Why Are Their Democrats?

Comedy gold.

  • ā€œPlease donā€™t give me a ticket. Iā€™m broke. Iā€™m completely broke. And if you tell people, itā€™s gonna hurt me.ā€ being an idiot with your money is no excuse
  • ā€œWhy would you pull me over instead of someone else? Itā€™s just bad luck.ā€ Everyone hates the Prius
  • ā€œIā€™m having a panic attack! (hyperventilating) ā€¦ Iā€™m gonna take it to the court, because (heavy breathing and screaming) ā€¦ I have PTSD! Ahhhhhh!ā€ Not funny, real people that have been through some real shit get ptsd, she's just a fucking bitch
  • ā€œIā€™m going to protest this in court. Youā€™re telling me that you singled me out.ā€ you'll get your day in court and hopefully you don't bring money so you can go to jail
  • ā€œYouā€™re not gonna let me go, even though Iā€™m a county legislator?ā€ ooooo, privilege much?
  • ā€œI always do everything right, and I follow the law, and I was at the same pace as every other car!ā€ clearly not
  • ā€œI couldnā€™t go slower; they honk! They honk at you!ā€ so you were speeding, you're just a crybaby about honks. (triggered by honks)
  • ā€œCould you just tell me what youā€™re doing here with the ticket, because Iā€™m late for a job meeting ā€¦ and this is my career!ā€ filling it out and she doesn't punch a clock
  • ā€œI donā€™t feel safe anymore. I donā€™t feel safe here. I donā€™t feel safe around you.ā€ triggered by a manly man. If you don't feel safe around the cops, you are probably a criminal.

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