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Zone1 Why are the non-Christians always trying to force Christians into... whatever?

^^^That's a fact!^^^

I don't mind sharing the Gospel with lost souls, but I NEVER force it, nor would I EVER legislate it. But I'm beginning to wonder if we should fight fire WITH fire. I don't make a very good door mat.
Christians are going to have to get more assertive, that is for sure.
I don't normally see Christians trying to force their religion on others (not speaking of the JWs and others who are not actually Christians)

But you always see atheists, radical leftists, communists trying to FORCE all of society to go along with their "views" or their perversions... like trying to force normies to accept transgendering and faggotry
Force you into what? Gay sex? That's what you are going with? Sure, bud. If that's your excuse, we won't judge. :itsok:
You should study the Founding Fathers. This is explicitly NOT a Christian country. Never was and, hopefully, never will be.
I find that the fundamentalist Christians love to insist this is a Christian nation, when the FF explicitly wanted to avoid that type of thing since they were escaping the Church of England.
I find that the fundamentalist Christians love to insist this is a Christian nation, when the FF explicitly wanted to avoid that type of thing since they were escaping the Church of England.
All but two of the signers were Christians. Only Jefferson and Franklin were deists. But they believed in God, and they were friendly towards Christian morals and the men who preached them. That's a fact.

"The Continental-Confederation Congress, a legislative body that governed the United States from 1774 to 1789, contained an extraordinary number of deeply religious men. The amount of energy that Congress invested in encouraging the practice of religion in the new nation exceeded that expended by any subsequent American national government. Although the Articles of Confederation did not officially authorize Congress to concern itself with religion, the citizenry did not object to such activities. This lack of objection suggests that both the legislators and the public considered it appropriate for the national government to promote a nondenominational, nonpolemical Christianity.

Congress appointed chaplains for itself and the armed forces, sponsored the publication of a Bible, imposed Christian morality on the armed forces, and granted public lands to promote Christianity among the Indians. National days of thanksgiving and of "humiliation, fasting, and prayer" were proclaimed by Congress at least twice a year throughout the war. Congress was guided by "covenant theology," a Reformation doctrine especially dear to New England Puritans, which held that God bound himself in an agreement with a nation and its people. This agreement stipulated that they "should be prosperous or afflicted, according as their general Obedience or Disobedience thereto appears." Wars and revolutions were, accordingly, considered afflictions, as divine punishments for sin, from which a nation could rescue itself by repentance and reformation.

The first national government of the United States, was convinced that the "public prosperity" of a society depended on the vitality of its religion. Nothing less than a "spirit of universal reformation among all ranks and degrees of our citizens," Congress declared to the American people, would "make us a holy, that so we may be a happy people."
I don't normally see Christians trying to force their religion on others (not speaking of the JWs and others who are not actually Christians)
As was noted in another post, the Jehovah's Witnesses and other devout Christian groups go door to door attempting to convert people. I have engaged some of them in extended conversations about faith, religion and belief. And, as you said, they have never been rude. But that is completely trivial compared to the extent in which Christianity has ingrained itself into American culture. Christians, at 67% by self-identification, outnumber all other faiths here put together. For the entire 69 years I've been alive, American culture operates on the assumption that unless announced otherwise, anyone may safely be assumed to be Christian. Non-Christians, in many regards, are effectively second class citizens. A survey I saw just a couple years ago showed that atheists suffered greater disapproval from the general public than did traitors and murderers. This creates a very significant and very effective pressure to conform and join the Christian faith. And this is NOT something I have ever seen from any other faith or from organizations supporting agnosticism or atheism
But you always see atheists, radical leftists, communists trying to FORCE all of society to go along with their "views" or their perversions... like trying to force normies to accept transgendering and faggotry
Do you? I find it interesting the different groups you've lumped together here: atheists, radical leftists and communists all trying to force their view and their perversions onto all of society. Let me step back just a bit. Everyone has "views" and almost everyone enjoys behaviors that other would classify as perversions. I think someone who only has sex with their spouse in the missionary position with the lights out is perverse but I'm certain others believe differently. There really is no distinct, normal set of views. There is a spectrum of views, likely with a Gaussian (bell-curve) distribution. The further someone's views are from yours on that spectrum, the more radical, alien, unreasonable and different they will seem to you. It is such views that grab your attention. We tend not to see the views that align with our own.

