Why Are The Media More Interest In Trump Tweets Than Epstein Facts?

Was Epstein's death connected to protecting Bill Clinton?

  • Obviously, yes. More investigation is needed.

    Votes: 11 64.7%
  • No. Just one more fringe kook theory.

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • I don't Know

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • The Russians did it to protect Trump.

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Could care less. Just bury the guy and walk away.

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters
There are no laws in this country against consensual sex with a 22 year old.
True, and laws governing sexual harassment in the work place? A married man twice her age and POTUS abusing an intern in a hallway off the oval office in the United States White House? Why didn't Dem's the champions of women's rights tar and feather the creep?
Because Monica Lewinsky had ample opportunity to tell us that she was a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace; she said she was a willing participant. If you want to argue "Stockholm Syndrome," go for it. Not much evidence of it.

What you people are pointing out is, in fact, a good round lecture to use against Bill Clinton for (1) cheating on his wife and (2) "taking advantage" of the fact that a young intern is attracted to his power (and apparently his charm). That's all this thread is about, so far as I can tell, even though he's been out of office for a couple decades and did get impeached for it and lost his law license over it. So you want to tell him how naughty he was? Go for it. What are you accomplishing?

You want to know how I felt about it at the time? The guy is a pig. Guess what? That applies to a whole lot of men out there, in work situations and outside them. There ain't enough tar and feathers to get them all. I was disgusted then and I still am, but to be honest, I would have been just fine not ever knowing about it. It was NOT illegal and it was and is a common occurrence, and it was her free choice.

More proof just how phony Democrats are. Dem's say one thing and do another. Weinstein darling Dem supporter abused women for decades while Dem leaders looked the other way. Hollywood darling of the Dem party abused girls and boys and women for decades and it was total crickets from Dem's.
Workplace sexual harassment is not political, actually. It is engaged in by people of all stripes. You folks who view the entire world and everything that happens in it as a binary political issue are warping your views and you sound a little stupid, to be honest.

Oh here we go with the 'everybody does it' excuse. Your side claims to be the champion of women's rights and their protector. Obviously that's a big fat lie. :eusa_hand:
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

Right. OK then. Let's get a CEO of a company to cajole a junior staff assistant into his office behind closed doors through the corrupt use of his position of power to get blow jobs off of her and other things and see if the man isn't forced to resign and charged with sexual assault.
So, post up Bill's conviction for this.
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....
Clinton RAPED Lewinsky--per the laws
There are no laws in this country against consensual sex with a 22 year old.
There is when before the 1992 election amongst many allegations a Presidential candidate gets national TV time to talk about them and answer as only he could and then as President go in the direction of the allegations. He knew the deal. You will be President...clean up the act.
Monica Lewinsky said yes.
Interesting view. The most powerful man on the planet tells you a very young unpaid female clerk that he wants you in the Oval Office for sex and SHE DOESN'T TELL HIM TO GO GET STUFFED? Hmm interesting. Is that why:

In 1997:
Monica Lewinsky tells Linda Tripp over the phone, "See, my mom's big fear is that he's going to send somebody out to kill me."

In 1998:
Linda Tripp is sequestered in an FBI safe house because of threats against her life.
Monica Lewinsky tells Linda Tripp that if she would lie under oath, "I would write you a check. " Also: "I mean, telling the truth could get you in trouble. I don't know why you'd want to do that." Also: "I would not cross these -- these people -- for fear of my life." Several reports have Lewinsky saying on another occasion that she didn't want to end up like former White House intern Mary Caitrin Mahoney, killed in the Starbucks execution-style murders.

Yep. Sure sounds like just another any ol' date to me.
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....
Clinton RAPED Lewinsky--per the laws

Only if she were coerced into it, but there isn't much support for that, while there is good support to having Lewinski forcing herself onto him. In the book The Truth About Hillary (I have the book), there was a lot of effort by the white house staff to keep Monica AWAY from the President, this includes Hillary herself who tried to keep her out of the White House. Monica was finally banished to the Pentagon in April 1996, but it was too late.

