Why are republicans so stupid when it comes to Food Stamps?

Yes, we agree, 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies SUCKED Cupcake :(

But instead of being fiscally responsible Dubya GUTTED revenues 25% WHILE blowing up spending 20% with 2 UNFUNDED Tax cuts, 2 UNFUNDED wars, UNFUNDED Medicare expansion and cheering on the Bankster subprime bubble cupcake

OCTOBER 17, 2008

...Notice that in both 2001 and 2002, the US economy continued to grow on an annual basis (the "technical" recession was just a few quarters). Their work suggests that this growth was entirely due to MEWs. In fact, MEWs contributed over 3% to GDP growth in 2004 and 2005, and 2% in 2006. Without US homeowners using their homes as an ATM, the economy would have been very sluggish indeed, averaging much less than 1% for the six years of the Bush presidency. Indeed, as a side observation, without home equity withdrawals the economy would have been so bad it would have been almost impossible for Bush to have won a second term.

The Economic Blue Screen of Death



AND absolutely NO national cataclysmic EVENTS like THESE!
Of course the Idiot Obama made the worst GDP growth in modern history with NOTHING to hold him back except his stupid comments.

View attachment 129892

And so Obama HAD NO problems to face, economy on rebound and what kind of stupid comments did HE MAKE that discouraged businesses?

- Obama wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemployed
450,000 people that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system"... so what happens to the above?)
- " if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
(Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
- "I prefer higher gas prices". (And Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
- Trump will never tell a foreign country such as "Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be
their best customer"!
- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook..._

Obama WANTED unemployment! He wanted businesses to fail!

Sure Cupcake, sure. 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies (that Cheeto wants to put on steroids) and ALL you Klowns have are excuses why they failed and left US in the biggest hole since the first GOP great depression :(

And why Obama dug it twice as deep.



Funny....your chart has nothing about the debt.

Here you go.....


And that was just for half his term.

The Nazicrat is blatantly lying anyway. Obama ran the highest peace time deficits in American history.


Only the world wars out paced the Obama spend fest.
I know that following the election of both these guys....the GOP bullrushed the midterms. Then debt went down.

Sorry, fruitcake...thems the facts.

Sorry, the debt has never gone down in modern history.
Republicans Make Big Advances Thanks to Citizens United

The increase in corporate money in elections has favored one party over the other.

Republicans Make Big Advances Thanks to Citizens United

The researchers found the ruling, in Citizens United v. FEC, was associated with a six percentage-point increase in the likelihood that a Republican candidate would win a state legislative race.

And in six of the most affected states — Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Carolina, Ohio and Tennessee — the probability that a Republican would be elected to a state legislative seat increased by 10 percentage points or more.

In five other states — Colorado, Iowa, Texas, Wisconsin and Wyoming — Republican candidates were seven percentage points more likely to win.


Study: Citizens United elected more Republicans

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

“The rationale was straightforward,” reads the memo. “Controlling the redistricting process in these states would have the greatest impact on determining how both state legislative and congressional district boundaries would be drawn. Drawing new district lines in states with the most redistricting activity presented the opportunity to solidify conservative policymaking at the state level and maintain a Republican stronghold in the U.S. House of Representatives for the next decade.”

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

Democrats won popular vote in the Senate, too

Senate Democrats won over 23 million more votes than Republicans
We're the popular party: Senate Democrats won over 23 million more votes than Republicans

It's official: Clinton swamps Trump in popular vote

I hope this makes you feel better.

But somehow, I don't think the recordbooks are going to rewrite themselves.

Clinton and Obama both got spanked and spanked bad in their first mid-terms.

As to being the popular party....this isn't about being popular...it's about winning.

Suck on it, fruitcake.

If by being spanked bad means the US voters are easily duped after the Dems bring fiscal sanity into the picture, true :)


Sure...fruitcake....does not fit your narrative....blame it on the voters.

But those are the same stupid voters that put these two in office.

Must suck to live in an alternate reality.

Sorry Cupcake you don't understand what midterms are vs Prez elections :(

I know that following the election of both these guys....the GOP bullrushed the midterms. Then debt went down.

