Why are republicans so stupid when it comes to Food Stamps?

Republicans love it when the poor suffer! They'll work for less money so the rich can make even more.

They hate helping the poor. But they'll give the rich even more!

The rich don't "get" more, they keep more of their own. Big difference.

Many rich people suck too, they are the ones who keep hiring illegal immigrants from Mexico, and outsourcing jobs to China, just because it's cheaper to cut the throats of the American working class masses.

No, they move jobs overseas and outsource because the American consumer will not support higher wages and more expensive products.

During the last several decades, Americans became obsessed with "cheap." Everything has to be the cheapest for an American to buy a product. It's why Walmart is (and has been for many years) the number one store chain.

One of our customers manufacturers crates. They make crates the size of suitcases to crates the size of tractor-trailers to move machinery. In the early 2,000's when companies were moving overseas, we delivered a lot of those crates. Anytime I was able to, I tried to strike up conversations about the company move. I spoke with supervisors as well as company owners.

It killed them they had to leave, but they had no choice. It was either move the company out of the country, or join their employees in the unemployment line. One way or the other, the company was no longer going to operate in the US.

Most American companies do not want to leave the country or even the state they were in. But unions and competition forced them to move.

Yeah, blame Americans, rather than Companies, that's sure patriotic. LOL

How would American consumers know how cheap it was to buy overseas manufactured goods, if they didn't move their manufacturing to China, or else where?

A lot of times you don't even have a choice anymore on where you buy your goods, anyways.
It most certainly was designed to be a living wage!

Just ask FDR

"No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country.” (1933, Statement on National Industrial Recovery Act)

F.D.R. Makes the Case for the Minimum Wage

F.D.R.'s policies and mandates EXTENDED the Great Depression for SEVEN YEARS!

How was that a good thing for America?
My point is their paychecks are too low especially when analyzed in comparison with the cost of living. They can't make ends meet and we all pick up the slack.

I can't afford to keep subsidizing Wal-Mart workers. But the waltons can. And the waltons hired them so it should be on them to pay a living wage.

Here is a really crazy idea: instead of making it Walmart's responsibility to pay a living wage, why not make it the workers responsibility to do something that deserves a living wage?

Even if 100% of the population were educated, then we'd still have to have a large portion of the population doing menial jobs, because that's what the economy demands.

It doesn't have to be college education. There is nothing wrong with getting training to do manual labor and securing a trade.

Take my industry for instance. Currently we are short over 30,000 drivers, and that's expected to go up in the coming years. Companies can't find Americans to do the work, so they are bringing in foreigners to do it.

I'm not getting rich, but I can make a living. Some companies will not only train you and get you licensed, but they will pay you while you learn. You only have to sign a one year contract in return. After that one year, you are free to take on any of the thousands of jobs that are currently vacant.

But you can't get Americans to do these jobs. They have their Obama phone, they have their SNAP's card, they have their HUD house in the suburbs, they have free medical care for themselves and their family. Why work???
It most certainly was designed to be a living wage!

Just ask FDR

"No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country.” (1933, Statement on National Industrial Recovery Act)

F.D.R. Makes the Case for the Minimum Wage

F.D.R.'s policies and mandates EXTENDED the Great Depression for SEVEN YEARS!

How was that a good thing for America?
Are you saying a living wage is a bad thing for America?
My point is their paychecks are too low especially when analyzed in comparison with the cost of living. They can't make ends meet and we all pick up the slack.

I can't afford to keep subsidizing Wal-Mart workers. But the waltons can. And the waltons hired them so it should be on them to pay a living wage.

Here is a really crazy idea: instead of making it Walmart's responsibility to pay a living wage, why not make it the workers responsibility to do something that deserves a living wage?

Even if 100% of the population were educated, then we'd still have to have a large portion of the population doing menial jobs, because that's what the economy demands.

It doesn't have to be college education. There is nothing wrong with getting training to do manual labor and securing a trade.

