Why are Trumpeters so convinced that Trump's immigration policies are the key to all our problems?

It's so bizarre to me someone would believe deporting all illegals, not ruling out using nukes, and banning Musiims will just fix... ALL of our nation's problems. I mean as far as Trump supporters are concerned, those are his only policy ideas which is hilarious. They would just rather forget that all his other political positions are progressive. They are just pretending he never said them I guess. Anyone who has acknowledged Trump's progressive stances knows he is simply pivoting to the general election like, you know, all disingenuous, establishment candidates have done before him lol.

This also demonstrates how shockingly easy it is to win over republican voters in the primary season. It's all about appealing to their primal emotions (fear, anger) and avoiding any sort of pragmatic and nuanced platform. They just don't have the attention span and comprehension for the latter. it's the same reason they watch Fox News. They are happy to not learn anything new.

How could Trump supporters not understand how embarrassing their candidate is to the rest of the world? How could they not see how shockingly dishonest and inconsistent he is?
I've wondered that myself. I've been working at this same company for 36 years and because 60% of the business is overseas, I meet all kinds of people. I was talking to a guy from India a few days ago and he asked if Trump was serious or one of those clowns that pretend to run for president.
I had lunch today with a German and he said he understood how the anti immigrant message resonates because of what is happening in Europe but Trump is being laughed at all over Europe.

So once again you take one or two incidents and make it the RULE!
YOU are really dumb! Tell you what. Find me 45 million other people like me and Trump, i.e. people that have become legal citizens or married one or have a daughter-in-law and ask us if we are "ANTI-IMMIGRANT! GEEZ you are truly an example of what Obama's lead architect of Obamacare called "Stupidity of American Voter"!
Classic illustration! Hook line and sinker you fall for the false premise Trump, me and 45 million like us are ANTI-IMMIGRANTS! Why else would Trump marry one if he was against "IMMIGRANTS"???? Why would I encourage my son to marry an "immigrant" who became a legal citizen?
This is so typical of idiots like you! ONE word missing "ILLEGAL" immigrants and you lump it all together! No distinction. No comprehension of the difference!
How truly pathetic your company must be having someone who's worked for them 36 years and still can't see the distinction between "legal" and "Illegal"! What kind of
paper pushing do you do, or maybe something more complicated like mop-pushing because if YOU can't distinguish between "ILLEGAL" and "Legal" and you represent your company... you really have a screwed up company!
So, what is my opnion on immigration? Am i for or against, and to wha degree?

Who cares. You don't live in the USA. We don't give a shit if you are for or against what happens in America. Get it. There is too much foreign influence in our country already.
We? Why don't you stand alone, woman?

You butt hurt ****? I don't comment on Aussie shit because I have no clue what life is there. You don't know shit about what is going on here. Keep crying.

The problem of immigration is global. What happens in your country, affects mine and vice versa.
now take xanax and have a nanna nap.

Cry me a river. We don't have an immigration problem. We have an illegal immigration problem. There is a big difference.

We have both.

The methods in which illegals take jobs and drive down wages and increase crime, are very similar to the way legal immigrants do the same.

The difference is not that big.
Who cares. You don't live in the USA. We don't give a shit if you are for or against what happens in America. Get it. There is too much foreign influence in our country already.
We? Why don't you stand alone, woman?

You butt hurt ****? I don't comment on Aussie shit because I have no clue what life is there. You don't know shit about what is going on here. Keep crying.

The problem of immigration is global. What happens in your country, affects mine and vice versa.
now take xanax and have a nanna nap.

Cry me a river. We don't have an immigration problem. We have an illegal immigration problem. There is a big difference.
What? You are a coward?

geez don't be so hard on yourself.

MMm, "Coward"? What are you talking about?
So, what is my opnion on immigration? Am i for or against, and to wha degree?

Who cares. You don't live in the USA. We don't give a shit if you are for or against what happens in America. Get it. There is too much foreign influence in our country already.
We? Why don't you stand alone, woman?

You butt hurt ****? I don't comment on Aussie shit because I have no clue what life is there. You don't know shit about what is going on here. Keep crying.

