Why are Trumpeters so convinced that Trump's immigration policies are the key to all our problems?

Trump is flip flopping on his immigration policy. He's throwing the Muslim ban under the bus in order to get his membership card with the Republican Establishment.

Isn't it delightful? Trump is going PC on his followers.
If he does do that, then he and your beloved D party are of like minds. How does that make you feel?
Trump is flip flopping on his immigration policy. He's throwing the Muslim ban under the bus in order to get his membership card with the Republican Establishment.

Isn't it delightful? Trump is going PC on his followers.
If he does do that, then he and your beloved D party are of like minds. How does that make you feel?

Secure in the fact that the dangerous conservative agenda will be dead in the water for another 4 years.
Trump is flip flopping on his immigration policy. He's throwing the Muslim ban under the bus in order to get his membership card with the Republican Establishment.

Isn't it delightful? Trump is going PC on his followers.
If he does do that, then he and your beloved D party are of like minds. How does that make you feel?

Secure in the fact that the dangerous conservative agenda will be dead in the water for another 4 years.
Conservative agenda WTF are you talking about?

Trump is no conservative and please name ONE leading con politician demanding illegal immigration be stopped.
It's so bizarre to me someone would believe deporting all illegals, not ruling out using nukes, and banning Musiims will just fix... ALL of our nation's problems. I mean as far as Trump supporters are concerned, those are his only policy ideas which is hilarious. They would just rather forget that all his other political positions are progressive. They are just pretending he never said them I guess. Anyone who has acknowledged Trump's progressive stances knows he is simply pivoting to the general election like, you know, all disingenuous, establishment candidates have done before him lol.

This also demonstrates how shockingly easy it is to win over republican voters in the primary season. It's all about appealing to their primal emotions (fear, anger) and avoiding any sort of pragmatic and nuanced platform. They just don't have the attention span and comprehension for the latter. it's the same reason they watch Fox News. They are happy to not learn anything new.

How could Trump supporters not understand how embarrassing their candidate is to the rest of the world? How could they not see how shockingly dishonest and inconsistent he is?

Why do Trumpies support Trump's brain vomit, you ask?


In case you haven't noticed, they are not very bright.
It's so bizarre to me someone would believe deporting all illegals, not ruling out using nukes, and banning Musiims will just fix... ALL of our nation's problems. I mean as far as Trump supporters are concerned, those are his only policy ideas which is hilarious. They would just rather forget that all his other political positions are progressive. They are just pretending he never said them I guess. Anyone who has acknowledged Trump's progressive stances knows he is simply pivoting to the general election like, you know, all disingenuous, establishment candidates have done before him lol.

This also demonstrates how shockingly easy it is to win over republican voters in the primary season. It's all about appealing to their primal emotions (fear, anger) and avoiding any sort of pragmatic and nuanced platform. They just don't have the attention span and comprehension for the latter. it's the same reason they watch Fox News. They are happy to not learn anything new.

How could Trump supporters not understand how embarrassing their candidate is to the rest of the world? How could they not see how shockingly dishonest and inconsistent he is?

You talk of being dishonest.

But your entire OP is nothing but a bile filled Strawman.

Which to be clear, since you sound pretty stupid, is inherently DISHONEST.

Trump supporters believe that deporting all illegals and limiting immigration will decrease labor supply and thus increase price, ie wages.

This is a basic economic law.

Trump supporters also believe that our massive Trade Deficit is the primary cause of Middle Class Stagnation and thus support changing our Trade Policy to reverse that trend.
It's so bizarre to me someone would believe deporting all illegals, not ruling out using nukes, and banning Musiims will just fix... ALL of our nation's problems. I mean as far as Trump supporters are concerned, those are his only policy ideas which is hilarious. They would just rather forget that all his other political positions are progressive. They are just pretending he never said them I guess. Anyone who has acknowledged Trump's progressive stances knows he is simply pivoting to the general election like, you know, all disingenuous, establishment candidates have done before him lol.

This also demonstrates how shockingly easy it is to win over republican voters in the primary season. It's all about appealing to their primal emotions (fear, anger) and avoiding any sort of pragmatic and nuanced platform. They just don't have the attention span and comprehension for the latter. it's the same reason they watch Fox News. They are happy to not learn anything new.

How could Trump supporters not understand how embarrassing their candidate is to the rest of the world? How could they not see how shockingly dishonest and inconsistent he is?

Why do Trumpies support Trump's brain vomit, you ask?


In case you haven't noticed, they are not very bright.

