Why are republicans so stupid when it comes to Food Stamps?

The Nazicrat is blatantly lying anyway. Obama ran the highest peace time deficits in American history.


Only the world wars out paced the Obama spend fest.

Care to point to what blew up spending under Obama buttercup? You know laws/.bills?

Hint after BJ Bill got US back to 19.6%-20% of GDP where Carter had US in revenues, and the same on spending (thanks to Dems 1993 omnibus bill not a single GOPer voted for), Clinton vetoed the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut.

THEN Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies took over and they took US to 2 UNFUNDED wars, gave US 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, passed a Medicare expansion CBO said cost as much as Obamacares 2013-2020, but without a single penny of new funding WHILE cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble because they had less than 1% growth a year without home owners using their homes as ATM's under those Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies

Dubya/GOP GUTTED revenues to 14.6% of GDP in revenues WHILE EXPLODING spending to nearly 24% of GDP. Hint that's cutting 25% off revenues AS they blew up spending 20% cupcake


Obama ran out his Porkulus giveaway to public employee unions and well connected looters.

But that doesn't change the fact that you were blatantly lying.

I get it, you just cut and paste from the hate sites and don't actually understand the idiocy you post. When busted for lying, you just cut and pasted some other shit from the hate sites.

IF you meant after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies why was there a NEED for a $787 billion stimulus, which had 40% tax cuts to TRY to get a few GOP votes? :)

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked

“The stimulus worked” is the overwhelming conclusion of a panel of elite economists surveyed as part of the University of Chicago’s IGM Economic Experts Panel. The survey asked whether the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was lower than it would have been because of the U.S. government’s 2009 fiscal stimulus act. Out of the 37 panelists who responded, 36 agreed, an even better response than an identical 2012 survey.

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked | Moody's Analytics Economy.com

Sorry cupcake, I'm not a right winger, no need to lie :dance:


OPINION? VS ECONOMISTS? Though I agree the 40% of the $787 billion stimulus which Obama put into it to TRY to get a FEW GOP votes was a complete waste

Well list those so-called economist please. And I'd be willing to bet they are all leftists.
The Nazicrat is blatantly lying anyway. Obama ran the highest peace time deficits in American history.


Only the world wars out paced the Obama spend fest.

Care to point to what blew up spending under Obama buttercup? You know laws/.bills?

Hint after BJ Bill got US back to 19.6%-20% of GDP where Carter had US in revenues, and the same on spending (thanks to Dems 1993 omnibus bill not a single GOPer voted for), Clinton vetoed the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut.

THEN Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies took over and they took US to 2 UNFUNDED wars, gave US 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, passed a Medicare expansion CBO said cost as much as Obamacares 2013-2020, but without a single penny of new funding WHILE cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble because they had less than 1% growth a year without home owners using their homes as ATM's under those Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies

Dubya/GOP GUTTED revenues to 14.6% of GDP in revenues WHILE EXPLODING spending to nearly 24% of GDP. Hint that's cutting 25% off revenues AS they blew up spending 20% cupcake


Obama ran out his Porkulus giveaway to public employee unions and well connected looters.

But that doesn't change the fact that you were blatantly lying.

I get it, you just cut and paste from the hate sites and don't actually understand the idiocy you post. When busted for lying, you just cut and pasted some other shit from the hate sites.

IF you meant after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies why was there a NEED for a $787 billion stimulus, which had 40% tax cuts to TRY to get a few GOP votes? :)

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked

“The stimulus worked” is the overwhelming conclusion of a panel of elite economists surveyed as part of the University of Chicago’s IGM Economic Experts Panel. The survey asked whether the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was lower than it would have been because of the U.S. government’s 2009 fiscal stimulus act. Out of the 37 panelists who responded, 36 agreed, an even better response than an identical 2012 survey.

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked | Moody's Analytics Economy.com

Sorry cupcake, I'm not a right winger, no need to lie :dance:


OPINION? VS ECONOMISTS? Though I agree the 40% of the $787 billion stimulus which Obama put into it to TRY to get a FEW GOP votes was a complete waste

Opinion of someone who had covered the mess for three years.

And he backed his argument with some very relevant facts.

So long fruitcake.

Hope you enjoy your time in lala land over on the sidelines watching Trump run the show.

You lost.

Suck on it.
If all Republicans work & don't get any government benefits, why do Red States lead the pack in welfare type programs?

Why not compare cities? Isn't that more accurate?
No it's not more accurate. Cities tend to be liberal, comparing cities just leaves out all the republicans sucking off the government tit outside city limits.

So you think those that live in the suburbs and out in the country are sucking off the government tit more than those in the cities? Better think again. It's the cities that vote strongly Democrat. Republicans are the majority outside of most of those cities and country.