The problem of immigration is global. What happens in your country, affects mine and vice versa.
now take xanax and have a nanna nap.

Cry me a river. We don't have an immigration problem. We have an illegal immigration problem. There is a big difference.
Thank you! RIGHT! All the current laws are fine. Just f...king enforce them!
Border Patrol officials said this may just be the beginning. They said they expect to see an increase in the number of those crossing the river illegally in the weeks and months ahead.

“Historically, we've seen higher numbers during the summer months,” said Marlene Castro, Border Patrol spokesperson. “I can't give you specific reasons why. We are prepared. We have several rescue teams available throughout the ranch lands in our area of responsibility.”

“It’s putting us to shame. They're laughing at our rules, at our laws. They're laughing at us,” Junior said.
“I don't mind them coming over here, but what I do mind is they make a mockery of our laws, our rules.
We can't even go over there in Mexico and buy land. That's what ticks me off.”

Ranch Owner Sees Increase of Illegal Crossing Activity in Area
It's so bizarre to me someone would believe deporting all illegals, not ruling out using nukes, and banning Musiims will just fix... ALL of our nation's problems. I mean as far as Trump supporters are concerned, those are his only policy ideas which is hilarious. They would just rather forget that all his other political positions are progressive. They are just pretending he never said them I guess. Anyone who has acknowledged Trump's progressive stances knows he is simply pivoting to the general election like, you know, all disingenuous, establishment candidates have done before him lol.

This also demonstrates how shockingly easy it is to win over republican voters in the primary season. It's all about appealing to their primal emotions (fear, anger) and avoiding any sort of pragmatic and nuanced platform. They just don't have the attention span and comprehension for the latter. it's the same reason they watch Fox News. They are happy to not learn anything new.

How could Trump supporters not understand how embarrassing their candidate is to the rest of the world? How could they not see how shockingly dishonest and inconsistent he is?
DOESN'T MATTER. Trump's now flip flopped on letting those terrorist muslim Obama relations into the county!
Not one of Trump's proposals will solve ALL of our problems. They are a step in the direction of a foundation to solve our problems. If you suggest that unless we find the one policy that will solve every problem we have we should do nothing, you are a drooling idiot.

Build the wall. Deport when you find them. Vet muslims, don't allow in refugees. It's a starting point.
First of all, I don't think banning Muslims would pass muster. We certainly can however, halt immigration. We did it for nearly forty years so as to allow the immigrants from the early part of the twentieth century time to assimilate.

It isn't a horrible idea. No country will ever survive open borders and unchecked immigration.
Nobody said or thinks it will solve all of our problems. It will solve the ILLEGAL immigration problem.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.....
lol yes but that's all he is running on besides his progressive stances. Doesn't that concern you?
Nobody said or thinks it will solve all of our problems. It will solve the ILLEGAL immigration problem.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.....
lol yes but that's all he is running on besides his progressive stances. Doesn't that concern you?
You are woefully misinformed. He is running on much more than just immigration.

Eliminate Obamcare
Fix the VA
Rebuild our military - peace through strength
Build the wall and fix our illegal immigration problem
Negotiate better trade deals.
Tax cuts for the middle class
Get out of NATO or be paid to protect rich EU nations.
Stay out of foreign entanglements - we can no longer afford to be the world's policeman.

And there is more at his website. Ignorance is a choice.
Who cares. You don't live in the USA. We don't give a shit if you are for or against what happens in America. Get it. There is too much foreign influence in our country already.
We? Why don't you stand alone, woman?

You butt hurt ****? I don't comment on Aussie shit because I have no clue what life is there. You don't know shit about what is going on here. Keep crying.

The problem of immigration is global. What happens in your country, affects mine and vice versa.
now take xanax and have a nanna nap.

Cry me a river. We don't have an immigration problem. We have an illegal immigration problem. There is a big difference.

We have both.

The methods in which illegals take jobs and drive down wages and increase crime, are very similar to the way legal immigrants do the same.

The difference is not that big.

The difference is huge. Legal immigrants pay taxes and get a background check. They don't commit a crime to get into the country and don't commit identity theft once they are here.
Nobody said or thinks it will solve all of our problems. It will solve the ILLEGAL immigration problem.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.....
lol yes but that's all he is running on besides his progressive stances. Doesn't that concern you?
You are woefully misinformed. He is running on much more than just immigration.