Then we have this from Monica herself:

Daily Mail

Monica Lewinsky reveals she exposed her thong to get Bill Clinton's attention before their first White House hook-up, which became a weekly occurrence

  • Monica Lewinsky shares new details about her first intimate encounter with Bill Clinton in the new docuseries The Clinton Affair
  • It happened during the government shutdown, with leweinsky saying she flaunted her exposed thing in front of Clinton to get his attention
  • Shortly after she was beckoned into Clinton's office and the two kissed after she told him she had a 'crush' on him
  • Lewinsky left and was called back later so the two could be more intimate, in what was the start of an almost two-year relationship
She was an UNPAID intern at the time they were snogging and more. It is clear Monica helped make this happen with her dumb decisions.

Clinton was convicted for LYING under oath, which is after the fact of his dumb sexual relationship with Lewinski.
& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....
Clinton RAPED Lewinsky--per the laws
There are no laws in this country against consensual sex with a 22 year old.
hahahahahh--you fked up!!!!
you did not read my post----and/or carefully
it is NOT consensual--position of power/authority
Legal Role of Consent | RAINN
When Consent to Sexual Activities Is Not Valid
My god you're confused.
Go ask any cop if you can have your 22 year old sister's older boss arrested for having an affair with her.
Go ahead.
.....why do you think Bill Cosby is in jail? the women ADMITTED to freely taking pills and having sex with him!! and they were over 18---and he's in jail
They didn't agree to being drugged unconscious.
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....

Yeah, Monica at 18 was his contemporary...


Playtex, you may be a hack, but you're dumb as ALL fuck...
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.
You mean the Lolita Express flew downhill 26 time with Clinton and the young girls? Why do you continue to defend him when you convicted Kavanaugh with NO FLIGHT LOGS
I find the timing quite suspicious. And it is sketchy how the media are reporting it. IMO

Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.
You mean the Lolita Express flew downhill 26 time with Clinton and the young girls? Why do you continue to defend him when you convicted Kavanaugh with NO FLIGHT LOGS
Because he is USA hating filth.
You boys need a room?
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

Right. OK then. Let's get a CEO of a company to cajole a junior staff assistant into his office behind closed doors through the corrupt use of his position of power to get blow jobs off of her and other things and see if the man isn't forced to resign and charged with sexual assault.
So, post up Bill's conviction for this.

Look jackass, why do you always insist on being an ass? We both know Clintons conviction was his impeachment, he was a sitting president and as Mueller just recently famously said, you don't charge sitting presidents with crimes. And beyond the LEGAL use of the word 'convicted,' the word also means successfully proven, and we have the stained blue dress for that, Bill's confession and tons of other stuff.
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....

Is that why there is a case so big against Clinton on the matter that it got a "Gate" name for it?

Troopergate (Bill Clinton) - Wikipedia

EXCLUSIVE - Troopergate Returns: Bill Clinton’s Alleged Misuse of State Guards to Handle His Sexual Targets | Breitbart

How a Democrat pedophile became a 'Trump scandal' - WND - WND
Lol, are you really citing WingNut Daily and Brieghtbart as sources?
All of those questions about how he died are being investigated by Barr. He's seriously pissed. We will know, but if Epstein's death was not by his own hand and Barr finds the froggy and is about to indict, it might be a little while before we hear about it.

If Bill Barr finds evidence of who paid for the hit on Epstein, he won't live long enough to present it. Barr will have a heart attack, or be killed in a car accident. Barr knows this all too well, he will never reveal anything.
There are no laws in this country against consensual sex with a 22 year old.
True, and laws governing sexual harassment in the work place? A married man twice her age and POTUS abusing an intern in a hallway off the oval office in the United States White House? Why didn't Dem's the champions of women's rights tar and feather the creep?
Because Monica Lewinsky had ample opportunity to tell us that she was a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace; she said she was a willing participant. If you want to argue "Stockholm Syndrome," go for it. Not much evidence of it.

What you people are pointing out is, in fact, a good round lecture to use against Bill Clinton for (1) cheating on his wife and (2) "taking advantage" of the fact that a young intern is attracted to his power (and apparently his charm). That's all this thread is about, so far as I can tell, even though he's been out of office for a couple decades and did get impeached for it and lost his law license over it. So you want to tell him how naughty he was? Go for it. What are you accomplishing?

