Why are U.S. cities the epicenter of gun violence?

The definition of 'Insanity' ... Or 'Stupidity' ... Is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.

Case in point, Rhambo is talking about a 3rd a term as Mayor...and he has already been there 2 terms too long.

Under him Chicago has beaten its own record for gun violence several times .... despite having some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

The problem is not law abiding citizens and/or legal guns, its all the thugs and gang members running around with illegal weapons.

The cops are saying things like, "We will persevere" and "we will win this battle". And THEY KEEP DOING THE SAME THINGS OVER AND IVER AGAIN!

Rhambo is not just your typical Liberal running a city into the ground. He's a criminal POS, as dirty as any Chicago mobster.

Chicago was once known for its slaughter houses ...now it is known as one.

When are prove going to stop the insanity and elect someone competent and who gives a $h!t!?
I have argued this for years, that guns don't people, cities kill people...and the concept bubbled to the surface once again in an article from liberal leaning Vox...that 60% of gun homicides occur in just 50 major US cities.

According to Pew Research, 58% of rural households have legal guns (and 75% of those more than one) while urban household gun ownership is at 29% (mostly consisting of just one gun per household).

Here are your links:
A gun debate compromise: let cities and rural areas pass different laws ,
Rural and urban gun owners have different experiences, views on gun policy

So, here's the two part question...if gun control is the answer...

1] Why do cities, despite a deficit of legal gun owners, represent far and away the highest threat of gun violence to their citizenry. (And, for the record, the answer it isn't poverty...both urban and rural citizens face equal poverty levels.)

2] Why are rural areas where guns are prevalent significantly safer from gun violence?

Keep in mind, this is a correlation, not a conclusion...if we are going to reduce gun violence, we must understand it's root causes. Obviously more legal guns does not equate to more gun violence, and less guns with more regulation does not equate to less gun violence...so what forces are actually at work here?
Crooked cops, drugs, crowded conditions, lack of opportunity.

This is anecdotal based on my personal experience, but at least two out of four of those aren't limited to cities, and one is due to the nature of cities themselves, which is the point of this thread.

There are as many drugs in rural America as there are in urban America...maybe different types of drugs...not as wide a selection, but meth, heroin and perscription narcotics are a fact of life even in the most rural communities. And lack of opportunity, at least as it relates to gainful employment is likely MORE pronounced in rural communities. When one manufacturer shuts it doors, an entire community is transformed. And there is no public transportation. No car means no work.

Our police force is likely less corrupt in the way you mean it...but what we term as the Good Ol' Boy system is alive and well. When the police know you, went to high school with you, knew your folks, you're a pillar of the commuity, etc, there is a different level of justice for you than the new guy from out of town.

Crowding though, is what makes it a city.
You know what you're talking about as far as rural reality. The one thing we haven't got that inner city neighborhoods have is gangs. I don't buy that all this country's gun deaths are due to gang bangers, but they do seem to be trigger happy. Is that why?
Why don't gang members live in the country?

They'd have to walk too far to intimidate anyone?
More like there is no one to intimidate them into forming a gang. Gangs are formed for protection and control.

Yeah, incorrect.
Because when we humanoids are packed in close spaces we tend to piss each other off.

It's amazing this actually has to be explained!
There's the classic crowded rats in a cage experiments. But is that really why? Could be. I hated living in Connecticut--no elbow room. Constant underlying stress of having someone breathing down your neck, in line in front of you, whatever, wherever.
A family of 6 living living in a 2 room apt. in the big city simple offers more opportunity for violent confrontations than a larger home in the suburbs. Road rage is fairly rare in small towns away from expressways but in major cities it's a big problem. In big cities there is just more opportunists for violent crime.
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I have argued this for years, that guns don't people, cities kill people...and the concept bubbled to the surface once again in an article from liberal leaning Vox...that 60% of gun homicides occur in just 50 major US cities.