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Most Federally Dependent States

(1 = Most Dependent)


Total Score

‘State Residents’ Dependency’ Rank

‘State Government’s Dependency’ Rank

1 Kentucky 76.16 6 5
2 Mississippi 75.59 7 1
3 New Mexico 73.88 3 17
4 Alabama 72.45 4 14
5 West Virginia 68.97 5 15
6 South Carolina 68.17 2 31
7 Montana 65.91 14 4
8 Tennessee 61.76 20 3
9 Maine 61.02 13 9
10 Indiana 59.18 7 23
11 Arizona 59.08 15 11
12 Louisiana 55.39 40 2
13 South Dakota 53.57 24 7
14 Missouri 52.66 31 6
15 Oregon 51.51 23 10
16 Georgia 49.81 34 8
17 Idaho 49.64 19 19
18 Vermont 49.56 18 20
19 Wyoming 48.80 26 12
20 Maryland 48.18 11 32
21 Oklahoma 47.78 21 18
22 Pennsylvania 46.15 17 30
23 Alaska 45.81 10 40
24 Rhode Island 45.05 36 16
25 Florida 43.84 27 22
26 Ohio 42.25 45 13
27 Arkansas 42.12 38 21
28 North Carolina 41.63 32 25
29 Hawaii 41.63 9 46
30 Iowa 41.38 33 26
31 Wisconsin 41.09 16 38
32 North Dakota 40.46 1 50
33 Michigan 40.43 35 27
34 New York 37.65 44 24
35 Texas 36.81 42 28
36 Washington 35.32 30 33
37 Colorado 35.20 29 34
38 Virginia 34.43 12 49
39 Nebraska 33.78 47 29
40 Utah 33.28 28 35
41 New Hampshire 31.11 37 36
42 Connecticut 27.80 22 48
43 Massachusetts 27.36 46 37
44 Nevada 26.94 25 47
45 Kansas 25.39 39 45
46 California 25.36 41 43
47 Illinois 23.96 48 41
48 New Jersey 23.84 49 39
49 Minnesota 23.09 43 44
50 Delaware 21.32 50 42

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

These numbers are horsecrap as they also include contracts given to companies in the state.
The Nazicrat is blatantly lying anyway. Obama ran the highest peace time deficits in American history.


Only the world wars out paced the Obama spend fest.

Care to point to what blew up spending under Obama buttercup? You know laws/.bills?

Hint after BJ Bill got US back to 19.6%-20% of GDP where Carter had US in revenues, and the same on spending (thanks to Dems 1993 omnibus bill not a single GOPer voted for), Clinton vetoed the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut.

THEN Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies took over and they took US to 2 UNFUNDED wars, gave US 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, passed a Medicare expansion CBO said cost as much as Obamacares 2013-2020, but without a single penny of new funding WHILE cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble because they had less than 1% growth a year without home owners using their homes as ATM's under those Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies

Dubya/GOP GUTTED revenues to 14.6% of GDP in revenues WHILE EXPLODING spending to nearly 24% of GDP. Hint that's cutting 25% off revenues AS they blew up spending 20% cupcake


Obama ran out his Porkulus giveaway to public employee unions and well connected looters.

But that doesn't change the fact that you were blatantly lying.

I get it, you just cut and paste from the hate sites and don't actually understand the idiocy you post. When busted for lying, you just cut and pasted some other shit from the hate sites.

IF you meant after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies why was there a NEED for a $787 billion stimulus, which had 40% tax cuts to TRY to get a few GOP votes? :)

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked

“The stimulus worked” is the overwhelming conclusion of a panel of elite economists surveyed as part of the University of Chicago’s IGM Economic Experts Panel. The survey asked whether the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was lower than it would have been because of the U.S. government’s 2009 fiscal stimulus act. Out of the 37 panelists who responded, 36 agreed, an even better response than an identical 2012 survey.

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked | Moody's Analytics Economy.com

Sorry cupcake, I'm not a right winger, no need to lie :dance:

University of Chicago....



The Chicago school of economics is a neoclassical school of economic thought associated with the work of the faculty at the University of Chicago
Sure...fruitcake....does not fit your narrative....blame it on the voters.

But those are the same stupid voters that put these two in office.

Must suck to live in an alternate reality.

Sorry Cupcake you don't understand what midterms are vs Prez elections :(

I know that following the election of both these guys....the GOP bullrushed the midterms. Then debt went down.

Sorry, fruitcake...thems the facts.

Sure cupcake, got the bills they passed that created that downturn in debt cupcake?? :banana:

After you produce all the bills that support your claim Obama somehow had something to do with improvement.

But, you keep moving those goalposts.

Like anyone on the left, you want all the credit with no questions asked.

Sorry fruitcake.....you live by your own standards.


Where do I give credit for ANY Prez creating jobs buttercup? Nah, it's right wingers who want it both ways, Obama CAUSED job losses but GOP policy creates jobs, lol


Uh, you mean Obama's bottom....fruitcake...or do you want to give the to Reid and Pelosi ?

Bush was long gone.
If all Republicans work & don't get any government benefits, why do Red States lead the pack in welfare type programs?