Homosexuality and lesbianism has been shown to have a biological cause. About 3% of the population is born this way. It is not a choice these people make. They can no more change it willfully than you could change whichever way your biology sends you. So please stop using the term "faggotry" as it is both exceedingly offensive and advertises an unacceptable bias on your part.

Gender is not binary. It is a spectrum. A small number of babies are misassigned at youth, often as no fault of the doctors. Physical characteristics do not always match internal identity. It is not 'right" to force someone to adopt a gender with which they do not identify.

So, if, as your first sentence shows, you abhor individuals attempting to force their beliefs on others, you might want to think about what YOU are doing when you condemn transgenders and homosexuals. You might want to think about what YOU are doing when you condemn atheists, left wingers and communists for doing almost exactly what everyone else (including you) is doing; believing that they are correct.
All but two of the signers were Christians. Only Jefferson and Franklin were deists. But they believed in God, and they were friendly towards Christian morals and the men who preached them. That's a fact.

"The Continental-Confederation Congress, a legislative body that governed the United States from 1774 to 1789, contained an extraordinary number of deeply religious men. The amount of energy that Congress invested in encouraging the practice of religion in the new nation exceeded that expended by any subsequent American national government. Although the Articles of Confederation did not officially authorize Congress to concern itself with religion, the citizenry did not object to such activities. This lack of objection suggests that both the legislators and the public considered it appropriate for the national government to promote a nondenominational, nonpolemical Christianity.

Congress appointed chaplains for itself and the armed forces, sponsored the publication of a Bible, imposed Christian morality on the armed forces, and granted public lands to promote Christianity among the Indians. National days of thanksgiving and of "humiliation, fasting, and prayer" were proclaimed by Congress at least twice a year throughout the war. Congress was guided by "covenant theology," a Reformation doctrine especially dear to New England Puritans, which held that God bound himself in an agreement with a nation and its people. This agreement stipulated that they "should be prosperous or afflicted, according as their general Obedience or Disobedience thereto appears." Wars and revolutions were, accordingly, considered afflictions, as divine punishments for sin, from which a nation could rescue itself by repentance and reformation.

The first national government of the United States, was convinced that the "public prosperity" of a society depended on the vitality of its religion. Nothing less than a "spirit of universal reformation among all ranks and degrees of our citizens," Congress declared to the American people, would "make us a holy, that so we may be a happy people."
But they all signed on to complete freedom of religion.
All but two of the signers were Christians. Only Jefferson and Franklin were deists. But they believed in God, and they were friendly towards Christian morals and the men who preached them. That's a fact.

"The Continental-Confederation Congress, a legislative body that governed the United States from 1774 to 1789, contained an extraordinary number of deeply religious men. The amount of energy that Congress invested in encouraging the practice of religion in the new nation exceeded that expended by any subsequent American national government. Although the Articles of Confederation did not officially authorize Congress to concern itself with religion, the citizenry did not object to such activities. This lack of objection suggests that both the legislators and the public considered it appropriate for the national government to promote a nondenominational, nonpolemical Christianity.

Congress appointed chaplains for itself and the armed forces, sponsored the publication of a Bible, imposed Christian morality on the armed forces, and granted public lands to promote Christianity among the Indians. National days of thanksgiving and of "humiliation, fasting, and prayer" were proclaimed by Congress at least twice a year throughout the war. Congress was guided by "covenant theology," a Reformation doctrine especially dear to New England Puritans, which held that God bound himself in an agreement with a nation and its people. This agreement stipulated that they "should be prosperous or afflicted, according as their general Obedience or Disobedience thereto appears." Wars and revolutions were, accordingly, considered afflictions, as divine punishments for sin, from which a nation could rescue itself by repentance and reformation.