According to Pew Research, 58% of rural households have legal guns (and 75% of those more than one) while urban household gun ownership is at 29% (mostly consisting of just one gun per household).

Here are your links:
A gun debate compromise: let cities and rural areas pass different laws ,
Rural and urban gun owners have different experiences, views on gun policy

So, here's the two part question...if gun control is the answer...

1] Why do cities, despite a deficit of legal gun owners, represent far and away the highest threat of gun violence to their citizenry. (And, for the record, the answer it isn't poverty...both urban and rural citizens face equal poverty levels.)

2] Why are rural areas where guns are prevalent significantly safer from gun violence?

Keep in mind, this is a correlation, not a conclusion...if we are going to reduce gun violence, we must understand it's root causes. Obviously more legal guns does not equate to more gun violence, and less guns with more regulation does not equate to less gun violence...so what forces are actually at work here?
Why are U.S. cities the epicenter of gun violence? The answer should be pretty obvious. In cities there are a lot more people per square mile than in rural areas, small towns, are suburbs. When we ask the question, why are crime rates higher in the city? Gangs, a greater mix of race and ethnicity pop up. There is also the pressure cooker effect.
Then are guns really the problem, or is it compression of population.
I would say both. When people have to live in tiny living spaces, tempers flare. Arm them and they can give action to their tempers.
I have argued this for years, that guns don't people, cities kill people...and the concept bubbled to the surface once again in an article from liberal leaning Vox...that 60% of gun homicides occur in just 50 major US cities.

According to Pew Research, 58% of rural households have legal guns (and 75% of those more than one) while urban household gun ownership is at 29% (mostly consisting of just one gun per household).

Here are your links:
A gun debate compromise: let cities and rural areas pass different laws ,
Rural and urban gun owners have different experiences, views on gun policy

So, here's the two part question...if gun control is the answer...

1] Why do cities, despite a deficit of legal gun owners, represent far and away the highest threat of gun violence to their citizenry. (And, for the record, the answer it isn't poverty...both urban and rural citizens face equal poverty levels.)

2] Why are rural areas where guns are prevalent significantly safer from gun violence?

Keep in mind, this is a correlation, not a conclusion...if we are going to reduce gun violence, we must understand it's root causes. Obviously more legal guns does not equate to more gun violence, and less guns with more regulation does not equate to less gun violence...so what forces are actually at work here?
Interesting question, although I wouldn't go so far as to jump to your final conclusion.

Not sure it is a leap.

We have two groups, one has more legally owned guns, less regulation and more space, the other has less legally owned guns, more regulation and less space. The group with by far the most gun violence is the one with less legally owned guns, more regulation and less space.

Although I did not specify 'less legally owned' guns ...that was and oversight. Thank you for pointing that out.

The conclussion should read "Obviously more legal guns does not equate to more gun violence, and less legally owned guns with more regulation does not equate to less gun violence...
As you folks tend to like to say, guns don't kill people; people kill people. So if we are looking at living conditions as a possible factor, I just don't see how your gun factors are immediately being pulled in as causal. It could have nothing to do with who owns a gun legally or how many there are per square foot. What is different in the cities that compels people to murder one another?
As you folks tend to like to say, guns don't kill people; people kill people.
It could have nothing to do with who owns a gun legally or how many there are per square foot.
It doesn't have anything to do with it
What is different in the cities that compels people to murder one another
City, suburbs, country...who cares
No matter where you go, you take yourself with you

What compels people to kill?
A total disregard for life and/or being evil

What kind of person abducts a child,
decapitates him and discards his head and body like trash?

What kind of person takes a 3 month old infant,
and bashes their head, repeatedly, against the wall,
or on the floor, because they won't stop crying?

What kind of person, lies in wait for their victim,
terrorizes and tortures them, before they kill them?

What kind of person straps their kids,
in the backseat of their car, and sees and hears,
her oldest child, panicking, calling out for her,
from the back window, as the lake swallows the car?