Why not compare cities? Isn't that more accurate?
No it's not more accurate. Cities tend to be liberal, comparing cities just leaves out all the republicans sucking off the government tit outside city limits.

So you think those that live in the suburbs and out in the country are sucking off the government tit more than those in the cities? Better think again. It's the cities that vote strongly Democrat. Republicans are the majority outside of most of those cities and country.
No I think that in welfare (red) states- you see a lot of poverty in rural areas.


And Pelosi, Reid, and Obama just kept on spending.

Thanks for sharing.

Care to give those laws they passed that created the debt like Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies 2001-2009 did cupcake? You know TWO UNFUNDED tax cuts, TWO UNFUNDED WARS, UNFUNDED MEDICARE expansion that CBO said cost as much as Obamacares does 2013-2020, but Obamnacares was 100+ funded!

Unfortunately cupcake, policy and consequences (like Dubya cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble) don't end the day the next guy enters office :)

FOS as usual. Here, from one of your own Commie sites, Politifact:

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?

What's YOUR premise Cupcake, because your link doesn't address ANY of mine! Yes Dubya/GOP put tax cuts/wars on the credit card!

Maybe you should actually read the link instead of just criticizing it. It states that GW did no more than any other President to fund the war. This liberal BS of "undefended" anything is just that--BS.



Bush Breaks With 140 Years of History in Plan for Wartime Tax Cut

Old question: What did you do in the war, Daddy?

New answer: I pocketed a large tax cut, honey.


And then I passed the bill for the war onto you.

That, essentially, is the generational transaction established by the sweeping tax cut President Bush proposed last week. The proposal commits Bush to a goal unprecedented in U.S. history: cutting taxes in wartime.

Forget guns and butter: Bush is now offering bombs and caviar.

....With this push to slash taxes during wartime, Bush broke from 140 years of history under presidents of both parties. In every major conflict the United States has fought since the Civil War (and some minor ones), Washington has raised taxes to pay for the war.

Bush Breaks With 140 Years of History in Plan for Wartime Tax Cut
I know that following the election of both these guys....the GOP bullrushed the midterms. Then debt went down.

Sorry, fruitcake...thems the facts.

Sorry, the debt has never gone down in modern history.

True only BJ Bill paid down the public debt by almost $500 billion though cupcake :banana:

Bill didn't do that--the Republican Congress did. Congress is in charge of our spending---not the President.

Sure Cupcake, we saw how it was Congress when BJ Bill had to veto the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut after his first budget surplus to get 3 more Buttercup, THEN Dubya/GOP showed US how fiscally CONservative they were Cupcake :)

No fruitcake, it was the GOP who brought forth a balanced budget. There was no budget surplus. It was all bogus calculations that never transpired.

Sorry Cupcake, it was the Dems/BJ Bill's 1993 omnibus bill )not a single GOP supported) that created the BUDGET SURPLUSES (3 AFTER VETOING THE GOP'S $792+ BILLION TAX CUT)

Clinton’s 1993 budget bill—officially known as the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. OBRA, which mainly raised taxes on wealthy people but also raised the gas tax, extended limits on discretionary spending and cut back on some mandatory spending, was signed into law on August 10, 1993. Just five months prior, the Congressional Budget Office projected a 1998 deficit of $360 billion. One month after the bill passed, the CBO’s new estimate of the 1988 deficit was down to $200 billion.

The CBO explained the dramatic improvement this way: “For the first time in two and one-half years, the deficit projections have taken a decided turn for the better… The reconciliation act deserves most of the credit for the improvement over the long run.” Indeed, of the $160 billion improvement from March to September of that year, CBO directly credited OBRA with $143 billion. In fact, OBRA turns out to have been the single largest contributor to the 1998 surplus.

Not So Fast, Newt - Center for American Progress



Care to point to what blew up spending under Obama buttercup? You know laws/.bills?

Hint after BJ Bill got US back to 19.6%-20% of GDP where Carter had US in revenues, and the same on spending (thanks to Dems 1993 omnibus bill not a single GOPer voted for), Clinton vetoed the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut.

THEN Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies took over and they took US to 2 UNFUNDED wars, gave US 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, passed a Medicare expansion CBO said cost as much as Obamacares 2013-2020, but without a single penny of new funding WHILE cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble because they had less than 1% growth a year without home owners using their homes as ATM's under those Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies

Dubya/GOP GUTTED revenues to 14.6% of GDP in revenues WHILE EXPLODING spending to nearly 24% of GDP. Hint that's cutting 25% off revenues AS they blew up spending 20% cupcake


Obama ran out his Porkulus giveaway to public employee unions and well connected looters.

But that doesn't change the fact that you were blatantly lying.

I get it, you just cut and paste from the hate sites and don't actually understand the idiocy you post. When busted for lying, you just cut and pasted some other shit from the hate sites.