Sorry, fruitcake...thems the facts.

Sure cupcake, got the bills they passed that created that downturn in debt cupcake?? :banana:
AND absolutely NO national cataclysmic EVENTS like THESE!
Of course the Idiot Obama made the worst GDP growth in modern history with NOTHING to hold him back except his stupid comments.

View attachment 129892

And so Obama HAD NO problems to face, economy on rebound and what kind of stupid comments did HE MAKE that discouraged businesses?

- Obama wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemployed
450,000 people that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system"... so what happens to the above?)
- " if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
(Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
- "I prefer higher gas prices". (And Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
- Trump will never tell a foreign country such as "Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be
their best customer"!
- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook..._

Obama WANTED unemployment! He wanted businesses to fail!

Sure Cupcake, sure. 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies (that Cheeto wants to put on steroids) and ALL you Klowns have are excuses why they failed and left US in the biggest hole since the first GOP great depression :(

And why Obama dug it twice as deep.



Funny....your chart has nothing about the debt.

Here you go.....


And that was just for half his term.

The Nazicrat is blatantly lying anyway. Obama ran the highest peace time deficits in American history.


Only the world wars out paced the Obama spend fest.

Care to point to what blew up spending under Obama buttercup? You know laws/.bills?

Hint after BJ Bill got US back to 19.6%-20% of GDP where Carter had US in revenues, and the same on spending (thanks to Dems 1993 omnibus bill not a single GOPer voted for), Clinton vetoed the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut.

THEN Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies took over and they took US to 2 UNFUNDED wars, gave US 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, passed a Medicare expansion CBO said cost as much as Obamacares 2013-2020, but without a single penny of new funding WHILE cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble because they had less than 1% growth a year without home owners using their homes as ATM's under those Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies

Dubya/GOP GUTTED revenues to 14.6% of GDP in revenues WHILE EXPLODING spending to nearly 24% of GDP. Hint that's cutting 25% off revenues AS they blew up spending 20% cupcake

AND absolutely NO national cataclysmic EVENTS like THESE!
Of course the Idiot Obama made the worst GDP growth in modern history with NOTHING to hold him back except his stupid comments.

View attachment 129892

And so Obama HAD NO problems to face, economy on rebound and what kind of stupid comments did HE MAKE that discouraged businesses?

- Obama wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemployed
450,000 people that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system"... so what happens to the above?)
- " if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
(Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
- "I prefer higher gas prices". (And Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
- Trump will never tell a foreign country such as "Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be
their best customer"!
- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook..._

Obama WANTED unemployment! He wanted businesses to fail!

Sure Cupcake, sure. 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies (that Cheeto wants to put on steroids) and ALL you Klowns have are excuses why they failed and left US in the biggest hole since the first GOP great depression :(

And why Obama dug it twice as deep.



Funny....your chart has nothing about the debt.

Here you go.....


And that was just for half his term.

The Nazicrat is blatantly lying anyway. Obama ran the highest peace time deficits in American history.


Only the world wars out paced the Obama spend fest.


Sure Cupcake, sure. 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies (that Cheeto wants to put on steroids) and ALL you Klowns have are excuses why they failed and left US in the biggest hole since the first GOP great depression :(

And why Obama dug it twice as deep.



Funny....your chart has nothing about the debt.

Here you go.....


And that was just for half his term.

The Nazicrat is blatantly lying anyway. Obama ran the highest peace time deficits in American history.


Only the world wars out paced the Obama spend fest.

Care to point to what blew up spending under Obama buttercup? You know laws/.bills?

Hint after BJ Bill got US back to 19.6%-20% of GDP where Carter had US in revenues, and the same on spending (thanks to Dems 1993 omnibus bill not a single GOPer voted for), Clinton vetoed the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut.