How can 2 boys, ages 10 and 11,
dangle a 5 year old boy, by his ankles,
out of a window, on the 14th floor of a housing project,
and let him fall to his death, after letting go...
because he wouldn't steal candy for them?

What kind of man beats a boy to death,
for getting a B, instead of an A, on his report card,
and what kind of woman would watch her boyfriend,
beat her son to death then, help him to cover it up?

Why are kids, shooting other kids,
over colors, gym shoes and turf?

How can the segment of people,
who are at a loss, over senseless murders,
be the same people who define murder as a woman's right?

What kind of justice system, allows a women,
in a vegetative state, to be starved to death,
but has feed and kept alive, prisoners, on death row,
who were never put to death but, died of natural causes?

I think the question and answer, are obvious
I have argued this for years, that guns don't people, cities kill people...and the concept bubbled to the surface once again in an article from liberal leaning Vox...that 60% of gun homicides occur in just 50 major US cities.

According to Pew Research, 58% of rural households have legal guns (and 75% of those more than one) while urban household gun ownership is at 29% (mostly consisting of just one gun per household).

Here are your links:
A gun debate compromise: let cities and rural areas pass different laws ,
Rural and urban gun owners have different experiences, views on gun policy

So, here's the two part question...if gun control is the answer...

1] Why do cities, despite a deficit of legal gun owners, represent far and away the highest threat of gun violence to their citizenry. (And, for the record, the answer it isn't poverty...both urban and rural citizens face equal poverty levels.)

2] Why are rural areas where guns are prevalent significantly safer from gun violence?

Keep in mind, this is a correlation, not a conclusion...if we are going to reduce gun violence, we must understand it's root causes. Obviously more legal guns does not equate to more gun violence, and less guns with more regulation does not equate to less gun violence...so what forces are actually at work here?

The answer: because these cities are largly black. There are almost no blacks in Europe.

And the black youth absolutely should have zero guns at their disposal. Murder should carry higher penalties...
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Yes all those things went down right after we got some gun control from Bill Clinton.

You are confused Moon Bat.

As despicable as Slick Willy's stupid assault weapons ban was it did noting to stop the number of AR-15s from being sold or reduce the number of high capacity magazines available to the public. In fact it was during the AWB that the ownership of ARs and AKs and other of those kinds of weapons increased dramatically.

Slick Willy's "gun control" was not a whole lot more than taking off the bayonet lug on new ARs sold.

Gun crime decreased during that time but that was a continuation of before Slick Willy was elected and continued after he left office. In fact gun crimes continued to decline when the AWB expired in 2004, dispute tremendous increases in assault type
gun ownership.

Slick Willy was an asshole and the the only good that come out his stupid AWB was that 64 Democrats lost their seats in Congress in the 1994 midterms and gun ownership increased tremendously in the US.


Yes all those things went down right after we got some gun control from Bill Clinton.

You are confused Moon Bat.

As despicable as Slick Willy's stupid assault weapons ban was it did noting to stop the number of AR-15s from being sold or reduce the number of high capacity magazines available to the public. In fact it was during the AWB that the ownership of ARs and AKs and other of those kinds of weapons increased dramatically.

Slick Willy's "gun control" was not a whole lot more than taking off the bayonet lug on new ARs sold.

Gun crime decreased during that time but that was a continuation of before Slick Willy was elected and continued after he left office. In fact gun crimes continued to decline when the AWB expired in 2004, dispute tremendous increases in assault type
gun ownership.

Slick Willy was an asshole and the the only good that come out his stupid AWB was that 64 Democrats lost their seats in Congress in the 1994 midterms and gun ownership increased tremendously in the US.

Background checks. Your facts are not right: crime started to decline after background checks.
So dishonest . Typical of gun nuts . ND is a giant empty state . DC is a city . It’s literally impossible to shoot your neighbor because they are so far away from you!!!

I challenge you to compare similar suited states .

Example . Massachusetts vs Arizona . Similar population and both have a major city . Opposite sides of gun control .