Eliminate Obamcare
Fix the VA
Rebuild our military - peace through strength
Build the wall and fix our illegal immigration problem
Negotiate better trade deals.
Tax cuts for the middle class
Get out of NATO or be paid to protect rich EU nations.
Stay out of foreign entanglements - we can no longer afford to be the world's policeman.

And there is more at his website. Ignorance is a choice.
Most of those aren't specific policy ideas though. Eliminate ObamaCare and replace it with...what? He always said "something terrific" but we all know he is full of shit and doesn't actually have an idea in mind.

Negotiate what specific trade deals? Who gets what?
How big of tax cuts? That's something dems have always ran on by the way
That one about EU is completely ridiculous. You know that right? If Europe could afford to pay us to protect them, why wouldn't they just use that funding for their own military?

Oh and doesn't it bother you be is pivoting to all of these progressive stances? What ever happened to him being "authentic"? He is clearly just as fake as any other politician.
We? Why don't you stand alone, woman?

You butt hurt ****? I don't comment on Aussie shit because I have no clue what life is there. You don't know shit about what is going on here. Keep crying.

The problem of immigration is global. What happens in your country, affects mine and vice versa.
now take xanax and have a nanna nap.

Cry me a river. We don't have an immigration problem. We have an illegal immigration problem. There is a big difference.

We have both.

The methods in which illegals take jobs and drive down wages and increase crime, are very similar to the way legal immigrants do the same.

The difference is not that big.

The difference is huge. Legal immigrants pay taxes and get a background check. They don't commit a crime to get into the country and don't commit identity theft once they are here.

1. They are willing to take jobs are far lower pay rates than Americans.

2. They are taking jobs that Americans could do.

3. They bring crime and security issues. Recall that the family of the Boston Bombers came here LEGALLY.
Nobody said or thinks it will solve all of our problems. It will solve the ILLEGAL immigration problem.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.....
lol yes but that's all he is running on besides his progressive stances. Doesn't that concern you?
You are woefully misinformed. He is running on much more than just immigration.

Eliminate Obamcare
Fix the VA
Rebuild our military - peace through strength
Build the wall and fix our illegal immigration problem
Negotiate better trade deals.
Tax cuts for the middle class
Get out of NATO or be paid to protect rich EU nations.
Stay out of foreign entanglements - we can no longer afford to be the world's policeman.

And there is more at his website. Ignorance is a choice.
Most of those aren't specific policy ideas though. Eliminate ObamaCare and replace it with...what? He always said "something terrific" but we all know he is full of shit and doesn't actually have an idea in mind.

Negotiate what specific trade deals? Who gets what?
How big of tax cuts? That's something dems have always ran on by the way
That one about EU is completely ridiculous. You know that right? If Europe could afford to pay us to protect them, why wouldn't they just use that funding for their own military?

Oh and doesn't it bother you be is pivoting to all of these progressive stances? What ever happened to him being "authentic"? He is clearly just as fake as any other politician.

Lack of specifics doesn't mean that they are not policies.

That is a nonsensical claim on your part.

If he enters a trade renegotiation with a stance of America First, he will by that very act, be enacting a policy very different than any that American has had in generations.
It's so bizarre to me someone would believe deporting all illegals, not ruling out using nukes, and banning Musiims will just fix... ALL of our nation's problems. I mean as far as Trump supporters are concerned, those are his only policy ideas which is hilarious. They would just rather forget that all his other political positions are progressive. They are just pretending he never said them I guess. Anyone who has acknowledged Trump's progressive stances knows he is simply pivoting to the general election like, you know, all disingenuous, establishment candidates have done before him lol.

This also demonstrates how shockingly easy it is to win over republican voters in the primary season. It's all about appealing to their primal emotions (fear, anger) and avoiding any sort of pragmatic and nuanced platform. They just don't have the attention span and comprehension for the latter. it's the same reason they watch Fox News. They are happy to not learn anything new.