THEN Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies took over and they took US to 2 UNFUNDED wars, gave US 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, passed a Medicare expansion CBO said cost as much as Obamacares 2013-2020, but without a single penny of new funding WHILE cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble because they had less than 1% growth a year without home owners using their homes as ATM's under those Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies

Dubya/GOP GUTTED revenues to 14.6% of GDP in revenues WHILE EXPLODING spending to nearly 24% of GDP. Hint that's cutting 25% off revenues AS they blew up spending 20% cupcake


We wouldn't have had a new war in Iraq and Syria if your Messiah didn't call the Iraq war over and pulled out dumb ass

Sure Cupcake, sure. 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies (that Cheeto wants to put on steroids) and ALL you Klowns have are excuses why they failed and left US in the biggest hole since the first GOP great depression :(

And why Obama dug it twice as deep.



Funny....your chart has nothing about the debt.

Here you go.....


And that was just for half his term.

The Nazicrat is blatantly lying anyway. Obama ran the highest peace time deficits in American history.


Only the world wars out paced the Obama spend fest.

Care to point to what blew up spending under Obama buttercup? You know laws/.bills?

Hint after BJ Bill got US back to 19.6%-20% of GDP where Carter had US in revenues, and the same on spending (thanks to Dems 1993 omnibus bill not a single GOPer voted for), Clinton vetoed the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut.

THEN Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies took over and they took US to 2 UNFUNDED wars, gave US 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, passed a Medicare expansion CBO said cost as much as Obamacares 2013-2020, but without a single penny of new funding WHILE cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble because they had less than 1% growth a year without home owners using their homes as ATM's under those Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies

Dubya/GOP GUTTED revenues to 14.6% of GDP in revenues WHILE EXPLODING spending to nearly 24% of GDP. Hint that's cutting 25% off revenues AS they blew up spending 20% cupcake


Obama ran out his Porkulus giveaway to public employee unions and well connected looters.

But that doesn't change the fact that you were blatantly lying.

I get it, you just cut and paste from the hate sites and don't actually understand the idiocy you post. When busted for lying, you just cut and pasted some other shit from the hate sites.
And why Obama dug it twice as deep.



Funny....your chart has nothing about the debt.

Here you go.....


And that was just for half his term.

The Nazicrat is blatantly lying anyway. Obama ran the highest peace time deficits in American history.


Only the world wars out paced the Obama spend fest.

Care to point to what blew up spending under Obama buttercup? You know laws/.bills?

Hint after BJ Bill got US back to 19.6%-20% of GDP where Carter had US in revenues, and the same on spending (thanks to Dems 1993 omnibus bill not a single GOPer voted for), Clinton vetoed the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut.

THEN Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies took over and they took US to 2 UNFUNDED wars, gave US 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, passed a Medicare expansion CBO said cost as much as Obamacares 2013-2020, but without a single penny of new funding WHILE cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble because they had less than 1% growth a year without home owners using their homes as ATM's under those Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies

Dubya/GOP GUTTED revenues to 14.6% of GDP in revenues WHILE EXPLODING spending to nearly 24% of GDP. Hint that's cutting 25% off revenues AS they blew up spending 20% cupcake


Obama ran out his Porkulus giveaway to public employee unions and well connected looters.

But that doesn't change the fact that you were blatantly lying.

I get it, you just cut and paste from the hate sites and don't actually understand the idiocy you post. When busted for lying, you just cut and pasted some other shit from the hate sites.

IF you meant after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies why was there a NEED for a $787 billion stimulus, which had 40% tax cuts to TRY to get a few GOP votes? :)

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked

“The stimulus worked” is the overwhelming conclusion of a panel of elite economists surveyed as part of the University of Chicago’s IGM Economic Experts Panel. The survey asked whether the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was lower than it would have been because of the U.S. government’s 2009 fiscal stimulus act. Out of the 37 panelists who responded, 36 agreed, an even better response than an identical 2012 survey.

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked | Moody's Analytics Economy.com

Sorry cupcake, I'm not a right winger, no need to lie :dance:
Because we had a horrible depression brought about after 8 years of GW.


Oh, you're a fascist, ergo a total fucking liar.. :thup:
Links, or should we take the word of a, "dopeless wonder"?

President Bush: Bush policies created "Depression Greater than the Great Depression"

You fascists are such fucking liars.


KOS? You go for the most vile hate site in existence? :eek:
Why does the right complain about education?

