Why Are They Pushing The LGBT Woke Agenda So Hard On Kids?

Some kids are gay and some are trans. I don't believe that it should be normalized but I do believe that society should be accepting.

Only about 1% of society are trans and probably 5% are gay. It shouldn't be made normal and with that I agree with your side on as wtf is the point if we destroy the norms? lol
Some kids are gay and some are trans. I don't believe that it should be normalized but I do believe that society should be accepting.

Accepting people for who they are is one thing, giving children direct access to things that are explicit is another altogether and illegal. I have to think that miketx is right and that they're trying to normalize pedophilia. I thought that that would be the next step and then I realized that we're already there.
.I've been wondering this myself for a LONG time now.
Since homo's don't reproduce because of their preferred sexual activity.
Their numbers continually decrease from suicides, disease, old age, etc.
So to replenish their ranks with new recruits / victims
They have to target children and groom them into becoming future members of the deranged sodomite community
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I found this really nifty website that has a questionnaire, that can tell you if you're gay or not.

Wow! Thank you! I found out I was straight! No wonder why I've gotten engaged to a guy and have been fucking him for so long. I guess you learn something new every day. :D
I've been wondering this myself for a LONG time now.

A silver lining of the vicious rhetoric that backwards, terroristic "christians" are resorting to against innocent people is that it's completely abhorrent to the younger generations, and will lead to the end of misery loving christian fanaticism in this country.
A silver lining of the vicious rhetoric that backwards, terroristic "christians" are resorting to against innocent people is that it's completely abhorrent to the younger generations, and will lead to the end of misery loving christian fanaticism in this country.

Can anybody here please translate this?
Can anybody here please translate this?

Sure, no problemo.

Серебряная сторона злобной риторики, к которой отсталые террористические «христиане» прибегают против невинных людей, заключается в том, что она совершенно ненавистна молодому поколению и приведет к прекращению страданий христианского фанатизма в этой стране.
Some kids are gay and some are trans. I don't believe that it should be normalized but I do believe that society should be accepting.

Only about 1% of society are trans and probably 5% are gay. It shouldn't be made normal and with that I agree with your side on as wtf is the point if we destroy the norms? lol

Children aren't gay or trans or any other depraved sexual perversion, unless some pedophile is filling their heads with that shit.
It's all about breaking the bonds of the family and replacing that bond with allegiance to the all-powerful centralized state.

The great reset is occurring right there in front of our eyes, folks.

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