I did... Houston and Chicago, and Houston has more people carrying guns, gun stores and gun ranges and they are in a state next to the narco state of Mexico...

Chicago.... no gun stores, no shooting ranges in city limits. Extreme gun control. 47,000 Concealed carry permits in cook county.....

How Many People Have Concealed Carry Licenses in Your County?

Houston... gun stores on every corner, shooting ranges too, and more concealed carry permits than Chicago. 139,563 licensed permits in the county that contains Houston.

Licensed to Carry: Handguns in Texas

Houston is on the border with the narco state of Mexico....

Gun murder in 2016...

Population of cities 2016:

Chicago........2.7 million

Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:


Houston .......301

Now I know why you picked 2016 and Chicago !! It’s typical dishonest gun nut stat manipulation .

Chicago had more murders than LA and NYC combined !

And NYC had a little higher than your Houston , despite being what ? 3x the population. Of Houston ?

Busted !
Chicago's 762 homicides in 2016 is more than New York and Los Angeles combined - NY Daily News

Moron.... that doesn't bust me... it shows you are an idiot.... it shows that gun control isn't the problem... since, moron, New York, and L.A. have the exact same gun control laws as Chicago...and Chicago has a higher gun murder rate than both of them...

Gun control isn't the issue...

Then.... you compare

Houston... in a state with loose gun control. Gun stores on every corner, gun ranges to. 139,563 gun permits in the county holding Houston , in a state next to the Narco state of Mexico.

Chicago.... no gun stores in city limits. No gun ranges. Extreme gun control laws. Not next to a Narco State, and 42, 000 gun permits....

Population of cities 2016:

Chicago........2.7 million

Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:


Houston .......301

You lose 2A. Stop embarrassing yourself .

Chicago is an outlier . New York and Cali have tough gun laws . NYC and LA have much better murder stats than Houston when you compare per capita . Waaaaay better .

Proves that gun nut states are not safer .

You are an idiot.....

New York has better stats because Guilianni set up their police system... and de blasio is dismantling it....

So it’s not the guns? It was Rudy, who left like 2001!! He’s responsible for low murder stats 15 years later.
I did... Houston and Chicago, and Houston has more people carrying guns, gun stores and gun ranges and they are in a state next to the narco state of Mexico...

Chicago.... no gun stores, no shooting ranges in city limits. Extreme gun control. 47,000 Concealed carry permits in cook county.....

How Many People Have Concealed Carry Licenses in Your County?

Houston... gun stores on every corner, shooting ranges too, and more concealed carry permits than Chicago. 139,563 licensed permits in the county that contains Houston.

Licensed to Carry: Handguns in Texas

Houston is on the border with the narco state of Mexico....

Gun murder in 2016...

Population of cities 2016:

Chicago........2.7 million

Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:


Houston .......301

Now I know why you picked 2016 and Chicago !! It’s typical dishonest gun nut stat manipulation .

Chicago had more murders than LA and NYC combined !

And NYC had a little higher than your Houston , despite being what ? 3x the population. Of Houston ?

Busted !
Chicago's 762 homicides in 2016 is more than New York and Los Angeles combined - NY Daily News

Moron.... that doesn't bust me... it shows you are an idiot.... it shows that gun control isn't the problem... since, moron, New York, and L.A. have the exact same gun control laws as Chicago...and Chicago has a higher gun murder rate than both of them...

Gun control isn't the issue...

Then.... you compare

Houston... in a state with loose gun control. Gun stores on every corner, gun ranges to. 139,563 gun permits in the county holding Houston , in a state next to the Narco state of Mexico.

Chicago.... no gun stores in city limits. No gun ranges. Extreme gun control laws. Not next to a Narco State, and 42, 000 gun permits....

Population of cities 2016:

Chicago........2.7 million

Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:


Houston .......301

You lose 2A. Stop embarrassing yourself .

Chicago is an outlier . New York and Cali have tough gun laws . NYC and LA have much better murder stats than Houston when you compare per capita . Waaaaay better .

