Why are republicans so stupid when it comes to Food Stamps?

Why not compare cities? Isn't that more accurate?
No it's not more accurate. Cities tend to be liberal, comparing cities just leaves out all the republicans sucking off the government tit outside city limits.

So you think those that live in the suburbs and out in the country are sucking off the government tit more than those in the cities? Better think again. It's the cities that vote strongly Democrat. Republicans are the majority outside of most of those cities and country.
No I think that in welfare (red) states- you see a lot of poverty in rural areas.

States don't get welfare--only people get welfare. To say that everybody in a red state is a Republican is just as ridiculous as saying everybody in a blue state is Democrat.

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Hardly surprising, we see that in a two-party split, 60-80% of welfare recipients are Democrats, while full time Workers are evenly divided between parties.

You have similar results in this recent NPR-Poll. Among the Long Term Unemployed, 72% of the two-party support goes to Democrats.

It appears that once more common sense is right and the impression left by the New York Times wrong. Indeed, people who live off the government disproportionally support Democrats.

Are Welfare Recipients Mostly Republican?
So doesn’t it strike you as significant that full time jobs are evenly split between the two parties?

No. Why...........should it?
Republicans love it when the poor suffer! They'll work for less money so the rich can make even more.

They hate helping the poor. But they'll give the rich even more!

The rich don't "get" more, they keep more of their own. Big difference.
Depends on what you consider "their own."
The workers are the ones putting in the hours, not the owners. Workers make money hand over fist for their companies and are not getting paid a living wage. Their living costs are then subsidized by the tax payers in the form of social welfare.

Why do you feel like the top 1% should get everything and the bottom 99 should fight over scraps? That's the American dream?
What else the "money" that food stamps pump into a local economy helps the local economy a lot like $$$. More stores, more employees, = more money for the local economy = higher standards of living.

The people getting the food stamps also don't have to go hungry.

Food stamps = a higher standard of living ? That is so fucking stupid. That is as such a stupid statement, one would automatically assume you were an Rderp posting away. Only a stupid mother fucker would say such a thing.
Food stamps provide a higher standard of living to every family that receives them. It's also basic economics to understand that people having more money to shop for food boosts local economy. That's a no brainer.
Republicans love it when the poor suffer! They'll work for less money so the rich can make even more.

They hate helping the poor. But they'll give the rich even more!

The rich don't "get" more, they keep more of their own. Big difference.
Depends on what you consider "their own."
The workers are the ones putting in the hours, not the owners. Workers make money hand over fist for their companies and are not getting paid a living wage. Their living costs are then subsidized by the tax payers in the form of social welfare.

Why do you feel like the top 1% should get everything and the bottom 99 should fight over scraps? That's the American dream?

The workers are free to start their own business so go ahead go for it. Otherwise once the workers cash their paycheck they are not owed anything further.
Republicans love it when the poor suffer! They'll work for less money so the rich can make even more.

They hate helping the poor. But they'll give the rich even more!

The rich don't "get" more, they keep more of their own. Big difference.
Depends on what you consider "their own."
The workers are the ones putting in the hours, not the owners. Workers make money hand over fist for their companies and are not getting paid a living wage. Their living costs are then subsidized by the tax payers in the form of social welfare.

Why do you feel like the top 1% should get everything and the bottom 99 should fight over scraps? That's the American dream?

The workers are free to start their own business so go ahead go for it. Otherwise once the workers cash their paycheck they are not owed anything further.
My point is their paychecks are too low especially when analyzed in comparison with the cost of living. They can't make ends meet and we all pick up the slack.

I can't afford to keep subsidizing Wal-Mart workers. But the waltons can. And the waltons hired them so it should be on them to pay a living wage.
Republicans love it when the poor suffer! They'll work for less money so the rich can make even more.

They hate helping the poor. But they'll give the rich even more!

The rich don't "get" more, they keep more of their own. Big difference.
Depends on what you consider "their own."
The workers are the ones putting in the hours, not the owners. Workers make money hand over fist for their companies and are not getting paid a living wage. Their living costs are then subsidized by the tax payers in the form of social welfare.

Why do you feel like the top 1% should get everything and the bottom 99 should fight over scraps? That's the American dream?

The workers are free to start their own business so go ahead go for it. Otherwise once the workers cash their paycheck they are not owed anything further.
My point is their paychecks are too low especially when analyzed in comparison with the cost of living. They can't make ends meet and we all pick up the slack.