Take my industry for instance. Currently we are short over 30,000 drivers, and that's expected to go up in the coming years. Companies can't find Americans to do the work, so they are bringing in foreigners to do it.

I'm not getting rich, but I can make a living. Some companies will not only train you and get you licensed, but they will pay you while you learn. You only have to sign a one year contract in return. After that one year, you are free to take on any of the thousands of jobs that are currently vacant.

But you can't get Americans to do these jobs. They have their Obama phone, they have their SNAP's card, they have their HUD house in the suburbs, they have free medical care for themselves and their family. Why work???

Isn't there something wrong with this picture?

Foreigners bought in?

Americans will do any job if paid enough.

The problem is the sinister shyster Capitalists, who want to bust your balls just for extra cash by bringing in foreigners to work for less than you, because they don't want to pay you more.
Only people who qualify for food stamps are approved to receive food stamps. Trust me, if they qualify then they need it.

Or they deliberately keep their income low enough to get or stay on food stamps.

Work part-time. Many of our customers use temporary services. It allows them flexibility for their shifting product demands and also allows them to try out workers before hiring them.

When things get busy, our customers ask the temps if they can work overtime. Many refuse. Why? Because if you make more than X amount of money for the month, they deduct that from your food stamp stipend. For them, it's like working for free, so they don't.

It's like I mentioned before about evicting a family a couple of years ago, and it was all because of food stamps. The mother of the two children refused to work because it would interfere with her benefits. So because they couldn't keep up with rent, I threw them out of here.
Make no mistake that the highest peak in real earnings occurred around the 1950's - 1970's when immigration was low.
Now that immigration is high real earnings have flatlined.

But, both sides in this dysfunctional country screw it up.

Democraps support immigrants who bring down wages.

Republicunts support Capitalists who bring in immigrants who bring down wages.

That's why America's getting to be a big brown turd, ready for flushing.
My point is their paychecks are too low especially when analyzed in comparison with the cost of living. They can't make ends meet and we all pick up the slack.

I can't afford to keep subsidizing Wal-Mart workers. But the waltons can. And the waltons hired them so it should be on them to pay a living wage.

Here is a really crazy idea: instead of making it Walmart's responsibility to pay a living wage, why not make it the workers responsibility to do something that deserves a living wage?

Even if 100% of the population were educated, then we'd still have to have a large portion of the population doing menial jobs, because that's what the economy demands.

It doesn't have to be college education. There is nothing wrong with getting training to do manual labor and securing a trade.

Take my industry for instance. Currently we are short over 30,000 drivers, and that's expected to go up in the coming years. Companies can't find Americans to do the work, so they are bringing in foreigners to do it.

I'm not getting rich, but I can make a living. Some companies will not only train you and get you licensed, but they will pay you while you learn. You only have to sign a one year contract in return. After that one year, you are free to take on any of the thousands of jobs that are currently vacant.

But you can't get Americans to do these jobs. They have their Obama phone, they have their SNAP's card, they have their HUD house in the suburbs, they have free medical care for themselves and their family. Why work???

Isn't there something wrong with this picture?

Foreigners bought in?

Americans will do any job if paid enough.

The problem is the sinister shyster Capitalists, who want to bust your balls just for extra cash by bringing in foreigners to work for less than you, because they don't want to pay you more.

If Americans would get off their dead asses and work, there would be no need for them to bring in foreigners. Some of the jobs may not pay great, but you can make a living off of them. The problem is not greedy company owners, the problem is they are competing with our federal and state government for employees. If welfare pays more or close to working, why work?

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves

Study: NY Welfare Recipients Eligible For More In Benefits Than Teachers Earn - Breitbart
My point is their paychecks are too low especially when analyzed in comparison with the cost of living. They can't make ends meet and we all pick up the slack.

I can't afford to keep subsidizing Wal-Mart workers. But the waltons can. And the waltons hired them so it should be on them to pay a living wage.

