Why are There White Democrats? This is what Holder, Waters, and Harris Have in Store for You

What do you expect, they took God out of their party in 2012. Can only go down hill from there, and todays liberals are proving it now.
And God fearing Christians ,Evangelicals support the pussy grabbing vile tax cheat? Their days of preaching are over You're known by the company you keep and Trump is a low life scumbag
Liberals told us back in the 90's that a man's sex life is nobodys business. You saying it is now? My party is winning while your Godless party is losing big time, including your minds. Lol
If the Republican Party was doing so well, why bother with things like voter suppression?
Georgia doing their best to scrub 1.2 million voters off their lists Mostly Dem voters
What do you expect, they took God out of their party in 2012. Can only go down hill from there, and todays liberals are proving it now.
And God fearing Christians ,Evangelicals support the pussy grabbing vile tax cheat? Their days of preaching are over You're known by the company you keep and Trump is a low life scumbag
Liberals told us back in the 90's that a man's sex life is nobodys business. You saying it is now? My party is winning while your Godless party is losing big time, including your minds. Lol
Your new Repub favorite knowgood?
White House aides 'hugely embarrassed' by Trump's lunch with Kanye: NYT reporte
The world is still talking about Kanye West’s bizarre lunch with President Donald Trump ― including White House staffers. And many of them are feeling “hugely embarrassed” by the president’s Oval Office meeting with the rap star, New York Times White House correspondent Maggie Haberman told CNN on Friday.

“If you look [at the president’s] face as Kanye West was doing, essentially, his filibuster standing in front of the Resolute Desk, [Trump] looks speechless and confused, right. [He’s] uncertain quite what to do with this,” Haberman said.

The reporter pointed out the facial expressions of Trump’s daughter and son-in-law as further examples of the mixed reaction.


“You can see Jared Kushner there looking very happy, his wife Ivanka Trump not looking quite as happy,” Haberman said. “That represented the split that you saw within the White House.”

Haberman said White House staffers were troubled by the optics of the meeting.

“I heard from other West Wing aides who were hugely embarrassed that that had happened, thought that was not a good look, that this is not a rock concert,” she said.
Trump is meeting with blacks to hear first hand what they think should happen to make the life of all blacks better. We know that makes liberals mad. Trump is for all americans, Hillary stated the other day. There will be no peace until we are in charge. That in it's self proves liberals should never have any power in goverment again.
What do you expect, they took God out of their party in 2012. Can only go down hill from there, and todays liberals are proving it now.
And God fearing Christians ,Evangelicals support the pussy grabbing vile tax cheat? Their days of preaching are over You're known by the company you keep and Trump is a low life scumbag
Liberals told us back in the 90's that a man's sex life is nobodys business. You saying it is now? My party is winning while your Godless party is losing big time, including your minds. Lol
Coming soon nogood?
I am waiting for Trump to tweet that Mexico Beach is Mexico’s problem

and for Panama city is Panama's problem
Oh my God. You know that really could happen?
I'm surprised it hasn't already
What do you expect, they took God out of their party in 2012. Can only go down hill from there, and todays liberals are proving it now.
And God fearing Christians ,Evangelicals support the pussy grabbing vile tax cheat? Their days of preaching are over You're known by the company you keep and Trump is a low life scumbag
Liberals told us back in the 90's that a man's sex life is nobodys business. You saying it is now? My party is winning while your Godless party is losing big time, including your minds. Lol
Coming soon nogood?
I am waiting for Trump to tweet that Mexico Beach is Mexico’s problem

and for Panama city is Panama's problem
That would've been Obama and his 57 states.
What do you expect, they took God out of their party in 2012. Can only go down hill from there, and todays liberals are proving it now.
And God fearing Christians ,Evangelicals support the pussy grabbing vile tax cheat? Their days of preaching are over You're known by the company you keep and Trump is a low life scumbag
Liberals told us back in the 90's that a man's sex life is nobodys business. You saying it is now? My party is winning while your Godless party is losing big time, including your minds. Lol
If the Republican Party was doing so well, why bother with things like voter suppression?
You still think blacks are too stupid to get an id? How racist of you.
What do you expect, they took God out of their party in 2012. Can only go down hill from there, and todays liberals are proving it now.
And God fearing Christians ,Evangelicals support the pussy grabbing vile tax cheat? Their days of preaching are over You're known by the company you keep and Trump is a low life scumbag
Liberals told us back in the 90's that a man's sex life is nobodys business. You saying it is now? My party is winning while your Godless party is losing big time, including your minds. Lol
You chose an unrepentant, hateful, divisive, antitchrist, in every way, shape and form, as your leader and savior....