Proves that gun nut states are not safer .

You are an idiot.....

New York has better stats because Guilianni set up their police system... and de blasio is dismantling it....

So it’s not the guns? It was Rudy, who left like 2001!! He’s responsible for low murder stats 15 years later.

SACRAMENTO -- Rudy Giuliani addressed a potentially troublesome issue with conservative voters, saying his policies as mayor to get handguns off the street helped reduce crime in New York.

"I used gun control as mayor," he said at a news conference Saturday during a swing through California. But "I understand the Second Amendment. I understand the right to bear arms."

Giuliani: Gun Control Helped Lower Crime
As Mayor of New York, Giuliani became a nationally visible figure in favor of national gun control measures, beginning with an appearance on Meet the Press in late 1993.[76]He was in favor of the 1993 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act and the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban.[52]

Giuliani and then-president Bill Clintonexchanged correspondence in 1994 regarding Giuliani's support for the assault weapons ban. Clinton wrote to Giuliani in a May 6, 1994 letter: "Thank you very much for your efforts on behalf of H.R. 4296, the assault weapons ban." Clinton continued:

With your support and encouragement, the U.S. House of Representatives took a critical step toward getting assault weapons off the streets, out of neighborhoods, and out of the hands of criminals.

Clinton further said that he was "grateful" for Giuliani's "dedicated" support of the legislation.

On May 31, 1994 Giuliani replied, "Thank you for your autographed photo and kind note." He added, "Please know that you have my continued support for this crucial legislation." An October 13 letter thanked Clinton for a signing pen and said, "I look forward to continuing to work with you to reduce crime . . . ."[77]

He appeared on the Charlie Rose Show in 1995 and compared the National Rifle Associationwith "extremists." He said that the anti-gun control positions of many Republicans are "terrible for states and cities. They're terrible for America." After pointing to NYPD gun seizures and reductions of homicides and shootings in particular. He added that can New York City can "only so far, unless the federal government passes a law that keeps the 90 percent of guns from coming into New York from outside New York, helps us get control over that."[78][79][80

Political positions of Rudy Giuliani - Wikipedia
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Because when we humanoids are packed in close spaces we tend to piss each other off.

I tend to agree with that...along with the anonymity a city inherently provides...but doesn't that make cities the problem and not guns?

There will always be increased violence in cities regardless of guns. Considering the FACT that gun crime has been dropping since the 80s, I don't see why we even need to have conversations about gun violence that imply it's some horrible epidemic.
We panic if 30 people die of the measles. In 2017, 15,000 died from guns (omitting suicides)..
That's why we imply it's a horrible epidemic.
So percentage wise.......say 12,000 of those were mud people and you took the guns away. Next week they go for swords and bricks, and being quieter and less noticeable, next year they up it to 18000
As it turns out, Sinatra was a quiet fan.

"I think he knew 'The Times They Are a-Changin' and 'Blowin' In the Wind.' I know he liked 'Forever Young,' he told me that. He was funny, we were standing out on his patio at night and he said to me, 'You and me, pal, we got blue eyes, we're from up there,' and he pointed to the stars. 'These other bums are from down here.' I remember thinking that he might be right."
I did... Houston and Chicago, and Houston has more people carrying guns, gun stores and gun ranges and they are in a state next to the narco state of Mexico...

Chicago.... no gun stores, no shooting ranges in city limits. Extreme gun control. 47,000 Concealed carry permits in cook county.....

How Many People Have Concealed Carry Licenses in Your County?

Houston... gun stores on every corner, shooting ranges too, and more concealed carry permits than Chicago. 139,563 licensed permits in the county that contains Houston.

Licensed to Carry: Handguns in Texas

Houston is on the border with the narco state of Mexico....

Gun murder in 2016...

Population of cities 2016:

Chicago........2.7 million

Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:


Houston .......301

Now I know why you picked 2016 and Chicago !! It’s typical dishonest gun nut stat manipulation .