Lying is not "education." Spicolli.

You lied, directly. Then you point to one of the most disreputable hate sites in existence as support for your blatant lie.

Why do you fascists hate integrity?
The right wing may prefer to abolish our education department to "cut taxes", and "rely on Wikileaks", instead.

You fascists are such fucking liars.


KOS? You go for the most vile hate site in existence? :eek:
Why does the right complain about education?

Same reason the left does. It's an important tool in controlling what people think.
did you try the link?

Did you?

Last depression, 1929 - you uneducated dope fiend.
Yes, I thought it was pretty simple, even the right wing should not have a problem.

The point is, "poverty is relative".
I don't give a happy flip about the "mom". I just want those kids to believe they can do anything. I want them to believe they can RISE UP. I want them well fed, well educated, and with access to adequate health care because I know all those things are investments in THEIR FUTURE that will pay dividends in the form of higher earnings and greater tax receipts.
I'm trying to catch up as fast as I can...
there are so many posts I'm dying to reply to,
and didn't know where to begin...until ^

Now, it all makes perfect sense.
Obviously, you reside in the land of Oz!

So, tell me....
will the wizard be getting back to you anytime soon,
about that brain you're in desperate need of?

As much as I'm dying to properly respond,
it'll have to wait until later tonight

Well, when you do "properly respond" make sure you tell me what is wrong with the statement of mine that you quoted. Do well fed children perform better in school? Do healthy children perform better in school? And do better educated children turn into more productive, higher taxpaying adults?

I don't know that they do or don't. To my knowledge, no study has been done on that. But no matter if they do or don't, how is well fed, better educated and more productive taxpaying adults my responsibility?

Ray, there are endless studies on nutrition and health, nutrition and brain growth, nutrition and attention span.

If you want healthier, more productive employees for your working life and care givers for your retirement you have a vested interest in all of the above.
Ray, there are endless studies on nutrition and health, nutrition and brain growth, nutrition and attention span.

If you want healthier, more productive employees for your working life and care givers for your retirement you have a vested interest in all of the above
Food stamps guarantee your food is paid for,
not that you'll eat healthier, nutritious food/meals!


Funny....your chart has nothing about the debt.

Here you go.....


And that was just for half his term.

The Nazicrat is blatantly lying anyway. Obama ran the highest peace time deficits in American history.


Only the world wars out paced the Obama spend fest.

Care to point to what blew up spending under Obama buttercup? You know laws/.bills?

Hint after BJ Bill got US back to 19.6%-20% of GDP where Carter had US in revenues, and the same on spending (thanks to Dems 1993 omnibus bill not a single GOPer voted for), Clinton vetoed the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut.

THEN Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies took over and they took US to 2 UNFUNDED wars, gave US 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, passed a Medicare expansion CBO said cost as much as Obamacares 2013-2020, but without a single penny of new funding WHILE cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble because they had less than 1% growth a year without home owners using their homes as ATM's under those Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies

Dubya/GOP GUTTED revenues to 14.6% of GDP in revenues WHILE EXPLODING spending to nearly 24% of GDP. Hint that's cutting 25% off revenues AS they blew up spending 20% cupcake


Obama ran out his Porkulus giveaway to public employee unions and well connected looters.

But that doesn't change the fact that you were blatantly lying.

I get it, you just cut and paste from the hate sites and don't actually understand the idiocy you post. When busted for lying, you just cut and pasted some other shit from the hate sites.

IF you meant after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies why was there a NEED for a $787 billion stimulus, which had 40% tax cuts to TRY to get a few GOP votes? :)

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked

“The stimulus worked” is the overwhelming conclusion of a panel of elite economists surveyed as part of the University of Chicago’s IGM Economic Experts Panel. The survey asked whether the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was lower than it would have been because of the U.S. government’s 2009 fiscal stimulus act. Out of the 37 panelists who responded, 36 agreed, an even better response than an identical 2012 survey.

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked | Moody's Analytics Economy.com

Sorry cupcake, I'm not a right winger, no need to lie :dance:

I know that following the election of both these guys....the GOP bullrushed the midterms. Then debt went down.