Here is a really crazy idea: instead of making it Walmart's responsibility to pay a living wage, why not make it the workers responsibility to do something that deserves a living wage?

Even if 100% of the population were educated, then we'd still have to have a large portion of the population doing menial jobs, because that's what the economy demands.

It doesn't have to be college education. There is nothing wrong with getting training to do manual labor and securing a trade.

Take my industry for instance. Currently we are short over 30,000 drivers, and that's expected to go up in the coming years. Companies can't find Americans to do the work, so they are bringing in foreigners to do it.

I'm not getting rich, but I can make a living. Some companies will not only train you and get you licensed, but they will pay you while you learn. You only have to sign a one year contract in return. After that one year, you are free to take on any of the thousands of jobs that are currently vacant.

But you can't get Americans to do these jobs. They have their Obama phone, they have their SNAP's card, they have their HUD house in the suburbs, they have free medical care for themselves and their family. Why work???

Isn't there something wrong with this picture?

Foreigners bought in?

Americans will do any job if paid enough.

The problem is the sinister shyster Capitalists, who want to bust your balls just for extra cash by bringing in foreigners to work for less than you, because they don't want to pay you more.

If Americans would get off their dead asses and work, there would be no need for them to bring in foreigners. Some of the jobs may not pay great, but you can make a living off of them. The problem is not greedy company owners, the problem is they are competing with our federal and state government for employees. If welfare pays more or close to working, why work?

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves

Study: NY Welfare Recipients Eligible For More In Benefits Than Teachers Earn - Breitbart

Well, in functional societies they raise wages when they have trouble filling positions, in dysfunctional societies when they have trouble filing positions they lower wages by bringing in foreigners.

Can you guess which society we are in the U.S?
Yeah, blame Americans, rather than Companies, that's sure patriotic. LOL

How would American consumers know how cheap it was to buy overseas manufactured goods, if they didn't move their manufacturing to China, or else where?

A lot of times you don't even have a choice anymore on where you buy your goods, anyways.

Correct, and why is that? Because of supply and demand.

The point is the American consumer doesn't care where their products are made. Whoever sells the cheapest product is the top selling product of it's kind.

You can't produce cheap products by paying your floor sweeper $25.00 plus full benefits, or your tow motor driver $28.00 an hour, or your shipping clerk $30.00 an hour.

If you and I manufactured widgets, and you decided to overpay your workers and I didn't. I would put you out of business in a matter of time. Why? Because I pay less in labor, I can sell my widgets cheaper than yours, and eventually take away all your customers. This is what business has to face every day. That's the reasons for moving overseas and outsourcing.
It most certainly was designed to be a living wage!

Just ask FDR

"No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country.” (1933, Statement on National Industrial Recovery Act)

F.D.R. Makes the Case for the Minimum Wage

F.D.R.'s policies and mandates EXTENDED the Great Depression for SEVEN YEARS!

How was that a good thing for America?
Are you saying a living wage is a bad thing for America?

Well, if you want a living wage for America, why do you support immigrants to be here, and undermine our wages, while the U.S tax payer has to pay for their failures in their higher welfare?

Oh okay, f*ck Americans not once, not twice, but thrice, by taking their job, undermining their wages, and then having them pay more taxes to pay for the welfare of immigrants?
Here is a really crazy idea: instead of making it Walmart's responsibility to pay a living wage, why not make it the workers responsibility to do something that deserves a living wage?

Even if 100% of the population were educated, then we'd still have to have a large portion of the population doing menial jobs, because that's what the economy demands.

It doesn't have to be college education. There is nothing wrong with getting training to do manual labor and securing a trade.

Take my industry for instance. Currently we are short over 30,000 drivers, and that's expected to go up in the coming years. Companies can't find Americans to do the work, so they are bringing in foreigners to do it.