The first national government of the United States, was convinced that the "public prosperity" of a society depended on the vitality of its religion. Nothing less than a "spirit of universal reformation among all ranks and degrees of our citizens," Congress declared to the American people, would "make us a holy, that so we may be a happy people."
This is true, but it still doesn’t mean this is a Christian nation. It is a nation that expressly prohibits making laws respective of ANY religion - or of none.
This is true, but it still doesn’t mean this is a Christian nation. It is a nation that expressly prohibits making laws respective of ANY religion - or of none.
By no means is it a Christian nation now. That's for sure. It's a satanic nation at this point. But it was founded as a Christian nation.
By no means is it a Christian nation now. That's for sure. It's a satanic nation at this point. But it was founded as a Christian nation.
No, really….it was not. Why else would the FF say that there shall be no laws respecting a religion, or Christian laws in particular? It would be more accurate to say it was founded on Judeo-Christian VALUES.
You should study the Founding Fathers. This is explicitly NOT a Christian country. Never was and, hopefully, never will be.
Except the legal jurisprudence system was adopted from "Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England" to include much of the content of the US Constitution which came from Blackstone's theories on law. All the laws of the 10 commandments are carried over into the N.T. of Jesus Christ, with the exception of 1........Sabbath Worship (Col. 2:16-17)


Question? If this is not a Christian nation...........why do all the 50 states address God in their state constitutions? What do you assume.......THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MEANS? This is a republic, not a pure democracy, as the founders concluded that all democracies of history ended in failure as declared by the Federalist Papers...the companion documents that helped the states ratify the Federal Constitution. Federalist 10 specifically addresses Article 4, Section 4, Clause One, which guarantees "republican" representation at all levels of government.
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No, really….it was not. Why else would the FF say that there shall be no laws respecting a religion, or Christian laws in particular? It would be more accurate to say it was founded on Judeo-Christian VALUES.
If you believe the half-truths you've been taught over the years, then of course you will deny America's Christian roots. But Jefferson's statement concerning the "separation of church and state" had to do with protecting the freedom of religion FROM the state. King George had mandated that the Church of England was the ONLY Christian religion allowed. Our Constitution simply negated that sentiment and allowed freedom of religion.
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Except the legal jurisprudence system was adopted from "Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England" to include much of the content of the US Constitution which came from Blackstone's theories on law.
Didn't see much Christianity there?

All the laws of the 10 commandments are carried over into the N.T. of Jesus Christ, with the exception of 1........Sabbath Worship (Col. 2:16-17)

Question? If this is not a Christian nation...........why do all the 50 states address God in their state constitutions?
Christians don't have a monopoly on God. Sorry.

What do you assume.......THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MEANS? This is a republic, not a pure democracy, as the founders concluded that all democracies of history ended in failure as declared by the Federalist Papers...the companion documents that helped the states ratify the Federal Constitution. Federalist 10 specifically addresses Article 4, Section 4, Clause One, which guarantees "republican" representation at all levels of government.
Not a clue how this relates the topic at hand.
I don't normally see Christians trying to force their religion on others (not speaking of the JWs and others who are not actually Christians)

But you always see atheists, radical leftists, communists trying to FORCE all of society to go along with their "views" or their perversions... like trying to force normies to accept transgendering and faggotry



the desert religions and their books of religion have been at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent - their books are written for that very purpose.
Didn't see much Christianity there?


Christians don't have a monopoly on God. Sorry.

Not a clue how this relates the topic at hand.Much Christianity here? :popcorn: Pretend to be an 'airhead'.........the majority of the 10 commandments are carried forward into the N.T. of Christ Jesus.......which were directly referenced by Blackstone.......who was used to draft a great deal of the US Constitution. Nope......no connection here, its not like the US Constitution ends with the statement, "In the Year of OUR LORD"......whose Lord do you suppose was being referenced? :dunno:

Many will attempt to deflect away form Blackstone's influence of American Law by stating Blackstone was based upon Roman Law..........pretending that Christianity was not the official religion of the Roman Empire.

America and the United States of America are founded based upon "3" documents....."The Declaration of Independence", "The Paris Peace Treaty of 1782", and the US CONSTITUTION.