And you call us godless?

Please spare us your from your soulless gobbledygook!!!!

You would not know Christ if he stood right in front of you. You would choose Trump, and shoo Christ away.

STOP pretending you are holier than thou..... And a follower of Christ and God.....
everyone, including God, can SEE that you are NOT..... You might as well just own it!
Lol, God let Trump win, because of the evil bitch you ran. Your party has no morals what so ever. You ruin a family for political purpose. Your antifa group attacked an old woman in a wheel chair, and vandalized an old mans car in portland last weekend. That is what YOUR party is now, you have no creditbility to say anything about others.
What do you expect, they took God out of their party in 2012. Can only go down hill from there, and todays liberals are proving it now.
And God fearing Christians ,Evangelicals support the pussy grabbing vile tax cheat? Their days of preaching are over You're known by the company you keep and Trump is a low life scumbag
Liberals told us back in the 90's that a man's sex life is nobodys business. You saying it is now? My party is winning while your Godless party is losing big time, including your minds. Lol
Your new Repub favorite knowgood?
White House aides 'hugely embarrassed' by Trump's lunch with Kanye: NYT reporte
The world is still talking about Kanye West’s bizarre lunch with President Donald Trump ― including White House staffers. And many of them are feeling “hugely embarrassed” by the president’s Oval Office meeting with the rap star, New York Times White House correspondent Maggie Haberman told CNN on Friday.

“If you look [at the president’s] face as Kanye West was doing, essentially, his filibuster standing in front of the Resolute Desk, [Trump] looks speechless and confused, right. [He’s] uncertain quite what to do with this,” Haberman said.

The reporter pointed out the facial expressions of Trump’s daughter and son-in-law as further examples of the mixed reaction.


“You can see Jared Kushner there looking very happy, his wife Ivanka Trump not looking quite as happy,” Haberman said. “That represented the split that you saw within the White House.”

Haberman said White House staffers were troubled by the optics of the meeting.

“I heard from other West Wing aides who were hugely embarrassed that that had happened, thought that was not a good look, that this is not a rock concert,” she said.
Trump is meeting with blacks to hear first hand what they think should happen to make the life of all blacks better. We know that makes liberals mad. Trump is for all americans, Hillary stated the other day. There will be no peace until we are in charge. That in it's self proves liberals should never have any power in goverment again.
meeting with the blithering fool Kenye West?? Proves Trump is a bigger fool than given credit for
JFK would be a Republican today. DNC platform now fits Lee Harvey Oswald’s political beliefs.
Bullshit. Reagan would be a democrat today. That’s how far right you’ve all moved. Anti environmental anti choice anti free trade anti middle class anti social security anti Medicare anti labor

And you stopped worrying about the debt

And don’t forget most of the republicans are rinos remember? Trump is no classical republican

Who says I, or anybody, has to be a “classical republican”?
Every election cycle you get meant mouthed talk of “outsiders” and “new” and gripes about “career politicians”.
Then when it really happens you gripe they don’t fit the old political machine molds.
I didn’t say trump was all bad just mostly. It’s a con game. You’re getting played like Reagan and bush
Trump is a way better ConMan then either Reagan or bush.
He won a free and fair constitutional democratic election. You don’t believe in the Constitution?
Are we sure about that? Until trump won you idiots were screaming rigged elections. We’re you lying?
What do you expect, they took God out of their party in 2012. Can only go down hill from there, and todays liberals are proving it now.
And God fearing Christians ,Evangelicals support the pussy grabbing vile tax cheat? Their days of preaching are over You're known by the company you keep and Trump is a low life scumbag
Liberals told us back in the 90's that a man's sex life is nobodys business. You saying it is now? My party is winning while your Godless party is losing big time, including your minds. Lol
Your new Repub favorite knowgood?
White House aides 'hugely embarrassed' by Trump's lunch with Kanye: NYT reporte
The world is still talking about Kanye West’s bizarre lunch with President Donald Trump ― including White House staffers. And many of them are feeling “hugely embarrassed” by the president’s Oval Office meeting with the rap star, New York Times White House correspondent Maggie Haberman told CNN on Friday.