Sorry, fruitcake...thems the facts.

Sorry, the debt has never gone down in modern history.

True only BJ Bill paid down the public debt by almost $500 billion though cupcake :banana:

Bill didn't do that--the Republican Congress did. Congress is in charge of our spending---not the President.
You advocating slavery then cupcake?

Slavery? Like involuntary servitude?


Like that, Brown Shirt?

Equating laws against bigotry with slavery. My don't we love to play victim. They were being paid and paid well to bake that cake.

If you want the privilege of operating a business serving the public, you don't get to say that you won't serve law abiding customers because you don't like their kind.

You mean like the cabbies in NYC who refuse to pickup customers with animals including seeing eye dogs because it's against their Muslim religion?
And why Obama dug it twice as deep.



Funny....your chart has nothing about the debt.

Here you go.....


And that was just for half his term.



And Pelosi, Reid, and Obama just kept on spending.

Thanks for sharing.

Care to give those laws they passed that created the debt like Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies 2001-2009 did cupcake? You know TWO UNFUNDED tax cuts, TWO UNFUNDED WARS, UNFUNDED MEDICARE expansion that CBO said cost as much as Obamacares does 2013-2020, but Obamnacares was 100+ funded!

Unfortunately cupcake, policy and consequences (like Dubya cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble) don't end the day the next guy enters office :)

FOS as usual. Here, from one of your own Commie sites, Politifact:

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?
I don't give a happy flip about the "mom". I just want those kids to believe they can do anything. I want them to believe they can RISE UP. I want them well fed, well educated, and with access to adequate health care because I know all those things are investments in THEIR FUTURE that will pay dividends in the form of higher earnings and greater tax receipts.
I'm trying to catch up as fast as I can...
there are so many posts I'm dying to reply to,
and didn't know where to begin...until ^

Now, it all makes perfect sense.
Obviously, you reside in the land of Oz!

So, tell me....
will the wizard be getting back to you anytime soon,
about that brain you're in desperate need of?

As much as I'm dying to properly respond,
it'll have to wait until later tonight

Well, when you do "properly respond" make sure you tell me what is wrong with the statement of mine that you quoted. Do well fed children perform better in school? Do healthy children perform better in school? And do better educated children turn into more productive, higher taxpaying adults?

I don't know that they do or don't. To my knowledge, no study has been done on that. But no matter if they do or don't, how is well fed, better educated and more productive taxpaying adults my responsibility?

Ray, there are endless studies on nutrition and health, nutrition and brain growth, nutrition and attention span.

If you want healthier, more productive employees for your working life and care givers for your retirement you have a vested interest in all of the above.
Ray, there are endless studies on nutrition and health, nutrition and brain growth, nutrition and attention span.

If you want healthier, more productive employees for your working life and care givers for your retirement you have a vested interest in all of the above
Food stamps guarantee your food is paid for,
not that you'll eat healthier, nutritious food/meals!
using funny money is still more expensive than using legal tender for all debts, public and private; the reserve labor pool should have recourse to unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed, to ensure readiness for labor market participation.
Funny....your chart has nothing about the debt.

Here you go.....


And that was just for half his term.

The Nazicrat is blatantly lying anyway. Obama ran the highest peace time deficits in American history.


Only the world wars out paced the Obama spend fest.

Care to point to what blew up spending under Obama buttercup? You know laws/.bills?

Hint after BJ Bill got US back to 19.6%-20% of GDP where Carter had US in revenues, and the same on spending (thanks to Dems 1993 omnibus bill not a single GOPer voted for), Clinton vetoed the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut.

THEN Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies took over and they took US to 2 UNFUNDED wars, gave US 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, passed a Medicare expansion CBO said cost as much as Obamacares 2013-2020, but without a single penny of new funding WHILE cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble because they had less than 1% growth a year without home owners using their homes as ATM's under those Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies

Dubya/GOP GUTTED revenues to 14.6% of GDP in revenues WHILE EXPLODING spending to nearly 24% of GDP. Hint that's cutting 25% off revenues AS they blew up spending 20% cupcake


Obama ran out his Porkulus giveaway to public employee unions and well connected looters.