You want to know how I felt about it at the time? The guy is a pig. Guess what? That applies to a whole lot of men out there, in work situations and outside them. There ain't enough tar and feathers to get them all. I was disgusted then and I still am, but to be honest, I would have been just fine not ever knowing about it. It was NOT illegal and it was and is a common occurrence, and it was her free choice.

More proof just how phony Democrats are. Dem's say one thing and do another. Weinstein darling Dem supporter abused women for decades while Dem leaders looked the other way. Hollywood darling of the Dem party abused girls and boys and women for decades and it was total crickets from Dem's.
Workplace sexual harassment is not political, actually. It is engaged in by people of all stripes. You folks who view the entire world and everything that happens in it as a binary political issue are warping your views and you sound a little stupid, to be honest.

Oh here we go with the 'everybody does it' excuse. Your side claims to be the champion of women's rights and their protector. Obviously that's a big fat lie. :eusa_hand:
I AM championing her rights! If she wants to be a fool and play around with Bill Clinton, that is her right.
All of those questions about how he died are being investigated by Barr. He's seriously pissed. We will know, but if Epstein's death was not by his own hand and Barr finds the froggy and is about to indict, it might be a little while before we hear about it.

If Bill Barr finds evidence of who paid for the hit on Epstein, he won't live long enough to present it. Barr will have a heart attack, or be killed in a car accident. Barr knows this all too well, he will never reveal anything.
I never thought of that. This makes it easy for the folks who are just going to imagine who did it, doesn't it? No one can report the truth so they can simply accuse whomever they wish.
Did I get that right?
All of those questions about how he died are being investigated by Barr. He's seriously pissed. We will know, but if Epstein's death was not by his own hand and Barr finds the froggy and is about to indict, it might be a little while before we hear about it.

If Bill Barr finds evidence of who paid for the hit on Epstein, he won't live long enough to present it. Barr will have a heart attack, or be killed in a car accident. Barr knows this all too well, he will never reveal anything.
I never thought of that. This makes it easy for the folks who are just going to imagine who did it, doesn't it? No one can report the truth so they can simply accuse whomever they wish.
Did I get that right?

We all know who did this, even you. It is the same cabal that ensures Andrew McCabe is not prosecuted for treason, despite BRAGGING about committing treason. The same ones who ensure that Hillary was never prosecuted. These are the shadow government, the deep state. Anyone who crosses them is dead.
Clinton RAPED Lewinsky--per the laws
There are no laws in this country against consensual sex with a 22 year old.
hahahahahh--you fked up!!!!
you did not read my post----and/or carefully
it is NOT consensual--position of power/authority
Legal Role of Consent | RAINN
When Consent to Sexual Activities Is Not Valid
My god you're confused.
Go ask any cop if you can have your 22 year old sister's older boss arrested for having an affair with her.
Go ahead.
.....why do you think Bill Cosby is in jail? the women ADMITTED to freely taking pills and having sex with him!! and they were over 18---and he's in jail
They didn't agree to being drugged unconscious.
Constand said she took the pills because she “trusted that they would maybe just help [her] feel a little more relaxed.”
Bill Cosby Accuser Andrea Constand: He Described Pills as 'My Friends'

here --take this pistol , aim at your head and pull the trigger--I promise it's not loaded
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

What about them there pecker tracks, hmmmmm?


Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.
if you look at the laws, it is RAPE if the person is in a position of power
I would say the POTUS is a position of power !!!!
So tRump raped all those women he had affairs with?
wasn't POTUS at the time--DUH
Head of a supposed multi billion dollar company isn't a position of power?
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....

Is that why there is a case so big against Clinton on the matter that it got a "Gate" name for it?

Troopergate (Bill Clinton) - Wikipedia

EXCLUSIVE - Troopergate Returns: Bill Clinton’s Alleged Misuse of State Guards to Handle His Sexual Targets | Breitbart

How a Democrat pedophile became a 'Trump scandal' - WND - WND
Lol, are you really citing WingNut Daily and Brieghtbart as sources?

Yeah, I know, I'm just not smart enough to get all my news from the few good, credible news sources you get all yours from!


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