“If you look [at the president’s] face as Kanye West was doing, essentially, his filibuster standing in front of the Resolute Desk, [Trump] looks speechless and confused, right. [He’s] uncertain quite what to do with this,” Haberman said.

The reporter pointed out the facial expressions of Trump’s daughter and son-in-law as further examples of the mixed reaction.


“You can see Jared Kushner there looking very happy, his wife Ivanka Trump not looking quite as happy,” Haberman said. “That represented the split that you saw within the White House.”

Haberman said White House staffers were troubled by the optics of the meeting.

“I heard from other West Wing aides who were hugely embarrassed that that had happened, thought that was not a good look, that this is not a rock concert,” she said.
Trump is meeting with blacks to hear first hand what they think should happen to make the life of all blacks better. We know that makes liberals mad. Trump is for all americans, Hillary stated the other day. There will be no peace until we are in charge. That in it's self proves liberals should never have any power in goverment again.
meeting with the blithering fool Kenye West?? Proves Trump is a bigger fool than given credit for
You calling Jim Brown a fool?
Bullshit. Reagan would be a democrat today. That’s how far right you’ve all moved. Anti environmental anti choice anti free trade anti middle class anti social security anti Medicare anti labor

And you stopped worrying about the debt

And don’t forget most of the republicans are rinos remember? Trump is no classical republican

Who says I, or anybody, has to be a “classical republican”?
Every election cycle you get meant mouthed talk of “outsiders” and “new” and gripes about “career politicians”.
Then when it really happens you gripe they don’t fit the old political machine molds.
I didn’t say trump was all bad just mostly. It’s a con game. You’re getting played like Reagan and bush
Trump is a way better ConMan then either Reagan or bush.
He won a free and fair constitutional democratic election. You don’t believe in the Constitution?
Are we sure about that? Until trump won you idiots were screaming rigged elections. We’re you lying?
The POS trump was just covering his ass in case he lost
Was President Reagan a liberal too? And Gerald Ford, was he a liberal also? How about Richard Nixon?

Is the only true Republican conservative president, Trump?
JFK would be a Republican today. DNC platform now fits Lee Harvey Oswald’s political beliefs.
Bullshit. Reagan would be a democrat today. That’s how far right you’ve all moved. Anti environmental anti choice anti free trade anti middle class anti social security anti Medicare anti labor

And you stopped worrying about the debt

And don’t forget most of the republicans are rinos remember? Trump is no classical republican

Who says I, or anybody, has to be a “classical republican”?
Every election cycle you get meant mouthed talk of “outsiders” and “new” and gripes about “career politicians”.
Then when it really happens you gripe they don’t fit the old political machine molds.
I didn’t say trump was all bad just mostly. It’s a con game. You’re getting played like Reagan and bush

That depends on what I want and expect sealy. Not on what our opposition wants and expect.
I want a big thriving middle class. Your way produces a small rich and small merchant class and the masses are poor.

Our way worked from 1940 to the 80s when Reagan fucked the middle class.

What do you want?
This was at the DNC Convention in 2016. Black Lives Matter had delegates at convention and minorities now control the Democratic Party. To the back white idiots, to the back.

The only white democrats I know of are one of the following.
White trash
Degenerate weirdo
Pole puffer
Carpet muncher
Wetback lover
.GOV employee

Nobody White whom is stand-up, normal, productive and not a .GOV slave votes Democrat....NONE!
This was at the DNC Convention in 2016. Black Lives Matter had delegates at convention and minorities now control the Democratic Party. To the back white idiots, to the back.

