Why are the D's trying to turn Sessions who is a dobbleganger to the Keebler elf into 007?

They want to crucify the closest people to Trump that they can. They couldn't take him out and his speech to congress made them poop their diapers. Sessions was an early supporter, the only senator and a close and trusted advisor.

The libs are too stupid to understand he was asked a question as a member of the campaign. He had no contact with the Ruskies regarding that. But did as a committee member investigating the golden shower fake story.
Good grief! A good and decent man is being demonized for what? Revenge for being on the winning Trump team?

Anyone have an idea?

Dems have had a huge victory with Flynn. They think they can destroy Trump's administration members one after another. Hopefully, Dems will have their a*ses kicked this time.

The GOP elite, the Democrats and mainstream media couldn’t stop Donald Trump from becoming president, so now they have a coup, says lawyer and filmmaker Mike Cernovich. Michael Flynn’s resignation is a huge victory for them, he adds.
'Michael Flynn’s resignation - US establishment coup’
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The libs are too stupid to understand he was asked a question as a member of the campaign. He had no contact with the Ruskies regarding that. But did as a committee member investigating the golden shower fake story.

Weasel words...
They want to crucify the closest people to Trump that they can. They couldn't take him out and his speech to congress made them poop their diapers. Sessions was an early supporter, the only senator and a close and trusted advisor.

The libs are too stupid to understand he was asked a question as a member of the campaign. He had no contact with the Ruskies regarding that. But did as a committee member investigating the golden shower fake story.
You're ok with lying under oath.
Good grief! A good and decent man is being demonized for what? Revenge for being on the winning Trump team?

Anyone have an idea?

In '72, AG Richard G. Kleindienst was forced to resign and was criminally charged for lying about lesser matters in his confirmation hearing.
Unbelievable. He didn't lie under oath and the Justice Department cleared him of any wrong doing.

Man was just doing his day job as a Senator and as a Senior Member of the Armed Services.

You left wing whackos are so bent out of joint it's hysterical. Try decaff.

Unbelievable. He didn't lie under oath and the Justice Department cleared him of any wrong doing.

Man was just doing his day job as a Senator and as a Senior Member of the Armed Services.

You left wing whackos are so bent out of joint it's hysterical. Try decaff.

He was very clearly asked about any contact with the Russians...he said no. Maybe you can point out the "except for....." part of either the question or his answer.
The libs are too stupid to understand he was asked a question as a member of the campaign. He had no contact with the Ruskies regarding that. But did as a committee member investigating the golden shower fake story.

Weasel words...
LOL. He was asked as a campaign member if he talked to them. Listen to the tape again. He went on to say he couldn't talk about the other. Listen to the tape again. And again. And again. Until you understand the simple words.
Good grief! A good and decent man is being demonized for what? Revenge for being on the winning Trump team?

Anyone have an idea?

To distract from Trump's speech.

The fascist democrats are DESPERATE to change the subject to an attack on Trump. Their hope for power and the totalitarian dictatorship they dream of depends on it.
If Session's lied to protect the President it is not really a lie because......because......because it just isn't.

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