IF you meant after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies why was there a NEED for a $787 billion stimulus, which had 40% tax cuts to TRY to get a few GOP votes? :)

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked

“The stimulus worked” is the overwhelming conclusion of a panel of elite economists surveyed as part of the University of Chicago’s IGM Economic Experts Panel. The survey asked whether the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was lower than it would have been because of the U.S. government’s 2009 fiscal stimulus act. Out of the 37 panelists who responded, 36 agreed, an even better response than an identical 2012 survey.

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked | Moody's Analytics Economy.com

Sorry cupcake, I'm not a right winger, no need to lie :dance:

University of Chicago....



The Chicago school of economics is a neoclassical school of economic thought associated with the work of the faculty at the University of Chicago
Sorry Cupcake you don't understand what midterms are vs Prez elections :(

I know that following the election of both these guys....the GOP bullrushed the midterms. Then debt went down.

Sorry, fruitcake...thems the facts.

Sure cupcake, got the bills they passed that created that downturn in debt cupcake?? :banana:

After you produce all the bills that support your claim Obama somehow had something to do with improvement.

But, you keep moving those goalposts.

Like anyone on the left, you want all the credit with no questions asked.

Sorry fruitcake.....you live by your own standards.


Where do I give credit for ANY Prez creating jobs buttercup? Nah, it's right wingers who want it both ways, Obama CAUSED job losses but GOP policy creates jobs, lol


Uh, you mean Obama's bottom....fruitcake...or do you want to give the to Reid and Pelosi ?

Bush was long gone.

Sure Cupcake, when did Dubya's great recession begin again Buttercup? What bills did Reid/Pelosi pass that changed Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies Cupcake? :welcome:
Care to point to what blew up spending under Obama buttercup? You know laws/.bills?

Hint after BJ Bill got US back to 19.6%-20% of GDP where Carter had US in revenues, and the same on spending (thanks to Dems 1993 omnibus bill not a single GOPer voted for), Clinton vetoed the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut.

THEN Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies took over and they took US to 2 UNFUNDED wars, gave US 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, passed a Medicare expansion CBO said cost as much as Obamacares 2013-2020, but without a single penny of new funding WHILE cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble because they had less than 1% growth a year without home owners using their homes as ATM's under those Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies

Dubya/GOP GUTTED revenues to 14.6% of GDP in revenues WHILE EXPLODING spending to nearly 24% of GDP. Hint that's cutting 25% off revenues AS they blew up spending 20% cupcake


Obama ran out his Porkulus giveaway to public employee unions and well connected looters.

But that doesn't change the fact that you were blatantly lying.

I get it, you just cut and paste from the hate sites and don't actually understand the idiocy you post. When busted for lying, you just cut and pasted some other shit from the hate sites.

IF you meant after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies why was there a NEED for a $787 billion stimulus, which had 40% tax cuts to TRY to get a few GOP votes? :)

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked

“The stimulus worked” is the overwhelming conclusion of a panel of elite economists surveyed as part of the University of Chicago’s IGM Economic Experts Panel. The survey asked whether the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was lower than it would have been because of the U.S. government’s 2009 fiscal stimulus act. Out of the 37 panelists who responded, 36 agreed, an even better response than an identical 2012 survey.

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked | Moody's Analytics Economy.com

Sorry cupcake, I'm not a right winger, no need to lie :dance:


OPINION? VS ECONOMISTS? Though I agree the 40% of the $787 billion stimulus which Obama put into it to TRY to get a FEW GOP votes was a complete waste

Well list those so-called economist please. And I'd be willing to bet they are all leftists.


Economic Stimulus (revisited) | IGM Forum
Care to point to what blew up spending under Obama buttercup? You know laws/.bills?

Hint after BJ Bill got US back to 19.6%-20% of GDP where Carter had US in revenues, and the same on spending (thanks to Dems 1993 omnibus bill not a single GOPer voted for), Clinton vetoed the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut.

THEN Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies took over and they took US to 2 UNFUNDED wars, gave US 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, passed a Medicare expansion CBO said cost as much as Obamacares 2013-2020, but without a single penny of new funding WHILE cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble because they had less than 1% growth a year without home owners using their homes as ATM's under those Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies

Dubya/GOP GUTTED revenues to 14.6% of GDP in revenues WHILE EXPLODING spending to nearly 24% of GDP. Hint that's cutting 25% off revenues AS they blew up spending 20% cupcake


Obama ran out his Porkulus giveaway to public employee unions and well connected looters.

But that doesn't change the fact that you were blatantly lying.

I get it, you just cut and paste from the hate sites and don't actually understand the idiocy you post. When busted for lying, you just cut and pasted some other shit from the hate sites.

IF you meant after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies why was there a NEED for a $787 billion stimulus, which had 40% tax cuts to TRY to get a few GOP votes? :)

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked

“The stimulus worked” is the overwhelming conclusion of a panel of elite economists surveyed as part of the University of Chicago’s IGM Economic Experts Panel. The survey asked whether the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was lower than it would have been because of the U.S. government’s 2009 fiscal stimulus act. Out of the 37 panelists who responded, 36 agreed, an even better response than an identical 2012 survey.