How could Trump supporters not understand how embarrassing their candidate is to the rest of the world? How could they not see how shockingly dishonest and inconsistent he is?

Once again..."stupidity of the american voter" on display!

I'm going to shout because I KNOW idiots like you can only handle 30 second/headline sound bites!
Trump and millions like me (including 45 million Americans that legally became citizens) are :

So wait....I'm confused
It's so bizarre to me someone would believe deporting all illegals, not ruling out using nukes, and banning Musiims will just fix... ALL of our nation's problems. I mean as far as Trump supporters are concerned, those are his only policy ideas which is hilarious. They would just rather forget that all his other political positions are progressive. They are just pretending he never said them I guess. Anyone who has acknowledged Trump's progressive stances knows he is simply pivoting to the general election like, you know, all disingenuous, establishment candidates have done before him lol.

This also demonstrates how shockingly easy it is to win over republican voters in the primary season. It's all about appealing to their primal emotions (fear, anger) and avoiding any sort of pragmatic and nuanced platform. They just don't have the attention span and comprehension for the latter. it's the same reason they watch Fox News. They are happy to not learn anything new.

How could Trump supporters not understand how embarrassing their candidate is to the rest of the world? How could they not see how shockingly dishonest and inconsistent he is?
Why are dumb liberals so obsessed with making shit up out of thin air? Oh yeah, so they can argue against made up bullshit since they can't win legit debates on legit points.
Nobody said or thinks it will solve all of our problems. It will solve the ILLEGAL immigration problem.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.....
lol yes but that's all he is running on besides his progressive stances. Doesn't that concern you?
You are woefully misinformed. He is running on much more than just immigration.

Eliminate Obamcare
Fix the VA
Rebuild our military - peace through strength
Build the wall and fix our illegal immigration problem
Negotiate better trade deals.
Tax cuts for the middle class
Get out of NATO or be paid to protect rich EU nations.
Stay out of foreign entanglements - we can no longer afford to be the world's policeman.

And there is more at his website. Ignorance is a choice.
Most of those aren't specific policy ideas though. Eliminate ObamaCare and replace it with...what? He always said "something terrific" but we all know he is full of shit and doesn't actually have an idea in mind.

Negotiate what specific trade deals? Who gets what?
How big of tax cuts? That's something dems have always ran on by the way
That one about EU is completely ridiculous. You know that right? If Europe could afford to pay us to protect them, why wouldn't they just use that funding for their own military?

Oh and doesn't it bother you be is pivoting to all of these progressive stances? What ever happened to him being "authentic"? He is clearly just as fake as any other politician.

Lack of specifics doesn't mean that they are not policies.

That is a nonsensical claim on your part.

If he enters a trade renegotiation with a stance of America First, he will by that very act, be enacting a policy very different than any that American has had in generations.
Any idiot can just give vague positions without specifics. That's what Trump does. You can hate Bernie all you want, but at least he has put forth specific policy proposals.
Nobody said or thinks it will solve all of our problems. It will solve the ILLEGAL immigration problem.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.....
lol yes but that's all he is running on besides his progressive stances. Doesn't that concern you?
You are woefully misinformed. He is running on much more than just immigration.

Eliminate Obamcare
Fix the VA
Rebuild our military - peace through strength
Build the wall and fix our illegal immigration problem
Negotiate better trade deals.
Tax cuts for the middle class
Get out of NATO or be paid to protect rich EU nations.
Stay out of foreign entanglements - we can no longer afford to be the world's policeman.

And there is more at his website. Ignorance is a choice.
Most of those aren't specific policy ideas though. Eliminate ObamaCare and replace it with...what? He always said "something terrific" but we all know he is full of shit and doesn't actually have an idea in mind.

Negotiate what specific trade deals? Who gets what?
How big of tax cuts? That's something dems have always ran on by the way
That one about EU is completely ridiculous. You know that right? If Europe could afford to pay us to protect them, why wouldn't they just use that funding for their own military?

Oh and doesn't it bother you be is pivoting to all of these progressive stances? What ever happened to him being "authentic"? He is clearly just as fake as any other politician.

There is nothing progressive about any of those positions. They are conservative. You have been brainwashed into believing that neoconservatives are conservative. They aren't.