Chicago had more murders than LA and NYC combined !

And NYC had a little higher than your Houston , despite being what ? 3x the population. Of Houston ?

Busted !
Chicago's 762 homicides in 2016 is more than New York and Los Angeles combined - NY Daily News

Moron.... that doesn't bust me... it shows you are an idiot.... it shows that gun control isn't the problem... since, moron, New York, and L.A. have the exact same gun control laws as Chicago...and Chicago has a higher gun murder rate than both of them...

Gun control isn't the issue...

Then.... you compare

Houston... in a state with loose gun control. Gun stores on every corner, gun ranges to. 139,563 gun permits in the county holding Houston , in a state next to the Narco state of Mexico.

Chicago.... no gun stores in city limits. No gun ranges. Extreme gun control laws. Not next to a Narco State, and 42, 000 gun permits....

Population of cities 2016:

Chicago........2.7 million

Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:


Houston .......301

You lose 2A. Stop embarrassing yourself .

Chicago is an outlier . New York and Cali have tough gun laws . NYC and LA have much better murder stats than Houston when you compare per capita . Waaaaay better .

Proves that gun nut states are not safer .

You are an idiot.....

New York has better stats because Guilianni set up their police system... and de blasio is dismantling it....

So it’s not the guns? It was Rudy, who left like 2001!! He’s responsible for low murder stats 15 years later.

Rudy's techniques allowed them to stop criminals....deblasio has stopped using those techniques.

Here, you have seen this, but you need to read it again...

Don’t Take the Wrong Lessons from NYC’s Murder Drop

New York City’s formerly high-crime neighborhoods have experienced a stunning degree of gentrification over the last 15 years, thanks to the proactive-policing-induced conquest of crime. It is that gentrification which is now helping fuel the ongoing crime drop. Urban hipsters are flocking to areas that once were the purview of drug dealers and pimps, trailing in their wake legitimate commerce and street life, which further attracts law-abiding activity and residents in a virtuous cycle of increasing public safety.

The degree of demographic change is startling.

In Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, for example, the number of white residents rose 1,235 percent from 2000 to 2015, while the black population decreased by 17 percent, reports City Lab.

In Bushwick, Brooklyn, the number of whites rose 610 percent over that same decade and a half; the black population was down 22 percent. Central Harlem’s white population rose 846 percent; the black share dropped 10 percent. In 2000, whites were about three-quarters of the black population in Brownsville-Ocean Hill; by 2015, there were twice as many whites as blacks.

In 2000, whites were one-third of the black population in Crown Heights North and Prospect Heights; now they exceed the black population by 20,000. The Brooklyn Navy Yards has now been declared the next cool place to be by the tech industry. Business owners are moving their residences as well as their enterprises to the area.

This demographic transformation has enormous implications for crime.

A black New Yorker is 50 times more likely to commit a shooting than a white New Yorker, according to perpetrator identifications provided to the police by witnesses to, and victims of, those shootings.

Those victims are overwhelmingly minority themselves.

When the racial balance of a neighborhood changes radically, given those crime disparities, its violent-crime rate will as well. (This racial crime disparity reflects the breakdown of the black family and the high percentage of black males — upwards of 80 percent in some neighborhoods — being raised by single mothers.)


The high-crime areas of Baltimore and Chicago have not been gentrified. Baltimore is experiencing its highest per capita murder rate for the third year in a row. While Chicago’s homicide numbers are down somewhat this year, thanks to the aggressive use of shot-spotter technology, they remain at a level far higher than in the past decade.
As Mayor of New York, Giuliani became a nationally visible figure in favor of national gun control measures, beginning with an appearance on Meet the Press in late 1993.[76]He was in favor of the 1993 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act and the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban.[52]

Giuliani and then-president Bill Clintonexchanged correspondence in 1994 regarding Giuliani's support for the assault weapons ban. Clinton wrote to Giuliani in a May 6, 1994 letter: "Thank you very much for your efforts on behalf of H.R. 4296, the assault weapons ban." Clinton continued:

With your support and encouragement, the U.S. House of Representatives took a critical step toward getting assault weapons off the streets, out of neighborhoods, and out of the hands of criminals.

