Why are republicans so stupid when it comes to Food Stamps?

All programs can be abused, by the rich the poor &every one in the middle. the conservative is right our values have eroded, but the why is never looked at. the liberal is right just because things are not how we want them we can not abandon our humanity, children cant pull them self's up by there boot straps, they still have to eat & they still need education. its a mess getting worse as we pick sides and abandon any commonality.

The problem is how the society is viewed. Let's take food stamps since we're discussing it.

When a liberal hears about somebody on food stamps, they picture a family of five sitting by a hot kitchen table. Mom is adding water to the soup to make it stretch further. Dad is home from working 12 hours beat as hell unshaved sitting by the table under a 25 watt light bulb hanging from the wires of the celling. The kids are also in dirty clothes because their limited budget prohibits them from having clean laundry or taking showers all the time.

When we Republicans see somebody on food stamps, it's the exact opposite. We see the mother of four kids which she never was able to support with a heaping shopping cart of prepared drinks, Stoffer's food products, TV dinners, and a host of other products that require little preparation. She weighs about 325 lbs and the kids are wild animals in the store. On top of the food stamp items she purchases, she tosses her carton of cigarettes on the belt, flowers, greeting cards, huge bags of dog food, cat litter, and even a case or two of Budweiser, and then whips out a wad of cash to pay for those items.
My point is their paychecks are too low especially when analyzed in comparison with the cost of living. They can't make ends meet and we all pick up the slack.

I can't afford to keep subsidizing Wal-Mart workers. But the waltons can. And the waltons hired them so it should be on them to pay a living wage.

How much is a "living wage"? When an individual makes bad decisions, why is that my responsibility or, for that matter, a companies responsibility?

Why do you NOT believe in personal responsibility?

What the hell is good about taking food stamps away from the needly? Oh'yess, we can give it to the super rich to offshore in their off shored bank account or buy a couple more destroyers to kill some more people on the otherside of the planet. Maybe we can send your son over their to get his brains blown all over the desert!

All while the local economy has less money and we have milllions of hungry Americans.
fuck the welfare state
Only people who qualify for food stamps are approved to receive food stamps. Trust me, if they qualify then they need it.

If that were true, why did the numbers of those on welfare and food stamps drop by the millions when the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 was passed REQUIRING WORK?
Are you saying a living wage is a bad thing for America?

Have you EARNED that "living wage" or is it handed out to you because you exist?
Well, in functional societies they raise wages when they have trouble filling positions, in dysfunctional societies when they have trouble filing positions they lower wages by bringing in foreigners.

Who wants open borders and giving citizenship to as many illegal aliens as possible? That would be Progressives.
If that were true, why did the numbers of those on welfare and food stamps drop by the millions when the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 was passed REQUIRING WORK?

The same thing happened in Maine. They reinstated work requirements for single people with no children. If you were on food stamps, you had to have a job working at least 20 hours per week--volunteer 20 hours per month--or be enrolled in a vocational program. After they passed that law, most of the hungry people dropped out of the program. Several other states had the same results. Seems they were not that hungry after all.........
Even if 100% of the population were educated, then we'd still have to have a large portion of the population doing menial jobs, because that's what the economy demands.

It doesn't have to be college education. There is nothing wrong with getting training to do manual labor and securing a trade.

Take my industry for instance. Currently we are short over 30,000 drivers, and that's expected to go up in the coming years. Companies can't find Americans to do the work, so they are bringing in foreigners to do it.

I'm not getting rich, but I can make a living. Some companies will not only train you and get you licensed, but they will pay you while you learn. You only have to sign a one year contract in return. After that one year, you are free to take on any of the thousands of jobs that are currently vacant.

But you can't get Americans to do these jobs. They have their Obama phone, they have their SNAP's card, they have their HUD house in the suburbs, they have free medical care for themselves and their family. Why work???

Isn't there something wrong with this picture?

Foreigners bought in?

Americans will do any job if paid enough.

The problem is the sinister shyster Capitalists, who want to bust your balls just for extra cash by bringing in foreigners to work for less than you, because they don't want to pay you more.

If Americans would get off their dead asses and work, there would be no need for them to bring in foreigners. Some of the jobs may not pay great, but you can make a living off of them. The problem is not greedy company owners, the problem is they are competing with our federal and state government for employees. If welfare pays more or close to working, why work?

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves

Study: NY Welfare Recipients Eligible For More In Benefits Than Teachers Earn - Breitbart

Well, in functional societies they raise wages when they have trouble filling positions, in dysfunctional societies when they have trouble filing positions they lower wages by bringing in foreigners.

Can you guess which society we are in the U.S?

