wealthy claiming millions and millions in UNEARNED income and paying a lower tax rate than your hard working ass, you just bend over and ask for another. It pisses me off and talk about being penny wise and pound foolish.

In my opinion, what a person makes is their business--not societies. How they spend that money is their business too since it is their money.

When somebody is spending my money, that is my concern. Why? Because I go out and work for it every day, that's why.

If you put high taxes on capital gains, less people will invest in capital gains. That's the whole idea. We need those rich people monies to support our stock market and other capital investments because in the end, it benefits us all.

Long term capital gains? Let me ask, do you own a house? Because if you do, you have a long term capital gain? Tax break? Unless they changed the laws, you don't have to pay taxes on the first home you buy once you sell it at a profit. It doesn't have to be the first home either. You can choose any house you like if you plan on moving around quite a bit.

And where is your retirement account? Mine is in the stock market like most people. I am hoping for a great return in a few years once I'm out of the workforce and retired. To get that return, I need to see the market grow. To make the market grow, I need people to get that lower tax so they will pump that money into the market.

The food stamp beneficiary is no more spending your money than your barber. Come on, it is not a hard concept to understand. Once you turn over your tax money to the government, IT IS NOT YOURS ANYMORE, just like when you turn your money over to your barber, IT IS NOT YOURS ANYMORE.

But to the stock market. That is not investing. It is saving.

If you buy a lawnmower and use it to mow people's yards, you are investing. But, if you buy a piece of paper giving you ownership in someone's lawnmower, you are saving. You don't expect to go out there and mow yards. You expect to sell that piece of paper to someone else in the future. The dude doing the work, the one with the lawnmower, he never sees any of the money as that paper is transferred from individual to individual.

Dude,don't you drive a truck? You do not need people to pump money into the market. You need people to BUY THINGS and MAKE THINGS. When billions of dollars are tied up in the stock market, when the markets "capitalization" grows, it does not result in any production. In fact, it does the exact opposite, as more and more people put money into the market that could either be used to purchase goods, DEMAND, or produce goods, SUPPLY.

And funny thing about your retirement account. It is in the stock market. When you take it out, do you pay income taxes on it or capital gains? You pay income taxes on it. But the wealthy people, the people that put in non-qualified money, they pay capital gains. So even when you try to play their game, you still get screwed. Honestly, unless you have some huge employer match, placing money in a qualified retirement account is a sucker's bet that creates a tax bomb.

Now, I hope we can agree that since 1980 the economy has kind of sucked for working people like you. The vast majority of wealth creation has went to the upper one percent, most of that to the upper one tenth of a percent. In 1980 the total market capitalization, that is the total value of all stocks, was 40% of GDP. Today it is 140%. You need the market to grow like you need a hole in your head.

Really? I just got my bi-weekly statement today on my retirement plan, and I'm more than delighted.

Our tax dollars go to the federal government. We hire and elect representatives to spend that money. Our representatives promise to spend it a certain way. If what they say they will financially support goes along with your wishes on what the government spends money on, you elect that person to office. That's how you have some control over what your tax dollars are spent on.

So I elect representatives that have my concern about my money not going to people that didn't earn it nor deserve it.

You see the difference between my barber and the food stamp lady is if I don't like the way my barber cut my hair, I don't pay him any longer. I go to a new salon who will earn the money I give them. Also I'm not forced to pay my barber. I can cut my hair myself or maybe have a family member cut my hair. With taxes, you have no choice to spend your money because they forcefully take it from you. It's the same way with electing representatives. If I don't like the way they spend my money, I hire somebody who will spend my money the way I approve of.
How bout some sensible fixes ? With the bet cards , its harder to commit fraud .

Don't you mean ebt cards? I believe bet cards are for on-line betting.

In my opinion, the majority of food stamps recipients are, at least partially, gaming the system.

I don't think majority ! Many people get a rather low amount . $40-50 bucks . I forget what the average amount is .

There's a lot of elderly fix income types . And people on disability .

No. One of my tenants is on SS disability, and he doesn't get anything from food stamps. My father retired about 23 years ago, my mother about 20 years ago, and neither of them ever needed (or wanted) food stamps.
First, remember our two little states. In mine only one person was working. That one person paid one hundred percent of the taxes because he made one hundred percent of the income. Here is the deal, I agree with you. The wealthy pay too much of the total taxes. So let's make the tax rates what they were in the 1950's, when the rich had high marginal tax rates but shouldered less of the total tax burden.

Now, to rent seeking.

Rent-seeking - Wikipedia

My favorite definition. Instead of making more pie, rent seeking is gaining more of the pie that is already there.