The only white democrats I know of are one of the following.
White trash
Degenerate weirdo
Pole puffer
Carpet muncher
Wetback lover
.GOV employee

Nobody White whom is stand-up, normal, productive and not a .GOV slave votes Democrat....NONE!

I do
And God fearing Christians ,Evangelicals support the pussy grabbing vile tax cheat? Their days of preaching are over You're known by the company you keep and Trump is a low life scumbag
Liberals told us back in the 90's that a man's sex life is nobodys business. You saying it is now? My party is winning while your Godless party is losing big time, including your minds. Lol
Your new Repub favorite knowgood?
White House aides 'hugely embarrassed' by Trump's lunch with Kanye: NYT reporte
The world is still talking about Kanye West’s bizarre lunch with President Donald Trump ― including White House staffers. And many of them are feeling “hugely embarrassed” by the president’s Oval Office meeting with the rap star, New York Times White House correspondent Maggie Haberman told CNN on Friday.

“If you look [at the president’s] face as Kanye West was doing, essentially, his filibuster standing in front of the Resolute Desk, [Trump] looks speechless and confused, right. [He’s] uncertain quite what to do with this,” Haberman said.

The reporter pointed out the facial expressions of Trump’s daughter and son-in-law as further examples of the mixed reaction.


“You can see Jared Kushner there looking very happy, his wife Ivanka Trump not looking quite as happy,” Haberman said. “That represented the split that you saw within the White House.”

Haberman said White House staffers were troubled by the optics of the meeting.

“I heard from other West Wing aides who were hugely embarrassed that that had happened, thought that was not a good look, that this is not a rock concert,” she said.
Trump is meeting with blacks to hear first hand what they think should happen to make the life of all blacks better. We know that makes liberals mad. Trump is for all americans, Hillary stated the other day. There will be no peace until we are in charge. That in it's self proves liberals should never have any power in goverment again.
meeting with the blithering fool Kenye West?? Proves Trump is a bigger fool than given credit for
You calling Jim Brown a fool?
one of the greatest FB players ever but politically ,,not all that much
Bullshit. Reagan would be a democrat today. That’s how far right you’ve all moved. Anti environmental anti choice anti free trade anti middle class anti social security anti Medicare anti labor

And you stopped worrying about the debt

And don’t forget most of the republicans are rinos remember? Trump is no classical republican

Who says I, or anybody, has to be a “classical republican”?
Every election cycle you get meant mouthed talk of “outsiders” and “new” and gripes about “career politicians”.
Then when it really happens you gripe they don’t fit the old political machine molds.
I didn’t say trump was all bad just mostly. It’s a con game. You’re getting played like Reagan and bush
Trump is a way better ConMan then either Reagan or bush.
He won a free and fair constitutional democratic election. You don’t believe in the Constitution?
Are we sure about that? Until trump won you idiots were screaming rigged elections. We’re you lying?

So you doubt the elections were constitutional and democratic? Exactly what Putin intended by the way. Its ok. Your attacks on Trump can only help Putin so much.

Who says I, or anybody, has to be a “classical republican”?
Every election cycle you get meant mouthed talk of “outsiders” and “new” and gripes about “career politicians”.
Then when it really happens you gripe they don’t fit the old political machine molds.
I didn’t say trump was all bad just mostly. It’s a con game. You’re getting played like Reagan and bush
Trump is a way better ConMan then either Reagan or bush.
He won a free and fair constitutional democratic election. You don’t believe in the Constitution?
Are we sure about that? Until trump won you idiots were screaming rigged elections. We’re you lying?
The POS trump was just covering his ass in case he lost

But he didnt lose. Hes your president now.
This was at the DNC Convention in 2016. Black Lives Matter had delegates at convention and minorities now control the Democratic Party. To the back white idiots, to the back.

The only white democrats I know of are one of the following.
White trash
Degenerate weirdo
Pole puffer
Carpet muncher
Wetback lover
.GOV employee

Nobody White whom is stand-up, normal, productive and not a .GOV slave votes Democrat....NONE!

Wrong,, Redneck trash

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