True. I've been against immigration for many years now because of it. But it's a double edged sword. On one side you have foreigners keeping down wages, and on the other you have government keeping workers out of the workforce. The two need to be addressed severely. We need to cut down on social goodies and quit bringing in people to disrupt the supply and demand process of employment.

Well, subsidizing wages without work, to keep people idle is ridiculous.
But, it's also ridiculous to have people dying from no food in a modern society.
Well, in functional societies they raise wages when they have trouble filling positions, in dysfunctional societies when they have trouble filing positions they lower wages by bringing in foreigners.

Who wants open borders and giving citizenship to as many illegal aliens as possible? That would be Progressives.

Yes, and so do Capitalists.
Capitalism is probably even worse, I mean the illegals are hired by Capitalists.
Yeah, blame Americans, rather than Companies, that's sure patriotic. LOL

How would American consumers know how cheap it was to buy overseas manufactured goods, if they didn't move their manufacturing to China, or else where?

A lot of times you don't even have a choice anymore on where you buy your goods, anyways.

Correct, and why is that? Because of supply and demand.

The point is the American consumer doesn't care where their products are made. Whoever sells the cheapest product is the top selling product of it's kind.

You can't produce cheap products by paying your floor sweeper $25.00 plus full benefits, or your tow motor driver $28.00 an hour, or your shipping clerk $30.00 an hour.

If you and I manufactured widgets, and you decided to overpay your workers and I didn't. I would put you out of business in a matter of time. Why? Because I pay less in labor, I can sell my widgets cheaper than yours, and eventually take away all your customers. This is what business has to face every day. That's the reasons for moving overseas and outsourcing.

Sure, that's nature, and nature sucks.
Why do Bears shit in the woods, and kill people? Because nature sucks.

That's why we need government to come in ,and put these scumbags behind bars who hire foreigners, be it by bringing in illegals for hire, or shipping out jobs for outsourcing.

Not only are they undermining our jobs, our wages, our livelihood, our tax base etc.

They're propping up a potential hostile China overseas, and a potential hostile Mexican fifth column at home.

This is becoming also a threat to national security.....

You can't lock people up for outsourcing......at least not in a free society. And Trump got elected to tackle some of the immigration problems we are having, so at least the process is going in the proper direction.

So who controls all this? The American consumer does. When we decide that good jobs and keeping jobs in America is what will guide us to product buying, the problem is then solved. But good luck doing that. We have more things to buy today than we had let's say 30 years ago. We have cell phones, internet, cable television, movie channels, video game systems, satellite radio........ We need to stretch our dollars further to have all this neat stuff.

What proper direction?
When I drive through Danbury CT about 60% of the people I see are Hispanic, when you drove through there 25 years ago, it was probably close to 0%.

Trump's done jack.
The rich abuse the system every damn day but nothing is ever said about it.

I think food stamps should be far easier to get as people are hungry and any sane society shouldn't have that.
I am all for helping those who are poor, but the current system is broken. Give vouchers that must be used for certain foods only....milk, eggs, bread, milk, cheese, oatmeal, canned meats, fruit/veg, etc. You don't see too many food stamp users buying canned tuna.....just saying
Why do you favor forcing people to eat what you think is appropriate? Tuna is disgusting, as bad as Spam. You think because people are poor you can dictate to them what to eat, where to live, what to wear, how to live. :rolleyes:
I am all for helping those who are poor, but the current system is broken. Give vouchers that must be used for certain foods only....milk, eggs, bread, milk, cheese, oatmeal, canned meats, fruit/veg, etc. You don't see too many food stamp users buying canned tuna.....just saying
Why do you favor forcing people to eat what you think is appropriate? Tuna is disgusting, as bad as Spam. You think because people are poor you can dictate to them what to eat, where to live, what to wear, how to live. :rolleyes:

If taxpayers are paying for it, hell yeah. If you want to eat what you desire, then buy your own food.
I am all for helping those who are poor, but the current system is broken. Give vouchers that must be used for certain foods only....milk, eggs, bread, milk, cheese, oatmeal, canned meats, fruit/veg, etc. You don't see too many food stamp users buying canned tuna.....just saying
Why do you favor forcing people to eat what you think is appropriate? Tuna is disgusting, as bad as Spam. You think because people are poor you can dictate to them what to eat, where to live, what to wear, how to live. :rolleyes:

If taxpayers are paying for it, hell yeah. If you want to eat what you desire, then buy your own food.
So you are going to dictate to kids that they have to eat tuna fish.
Yeah, blame Americans, rather than Companies, that's sure patriotic. LOL

How would American consumers know how cheap it was to buy overseas manufactured goods, if they didn't move their manufacturing to China, or else where?

