Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM?


Wait a minute BLM............he didn't say that...........He said Peaceful protest.......You see this BLM thing has me all confused.........How the left changes History and Praise a Real Hero for the blacks........and misrepresent everything he did........

Imagine that.

If sarcasm escapes you............suggest you walk on by.

Subtle. Like a brick to the head.
Looks like you’re getting called out for being ignorant and stupid in your own thread, Mac1958. :)
By whom?

I like the way you're trying so hard.
Still clueless? lol
Enjoying how easy it is to turn you white nationalists into sobbing drama queens.
That’s funny coming from someone who started a thread to whine about a topic he knows little about.

Sounds like you're to one whining to me.
Dontcha love the way they're so eager to jump in and illustrate my threads for us?

You never have to name names here.
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
/——/ “so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.”
Yeah, like freeing the slaves and getting VRA and CRA passed over objections of democRATs.

You didn't do any of those things. Why are you taking credit for them?
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
..so fighting against injustice is wrong???!!
BLM wants to KILL white people
etc many links

Yes, there definitely some radicals in that group.

BLM is promoting the lies and promoting HATE against whites and cops---
..so hating people of other races is ok with you???!!!

All people should despise racism. No further qualifiers are necessary.
Totally agree..and racist blacks are also part of the problem...the school of thought that says Blacks cannot be racist towards whites is also BS.
That being said..it is not racist blacks who are the immediate problem. Oddly enough, I've not read one account of a black cop killing a white guy and muttering 'fuckin' cracker' while doing it.
so if you murder--and use a racial slur--it's worse?
Not worse...but it defines the motive--and the issue.
again--in 99% of these incidents, race has nothing to do with it.....
..so, what's your story?---which cop used the slur/etc?
...AND here are the facts:
65% of police are white--only 13% are black
and since blacks commit crime at much higher rates, the chances of a black cop killing a white person is extremely low

....blacks are just as racist as whites--if not more
here --more facts:
whites are 5 times the population of blacks--yet:
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514--TEN times the rate

here--a black murders whites because of race:

..also--what about TORTURING---a SPECIAL NEEDS white person!!!!!???!!!!!
because of RACE!!!!
''''"*F*ck Donald Trump!" one attacker shouted in the video. "F*ck white people!"''''
Looks like you’re getting called out for being ignorant and stupid in your own thread, Mac1958. :)
By whom?

I like the way you're trying so hard.
Still clueless? lol
Enjoying how easy it is to turn you white nationalists into sobbing drama queens.
That’s funny coming from someone who started a thread to whine about a topic he knows little about.

Sounds like you're to one whining to me.
Dontcha love the way they're so eager to jump in and illustrate my threads for us?

You never have to name names here.

The Cult45 is never honest. It's just a fact of life.

Wait a minute BLM............he didn't say that...........He said Peaceful protest.......You see this BLM thing has me all confused.........How the left changes History and Praise a Real Hero for the blacks........and misrepresent everything he did........

Imagine that.

If sarcasm escapes you............suggest you walk on by.

Subtle. Like a brick to the head.
That sounds like the BLM strategy today..........like Antifa..........bringing pallets of bricks for protesters to throw.........bust up businesses.........cars.......with the owners have nothing to do with Floyd.

I wonder why some of us really don't give a damn about this movement..........man that is a tough one.

Well............You are a bunch of Fucking Terrorist.......put that in your book Mac
Looks like you’re getting called out for being ignorant and stupid in your own thread, Mac1958. :)
By whom?

I like the way you're trying so hard.
Still clueless? lol
Enjoying how easy it is to turn you white nationalists into sobbing drama queens.
That’s funny coming from someone who started a thread to whine about a topic he knows little about.

Sounds like you're to one whining to me.
Dontcha love the way they're so eager to jump in and illustrate my threads for us?

You never have to name names here.

The Cult45 is never honest. It's just a fact of life.
Look at the way they just ignore that ever-growing list of quotes, including Trump pretending not to know who David Duke is.

Talk radio has convinced them they're in a "war", so that gives them license to lie and distort all they want.

Wait a minute BLM............he didn't say that...........He said Peaceful protest.......You see this BLM thing has me all confused.........How the left changes History and Praise a Real Hero for the blacks........and misrepresent everything he did........

