Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

Why have more people died?
A. A longer time period

B. Refusal of people like you to vaccinate

C. Delta

D. Omicron
A longer time period? Did you seriously just claim that? Explain your rationale, Lesh! How is that fewer people died under Trump when for the early part of the pandemic we didn't HAVE vaccines...we didn't HAVE enough ventilators...and we had a more virulent strain of Covid! We also had idiots like Andrew Cuomo putting Covid infected patients back into nursing homes! Donald Trump had to deal with ALL of that plus a Main Stream Media who did everything they could to paint HIM as the bad guy...and yet he managed to get those vaccines made...those ventilators built and those field hospitals erected! What the hell has Joe Biden done? He can't fix the supply chain problem. He couldn't provide enough testing materials. He totally dropped the ball on both the Delta and the Omicron variants...seeming not to know they'd be coming.

Joe Biden better at Covid than Donald Trump? That's a joke...
A longer time period? Did you seriously just claim that? Explain your rationale, Lesh!
Trump was Prez for only the first 10 months of the pandemic. Biden has been Prez for 15. Do the math retard
How is that fewer people died under Trump when for the early part of the pandemic we didn't HAVE vaccines
Most of the people who have died during the Biden Admin REFUSED to vaccinate.

There was also the more contagious Delta and Omicron
Trump was Prez for only the first 10 months of the pandemic. Biden has been Prez for 15. Do the math retard

Most of the people who have died during the Biden Admin REFUSED to vaccinate.

There was also the more contagious Delta and Omicron

I'll let someone do it for me, Lesh! Omicron was more contagious...it wasn't even CLOSE to being as deadly! You're clueless...it's becoming a habit with you.
You think it was 20 yr olds dying in NY?

DiSantis was a Deathsaster
You on the left TRIED to paint DeSantis as DeathSantis and Cuomo as Saint Andrew, Lesh! Then it came out that Cuomo was killing helpless seniors and hiding it so he could sell books. More egg on your face. But what else is new?
Good points.
If anything, I would say Clinton was guilty of inflating the bubble and the recession happened much later as the real estate market dropped due to the inability of people to refinance ARM balloon payments based on the British LIBOR.
And yes, Bush was warned about 9/11 ahead of time, knew about Bora Bora but attacked Saddam instead, etc.
My impression of you went up a few notches.
If that’s true, for 8 years after the Clinton admin, Bush was too incompetent to correct his mistakes, even in the years he had full control of congress. Bush and his cronies are 100% responsible for 911, his recession and the huge debt incurred from his unfounded war in Iraq and the resulting years of dealing with the additional terrorism that evolve from his incompetent administration. Trump has sought and succeeded in increasing the level of incompetence. He makes Bush look like Abraham Lincoln
There is a valid strategy with masks and social distancing, but that ONLY works if you are doing full quarantine, lock down, and contact tracing, like we did for Ebola.
No logic. The diseases are totally different.
I am aware, and there was a major recession at the end of the Clinton years. I don't care about Bush jr.
Clinton slashed military spending and many FBI and CIA agents retired because they feared that they were vulnerable while in the field. If you watched TV, many of them were telling their story.
Clinton balanced the budget at the expense of the military.
Hilarious……”many” say this ? Like whom ? Sounds like a Trumpism….” People are saying”…..BS with no evidence is just BS.
Haven't you been paying attention, Lesh? EVERYONE is leaving New York and most of them are moving to...drum roll please...Florida and Texas! You keep getting dumber with each subsequent post!

Haven't seen anyone moving out.

Clearly "everyone" is bullshit
The epidemic SHOULD have been "downplayed" by everyone.
It was not of significant lethality.
It is no more lethal than flu, ON A MONTHLY BASIS.
So why was covid a greater total?
Because when you deliberately "flatten the curve" you prevent the normal ending from herd immunity, and it will go on then FOREVER!
I think a million dead in the United States alone is significant. Maybe you didn't lose anyone,maybe you were one of the few lucky ones who didn't lose someone to the pandemic or maybe you just want to ignore the facts. I don't know and I don't care. The government has the authority to issue mandates to protect the public safety. That is one of the duties of our government.
I think a million dead in the United States alone is significant. Maybe you didn't lose anyone,maybe you were one of the few lucky ones who didn't lose someone to the pandemic or maybe you just want to ignore the facts. I don't know and I don't care. The government has the authority to issue mandates to protect the public safety. That is one of the duties of our government.
Freedom days NO. Anyone who says different can kiss my ass,.....fitting symbol of the DNC
I think a million dead in the United States alone is significant. Maybe you didn't lose anyone,maybe you were one of the few lucky ones who didn't lose someone to the pandemic or maybe you just want to ignore the facts. I don't know and I don't care. The government has the authority to issue mandates to protect the public safety. That is one of the duties of our government.
Maybe they should ban abortion then, eh? Sixty million murdered souls in fifty years is quite the record, don't you agree?

Haven't seen anyone moving out.

Clearly "everyone" is bullshit
Everyone with the means to move out are going. The only people that are going to be left in the cesspool by the time this is done will be the poor and homeless. The quality of life in New York City sucks! You're taking your life in your hands riding the subway. You keep right on deluding yourself, Lesh!

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