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked | Moody's Analytics Economy.com

Sorry cupcake, I'm not a right winger, no need to lie :dance:


OPINION? VS ECONOMISTS? Though I agree the 40% of the $787 billion stimulus which Obama put into it to TRY to get a FEW GOP votes was a complete waste

Opinion of someone who had covered the mess for three years.

And he backed his argument with some very relevant facts.

So long fruitcake.

Hope you enjoy your time in lala land over on the sidelines watching Trump run the show.

You lost.

Suck on it.

Got it Cupcake, 32 economists VS opinion and the right winger chooses the opinion piece :)
If all Republicans work & don't get any government benefits, why do Red States lead the pack in welfare type programs?

Why not compare cities? Isn't that more accurate?
No it's not more accurate. Cities tend to be liberal, comparing cities just leaves out all the republicans sucking off the government tit outside city limits.

So you think those that live in the suburbs and out in the country are sucking off the government tit more than those in the cities? Better think again. It's the cities that vote strongly Democrat. Republicans are the majority outside of most of those cities and country.

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Most Federally Dependent States

(1 = Most Dependent)


Total Score

‘State Residents’ Dependency’ Rank

‘State Government’s Dependency’ Rank

1 Kentucky 76.16 6 5
2 Mississippi 75.59 7 1
3 New Mexico 73.88 3 17
4 Alabama 72.45 4 14
5 West Virginia 68.97 5 15
6 South Carolina 68.17 2 31
7 Montana 65.91 14 4
8 Tennessee 61.76 20 3
9 Maine 61.02 13 9
10 Indiana 59.18 7 23
11 Arizona 59.08 15 11
12 Louisiana 55.39 40 2
13 South Dakota 53.57 24 7
14 Missouri 52.66 31 6
15 Oregon 51.51 23 10
16 Georgia 49.81 34 8
17 Idaho 49.64 19 19
18 Vermont 49.56 18 20
19 Wyoming 48.80 26 12
20 Maryland 48.18 11 32
21 Oklahoma 47.78 21 18
22 Pennsylvania 46.15 17 30
23 Alaska 45.81 10 40
24 Rhode Island 45.05 36 16
25 Florida 43.84 27 22
26 Ohio 42.25 45 13
27 Arkansas 42.12 38 21
28 North Carolina 41.63 32 25
29 Hawaii 41.63 9 46
30 Iowa 41.38 33 26
31 Wisconsin 41.09 16 38
32 North Dakota 40.46 1 50
33 Michigan 40.43 35 27
34 New York 37.65 44 24
35 Texas 36.81 42 28
36 Washington 35.32 30 33
37 Colorado 35.20 29 34
38 Virginia 34.43 12 49
39 Nebraska 33.78 47 29
40 Utah 33.28 28 35
41 New Hampshire 31.11 37 36
42 Connecticut 27.80 22 48
43 Massachusetts 27.36 46 37
44 Nevada 26.94 25 47
45 Kansas 25.39 39 45
46 California 25.36 41 43
47 Illinois 23.96 48 41
48 New Jersey 23.84 49 39
49 Minnesota 23.09 43 44
50 Delaware 21.32 50 42

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

These numbers are horsecrap as they also include contracts given to companies in the state.

Got it Cupcake, you'll stick with ad hominems :oops-28:
And Pelosi, Reid, and Obama just kept on spending.

Thanks for sharing.

Care to give those laws they passed that created the debt like Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies 2001-2009 did cupcake? You know TWO UNFUNDED tax cuts, TWO UNFUNDED WARS, UNFUNDED MEDICARE expansion that CBO said cost as much as Obamacares does 2013-2020, but Obamnacares was 100+ funded!

Unfortunately cupcake, policy and consequences (like Dubya cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble) don't end the day the next guy enters office :)

FOS as usual. Here, from one of your own Commie sites, Politifact:

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?

What's YOUR premise Cupcake, because your link doesn't address ANY of mine! Yes Dubya/GOP put tax cuts/wars on the credit card!

Maybe you should actually read the link instead of just criticizing it. It states that GW did no more than any other President to fund the war. This liberal BS of "undefended" anything is just that--BS.



Bush Breaks With 140 Years of History in Plan for Wartime Tax Cut

Old question: What did you do in the war, Daddy?

New answer: I pocketed a large tax cut, honey.


And then I passed the bill for the war onto you.

That, essentially, is the generational transaction established by the sweeping tax cut President Bush proposed last week. The proposal commits Bush to a goal unprecedented in U.S. history: cutting taxes in wartime.

Forget guns and butter: Bush is now offering bombs and caviar.

....With this push to slash taxes during wartime, Bush broke from 140 years of history under presidents of both parties. In every major conflict the United States has fought since the Civil War (and some minor ones), Washington has raised taxes to pay for the war.

Bush Breaks With 140 Years of History in Plan for Wartime Tax Cut
Should we audit the amount of debt we got from lowering taxes during alleged times of War?
If all Republicans work & don't get any government benefits, why do Red States lead the pack in welfare type programs?

