Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists?

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?
The bulk of them make their livings playing pretend...So it only follows that this would bleed over into their "real" lives.
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?
Its all perspective. To you they look like far leftists because you are a retarded ultra right wing idiot. In reality most entertainers are liberal to left conservative.
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?
Because they're SO fucking stupid? Leftism and Stupidity DO run hand in hand. And I hope you and kidlet #6 are doing well, Lucy.
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?

Like the news media, it's an enclosed social bubble. They only mix with their own.
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?

Like the news media, it's an enclosed social bubble. They only mix with their own.

It's also guilt over their station. They have been convinced that lefty causes are "justice" and "caring".

They are asked to be the face of the movement, and they agree.
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?
The bulk of them make their livings playing pretend...So it only follows that this would bleed over into their "real" lives.

Considering they make a nice living financially and considering the Far Left want to Redistribute The Wealth then why are they actively being Turkey's supporting Christmas? It makes no sense on any level.
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?
The bulk of them make their livings playing pretend...So it only follows that this would bleed over into their "real" lives.

Considering they make a nice living financially and considering the Far Left want to Redistribute The Wealth then why are they actively being Turkey's supporting Christmas? It makes no sense on any level.
It comes easy to them, so I can see where they might be fool enough to believe it comes easily to others who have made it....Probably a healthy dose of guilt mixed with virtue signaling mixed in there.
The answer is simple.
Most of the owners, producers, directors, and actors, are Jews. ... :cool:

It's even affecting the Independent Scene though where most of the owners, producers and directors are NOT Jews, it's like this poison has inflicted them all for reasons that are not clear to any logical analysis.
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?
Because they're SO fucking stupid? Leftism and Stupidity DO run hand in hand. And I hope you and kidlet #6 are doing well, Lucy.

We are doing well, about an hour of sleep a night though again *Sigh*
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?
Its all perspective. To you they look like far leftists because you are a retarded ultra right wing idiot. In reality most entertainers are liberal to left conservative.

No they are literal Far Leftists, I read ZERO that could be considered Conservative from ANY of them and when one does post Conservative like for eg. James Woods they gang up on them like the rabid pack animals they are.
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?
Its all perspective. To you they look like far leftists because you are a retarded ultra right wing idiot. In reality most entertainers are liberal to left conservative.
Like all Americans they have a right to an opinion. But they are given a soapbox because they are known to the general public. Free propaganda for their views. And it is endless. People are easily swayed in our nation now with the education system ruled by propagandists who have infected major swaths of our population with craziness that has driven people crazy and violent.
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?
The bulk of them make their livings playing pretend...So it only follows that this would bleed over into their "real" lives.

Considering they make a nice living financially and considering the Far Left want to Redistribute The Wealth then why are they actively being Turkey's supporting Christmas? It makes no sense on any level.

They think the marxists will go after other people's money and property, and leave theirs alone.
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?
Its all perspective. To you they look like far leftists because you are a retarded ultra right wing idiot. In reality most entertainers are liberal to left conservative.
Like all Americans they have a right to an opinion. But they are given a soapbox because they are known to the general public. Free propaganda for their views. And it is endless. People are easily swayed in our nation now with the education system ruled by propagandists who have infected major swaths of our population with craziness that has driven people crazy and violent.
I agree people are easily swayed. Thats why a reality TV host was voted in as POTUS. He then advanced propaganda to heights no one ever expected anyone with common sense to believe.
Why are so many in the Entertainment industry Far Leftists? I mean they are not even regular normal Left-Wing, they are certainly NOT in ANY way shape or form Liberal, they are totally Far Left Neo-Marxist Moonbats. We see this illustrated on a daily basis by the INSANE Tweets that the Hollyweird Crowd and the Music Crowd throw up.

Decades ago they were mainly Mainstream Left or even Mainstream Liberal - there IS a difference - but now they are absolutely demented to the point they have lost ALL basic reason.

Why does Far Leftism effect the Entertainment industry to a degree that seems even MORE EXTREME than any other industry?
Its all perspective. To you they look like far leftists because you are a retarded ultra right wing idiot. In reality most entertainers are liberal to left conservative.
Like all Americans they have a right to an opinion. But they are given a soapbox because they are known to the general public. Free propaganda for their views. And it is endless. People are easily swayed in our nation now with the education system ruled by propagandists who have infected major swaths of our population with craziness that has driven people crazy and violent.

Yes but they don't want ANYONE being allowed to have an opinion that is NOT the same as THEIR opinion and that's the problem, it's either you support The Far Left Agenda or else, they are VIOLENTLY intolerant of anyone who is not demented like they are, they are closed down to any discussion of anything that is outside their Radicalism.

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