Imagine that.

If sarcasm escapes you............suggest you walk on by.
MLK was not the sole mover in the Civil Rights struggle...he was representative of one side.....without the other side..angry and violent..progress would have been far less.
The riots...that make the ones today seem tame--over decades---are what drove change..and made people wake up...that it could go Martin's way..or it could go Huey's or Malcolm X's way.

The same choice awaits us still.
Looks like you’re getting called out for being ignorant and stupid in your own thread, Mac1958. :)
By whom?

I like the way you're trying so hard.
Still clueless? lol
Enjoying how easy it is to turn you white nationalists into sobbing drama queens.
That’s funny coming from someone who started a thread to whine about a topic he knows little about.

Sounds like you're to one whining to me.
Dontcha love the way they're so eager to jump in and illustrate my threads for us?

You never have to name names here.
Happy to call you out for a fraud............Anytime bro........you got some marshmellows.......heard the BLM was gonna have a bon fire tonight........burning police cars and such......it's a waste to not to use it to cook.........hmmmm

Such nice people if I was visiting a Zoo...........THERE save that for your record books.....enjoy

Wait a minute BLM............he didn't say that...........He said Peaceful protest.......You see this BLM thing has me all confused.........How the left changes History and Praise a Real Hero for the blacks........and misrepresent everything he did........

Imagine that.

If sarcasm escapes you............suggest you walk on by.
MLK was not the sole mover in the Civil Rights struggle...he was representative of one side.....without the the other side..angry and violent..progress would have been far less.
The riots...that make the ones today seem tame--over decades---are what drove change..and made people wake up...that it could go Martin's way..or it could go Huey's or MalcolmX's way.

The same choice awaits us still.
He understood that burning and looting hurt his cause..........Something these assclowns......

If he had seen these people saying kiss my shoes crap and white shame.............he would have asked these people to put down the pipe.
That sounds like the BLM strategy today..........like Antifa..........bringing pallets of bricks for protesters to throw

I believe that's a twisted winger theory not rooted in reality.

bust up businesses.........cars.......with the owners have nothing to do with Floyd.

People commit crimes every day, regardless of whether there's protests happening or not. :dunno:

I wonder why some of us really don't give a damn about this movement..........man that is a tough one.

Not my problem. Perhaps work that out with a therapist or something.

Well............You are a bunch of Fucking Terrorist..

You sound like a pretty irrational person. Perhaps work that out with a therapist or something.

Wait a minute BLM............he didn't say that...........He said Peaceful protest.......You see this BLM thing has me all confused.........How the left changes History and Praise a Real Hero for the blacks........and misrepresent everything he did........

Imagine that.

If sarcasm escapes you............suggest you walk on by.
MLK was not the sole mover in the Civil Rights struggle...he was representative of one side.....without the the other side..angry and violent..progress would have been far less.
The riots...that make the ones today seem tame--over decades---are what drove change..and made people wake up...that it could go Martin's way..or it could go Huey's or MalcolmX's way.

The same choice awaits us still.
He understood that burning and looting hurt his cause..........Something these assclowns......

If he had seen these people saying kiss my shoes crap and white shame.............he would have asked these people to put down the pipe.
On the contrary..he saw how rioting and burning helped his cause..and he hated it. MLK was a preacher..and he was ethically invested in non-violence. But he wasn't stupid--he knew that the carrot and the stick was what worked..and it did. The left won the culture wars of the 60's and 70's. Civil rights reform was just a part of it. In the end..that is what drives those on the Right to this day....the knowledge that they have been losing for 60 years now....and this might be their last, best, hope.

BTW...it was King's assassination that brought the pot to a boil--picture if someone as prominent as that...was killed today! I know others are...and that is the real worry.
Last edited:
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.
Well.. the media helps with that for sure.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.
I don't think most of them mind the phrase at all... Hell I bet most of them agree with it, as ALL lives matter includes blacks. However the people running the group are ... Trained Marxists.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Some do use it for that... But it's easier to do when the Left doesn't fight back against said Marxism.
Look at the way they just ignore that ever-growing list of quotes, including Trump pretending not to know who David Duke is.