Why not compare cities? Isn't that more accurate?
No it's not more accurate. Cities tend to be liberal, comparing cities just leaves out all the republicans sucking off the government tit outside city limits.

So you think those that live in the suburbs and out in the country are sucking off the government tit more than those in the cities? Better think again. It's the cities that vote strongly Democrat. Republicans are the majority outside of most of those cities and country.
No I think that in welfare (red) states- you see a lot of poverty in rural areas.

Oh wow look, the "red state" welfare lie. :thup:

You Nazicrats are so clever. Federal spending on Military bases is "welfare." Federal spending on defense projects is "welfare." One thing I admire about you fascist democrats is your honesty.. :eusa_whistle:

On the other side of the aisle, New Hampshire -- supposedly a blue state -- has only elected a single Democratic senator (the currently serving Jeanne Shaheen) since 1980. Minnesota and Colorado also fail the blue state designation based on who they have put in the Senate over this timeframe.

In the House of Representatives, it is absurd to characterize Mississippi, West Virginia, North Dakota, and South Dakota as red states when they have elected more Democrats than Republicans since 1980. North Dakota and West Virginia's choices for the House of Representatives are dominantly blue.

Similarly, New Hampshire and Delaware have elected predominantly Republicans in the House, and somehow they are blue states? Colorado and Nevada also don't pass the blue state test, and as recently as the 111th Congress, five of Colorado's seven representatives were Republican.

The gubernatorial comparison also strikes a blow to any "red state welfare" claims. There is no significant general difference in the overall red versus blue character of these states' governors. South Dakota hasn't had a Democratic governor in over 35 years, whereas Kentucky has only had one Republican governor since 1971. California's governors have been dominantly Republican for many decades, as have those of Illinois, Minnesota, Connecticut, and New Jersey.

Read more: Articles: The Myth of Red State Welfare
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook}
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Last edited:
If all Republicans work & don't get any government benefits, why do Red States lead the pack in welfare type programs?

Why not compare cities? Isn't that more accurate?
No it's not more accurate. Cities tend to be liberal, comparing cities just leaves out all the republicans sucking off the government tit outside city limits.

So you think those that live in the suburbs and out in the country are sucking off the government tit more than those in the cities? Better think again. It's the cities that vote strongly Democrat. Republicans are the majority outside of most of those cities and country.
No I think that in welfare (red) states- you see a lot of poverty in rural areas.

Oh wow look, the "red state" welfare lie. :thup:

You Nazicrats are so clever. Federal spending on Military bases is "welfare." Federal spending on defense projects is "welfare." One thing I admire about you fascist democrats is your honesty.. :eusa_whistle:

On the other side of the aisle, New Hampshire -- supposedly a blue state -- has only elected a single Democratic senator (the currently serving Jeanne Shaheen) since 1980. Minnesota and Colorado also fail the blue state designation based on who they have put in the Senate over this timeframe.

In the House of Representatives, it is absurd to characterize Mississippi, West Virginia, North Dakota, and South Dakota as red states when they have elected more Democrats than Republicans since 1980. North Dakota and West Virginia's choices for the House of Representatives are dominantly blue.

Similarly, New Hampshire and Delaware have elected predominantly Republicans in the House, and somehow they are blue states? Colorado and Nevada also don't pass the blue state test, and as recently as the 111th Congress, five of Colorado's seven representatives were Republican.

The gubernatorial comparison also strikes a blow to any "red state welfare" claims. There is no significant general difference in the overall red versus blue character of these states' governors. South Dakota hasn't had a Democratic governor in over 35 years, whereas Kentucky has only had one Republican governor since 1971. California's governors have been dominantly Republican for many decades, as have those of Illinois, Minnesota, Connecticut, and New Jersey.

Read more: Articles: The Myth of Red State Welfare
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook}
To show how mindless this liberal proposition is, the "red state welfare" argument appears to be entirely based only on how each state voted in the most recent presidential election. This results in entirely junk science.

Junk science is all the right wing has; how each State tends to vote is a political criteria.
Obama ran out his Porkulus giveaway to public employee unions and well connected looters.

But that doesn't change the fact that you were blatantly lying.

I get it, you just cut and paste from the hate sites and don't actually understand the idiocy you post. When busted for lying, you just cut and pasted some other shit from the hate sites.

IF you meant after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies why was there a NEED for a $787 billion stimulus, which had 40% tax cuts to TRY to get a few GOP votes? :)

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked

“The stimulus worked” is the overwhelming conclusion of a panel of elite economists surveyed as part of the University of Chicago’s IGM Economic Experts Panel. The survey asked whether the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was lower than it would have been because of the U.S. government’s 2009 fiscal stimulus act. Out of the 37 panelists who responded, 36 agreed, an even better response than an identical 2012 survey.

