Why Are The Iranians Not Paying This?

They should pay, as soon as America pays damages for the CIA removal of the elected government, years of crippling sanctions and compensation for various acts of war such as invasions into Iranian airspace by US drones, invasion of US waters by American military vessels, and a final admission of guilt over the shooting down of an Iranian civilian airliner by a US warship and its captain extradited to Iran to face murder charges.
The US had frozen billions of dollars of iranian assets, including office buildings in manhattan owned by iran through shell companies.

A real president would have confiscated these assets, and distributed them to those who have sued iran for terrorism and the embassy hostage crisis, and won judgements, but sadly, we do not have a real president; we have a fake empty suit POS who cannot appease the iranians enough. Just look at the iran visa issue in the news today.

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