Why are republicans so stupid when it comes to Food Stamps?

I'm sick of hearing about the poor poor children. Wah.

If these breeders would quit fucking around and having so many kids when they can't begin to afford it, they likely wouldn't need to go on welfare.

Public assistance should never ever be a permanent lifestyle.

I am sick of your kind too. You are a monster and deserve to be deported to somalia so you can live with your concept of no government!

May you eat rotten dog shit as that is what you wish for the serf to eat.
Its really sad how someone that is proud to be of european heritage wants to turn our country into Africa or southeast asia economically. Seriously, you want to hand it all to the very top and let the other 90% of society eat shit.

That is what goes on in that part of the world. There is no safetynet, no human rights or much of anything as the top rules over everything.
The rich abuse the system every damn day but nothing is ever said about it.

I think food stamps should be far easier to get as people are hungry and any sane society shouldn't have that.

Why then was the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 so successful in getting people off the welfare and food stamp rolls and onto the payrolls when it was made a requirement for you to WORK in order to receive benefits?

Why did petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama remove the requirement for work adding record numbers to our welfare and food stamp rolls? How is that a good thing for America?
Its really sad how someone that is proud to be of european heritage wants to turn our country into Africa or southeast asia economically. Seriously, you want to hand it all to the very top and let the other 90% of society eat shit.

That is what goes on in that part of the world. There is no safetynet, no human rights or much of anything as the top rules over everything.

If that's the way you feel, why do YOU keep handing your money to the top?

If you don't want to hand your money to the top, quit buying their products and services. After all, that's how they got rich in the first place.

Sell that computer you're on. Call your cable/ internet company and get disconnected. We will miss you. No more stopping at fast food franchises. No more buying gasoline. No more video games. You can do without a cell phone, after all, most of us didn't have a cell phone 30 years ago! Call your natural gas or propane company and tell them to turn off your service. The Amish live fine just using their fireplace, you can do it too! Get a windmill instead for all of your power.

But if you're not going to do all (or some of) these things, then quit complaining because the rich now have your money. They didn't take it away from you, you offered it to them.
The republican party wants to stop freedom of the press, which is against the first amendment.

The republican party wants to attack the 4th with their warrant less searches for a leaf and so much more. You want to attack the 14th amendment as you want to discriminate against gays and trans.

You bastards hate the poor and can't stand that helping the poor and maintaining our own country is completely constitutional, while you bastards really do wipe your fithy asses with the document.
Why do you favor people to eat what you think is appropriate? Tuna is disgusting, as bad as Spam. You think because people are poor you can dictate to them what to eat, where to live, what to wear, how to live.

They're spending my money. I should get a say in how it is spent. If they don't like that, get a job.
The republican party wants to stop freedom of the press, which is against the first amendment.

The republican party wants to attack the 4th with their warrant less searches for a leaf and so much more. You want to attack the 14th amendment as you want to discriminate against gays and trans.

You bastards hate the poor and can't stand that helping the poor and maintaining our own country is completely constitutional, while you bastards really do wipe your fithy asses with the document.

What's funny is the things I listed like the 1st, 4th and 14th are spelled out! What do you fuckers have? I have the commerce and supremacy cause telling me that the federal government can! You have just your hatred of the poor to lead you and your constant bitching!
You people are so mean spirited. How do you expect to get into heaven when you are so mean spirited? How do you think Jesus fed the thousands? They shared. Jesus was a fucking communist

IF Jesus was a Communist, one of your dumber comments, why did he expect people to work or not eat? Why did He encourage people to be rich?
Why did they throw it away? Why didn't they take it to a butcher shop or supermarket and have them sell it? Why wasn't it put in a freezer and sold later on?

You reach a point where you just have to STOP. No sense throwing good money after bad.
If it's the haves who are providing the have nots, why shouldn't they be able to say how their money is spent?
Only within reason. Saying if you need food stamps you must be really hungry, so you will eat whatever I tell you to eat. Smells like slavery.