Trump never said "immigration policies are the key to all our problems and neither did Trump supporters. The question is why do low information lefties think immigration policies are the key to all our problems? I could just as easily ask why Hillary thinks putting coal miners out of work is the key to all our problems.
Trump never said "immigration policies are the key to all our problems and neither did Trump supporters. The question is why do low information lefties think immigration policies are the key to all our problems? I could just as easily ask why Hillary thinks putting coal miners out of work is the key to all our problems.

Like I said, the whole OP is a strawman.
Seriously doesn't your computer put a little red dotted line ........ appear when you misspell a word?

I'm posting from a second or third generation smartphone. The department I work in has computers thst are not allowed to be connected to external internet sites for security reasons. So I get to post from my phone only. Unfortunately the keyboard on the phone is not well suited for my typing skills.

You as many Trump detractors ONLY pay attention to the headlines from the biased MSM.
If you truly understood that Trump like 45 million Americans like his wife and my daughter-in-law that were legal immigrants at one time, are NOT against IMMIGRANTS!
You'd then understand not only the MSM has biased your opinion of Trump but totally misrepresented OUR position! We LOVE Legal Immigrants that love our country enough to work to become a legal citizen.

I don't believe we need much if ANY immigration at this point. We have more thsn enough foreigners already polluting (or avoiding) the melting pot that WAS America for generations.
It's so bizarre to me someone would believe deporting all illegals, not ruling out using nukes, and banning Musiims will just fix... ALL of our nation's problems. I mean as far as Trump supporters are concerned, those are his only policy ideas which is hilarious. They would just rather forget that all his other political positions are progressive. They are just pretending he never said them I guess. Anyone who has acknowledged Trump's progressive stances knows he is simply pivoting to the general election like, you know, all disingenuous, establishment candidates have done before him lol.

This also demonstrates how shockingly easy it is to win over republican voters in the primary season. It's all about appealing to their primal emotions (fear, anger) and avoiding any sort of pragmatic and nuanced platform. They just don't have the attention span and comprehension for the latter. it's the same reason they watch Fox News. They are happy to not learn anything new.

How could Trump supporters not understand how embarrassing their candidate is to the rest of the world? How could they not see how shockingly dishonest and inconsistent he is?

Mass deportation won't fix our problems, but trying to deport as many as possible will help. In fact I believe even Trump knows mass deportations are impractical. But your reach has to be higher than your grasp and all that. Bringing more immigrants here from the third world certainly won't help, that's for sure. Here's the latest about more cubanos in need arriving, link below. This at a time when Americans on food stamps are getting insulted in check out lanes. I'm at present maxed out helping out friends and family members who are in need, and am resentful of our politicians allowing the life boat that is America being swamped with people from all over the world. Notice that none of our 'humane' politicians like the boxers, feinsweins, and clintons, have refugees relocated to the neighborhoods where they reside? And the imperial and royal obamas certainly won't either, once they exit the gravy train they've been on, and become private citizens.

Diocese prepares for wave of Cuban immigrants
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It's so bizarre to me someone would believe deporting all illegals, not ruling out using nukes, and banning Musiims will just fix... ALL of our nation's problems. I mean as far as Trump supporters are concerned, those are his only policy ideas which is hilarious. They would just rather forget that all his other political positions are progressive. They are just pretending he never said them I guess. Anyone who has acknowledged Trump's progressive stances knows he is simply pivoting to the general election like, you know, all disingenuous, establishment candidates have done before him lol.

This also demonstrates how shockingly easy it is to win over republican voters in the primary season. It's all about appealing to their primal emotions (fear, anger) and avoiding any sort of pragmatic and nuanced platform. They just don't have the attention span and comprehension for the latter. it's the same reason they watch Fox News. They are happy to not learn anything new.

How could Trump supporters not understand how embarrassing their candidate is to the rest of the world? How could they not see how shockingly dishonest and inconsistent he is?

Nobody thinks that illegal immigration is the key to all our problems. Stop being such a simpleton.
It's a step to clearing up some chaos. One of the reasons why Australia can do it is because we are isolated. No one in asia is going to chimp when we deport illegals.

Europe, however, is filled with gutless and corrupt dingbats who prevent the tidy and orderly removal of illegals.