Internet anonymity emboldens cowards. Gaslighting is their way of living out their nasty fantasies without fear of repercussions.

Talk radio has convinced them they're in a "war", so that gives them license to lie and distort all they want.

That sounds like the BLM strategy today..........like Antifa..........bringing pallets of bricks for protesters to throw

I believe that's a twisted winger theory not rooted in reality.

bust up businesses.........cars.......with the owners have nothing to do with Floyd.

People commit crimes every day, regardless of whether there's protests happening or not. :dunno:

I wonder why some of us really don't give a damn about this movement..........man that is a tough one.

Not my problem. Perhaps work that out with a therapist or something.

Well............You are a bunch of Fucking Terrorist..

You sound like a pretty irrational person. Perhaps work that out with a therapist or something.
Perhaps you should make me a sandwich..........I don't care what you have to say or advise......................This is group is burning and pillaging this country........I have ZERO RESPECT FOR IT.........NONE.........And no Fucks to give over it to you.
nternet anonymity emboldens cowards. Gaslighting is their way of living out their nasty fantasies without fear of repercussions.
Couple of peckerwoods.......bragging on a movement that is burning the country.......and this happens every 2 years.......wonder why......

Your opinion is heard.........and DISMISSED.
That sounds like the BLM strategy today..........like Antifa..........bringing pallets of bricks for protesters to throw

I believe that's a twisted winger theory not rooted in reality.

bust up businesses.........cars.......with the owners have nothing to do with Floyd.

People commit crimes every day, regardless of whether there's protests happening or not. :dunno:

I wonder why some of us really don't give a damn about this movement..........man that is a tough one.

Not my problem. Perhaps work that out with a therapist or something.

Well............You are a bunch of Fucking Terrorist..

You sound like a pretty irrational person. Perhaps work that out with a therapist or something.
Perhaps you should make me a sandwich..........I don't care what you have to say or advise......................This is group is burning and pillaging this country........I have ZERO RESPECT FOR IT.........NONE.........And no Fucks to give over it to you.

I've no fucks for you either, 'bro'. You are insignificant. I'm just following the conversation.
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.
Well.. the media helps with that for sure.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.
I don't think most of them mind the phrase at all... Hell I bet most of them agree with it, as ALL lives matter includes blacks. However the people running the group are ... Trained Marxists.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Some do use it for that... But it's easier to do when the Left doesn't fight back against said Marxism.
Some of the people....some of them....but it's not that kind of org.--all you have to do to be BLM is to declare it--and quite a few community's do so. BTW..there is no law against being a Communist, Socialist or NAZI..for that matter. Constitutionally protected...you do support the Constitution, right?
nternet anonymity emboldens cowards. Gaslighting is their way of living out their nasty fantasies without fear of repercussions.
Couple of peckerwoods.......bragging on a movement that is burning the country.......and this happens every 2 years.......wonder why......

Your opinion is heard.........and DISMISSED.

No one is bragging about it, tard. You just invent things.
That sounds like the BLM strategy today..........like Antifa..........bringing pallets of bricks for protesters to throw

I believe that's a twisted winger theory not rooted in reality.

bust up businesses.........cars.......with the owners have nothing to do with Floyd.

People commit crimes every day, regardless of whether there's protests happening or not. :dunno:

I wonder why some of us really don't give a damn about this movement..........man that is a tough one.

Not my problem. Perhaps work that out with a therapist or something.

Well............You are a bunch of Fucking Terrorist..

You sound like a pretty irrational person. Perhaps work that out with a therapist or something.
Perhaps you should make me a sandwich..........I don't care what you have to say or advise......................This is group is burning and pillaging this country........I have ZERO RESPECT FOR IT.........NONE.........And no Fucks to give over it to you.

I've no fucks for you either, 'bro'. You are insignificant. I'm just following the conversation.
Now see we are getting somewhere........you demand we give a Fuck and we refuse......

We have no fucks to give.....and you the same.....now get your ass back on the other side of the line.......don't step on Mac on the way back. Mr. Tribal man saying he's in the center trying to save Humanity.........LOL

You know I wonder if he's paid to do it.......or really believes it.......kinda funny when you think about it sarcastically.

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