How is that slavery? If you don't like what we provide, then buy your own food like everybody else. Slavery was never a choice.
And for a lot of people, hunger is not a choice--especially children.

If you're really hungry, you'll eat anything.
45% of food stamp benefits go to children....do you really hate innocent children that much? How very Victorian and MEAN SPIRITED.


Other than obvious cash, what is the single greatest difference between a child being raised below the poverty line and one living above the poverty line?
You people are so mean spirited. How do you expect to get into heaven when you are so mean spirited? How do you think Jesus fed the thousands? They shared. Jesus was a fucking communist

IF Jesus was a Communist, one of your dumber comments, why did he expect people to work or not eat? Why did He encourage people to be rich?

My comment about Jesus was ironic; irony is one of the things RWs usually miss, too subtle for them it seems.

In fact, 45%, half essentially, of all food stamp recepients are CHILDREN, others are elderly &/or disabled. Do you expect these people to work, especially school children?

The majority of the people on food stamps are white. Most of the single mothers on food stamps are white.

Food stamps represent only 2.11 percent of the federal budget.
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Only within reason. Saying if you need food stamps you must be really hungry, so you will eat whatever I tell you to eat. Smells like slavery.

How is that slavery? If you don't like what we provide, then buy your own food like everybody else. Slavery was never a choice.
And for a lot of people, hunger is not a choice--especially children.

If you're really hungry, you'll eat anything.
45% of food stamp benefits go to children....do you really hate innocent children that much? How very Victorian and MEAN SPIRITED.


Other than obvious cash, what is the single greatest difference between a child being raised below the poverty line and one living above the poverty line?
Education and healthcare.
You people are so mean spirited. How do you expect to get into heaven when you are so mean spirited? How do you think Jesus fed the thousands? They shared. Jesus was a fucking communist

IF Jesus was a Communist, one of your dumber comments, why did he expect people to work or not eat? Why did He encourage people to be rich?

My comment about Jesus was ironic; irony is one of the things RWs usually miss, too subtle for them it seems.

In fact, 45%, half essentially, of all food stamp recepients are CHILDREN, others are elderly &/or disabled. Do you expect these people to work, especially school children?

The majority of the people on food stamps are white. Most of the single mothers on food stamps are white.

Food stamps represent only 2.11 percent of the federal budget.

Yes, but if we discontinued food stamps for one year, it would save us enough money to build that southern wall to help stop illegals from getting here.

As for race, you are using raw figures instead of per capita. Per capita, blacks and Democrats use food stamps way more than whites. The only reason whites use more is because we are six times larger of a group than blacks.
Only within reason. Saying if you need food stamps you must be really hungry, so you will eat whatever I tell you to eat. Smells like slavery.

How is that slavery? If you don't like what we provide, then buy your own food like everybody else. Slavery was never a choice.
And for a lot of people, hunger is not a choice--especially children.

If you're really hungry, you'll eat anything.
45% of food stamp benefits go to children....do you really hate innocent children that much? How very Victorian and MEAN SPIRITED.


Other than obvious cash, what is the single greatest difference between a child being raised below the poverty line and one living above the poverty line?

Usually single parenthood.
Conservatives / the GOP understand welfare and food stamps. They know the more Americans on them means more Americans dependent on the government.

That's why Obama set a new record for the most number of Americans on them and why fewer Americans are on them under Trump.
The left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage;

the right wing is all political talk and no political action on being,

fiscally responsible.

Spend and finance is all the right wing has.
Conservatives / the GOP understand welfare and food stamps. They know the more Americans on them means more Americans dependent on the government.

That's why Obama set a new record for the most number of Americans on them and why fewer Americans are on them under Trump.

The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters and they know that. When DumBama ran things, between food stamps and Commie Care, he created 40 million more new government dependents on those two programs alone. It was no accident either.

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