I'm not getting rich, but I can make a living. Some companies will not only train you and get you licensed, but they will pay you while you learn. You only have to sign a one year contract in return. After that one year, you are free to take on any of the thousands of jobs that are currently vacant.

But you can't get Americans to do these jobs. They have their Obama phone, they have their SNAP's card, they have their HUD house in the suburbs, they have free medical care for themselves and their family. Why work???

Isn't there something wrong with this picture?

Foreigners bought in?

Americans will do any job if paid enough.

The problem is the sinister shyster Capitalists, who want to bust your balls just for extra cash by bringing in foreigners to work for less than you, because they don't want to pay you more.

If Americans would get off their dead asses and work, there would be no need for them to bring in foreigners. Some of the jobs may not pay great, but you can make a living off of them. The problem is not greedy company owners, the problem is they are competing with our federal and state government for employees. If welfare pays more or close to working, why work?

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves

Study: NY Welfare Recipients Eligible For More In Benefits Than Teachers Earn - Breitbart

Well, in functional societies they raise wages when they have trouble filling positions, in dysfunctional societies when they have trouble filing positions they lower wages by bringing in foreigners.

Can you guess which society we are in the U.S?

True. I've been against immigration for many years now because of it. But it's a double edged sword. On one side you have foreigners keeping down wages, and on the other you have government keeping workers out of the workforce. The two need to be addressed severely. We need to cut down on social goodies and quit bringing in people to disrupt the supply and demand process of employment.
Only people who qualify for food stamps are approved to receive food stamps. Trust me, if they qualify then they need it.

Or they deliberately keep their income low enough to get or stay on food stamps.

Work part-time. Many of our customers use temporary services. It allows them flexibility for their shifting product demands and also allows them to try out workers before hiring them.

When things get busy, our customers ask the temps if they can work overtime. Many refuse. Why? Because if you make more than X amount of money for the month, they deduct that from your food stamp stipend. For them, it's like working for free, so they don't.

It's like I mentioned before about evicting a family a couple of years ago, and it was all because of food stamps. The mother of the two children refused to work because it would interfere with her benefits. So because they couldn't keep up with rent, I threw them out of here.
When people get "temporary services" like - temporary assistance or public assistance. They are mandated to be working full time and prove that they are. If not they are mandated to go through some form of employment/job training dept. It's called something different everywhere you go. Anyways, if they are only part time they are still mandated to the job programming until they become full time. The only exceptions being if they can provide a medical reason as to why they can not physically (or mentally) work full time.
Foodstamps is less strict than the public assistance, it is easier to qualify. But able bodied adults to have to prove employment.
Your story about workers not working over time.. for one, they don't have to. For two, public assistance looks at your gross income. If they gross more that month, their case will close out. So what about next month, and the following month, when you don't give them those hours?
And your story about the tenants. This woman didn't work, so she doesn't qualify for public assistance. She's probably on some form of SSI or SSD to live off of. She qualified for food stamps. She should have been using SSI to pay her rent, as that was her only form of income.
She wasn't not working to keep her food stamps. She wasn't working because she doesn't want to or can't. And she wasn't paying your rent because she didn't want to lol.
There's one in every bunch. Does that mean there aren't hard working Americans that it helps out a ton? Or elderly who do as much as they can but that HEAP loan really comes in handy in the winter?
Yeah, blame Americans, rather than Companies, that's sure patriotic. LOL

How would American consumers know how cheap it was to buy overseas manufactured goods, if they didn't move their manufacturing to China, or else where?

A lot of times you don't even have a choice anymore on where you buy your goods, anyways.

Correct, and why is that? Because of supply and demand.

The point is the American consumer doesn't care where their products are made. Whoever sells the cheapest product is the top selling product of it's kind.

You can't produce cheap products by paying your floor sweeper $25.00 plus full benefits, or your tow motor driver $28.00 an hour, or your shipping clerk $30.00 an hour.