It wont solve all your problems, but you can at least rein it back to Australia's level of disaster.

honestly though, Trump is loved because he stands up to journalists. That's really the key to his success.
I feel like before I respond to this, I have to know if you are actually serious or are simply poking fun at his supporters.
I'm serious. My country has always been how Trump wants to make yours. I can't say the border control policies here have ever affected me negetively
Net migration from Mexico is at zero. More Mexicans are currently leaving the US than coming in. Beyond that, crime among illegal immigrants is statistically low to that of American citizens. As surprising as that may sound to you, you have to consider that drawing law enforcement is the easiest way to get deported.
It doesn't suprise me. There are a lot of idiots in Australia who think everyone who immigrates here was a poor person on a boat.
It's a step to clearing up some chaos. One of the reasons why Australia can do it is because we are isolated. No one in asia is going to chimp when we deport illegals.

Europe, however, is filled with gutless and corrupt dingbats who prevent the tidy and orderly removal of illegals.

It wont solve all your problems, but you can at least rein it back to Australia's level of disaster.

honestly though, Trump is loved because he stands up to journalists. That's really the key to his success.
I feel like before I respond to this, I have to know if you are actually serious or are simply poking fun at his supporters.
I'm serious. My country has always been how Trump wants to make yours. I can't say the border control policies here have ever affected me negetively

So you are not an American but you think you understand what is happening in our country. You want to talk down to Trump supporters without anything more than some silly liberal news coverage that you've read. Got to love that superiority complex that the liberals all around the world have. What a joke.
did you really just misread my post based on me being a "liberal"?
Nobody said or thinks it will solve all of our problems. It will solve the ILLEGAL immigration problem.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.....
Desperation and years of neglect of the American worker. Dick Perry was one of the biggest offenders here I Texas and Greg "Wheels" Abbott in continuing the tradition here in Texas. Trump does the same as them, but he tapped into that aspect of normal people's anger. In reality he is the same a. Marco Rubio. He really wants amnesty.
Trump's Chumps have been hypnotized over a period of years into believing all of their problems are "because Mexicans".

I mean, its funny. They actually bleev some bricks will fix our economic problems! My god, that is literally HYSTERICAL.

Trump didn't "start the fire", as the saying goes. The fire of bigotry and ignorance was carefully nurtured by the GOP for decades. The Republican Party lured the racist rats away from the conservative Democratic stronghold in the South to achieve electoral supremacy.

The GOP has been careful not to openly express its racism and bigotry, but the rube herd has been trained to understand the signals in the rhetoric. And minorities can smell it from miles away. They saw the movement of the racists from the Democrats to the Republicans. They aren't stupid.

Trump is a brilliant huckster. He is a reality TV producer. And reality TV shows are all about bringing out the very worst in human nature. Greed, betrayal, lust, gluttony, jealousy. Reality TV shows encourage the game show contestants to be as defective as possible and to worship false idols. Trump is a master at exploiting human weaknesses and getting people to behave the very worst they can.

So the GOP was ripe for a guy like Trump. The GOP has carefully and steadfastly fed a cancer in its soul. The GOP had allowed itself to wander far, far, far from its righteous foundations and had become weak and corrupt.

Trump has done what Trump does. I don't blame him. I blame the conservatives and the Republicans who allowed this infection to fester for so long.

Trump was an inevitability. All those sneering, corrupt, sick-minded retards the GOP raised and nurtured for so long are his now.
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What is so hard for you LWNJ's to understand? ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL.
It's a step to clearing up some chaos. One of the reasons why Australia can do it is because we are isolated. No one in asia is going to chimp when we deport illegals.

Europe, however, is filled with gutless and corrupt dingbats who prevent the tidy and orderly removal of illegals.

It wont solve all your problems, but you can at least rein it back to Australia's level of disaster.

honestly though, Trump is loved because he stands up to journalists. That's really the key to his success.
I feel like before I respond to this, I have to know if you are actually serious or are simply poking fun at his supporters.
I'm serious. My country has always been how Trump wants to make yours. I can't say the border control policies here have ever affected me negetively

So you are not an American but you think you understand what is happening in our country. You want to talk down to Trump supporters without anything more than some silly liberal news coverage that you've read. Got to love that superiority complex that the liberals all around the world have. What a joke.
did you really just misread my post based on me being a "liberal"?

Yes. It was too early in the morning and I get sick of idiots from other countries weighing in on America. We are not like most other countries and we are not trying to be. Foreigners are like a lot of the rediculous background noise we have here about how idyllic some small foreign socialist country is when most of our major cities are bigger than their whole country. Australia may be our size but it has natural borders, a much more homogeneous population, and a much smaller population. Most of the Australian solutions stink from the removal of gun rights to the lack of investment mobility out of the country.

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