As for specifics, why would he give specifics? Did Hope-n-Change give any specifics? Nope. He won the election then implemented his agenda. Trump will do the same.
It's so bizarre to me someone would believe deporting all illegals, not ruling out using nukes, and banning Musiims will just fix... ALL of our nation's problems. I mean as far as Trump supporters are concerned, those are his only policy ideas which is hilarious. They would just rather forget that all his other political positions are progressive. They are just pretending he never said them I guess. Anyone who has acknowledged Trump's progressive stances knows he is simply pivoting to the general election like, you know, all disingenuous, establishment candidates have done before him lol.

This also demonstrates how shockingly easy it is to win over republican voters in the primary season. It's all about appealing to their primal emotions (fear, anger) and avoiding any sort of pragmatic and nuanced platform. They just don't have the attention span and comprehension for the latter. it's the same reason they watch Fox News. They are happy to not learn anything new.

How could Trump supporters not understand how embarrassing their candidate is to the rest of the world? How could they not see how shockingly dishonest and inconsistent he is?
Why are dumb liberals so obsessed with making shit up out of thin air? Oh yeah, so they can argue against made up bullshit since they can't win legit debates on legit points.

It's funny.

At some level they must know that they are full of shit, since they actively lie.

Yet, it never occurs to them, that if they have to lie to make their case, that that means that they are wrong.

It's so bizarre to me someone would believe deporting all illegals, not ruling out using nukes, and banning Musiims will just fix... ALL of our nation's problems. I mean as far as Trump supporters are concerned, those are his only policy ideas which is hilarious. They would just rather forget that all his other political positions are progressive. They are just pretending he never said them I guess. Anyone who has acknowledged Trump's progressive stances knows he is simply pivoting to the general election like, you know, all disingenuous, establishment candidates have done before him lol.

This also demonstrates how shockingly easy it is to win over republican voters in the primary season. It's all about appealing to their primal emotions (fear, anger) and avoiding any sort of pragmatic and nuanced platform. They just don't have the attention span and comprehension for the latter. it's the same reason they watch Fox News. They are happy to not learn anything new.

How could Trump supporters not understand how embarrassing their candidate is to the rest of the world? How could they not see how shockingly dishonest and inconsistent he is?
Why are dumb liberals so obsessed with making shit up out of thin air? Oh yeah, so they can argue against made up bullshit since they can't win legit debates on legit points.
Legit points like how it is moronic for anyone in the poor and middle class to vote republican?
Nobody said or thinks it will solve all of our problems. It will solve the ILLEGAL immigration problem.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.....
lol yes but that's all he is running on besides his progressive stances. Doesn't that concern you?
You are woefully misinformed. He is running on much more than just immigration.

Eliminate Obamcare
Fix the VA
Rebuild our military - peace through strength
Build the wall and fix our illegal immigration problem
Negotiate better trade deals.
Tax cuts for the middle class
Get out of NATO or be paid to protect rich EU nations.
Stay out of foreign entanglements - we can no longer afford to be the world's policeman.

And there is more at his website. Ignorance is a choice.
Most of those aren't specific policy ideas though. Eliminate ObamaCare and replace it with...what? He always said "something terrific" but we all know he is full of shit and doesn't actually have an idea in mind.

Negotiate what specific trade deals? Who gets what?
How big of tax cuts? That's something dems have always ran on by the way
That one about EU is completely ridiculous. You know that right? If Europe could afford to pay us to protect them, why wouldn't they just use that funding for their own military?

Oh and doesn't it bother you be is pivoting to all of these progressive stances? What ever happened to him being "authentic"? He is clearly just as fake as any other politician.

Lack of specifics doesn't mean that they are not policies.

That is a nonsensical claim on your part.

If he enters a trade renegotiation with a stance of America First, he will by that very act, be enacting a policy very different than any that American has had in generations.
Any idiot can just give vague positions without specifics. That's what Trump does. You can hate Bernie all you want, but at least he has put forth specific policy proposals.
And he has no chance of winning because of it. Good job Bernie!!! You'll bankrupt the country in one year!! Free! Free! Free!

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