If you and I manufactured widgets, and you decided to overpay your workers and I didn't. I would put you out of business in a matter of time. Why? Because I pay less in labor, I can sell my widgets cheaper than yours, and eventually take away all your customers. This is what business has to face every day. That's the reasons for moving overseas and outsourcing.

Sure, that's nature, and nature sucks.
Why do Bears shit in the woods, and kill people? Because nature sucks.

That's why we need government to come in ,and put these scumbags behind bars who hire foreigners, be it by bringing in illegals for hire, or shipping out jobs for outsourcing.

Not only are they undermining our jobs, our wages, our livelihood, our tax base etc.

They're propping up a potential hostile China overseas, and a potential hostile Mexican fifth column at home.

This is becoming also a threat to national security.....
Yeah, blame Americans, rather than Companies, that's sure patriotic. LOL

How would American consumers know how cheap it was to buy overseas manufactured goods, if they didn't move their manufacturing to China, or else where?

A lot of times you don't even have a choice anymore on where you buy your goods, anyways.

Correct, and why is that? Because of supply and demand.

The point is the American consumer doesn't care where their products are made. Whoever sells the cheapest product is the top selling product of it's kind.

You can't produce cheap products by paying your floor sweeper $25.00 plus full benefits, or your tow motor driver $28.00 an hour, or your shipping clerk $30.00 an hour.

If you and I manufactured widgets, and you decided to overpay your workers and I didn't. I would put you out of business in a matter of time. Why? Because I pay less in labor, I can sell my widgets cheaper than yours, and eventually take away all your customers. This is what business has to face every day. That's the reasons for moving overseas and outsourcing.

Sure, that's nature, and nature sucks.
Why do Bears shit in the woods, and kill people? Because nature sucks.

That's why we need government to come in ,and put these scumbags behind bars who hire foreigners, be it by bringing in illegals for hire, or shipping out jobs for outsourcing.

Not only are they undermining our jobs, our wages, our livelihood, our tax base etc.

They're propping up a potential hostile China overseas, and a potential hostile Mexican fifth column at home.

This is becoming also a threat to national security.....

You can't lock people up for outsourcing......at least not in a free society. And Trump got elected to tackle some of the immigration problems we are having, so at least the process is going in the proper direction.

So who controls all this? The American consumer does. When we decide that good jobs and keeping jobs in America is what will guide us to product buying, the problem is then solved. But good luck doing that. We have more things to buy today than we had let's say 30 years ago. We have cell phones, internet, cable television, movie channels, video game systems, satellite radio........ We need to stretch our dollars further to have all this neat stuff.
Again, that is the most stupid thought ever expressed ever. It's a perfect excample of lowering the expectations of what a good life is. There are plenty of ways bad shit stimulates an economy. Hell, crack stimulated the economy is that good ? Buying cigarette stimulates the economy both with the high tax's as well as all the health issues that come with smoking and the tax's on the treatments related to smokers. So you agree that with food stampe we should supply crack and a carton of smokes ? See how fucking stupid that sounds ?
Feeding children and smoking crack. Totally comparable. If you're a deplorable I guess. You nuts are unbelievable. Do you ever shock yourself?

Yeah, our kids are not only more stupid thin kids in other countries, but they are fat little pigs to boot. Especially the black and Mexican ones, al though, Mexican food stamp reciepiants are never skinny. They are alway fat little things. They could do whatever th out a meal or to. It would probubly save the disgusting little fat bodies.


The only point I will address in that RANT is that you don't seem to understand is.. When people are poor, they tend to have bad nutrician. Because it's cheaper to eat junk food! Especially if you don't have food stamps which doesn't even buy food stamps, then you can afford healthier food. Why is a nice fresh salad $5 and a McDonald's burger $1? That's how it goes. Poor people working 2 jobs to stay a float doesn't have time to worry about hitting the gym or toning up. A lot of obesity seen in poverty is caused by poor nutrition not over indulgence.
People who are better off have money and time for gym memberships, yoga sessions, can afford better quality food...