You think this world guarantees you anything think again. Growing up poor in a Dem state I learned this lesson in my early 20's, government is not going to come save me from that life it was all on me. Worse, every time I managed to get a 5 cent raise (yeah that was my raise one year) those government bastards taxed and fee'd me 10 cents. So I took charge. It seemed the only winning strategy was to earn money faster than government could take it away.
What else the "money" that food stamps pump into a local economy helps the local economy a lot like $$$. More stores, more employees, = more money for the local economy = higher standards of living.

The people getting the food stamps also don't have to go hungry.

Food stamps = a higher standard of living ? That is so fucking stupid. That is as such a stupid statement, one would automatically assume you were an Rderp posting away. Only a stupid mother fucker would say such a thing.
Food stamps provide a higher standard of living to every family that receives them. It's also basic economics to understand that people having more money to shop for food boosts local economy. That's a no brainer.

Again, that is the most stupid thought ever expressed ever. It's a perfect excample of lowering the expectations of what a good life is. There are plenty of ways bad shit stimulates an economy. Hell, crack stimulated the economy is that good ? Buying cigarette stimulates the economy both with the high tax's as well as all the health issues that come with smoking and the tax's on the treatments related to smokers. So you agree that with food stampe we should supply crack and a carton of smokes ? See how fucking stupid that sounds ?
What the hell is good about taking food stamps away from the needly? Oh'yess, we can give it to the super rich to offshore in their off shored bank account or buy a couple more destroyers to kill some more people on the otherside of the planet. Maybe we can send your son over their to get his brains blown all over the desert!

All while the local economy has less money and we have milllions of hungry Americans.

We have the best economy than we've had in years. Consumer confidence at it's highest point since George Bush first took office.

As other programs have demonstrated, people take food stamps because it's free, not because it's a necessity.

People take food stamps because they need them.

How fucking stupid are to to think everyone has enough money to properly feed their family? That some children go to bed hungry.

Food stamps is about children. You know those little people Republicans hate.
No it's not more accurate. Cities tend to be liberal, comparing cities just leaves out all the republicans sucking off the government tit outside city limits.

So you think those that live in the suburbs and out in the country are sucking off the government tit more than those in the cities? Better think again. It's the cities that vote strongly Democrat. Republicans are the majority outside of most of those cities and country.
No I think that in welfare (red) states- you see a lot of poverty in rural areas.

States don't get welfare--only people get welfare. To say that everybody in a red state is a Republican is just as ridiculous as saying everybody in a blue state is Democrat.

View attachment 130461

Hardly surprising, we see that in a two-party split, 60-80% of welfare recipients are Democrats, while full time Workers are evenly divided between parties.

You have similar results in this recent NPR-Poll. Among the Long Term Unemployed, 72% of the two-party support goes to Democrats.

It appears that once more common sense is right and the impression left by the New York Times wrong. Indeed, people who live off the government disproportionally support Democrats.

Are Welfare Recipients Mostly Republican?
Yes blacks are screwed obviously. How many different ways can you say blacks in code? If you don't count them Republicans and Democrats whites are exactly the same.

Nobody brought up race except you. It's what you leftists always do when you are losing an argument.
Republican whites and Democratic whites get welfare at the same rate. Obviously blacks, who are heavily discriminated against, skew the results. Duh.
What the hell is good about taking food stamps away from the needly? Oh'yess, we can give it to the super rich to offshore in their off shored bank account or buy a couple more destroyers to kill some more people on the otherside of the planet. Maybe we can send your son over their to get his brains blown all over the desert!

All while the local economy has less money and we have milllions of hungry Americans.

We have the best economy than we've had in years. Consumer confidence at it's highest point since George Bush first took office.

As other programs have demonstrated, people take food stamps because it's free, not because it's a necessity.

People take food stamps because they need them.

How fucking stupid are to to think everyone has enough money to properly feed their family? That some children go to bed hungry.

Food stamps is about children. You know those little people Republicans hate.

Some do need them while others just take them because it's free.

Do you think we don't have food stamp people here? Almost impossible not to when one out of eight Americans are being fed by the taxpayer. I see what they buy outside of their food stamp purchases. A few times I've seen what kind of vehicles they drive when they push their cart to their car....or newer SUV in a few cases.

I've lost a few days of work going to court to evict a tenant because of food stamps. I know all about them and the scams people pull.
My point is their paychecks are too low especially when analyzed in comparison with the cost of living. They can't make ends meet and we all pick up the slack.

