Why are the Dem elites shunning Amy Klobuchar?


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
I must say, relative to the other candidates for Dem nominee, Amy has quite a good resume. She is good at debating. She is highly intelligent. She is a popular Senator from a state Trump carried.

Clearly, the DNC really doesn't like/trust Klobuchar. She is getting no money or support from them...


The DNC elites love "low IQ" Biden, Hate Hoax Harris, but apparently not Klobuchar.

Do the Dems really want to win?

I mean, seriously, Klobuchar would be a formidable opponent, and Trump would risk furthering the "gender gap" if he got too "Howard Stern-ish" with Amy.

Biden and HHH guarantee the GOP takes the House too....

Just saying...

Remember what happened in 2016.... the DNC disenfranchised the entire state of Iowa.... and the GOP swept the WH, Senate and House....

Is Amy not into Zionist warmongering? We know Biden is. Looking at who backs Hate Hoax Harris, it is clear she is ready to sell out the US military too...

I wonder what Jesse Ventura has to say...

Do any Democrats notice this??
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Is the DNC giving any of the candidates money? If so I'd like a link.
The DNC hypes some and shuns others.

Last time, it hyped Hillary and shunned Bernie.

How did that work for the Dems in 2016?

Were you happy the DNC did that in 2016?

Are they doing it again?

Should the result be any different if they are?
The DNC hypes some and shuns others.

Last time, it hyped Hillary and shunned Bernie.

How did that work for the Dems in 2016?

Were you happy the DNC did that in 2016?

Are they doing it again?

Should the result be any different if they are?

Once again I must ask since you made it the point of your post, how much money have candidates received from the DNC so far?

And specifically how has the DNC promoted one candidate over the other this year? Really looking forward to the dodge we both know is coming.
Tom Perez is suppose to be the guy to clean up the DNC. I won’t hold my breath.
You say that and it just shows how little you understand what goes on...

AIPAC doesn't give out money either. But its members do... in fact, that will kill the candidacy of Pocahontas for suggesting she might kick Israel out of Gaza...

The DNC is not supportive of Klobuchar. It is supportive of Biden and HHH....

Klobuchar has 130k donors, and they are not the big "Jeff Epstein" caliber donors either....

Klobuchar isn't dropping out. As Biden gaffs and exposes himself as a complete jackass....
You must have passed out after Trump didn't drain the swamp so I understand.

Au contraire....

OUT are

Paul Ryan
Jeff Sessions
Rod the Mossad Rosenstein

Jeff Epstein was above Federal Law from 1992 to 2018....

and then he wasn't.

Do you think Hillary's DOJ would have prosecuted Jeff Epstein?

The Dimm elite are only not shunning Biden, Warren, and Harris.

It doesn’t seem like they want anyone else to win.

We will see how the DNC rigs the primaries to know who the Dimm Illuminati want to win.
My hypocrisy??

Sorry, I haven't exactly hyped Trump here. I am a Libertarian. I want the US to run a budget surplus...

and I am not a supporter of Zionism....

One day, you might wake up and actually read posts here....
She was never going to win. She was at or near 100% name recognition, primarily from claiming to be that which she isn't....

Rachel Dolezal eat your heart out!!!!!!!!!!
I must say, relative to the other candidates for Dem nominee, Amy has quite a good resume. She is good at debating. She is highly intelligent. She is a popular Senator from a state Trump carried.

Clearly, the DNC really doesn't like/trust Klobuchar. She is getting no money or support from them...


The DNC elites love "low IQ" Biden, Hate Hoax Harris, but apparently not Klobuchar.

Do the Dems really want to win?

I mean, seriously, Klobuchar would be a formidable opponent, and Trump would risk furthering the "gender gap" if he got too "Howard Stern-ish" with Amy.

Biden and HHH guarantee the GOP takes the House too....

Just saying...

Remember what happened in 2016.... the DNC disenfranchised the entire state of Iowa.... and the GOP swept the WH, Senate and House....

Is Amy not into Zionist warmongering? We know Biden is. Looking at who backs Hate Hoax Harris, it is clear she is ready to sell out the US military too...

I wonder what Jesse Ventura has to say...

Do any Democrats notice this??

No Democrat can ever be considered "intelligent". Not with the destructive and dishonest agenda that comes with the label of being a Democrat.

Like all Democrats she is dumber than a door knob and afflicted with the mental health illness known as TDS.
I think Bill Clinton was smarter in 1992 that Biden is now.... a lot smarter...

Crooks can be highly intelligent....

Relative to the rest of the Dem field, who is smarter than Amy?

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