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked | Moody's Analytics Economy.com

Sorry cupcake, I'm not a right winger, no need to lie :dance:


OPINION? VS ECONOMISTS? Though I agree the 40% of the $787 billion stimulus which Obama put into it to TRY to get a FEW GOP votes was a complete waste

Well list those so-called economist please. And I'd be willing to bet they are all leftists.


Economic Stimulus (revisited) | IGM Forum

The only failure is you.

In a TV interview last month, Vice President Joe Biden said the following:

Every economist, as I’ve said, from conservative to liberal, acknowledges that direct government spending on a direct program now is the best way to infuse economic growth and create jobs.

That statement is clearly false. As I have documented on this blog in recent weeks, skeptics about a spending stimulus include quite a few well-known economists, such as (in alphabetical order) Alberto Alesina, Robert Barro, Gary Becker, John Cochrane, Eugene Fama, Robert Lucas, Greg Mankiw, Kevin Murphy, Thomas Sargent, Harald Uhlig, and Luigi Zingales–and I am sure there many others as well. Regardless of whether one agrees with them on the merits of the case, it is hard to dispute that this list is pretty impressive, as judged by the standard objective criteria by which economists evaluate one another. If any university managed to hire all of them, it would immediately have a top ranked economics department.

UPDATE: Martin Feldstein, whose support last October for a fiscal stimulus is the reed upon which journalists justify their claims about “economists across the political spectrum,” now calls this stimulus bill “an $800 billion mistake.”

Economists against the Stimulus
Why not compare cities? Isn't that more accurate?
No it's not more accurate. Cities tend to be liberal, comparing cities just leaves out all the republicans sucking off the government tit outside city limits.

So you think those that live in the suburbs and out in the country are sucking off the government tit more than those in the cities? Better think again. It's the cities that vote strongly Democrat. Republicans are the majority outside of most of those cities and country.

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Most Federally Dependent States

(1 = Most Dependent)


Total Score

‘State Residents’ Dependency’ Rank

‘State Government’s Dependency’ Rank

1 Kentucky 76.16 6 5
2 Mississippi 75.59 7 1
3 New Mexico 73.88 3 17
4 Alabama 72.45 4 14
5 West Virginia 68.97 5 15
6 South Carolina 68.17 2 31
7 Montana 65.91 14 4
8 Tennessee 61.76 20 3
9 Maine 61.02 13 9
10 Indiana 59.18 7 23
11 Arizona 59.08 15 11
12 Louisiana 55.39 40 2
13 South Dakota 53.57 24 7
14 Missouri 52.66 31 6
15 Oregon 51.51 23 10
16 Georgia 49.81 34 8
17 Idaho 49.64 19 19
18 Vermont 49.56 18 20
19 Wyoming 48.80 26 12
20 Maryland 48.18 11 32
21 Oklahoma 47.78 21 18
22 Pennsylvania 46.15 17 30
23 Alaska 45.81 10 40
24 Rhode Island 45.05 36 16
25 Florida 43.84 27 22
26 Ohio 42.25 45 13
27 Arkansas 42.12 38 21
28 North Carolina 41.63 32 25
29 Hawaii 41.63 9 46
30 Iowa 41.38 33 26
31 Wisconsin 41.09 16 38
32 North Dakota 40.46 1 50
33 Michigan 40.43 35 27
34 New York 37.65 44 24
35 Texas 36.81 42 28
36 Washington 35.32 30 33
37 Colorado 35.20 29 34
38 Virginia 34.43 12 49
39 Nebraska 33.78 47 29
40 Utah 33.28 28 35
41 New Hampshire 31.11 37 36
42 Connecticut 27.80 22 48
43 Massachusetts 27.36 46 37
44 Nevada 26.94 25 47
45 Kansas 25.39 39 45
46 California 25.36 41 43
47 Illinois 23.96 48 41
48 New Jersey 23.84 49 39
49 Minnesota 23.09 43 44
50 Delaware 21.32 50 42

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

These numbers are horsecrap as they also include contracts given to companies in the state.

Got it Cupcake, you'll stick with ad hominems :oops-28:

Hey, fruticake, you want to skew the numbers by including government contracts, be my guest. I does not take into account those who collect salaries from the federal government.....it also does not include money going to colleges.

But you call that (or anything else the shoots up your little world) an ad hominem.

You better ask the lady who feeds you and tells you what to say, just what she is answering so you'll get an idea of whether you look really stupid or super stupid.
If all Republicans work & don't get any government benefits, why do Red States lead the pack in welfare type programs?

Why not compare cities? Isn't that more accurate?
No it's not more accurate. Cities tend to be liberal, comparing cities just leaves out all the republicans sucking off the government tit outside city limits.

So you think those that live in the suburbs and out in the country are sucking off the government tit more than those in the cities? Better think again. It's the cities that vote strongly Democrat. Republicans are the majority outside of most of those cities and country.
No I think that in welfare (red) states- you see a lot of poverty in rural areas.