Okay, it’s not that I don’t get what your saying, I’m just ignoring most of it because it’s always the same. Poor people eat just fine. I am poor and I am healthy except for some issues related to my vices, but I raised three poor kids to adulthood and all of them stayed fit by not only eating good stuff, but playing outside. Poor kids in this country live in houses with on a rare two flat screen TV’s in their house, a gaming system, and PC. They are typically fat lazy shits in dire need of a case whipping. This is because their parents are fat lazy things who then selves grew up on food stamps. Save the bleeding heart crap.
If you saw what I see every day you would understand we have a lot of fellow citizens that your heart would bleed for.

Do you think I live in Beverly Hills or something? You assume the am an indoor worker of some type? Na. I locate utilities. It’s likely that there is no place in Houston, Humble hell all over I haven’t been. I have seen enough to know that if one gos without food it’s their fault.
All programs can be abused, by the rich the poor &every one in the middle. the conservative is right our values have eroded, but the why is never looked at. the liberal is right just because things are not how we want them we can not abandon our humanity, children cant pull them self's up by there boot straps, they still have to eat & they still need education. its a mess getting worse as we pick sides and abandon any commonality.
Only people who qualify for food stamps are approved to receive food stamps. Trust me, if they qualify then they need it.

Or they deliberately keep their income low enough to get or stay on food stamps.

Work part-time. Many of our customers use temporary services. It allows them flexibility for their shifting product demands and also allows them to try out workers before hiring them.

When things get busy, our customers ask the temps if they can work overtime. Many refuse. Why? Because if you make more than X amount of money for the month, they deduct that from your food stamp stipend. For them, it's like working for free, so they don't.

It's like I mentioned before about evicting a family a couple of years ago, and it was all because of food stamps. The mother of the two children refused to work because it would interfere with her benefits. So because they couldn't keep up with rent, I threw them out of here.
When people get "temporary services" like - temporary assistance or public assistance. They are mandated to be working full time and prove that they are. If not they are mandated to go through some form of employment/job training dept. It's called something different everywhere you go. Anyways, if they are only part time they are still mandated to the job programming until they become full time. The only exceptions being if they can provide a medical reason as to why they can not physically (or mentally) work full time.
Foodstamps is less strict than the public assistance, it is easier to qualify. But able bodied adults to have to prove employment.
Your story about workers not working over time.. for one, they don't have to. For two, public assistance looks at your gross income. If they gross more that month, their case will close out. So what about next month, and the following month, when you don't give them those hours?
And your story about the tenants. This woman didn't work, so she doesn't qualify for public assistance. She's probably on some form of SSI or SSD to live off of. She qualified for food stamps. She should have been using SSI to pay her rent, as that was her only form of income.
She wasn't not working to keep her food stamps. She wasn't working because she doesn't want to or can't. And she wasn't paying your rent because she didn't want to lol.
There's one in every bunch. Does that mean there aren't hard working Americans that it helps out a ton? Or elderly who do as much as they can but that HEAP loan really comes in handy in the winter?

The tenant I spoke of was a woman with two children: one 12 years of age and the other 3 years. She did get food stamps because she was not married to the father of her children, and our government doesn't check things like that out.

He worked full-time, but refused to work one hour past 40. She stayed home all day supposedly home schooling the kids even though she was a dumb as an ox.

In any case, when I spotted the growing problem, I invited them to my apartment to discuss the situation. At that time, I had no idea she was getting SNAP's. I told them I had the perfect solution: Since he refuses to work weekends or get a part-time job on the weekends, he can stay home with the kids while she gets a part-time job for Saturday and Sunday. It would solve their rent problems not to mention other financial problems they had. She didn't even consider it.

This is a family of four where both parents smoked along with their 12 year old daughter who they supplied tobacco products to. They had their Obama phone, a large dog and three cats. This is your family "needing" food stamps.

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