Your lower investment taxes, it's ignorant to claim they stimulate investment. If a company thinks they can make a dollar they will invest a dollar. More importantly, the weighted average cost of capital is INVERSELY related to the marginal tax rate. That's right, the higher the tax rate the LOWER the cost of capital. It's fundamental accounting. When tax rates are low companies are less likely to invest in risky investments and stick with the tried and true, RENT SEEKING.

Wealthy people don't rent seek (according to Wiki's description) They always invest their profits for more profits.

Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain.

Back in the 1950's, there were few countries to take your business to. Travel was more dangerous than it is today because we didn't have satellites in the universe telling you weather conditions. If you did leave, you still had to conduct meetings with your heads of staff. But it didn't make sense to move your business because back in the 50's, people in other countries made the same as US workers; or close to it.

Today is different. Today, travel is much safer. You can take your company elsewhere, and track your other investments on your cell phone. Meetings? All done on the internet today. Labor? One-fifth of the cost of US labor.

As to your one-state theory: If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the government would still collect 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to invest or work?

WTF you mean wealthy people don't seek rents? What do you call political contributions? Jesus, the only money DeVos has ever invested was in seeking rents. And the Koch's, they spend hundreds of millions of dollars SEEKING RENTS. Jesus dude, wake up and smell the coffee.

Come on, do you hit the cap on Social Security taxes? If not, why do you have to pay Social Security taxes on every dime you make and the wealthy don't? And just how much long term capital gains do you claim? Does it make any sense at all that unearned income is taxed lower than earned income. Damn, unearned, earned---WTF, it should be obvious.

And that definition of rent seeking, it is income THAT IS NOT EARNED. Again, WTF. Funny, you are really pissed at the food stamp beneficiary spending money he doesn't earn, but the wealthy claiming millions and millions in UNEARNED income and paying a lower tax rate than your hard working ass, you just bend over and ask for another. It pisses me off and talk about being penny wise and pound foolish.

In my opinion, what a person makes is their business--not societies. How they spend that money is their business too since it is their money.

When somebody is spending my money, that is my concern. Why? Because I go out and work for it every day, that's why.

If you put high taxes on capital gains, less people will invest in capital gains. That's the whole idea. We need those rich people monies to support our stock market and other capital investments because in the end, it benefits us all.

Long term capital gains? Let me ask, do you own a house? Because if you do, you have a long term capital gain? Tax break? Unless they changed the laws, you don't have to pay taxes on the first home you buy once you sell it at a profit. It doesn't have to be the first home either. You can choose any house you like if you plan on moving around quite a bit.

And where is your retirement account? Mine is in the stock market like most people. I am hoping for a great return in a few years once I'm out of the workforce and retired. To get that return, I need to see the market grow. To make the market grow, I need people to get that lower tax so they will pump that money into the market.

First, remember our two little states. In mine only one person was working. That one person paid one hundred percent of the taxes because he made one hundred percent of the income. Here is the deal, I agree with you. The wealthy pay too much of the total taxes. So let's make the tax rates what they were in the 1950's, when the rich had high marginal tax rates but shouldered less of the total tax burden.

Now, to rent seeking.

Rent-seeking - Wikipedia

My favorite definition. Instead of making more pie, rent seeking is gaining more of the pie that is already there.

Your lower investment taxes, it's ignorant to claim they stimulate investment. If a company thinks they can make a dollar they will invest a dollar. More importantly, the weighted average cost of capital is INVERSELY related to the marginal tax rate. That's right, the higher the tax rate the LOWER the cost of capital. It's fundamental accounting. When tax rates are low companies are less likely to invest in risky investments and stick with the tried and true, RENT SEEKING.

Wealthy people don't rent seek (according to Wiki's description) They always invest their profits for more profits.

Want to make tax rates back to the 1950's? Go right ahead, and watch those rich people leave the country like so many have already. When they take the jobs with them, don't complain.

Back in the 1950's, there were few countries to take your business to. Travel was more dangerous than it is today because we didn't have satellites in the universe telling you weather conditions. If you did leave, you still had to conduct meetings with your heads of staff. But it didn't make sense to move your business because back in the 50's, people in other countries made the same as US workers; or close to it.

Today is different. Today, travel is much safer. You can take your company elsewhere, and track your other investments on your cell phone. Meetings? All done on the internet today. Labor? One-fifth of the cost of US labor.

As to your one-state theory: If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the government would still collect 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to invest or work?

WTF you mean wealthy people don't seek rents? What do you call political contributions? Jesus, the only money DeVos has ever invested was in seeking rents. And the Koch's, they spend hundreds of millions of dollars SEEKING RENTS. Jesus dude, wake up and smell the coffee.