A lot of times you don't even have a choice anymore on where you buy your goods, anyways.

Correct, and why is that? Because of supply and demand.

The point is the American consumer doesn't care where their products are made. Whoever sells the cheapest product is the top selling product of it's kind.

You can't produce cheap products by paying your floor sweeper $25.00 plus full benefits, or your tow motor driver $28.00 an hour, or your shipping clerk $30.00 an hour.

If you and I manufactured widgets, and you decided to overpay your workers and I didn't. I would put you out of business in a matter of time. Why? Because I pay less in labor, I can sell my widgets cheaper than yours, and eventually take away all your customers. This is what business has to face every day. That's the reasons for moving overseas and outsourcing.

Sure, that's nature, and nature sucks.
Why do Bears shit in the woods, and kill people? Because nature sucks.

That's why we need government to come in ,and put these scumbags behind bars who hire foreigners, be it by bringing in illegals for hire, or shipping out jobs for outsourcing.

Not only are they undermining our jobs, our wages, our livelihood, our tax base etc.

They're propping up a potential hostile China overseas, and a potential hostile Mexican fifth column at home.

This is becoming also a threat to national security.....

You can't lock people up for outsourcing......at least not in a free society. And Trump got elected to tackle some of the immigration problems we are having, so at least the process is going in the proper direction.

So who controls all this? The American consumer does. When we decide that good jobs and keeping jobs in America is what will guide us to product buying, the problem is then solved. But good luck doing that. We have more things to buy today than we had let's say 30 years ago. We have cell phones, internet, cable television, movie channels, video game systems, satellite radio........ We need to stretch our dollars further to have all this neat stuff.

What proper direction?
When I drive through Danbury CT about 60% of the people I see are Hispanic, when you drove through there 25 years ago, it was probably close to 0%.

Trump's done jack.

Arrests Of Undocumented Immigrants Climbing In North Texas


Reps. McCaul, Goodlatte: Better border security and immigration enforcement is on the way

Deportation orders up under Trump, fewer prevail in immigration court

You're not going to see overnight changes no matter who is in office, but think of what it would be like with Hil--Liar in charge.

Between Commie judges stopping our President on immigration issues and clogged courts to deport violators (yes, you need to have a court hearing with every deportation) I believe that Trump is doing a great job considering how tight his hands are tied.
It doesn't have to be college education. There is nothing wrong with getting training to do manual labor and securing a trade.

Take my industry for instance. Currently we are short over 30,000 drivers, and that's expected to go up in the coming years. Companies can't find Americans to do the work, so they are bringing in foreigners to do it.

I'm not getting rich, but I can make a living. Some companies will not only train you and get you licensed, but they will pay you while you learn. You only have to sign a one year contract in return. After that one year, you are free to take on any of the thousands of jobs that are currently vacant.

But you can't get Americans to do these jobs. They have their Obama phone, they have their SNAP's card, they have their HUD house in the suburbs, they have free medical care for themselves and their family. Why work???

Isn't there something wrong with this picture?

Foreigners bought in?

Americans will do any job if paid enough.

The problem is the sinister shyster Capitalists, who want to bust your balls just for extra cash by bringing in foreigners to work for less than you, because they don't want to pay you more.

If Americans would get off their dead asses and work, there would be no need for them to bring in foreigners. Some of the jobs may not pay great, but you can make a living off of them. The problem is not greedy company owners, the problem is they are competing with our federal and state government for employees. If welfare pays more or close to working, why work?

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves

Study: NY Welfare Recipients Eligible For More In Benefits Than Teachers Earn - Breitbart

Well, in functional societies they raise wages when they have trouble filling positions, in dysfunctional societies when they have trouble filing positions they lower wages by bringing in foreigners.

Can you guess which society we are in the U.S?

True. I've been against immigration for many years now because of it. But it's a double edged sword. On one side you have foreigners keeping down wages, and on the other you have government keeping workers out of the workforce. The two need to be addressed severely. We need to cut down on social goodies and quit bringing in people to disrupt the supply and demand process of employment.

Well, subsidizing wages without work, to keep people idle is ridiculous.
But, it's also ridiculous to have people dying from no food in a modern society.

The problem is like with anything else government--it all boils down to politics.

Democrats want to create as many government dependents as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. Republican led states have shown us these programs were not necessary for a lot of people. So it's a fight between two parties: one that wants people on the dole, and the other that wants people off of it.