I can't afford to keep subsidizing Wal-Mart workers. But the waltons can. And the waltons hired them so it should be on them to pay a living wage.

Here is a really crazy idea: instead of making it Walmart's responsibility to pay a living wage, why not make it the workers responsibility to do something that deserves a living wage?
What else the "money" that food stamps pump into a local economy helps the local economy a lot like $$$. More stores, more employees, = more money for the local economy = higher standards of living.

The people getting the food stamps also don't have to go hungry.

Food stamps = a higher standard of living ? That is so fucking stupid. That is as such a stupid statement, one would automatically assume you were an Rderp posting away. Only a stupid mother fucker would say such a thing.
Food stamps provide a higher standard of living to every family that receives them. It's also basic economics to understand that people having more money to shop for food boosts local economy. That's a no brainer.

Really? Then why doesn't government pay for all of our food? Then the economy would be out of control......right???
Republicans love it when the poor suffer! They'll work for less money so the rich can make even more.

They hate helping the poor. But they'll give the rich even more!

The rich don't "get" more, they keep more of their own. Big difference.
Depends on what you consider "their own."
The workers are the ones putting in the hours, not the owners. Workers make money hand over fist for their companies and are not getting paid a living wage. Their living costs are then subsidized by the tax payers in the form of social welfare.

Why do you feel like the top 1% should get everything and the bottom 99 should fight over scraps? That's the American dream?

You leftists with this "get" BS. There are people who "get" and people who get theirs taken away. But the people who get less taken away are not getting anything.

If you and I were neighbors, and I went into your dresser drawer and stole $100.00 every week when you went to walk your dog, but after a while felt guilty, so I began only stealing $80.00 a week, does that mean I gave you $20.00 per week?

And what is a living wage anyway? Do you have a dollar figure?

Your wage is determined by how easily you could be replaced by your employer. If your employer can find somebody to do your job and same quality work for the same money, that's all you are worth. If he can find somebody for less money, then you are overpaid. If he can only find somebody for more money per hour, then you were underpaid.

In most cases, people are paid properly. Now if you don't like the money you're making, learn to do something that makes you worth more money. Nobody is going to pay you cadillac money for your Honda Civic.
What the hell is good about taking food stamps away from the needly? Oh'yess, we can give it to the super rich to offshore in their off shored bank account or buy a couple more destroyers to kill some more people on the otherside of the planet. Maybe we can send your son over their to get his brains blown all over the desert!

All while the local economy has less money and we have milllions of hungry Americans.

We have the best economy than we've had in years. Consumer confidence at it's highest point since George Bush first took office.

As other programs have demonstrated, people take food stamps because it's free, not because it's a necessity.

People take food stamps because they need them.

How fucking stupid are to to think everyone has enough money to properly feed their family? That some children go to bed hungry.

Food stamps is about children. You know those little people Republicans hate.

Some do need them while others just take them because it's free.

Do you think we don't have food stamp people here? Almost impossible not to when one out of eight Americans are being fed by the taxpayer. I see what they buy outside of their food stamp purchases. A few times I've seen what kind of vehicles they drive when they push their cart to their car....or newer SUV in a few cases.

I've lost a few days of work going to court to evict a tenant because of food stamps. I know all about them and the scams people pull.
Only people who qualify for food stamps are approved to receive food stamps. Trust me, if they qualify then they need it.
What else the "money" that food stamps pump into a local economy helps the local economy a lot like $$$. More stores, more employees, = more money for the local economy = higher standards of living.

The people getting the food stamps also don't have to go hungry.

Food stamps = a higher standard of living ? That is so fucking stupid. That is as such a stupid statement, one would automatically assume you were an Rderp posting away. Only a stupid mother fucker would say such a thing.
Food stamps provide a higher standard of living to every family that receives them. It's also basic economics to understand that people having more money to shop for food boosts local economy. That's a no brainer.

Really? Then why doesn't government pay for all of our food? Then the economy would be out of control......right???
That's silly and would do a number on our national debt. However I believe as the wealthiest country on the planet we should be able to feed our hungry.
Republicans love it when the poor suffer! They'll work for less money so the rich can make even more.

They hate helping the poor. But they'll give the rich even more!

The rich don't "get" more, they keep more of their own. Big difference.
Depends on what you consider "their own."
The workers are the ones putting in the hours, not the owners. Workers make money hand over fist for their companies and are not getting paid a living wage. Their living costs are then subsidized by the tax payers in the form of social welfare.