Oh wow look, the "red state" welfare lie. :thup:

You Nazicrats are so clever. Federal spending on Military bases is "welfare." Federal spending on defense projects is "welfare." One thing I admire about you fascist democrats is your honesty.. :eusa_whistle:

On the other side of the aisle, New Hampshire -- supposedly a blue state -- has only elected a single Democratic senator (the currently serving Jeanne Shaheen) since 1980. Minnesota and Colorado also fail the blue state designation based on who they have put in the Senate over this timeframe.

In the House of Representatives, it is absurd to characterize Mississippi, West Virginia, North Dakota, and South Dakota as red states when they have elected more Democrats than Republicans since 1980. North Dakota and West Virginia's choices for the House of Representatives are dominantly blue.

Similarly, New Hampshire and Delaware have elected predominantly Republicans in the House, and somehow they are blue states? Colorado and Nevada also don't pass the blue state test, and as recently as the 111th Congress, five of Colorado's seven representatives were Republican.

The gubernatorial comparison also strikes a blow to any "red state welfare" claims. There is no significant general difference in the overall red versus blue character of these states' governors. South Dakota hasn't had a Democratic governor in over 35 years, whereas Kentucky has only had one Republican governor since 1971. California's governors have been dominantly Republican for many decades, as have those of Illinois, Minnesota, Connecticut, and New Jersey.

Read more: Articles: The Myth of Red State Welfare
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook}

Pretty much parked this one.

Good job.

Of course, do we count Wisconsin a Red State or a Blue State ?
Obama ran out his Porkulus giveaway to public employee unions and well connected looters.

But that doesn't change the fact that you were blatantly lying.

I get it, you just cut and paste from the hate sites and don't actually understand the idiocy you post. When busted for lying, you just cut and pasted some other shit from the hate sites.

IF you meant after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies why was there a NEED for a $787 billion stimulus, which had 40% tax cuts to TRY to get a few GOP votes? :)

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked

“The stimulus worked” is the overwhelming conclusion of a panel of elite economists surveyed as part of the University of Chicago’s IGM Economic Experts Panel. The survey asked whether the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was lower than it would have been because of the U.S. government’s 2009 fiscal stimulus act. Out of the 37 panelists who responded, 36 agreed, an even better response than an identical 2012 survey.

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked | Moody's Analytics Economy.com

Sorry cupcake, I'm not a right winger, no need to lie :dance:


OPINION? VS ECONOMISTS? Though I agree the 40% of the $787 billion stimulus which Obama put into it to TRY to get a FEW GOP votes was a complete waste

Opinion of someone who had covered the mess for three years.

And he backed his argument with some very relevant facts.

So long fruitcake.

Hope you enjoy your time in lala land over on the sidelines watching Trump run the show.

You lost.

Suck on it.

Got it Cupcake, 32 economists VS opinion and the right winger chooses the opinion piece :)

Yep, 32 academics that don't know how the real world works.

Keep dreaming, fruitcake.
Obama ran out his Porkulus giveaway to public employee unions and well connected looters.

But that doesn't change the fact that you were blatantly lying.

I get it, you just cut and paste from the hate sites and don't actually understand the idiocy you post. When busted for lying, you just cut and pasted some other shit from the hate sites.

IF you meant after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies why was there a NEED for a $787 billion stimulus, which had 40% tax cuts to TRY to get a few GOP votes? :)

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked

“The stimulus worked” is the overwhelming conclusion of a panel of elite economists surveyed as part of the University of Chicago’s IGM Economic Experts Panel. The survey asked whether the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was lower than it would have been because of the U.S. government’s 2009 fiscal stimulus act. Out of the 37 panelists who responded, 36 agreed, an even better response than an identical 2012 survey.

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked | Moody's Analytics Economy.com

Sorry cupcake, I'm not a right winger, no need to lie :dance:

University of Chicago....



The Chicago school of economics is a neoclassical school of economic thought associated with the work of the faculty at the University of Chicago
I know that following the election of both these guys....the GOP bullrushed the midterms. Then debt went down.

Sorry, fruitcake...thems the facts.

Sure cupcake, got the bills they passed that created that downturn in debt cupcake?? :banana:

After you produce all the bills that support your claim Obama somehow had something to do with improvement.

But, you keep moving those goalposts.

Like anyone on the left, you want all the credit with no questions asked.

Sorry fruitcake.....you live by your own standards.


Where do I give credit for ANY Prez creating jobs buttercup? Nah, it's right wingers who want it both ways, Obama CAUSED job losses but GOP policy creates jobs, lol


Uh, you mean Obama's bottom....fruitcake...or do you want to give the to Reid and Pelosi ?

Bush was long gone.

Sure Cupcake, when did Dubya's great recession begin again Buttercup? What bills did Reid/Pelosi pass that changed Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies Cupcake? :welcome:

Don't need to.

They were here...they own it.

Just like the three of them.

BTW: Why don't you share what bills got passed that contributed to all those things Obama gets credit (from you) for.

We've already shown the stimulus is a failure.

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