So the foundation of the debate is who needs it and who doesn't. You won't find many Republicans who don't want to help the "truly" needy, but you also find Democrats who want to help anybody that asks for it whether they need it or not.
What the hell is good about taking food stamps away from the needl
All while the local economy has less money and we have milllions of hungry Americans
Oye vay... I'm not even going to ask,
"How dumb can you get?"....
There are too many fucking posters here,
who would take that as a challenge!

Seriously... where do you fucking live?
1 can short of a 6 pack lane,
MOLW(my own little world) U.S.A.

I can spend a few hours of my day,
video taping these 'needy people' on food stamps....
and, no doubt, you'd still have diarrhea of the mouth!

Needy and spoiled are two different things

Just until I can get back on my feet
and, as long as I can get away with it,
are two different things

Being responsible and falling on hard times,
and being irresponsible and a lazy freeloader,
are two different things

Utilizing government assistance through tax dollars
and living off of tax payers,
are two different things

The local economy will have less money....
couldn't resist the challenge, eh

Food stamps don't generate money you fucking moron
Tax dollars pay for groceries so others can afford
everything else they want but would have to reconsider otherwise

What business does a girl have being pregnant
with 3 kids in tow and swiping a link card at the register?
W T F!!!

If she can't feed the 3 she already has,
how is she gonna feed another mouth?
Oh, give her more food stamps


Disability, SSI, TANF, CEDA, Section 8...
Don't get me started
I am all for helping those who are poor, but the current system is broken. Give vouchers that must be used for certain foods only....milk, eggs, bread, milk, cheese, oatmeal, canned meats, fruit/veg, etc. You don't see too many food stamp users buying canned tuna.....just saying
Why do you favor forcing people to eat what you think is appropriate? Tuna is disgusting, as bad as Spam. You think because people are poor you can dictate to them what to eat, where to live, what to wear, how to live. :rolleyes:
Why do you favor forcing people to eat what you think is appropriate?
If someone is hungry, tuna is a t-bone

Can't be that hungry if you gotta force them to eat...
beggars can't be choosers
I am all for helping those who are poor, but the current system is broken. Give vouchers that must be used for certain foods only....milk, eggs, bread, milk, cheese, oatmeal, canned meats, fruit/veg, etc. You don't see too many food stamp users buying canned tuna.....just saying
Why do you favor forcing people to eat what you think is appropriate? Tuna is disgusting, as bad as Spam. You think because people are poor you can dictate to them what to eat, where to live, what to wear, how to live. :rolleyes:
Why do you favor forcing people to eat what you think is appropriate?
If someone is hungry, tuna is a t-bone

Can't be that hungry if you gotta force them to eat...
beggars can't be choosers

Tuna is expensive, not that I would mind if food stamp people ate it. Hell, I love a good tuna fish sandwich. Mix that up with some Miracle Whip, some diced sweet pickles, a hard boiled egg, and put that on a bun with lots of lettuce. It's a real treat if you ask me.
I am all for helping those who are poor, but the current system is broken. Give vouchers that must be used for certain foods only....milk, eggs, bread, milk, cheese, oatmeal, canned meats, fruit/veg, etc. You don't see too many food stamp users buying canned tuna.....just saying
Why do you favor forcing people to eat what you think is appropriate? Tuna is disgusting, as bad as Spam. You think because people are poor you can dictate to them what to eat, where to live, what to wear, how to live. :rolleyes:
Why do you favor forcing people to eat what you think is appropriate?
If someone is hungry, tuna is a t-bone

Can't be that hungry if you gotta force them to eat...
beggars can't be choosers
You people are so mean spirited. How do you expect to get into heaven when you are so mean spirited? How do you think Jesus fed the thousands? They shared. Jesus was a fucking communist.
I am all for helping those who are poor, but the current system is broken. Give vouchers that must be used for certain foods only....milk, eggs, bread, milk, cheese, oatmeal, canned meats, fruit/veg, etc. You don't see too many food stamp users buying canned tuna.....just saying
Why do you favor forcing people to eat what you think is appropriate? Tuna is disgusting, as bad as Spam. You think because people are poor you can dictate to them what to eat, where to live, what to wear, how to live. :rolleyes:
Why do you favor forcing people to eat what you think is appropriate?
If someone is hungry, tuna is a t-bone

Can't be that hungry if you gotta force them to eat...
beggars can't be choosers

Tuna is expensive, not that I would mind if food stamp people ate it. Hell, I love a good tuna fish sandwich. Mix that up with some Miracle Whip, some diced sweet pickles, a hard boiled egg, and put that on a bun with lots of lettuce. It's a real treat if you ask me.
I used to love tuna on toast!
After years of tuna on toast, in my lunch box....yuck

But, I'll tell ya what...
if I was hungry and that's what I had, I'd eat it!

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