The "Declaration" contains many direct references to God. Example: Men are endowed by their Creator, with certain Unalienable rights (non-transferrable rights......to the state or to any person). "We hold these truths to be self evident (to everyone except those with a political agenda).........."

More? The laws of nature and of Nature's God. Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the Word. With a firm reliance on the PROTECTION OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE.

The US Constitution? The constitution honors the Christian Sabbath (Sunday) as the President is given 10 days to sign a bill into law.........Sunday is not included in the counting of 10 days. Article 1, Section 7, Clause 2. Sunday is omitted from the 10 days.

And Article 17 contains, the language......."in the year of our Lord."

Again...........all 50 states mention God in their constitutions.

Then we have the "official document" that ended the American Revolution and freed the US from British Law and Taxation, The Paris Peace Treaty of 1782. Which clearly states, When the United States was formerly declared a free and independent nation....begins as such, "Done in the name of the MOST HOLY AND UNDIVIDED TRINITY"...........

What did Jesus Christ declare in Matthew, 28:19? "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost" The DIVINE TRINITY.

And its not like the Federal Armed Forces...........dedicate an entire branch of their military to religion, known as the Chaplin Corp. Or The President does not place his/her hand on a bible to be sworn in........or the federal currency states, "In God We Truth"..............Nope not much to see here......IF YOU ARE BLINDED BY BIGOTRY.

Just for kicks...........the US CONTINENTAL CONGRESS purchased Christian Bibles in order to use as Instruction in our school systems..which were primarily Churches in the beginning. 1777
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I don't normally see Christians trying to force their religion on others (not speaking of the JWs and others who are not actually Christians)

But you always see atheists, radical leftists, communists trying to FORCE all of society to go along with their "views" or their perversions... like trying to force normies to accept transgendering and faggotry
This is a lie.

No one is ‘forcing’ Christians to be or do anything.
As was noted in another post, the Jehovah's Witnesses and other devout Christian groups go door to door attempting to convert people. I have engaged some of them in extended conversations about faith, religion and belief. And, as you said, they have never been rude. But that is completely trivial compared to the extent in which Christianity has ingrained itself into American culture. Christians, at 67% by self-identification, outnumber all other faiths here put together. For the entire 69 years I've been alive, American culture operates on the assumption that unless announced otherwise, anyone may safely be assumed to be Christian. Non-Christians, in many regards, are effectively second class citizens. A survey I saw just a couple years ago showed that atheists suffered greater disapproval from the general public than did traitors and murderers. This creates a very significant and very effective pressure to conform and join the Christian faith. And this is NOT something I have ever seen from any other faith or from organizations supporting agnosticism or atheism

Do you? I find it interesting the different groups you've lumped together here: atheists, radical leftists and communists all trying to force their view and their perversions onto all of society. Let me step back just a bit. Everyone has "views" and almost everyone enjoys behaviors that other would classify as perversions. I think someone who only has sex with their spouse in the missionary position with the lights out is perverse but I'm certain others believe differently. There really is no distinct, normal set of views. There is a spectrum of views, likely with a Gaussian (bell-curve) distribution. The further someone's views are from yours on that spectrum, the more radical, alien, unreasonable and different they will seem to you. It is such views that grab your attention. We tend not to see the views that align with our own.

Homosexuality and lesbianism has been shown to have a biological cause. About 3% of the population is born this way. It is not a choice these people make. They can no more change it willfully than you could change whichever way your biology sends you. So please stop using the term "faggotry" as it is both exceedingly offensive and advertises an unacceptable bias on your part.

Gender is not binary. It is a spectrum. A small number of babies are misassigned at youth, often as no fault of the doctors. Physical characteristics do not always match internal identity. It is not 'right" to force someone to adopt a gender with which they do not identify.

So, if, as your first sentence shows, you abhor individuals attempting to force their beliefs on others, you might want to think about what YOU are doing when you condemn transgenders and homosexuals. You might want to think about what YOU are doing when you condemn atheists, left wingers and communists for doing almost exactly what everyone else (including you) is doing; believing that they are correct.
How can a physician misgender a newborn?

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