Come on, do you hit the cap on Social Security taxes? If not, why do you have to pay Social Security taxes on every dime you make and the wealthy don't? And just how much long term capital gains do you claim? Does it make any sense at all that unearned income is taxed lower than earned income. Damn, unearned, earned---WTF, it should be obvious.

And that definition of rent seeking, it is income THAT IS NOT EARNED. Again, WTF. Funny, you are really pissed at the food stamp beneficiary spending money he doesn't earn, but the wealthy claiming millions and millions in UNEARNED income and paying a lower tax rate than your hard working ass, you just bend over and ask for another. It pisses me off and talk about being penny wise and pound foolish.

In my opinion, what a person makes is their business--not societies. How they spend that money is their business too since it is their money.

When somebody is spending my money, that is my concern. Why? Because I go out and work for it every day, that's why.

If you put high taxes on capital gains, less people will invest in capital gains. That's the whole idea. We need those rich people monies to support our stock market and other capital investments because in the end, it benefits us all.

Long term capital gains? Let me ask, do you own a house? Because if you do, you have a long term capital gain? Tax break? Unless they changed the laws, you don't have to pay taxes on the first home you buy once you sell it at a profit. It doesn't have to be the first home either. You can choose any house you like if you plan on moving around quite a bit.

And where is your retirement account? Mine is in the stock market like most people. I am hoping for a great return in a few years once I'm out of the workforce and retired. To get that return, I need to see the market grow. To make the market grow, I need people to get that lower tax so they will pump that money into the market.

The food stamp beneficiary is no more spending your money than your barber. Come on, it is not a hard concept to understand. Once you turn over your tax money to the government, IT IS NOT YOURS ANYMORE, just like when you turn your money over to your barber, IT IS NOT YOURS ANYMORE.

But to the stock market. That is not investing. It is saving.

If you buy a lawnmower and use it to mow people's yards, you are investing. But, if you buy a piece of paper giving you ownership in someone's lawnmower, you are saving. You don't expect to go out there and mow yards. You expect to sell that piece of paper to someone else in the future. The dude doing the work, the one with the lawnmower, he never sees any of the money as that paper is transferred from individual to individual.

Dude,don't you drive a truck? You do not need people to pump money into the market. You need people to BUY THINGS and MAKE THINGS. When billions of dollars are tied up in the stock market, when the markets "capitalization" grows, it does not result in any production. In fact, it does the exact opposite, as more and more people put money into the market that could either be used to purchase goods, DEMAND, or produce goods, SUPPLY.

And funny thing about your retirement account. It is in the stock market. When you take it out, do you pay income taxes on it or capital gains? You pay income taxes on it. But the wealthy people, the people that put in non-qualified money, they pay capital gains. So even when you try to play their game, you still get screwed. Honestly, unless you have some huge employer match, placing money in a qualified retirement account is a sucker's bet that creates a tax bomb.

Now, I hope we can agree that since 1980 the economy has kind of sucked for working people like you. The vast majority of wealth creation has went to the upper one percent, most of that to the upper one tenth of a percent. In 1980 the total market capitalization, that is the total value of all stocks, was 40% of GDP. Today it is 140%. You need the market to grow like you need a hole in your head.

Really? I just got my bi-weekly statement today on my retirement plan, and I'm more than delighted.

Our tax dollars go to the federal government. We hire and elect representatives to spend that money. Our representatives promise to spend it a certain way. If what they say they will financially support goes along with your wishes on what the government spends money on, you elect that person to office. That's how you have some control over what your tax dollars are spent on.

So I elect representatives that have my concern about my money not going to people that didn't earn it nor deserve it.

You see the difference between my barber and the food stamp lady is if I don't like the way my barber cut my hair, I don't pay him any longer. I go to a new salon who will earn the money I give them. Also I'm not forced to pay my barber. I can cut my hair myself or maybe have a family member cut my hair. With taxes, you have no choice to spend your money because they forcefully take it from you. It's the same way with electing representatives. If I don't like the way they spend my money, I hire somebody who will spend my money the way I approve of.

I agree with what you are saying here about electing representatives. But your revulsion to the "low-life" at the grocery store is totally misplaced. He is not the one to blame, the government is the one to blame. It's that cognitive dissonance thing again. When Donald Trump proclaims he pays little to no taxes, you applaud it. When Warren Buffet says he pays only what he has to because that is his responsibility to his shareholders, you applaud it. So I have to ask, if you are a single mom with limited income eligible for food stamps--shouldn't you get them. It not that your responsibility to your kids? You are condemning these people for doing what they SHOULD DO.

And actually, there is something you can do about paying taxes. If you don't like paying them, don't work. It is really pretty simple. If you don't like being a taxpayer, then become one of those low-lives. Collect those rich food stamp benefits. Live it up.

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