Why do you feel like the top 1% should get everything and the bottom 99 should fight over scraps? That's the American dream?

You leftists with this "get" BS. There are people who "get" and people who get theirs taken away. But the people who get less taken away are not getting anything.

If you and I were neighbors, and I went into your dresser drawer and stole $100.00 every week when you went to walk your dog, but after a while felt guilty, so I began only stealing $80.00 a week, does that mean I gave you $20.00 per week?

And what is a living wage anyway? Do you have a dollar figure?

Your wage is determined by how easily you could be replaced by your employer. If your employer can find somebody to do your job and same quality work for the same money, that's all you are worth. If he can find somebody for less money, then you are overpaid. If he can only find somebody for more money per hour, then you were underpaid.

In most cases, people are paid properly. Now if you don't like the money you're making, learn to do something that makes you worth more money. Nobody is going to pay you cadillac money for your Honda Civic.
Taxation is not theft so that's another silly analogy. A living wage depends on the place but it takes into consideration living costs in the specific area and what wages put you over or under the national poverty guideline. For example, right now minimum wage is NOT a living wage. Families can not make ends meet on minimum wage.
Working 40 hours a week is hard. I do it every week. I spend more time at work than I do at home (awake), I miss time with my family, i miss time with my kids. If someone is working 40 hours a week they should be making enough to pay their rent whether they're flipping burgers or running a company. Any American working 40 hours a week shouldn't have to worry about how they will feed their kids. Period. That's how I feel.

Minimum wage jobs are still necessary and a huge part of our economy. Minimum wage needs to provide a living wage.
My point is their paychecks are too low especially when analyzed in comparison with the cost of living. They can't make ends meet and we all pick up the slack.

I can't afford to keep subsidizing Wal-Mart workers. But the waltons can. And the waltons hired them so it should be on them to pay a living wage.

Here is a really crazy idea: instead of making it Walmart's responsibility to pay a living wage, why not make it the workers responsibility to do something that deserves a living wage?
Not everyone has the mental or physical capacity to do anything more than they already are. People who are on welfare are mandated to be working to their capacity. So people who work part time and come in for welfare are required to seek full time employment unless for some reason they are not capable and they can prove it. Again, I am of the belief that any American working 40 hours a week already deserve a living wage.
What else the "money" that food stamps pump into a local economy helps the local economy a lot like $$$. More stores, more employees, = more money for the local economy = higher standards of living.

The people getting the food stamps also don't have to go hungry.

Food stamps = a higher standard of living ? That is so fucking stupid. That is as such a stupid statement, one would automatically assume you were an Rderp posting away. Only a stupid mother fucker would say such a thing.
Food stamps provide a higher standard of living to every family that receives them. It's also basic economics to understand that people having more money to shop for food boosts local economy. That's a no brainer.

Again, that is the most stupid thought ever expressed ever. It's a perfect excample of lowering the expectations of what a good life is. There are plenty of ways bad shit stimulates an economy. Hell, crack stimulated the economy is that good ? Buying cigarette stimulates the economy both with the high tax's as well as all the health issues that come with smoking and the tax's on the treatments related to smokers. So you agree that with food stampe we should supply crack and a carton of smokes ? See how fucking stupid that sounds ?
Feeding children and smoking crack. Totally comparable. If you're a deplorable I guess. You nuts are unbelievable. Do you ever shock yourself?
I am all for helping those who are poor, but the current system is broken. Give vouchers that must be used for certain foods only....milk, eggs, bread, milk, cheese, oatmeal, canned meats, fruit/veg, etc. You don't see too many food stamp users buying canned tuna.....just saying
Only things that display a nutritional value chart can be purchased with food stamps. So you can go buy burgers at the grocery store but can't buy a happy meal.
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Food stamp use increased 70% during the Obama years. Is that good news or bad news to the left?
Over his entire time in office it raised about 40% not 70%. I'm not sure if you're lying or just don't know what you're talking about, most likely the latter. It increased because he spent more money on welfare than previous administrations. Expanded the programs.. "deregulated" for the cons :wink:

What you have to understand is when you say "welfare" or "entitlement programs" you're not just talking about food stamps. You're talking about public assistance, Medicaid, Medicare, WIC, child care assistance etc etc
These are all vital programs to our children, to our elderly, to our working poor, to our single parents, to our disabled, to our injured, to our most vulnerable citizens.

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