But that doesn't change the fact that you were blatantly lying.

I get it, you just cut and paste from the hate sites and don't actually understand the idiocy you post. When busted for lying, you just cut and pasted some other shit from the hate sites.

IF you meant after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies why was there a NEED for a $787 billion stimulus, which had 40% tax cuts to TRY to get a few GOP votes? :)

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked

“The stimulus worked” is the overwhelming conclusion of a panel of elite economists surveyed as part of the University of Chicago’s IGM Economic Experts Panel. The survey asked whether the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was lower than it would have been because of the U.S. government’s 2009 fiscal stimulus act. Out of the 37 panelists who responded, 36 agreed, an even better response than an identical 2012 survey.

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked | Moody's Analytics Economy.com

Sorry cupcake, I'm not a right winger, no need to lie :dance:

The left, already outflanked that propaganda and rhetoric; you need to "work hard" and come up with a better, First World excuse, right wingers.

America has 5.8 million job openings
I hope this makes you feel better.

But somehow, I don't think the recordbooks are going to rewrite themselves.

Clinton and Obama both got spanked and spanked bad in their first mid-terms.

As to being the popular party....this isn't about being popular...it's about winning.

Suck on it, fruitcake.

If by being spanked bad means the US voters are easily duped after the Dems bring fiscal sanity into the picture, true :)


Sure...fruitcake....does not fit your narrative....blame it on the voters.

But those are the same stupid voters that put these two in office.

Must suck to live in an alternate reality.

Sorry Cupcake you don't understand what midterms are vs Prez elections :(

I know that following the election of both these guys....the GOP bullrushed the midterms. Then debt went down.

Sorry, fruitcake...thems the facts.

Sure cupcake, got the bills they passed that created that downturn in debt cupcake?? :banana:

After you produce all the bills that support your claim Obama somehow had something to do with improvement.

But, you keep moving those goalposts.

Like anyone on the left, you want all the credit with no questions asked.

Sorry fruitcake.....you live by your own standards.


Funny....your chart has nothing about the debt.

Here you go.....


And that was just for half his term.

The Nazicrat is blatantly lying anyway. Obama ran the highest peace time deficits in American history.


Only the world wars out paced the Obama spend fest.

Care to point to what blew up spending under Obama buttercup? You know laws/.bills?

Hint after BJ Bill got US back to 19.6%-20% of GDP where Carter had US in revenues, and the same on spending (thanks to Dems 1993 omnibus bill not a single GOPer voted for), Clinton vetoed the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut.

THEN Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies took over and they took US to 2 UNFUNDED wars, gave US 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts, passed a Medicare expansion CBO said cost as much as Obamacares 2013-2020, but without a single penny of new funding WHILE cheering on the Banksters subprime bubble because they had less than 1% growth a year without home owners using their homes as ATM's under those Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies

Dubya/GOP GUTTED revenues to 14.6% of GDP in revenues WHILE EXPLODING spending to nearly 24% of GDP. Hint that's cutting 25% off revenues AS they blew up spending 20% cupcake


Obama ran out his Porkulus giveaway to public employee unions and well connected looters.

But that doesn't change the fact that you were blatantly lying.

I get it, you just cut and paste from the hate sites and don't actually understand the idiocy you post. When busted for lying, you just cut and pasted some other shit from the hate sites.

IF you meant after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies why was there a NEED for a $787 billion stimulus, which had 40% tax cuts to TRY to get a few GOP votes? :)

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked

“The stimulus worked” is the overwhelming conclusion of a panel of elite economists surveyed as part of the University of Chicago’s IGM Economic Experts Panel. The survey asked whether the unemployment rate at the end of 2010 was lower than it would have been because of the U.S. government’s 2009 fiscal stimulus act. Out of the 37 panelists who responded, 36 agreed, an even better response than an identical 2012 survey.

Economists Agree: The Stimulus Worked | Moody's Analytics Economy.com

Sorry cupcake, I'm not a right winger, no need to lie :dance:

University of Chicago....


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