Clinton further said that he was "grateful" for Giuliani's "dedicated" support of the legislation.

On May 31, 1994 Giuliani replied, "Thank you for your autographed photo and kind note." He added, "Please know that you have my continued support for this crucial legislation." An October 13 letter thanked Clinton for a signing pen and said, "I look forward to continuing to work with you to reduce crime . . . ."[77]

He appeared on the Charlie Rose Show in 1995 and compared the National Rifle Associationwith "extremists." He said that the anti-gun control positions of many Republicans are "terrible for states and cities. They're terrible for America." After pointing to NYPD gun seizures and reductions of homicides and shootings in particular. He added that can New York City can "only so far, unless the federal government passes a law that keeps the 90 percent of guns from coming into New York from outside New York, helps us get control over that."[78][79][80

Political positions of Rudy Giuliani - Wikipedia

The gun control for law abiding people didn't do the trick.... .where he actually focused on criminals, that did the trick. Actually arresting and locking up criminals has the amazing effect of lowering the crime rate...

And as we have seen across the country, law abiding gun owners do not raise the crime rate..now that deblasio is treating criminals as if they are the victims, the crime rate will go up in New York.

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Now I know why you picked 2016 and Chicago !! It’s typical dishonest gun nut stat manipulation .

Chicago had more murders than LA and NYC combined !

And NYC had a little higher than your Houston , despite being what ? 3x the population. Of Houston ?

Busted !
Chicago's 762 homicides in 2016 is more than New York and Los Angeles combined - NY Daily News

Moron.... that doesn't bust me... it shows you are an idiot.... it shows that gun control isn't the problem... since, moron, New York, and L.A. have the exact same gun control laws as Chicago...and Chicago has a higher gun murder rate than both of them...

Gun control isn't the issue...

Then.... you compare

Houston... in a state with loose gun control. Gun stores on every corner, gun ranges to. 139,563 gun permits in the county holding Houston , in a state next to the Narco state of Mexico.

Chicago.... no gun stores in city limits. No gun ranges. Extreme gun control laws. Not next to a Narco State, and 42, 000 gun permits....

Population of cities 2016:

Chicago........2.7 million

Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:


Houston .......301

You lose 2A. Stop embarrassing yourself .

Chicago is an outlier . New York and Cali have tough gun laws . NYC and LA have much better murder stats than Houston when you compare per capita . Waaaaay better .

Proves that gun nut states are not safer .

You are an idiot.....

New York has better stats because Guilianni set up their police system... and de blasio is dismantling it....

So it’s not the guns? It was Rudy, who left like 2001!! He’s responsible for low murder stats 15 years later.

SACRAMENTO -- Rudy Giuliani addressed a potentially troublesome issue with conservative voters, saying his policies as mayor to get handguns off the street helped reduce crime in New York.

"I used gun control as mayor," he said at a news conference Saturday during a swing through California. But "I understand the Second Amendment. I understand the right to bear arms."

Giuliani: Gun Control Helped Lower Crime

Yes.... his gun control was Stop and Frisk..... targeting gang bangers to take their guns.....
As Mayor of New York, Giuliani became a nationally visible figure in favor of national gun control measures, beginning with an appearance on Meet the Press in late 1993.[76]He was in favor of the 1993 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act and the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban.[52]

Giuliani and then-president Bill Clintonexchanged correspondence in 1994 regarding Giuliani's support for the assault weapons ban. Clinton wrote to Giuliani in a May 6, 1994 letter: "Thank you very much for your efforts on behalf of H.R. 4296, the assault weapons ban." Clinton continued:

With your support and encouragement, the U.S. House of Representatives took a critical step toward getting assault weapons off the streets, out of neighborhoods, and out of the hands of criminals.

Clinton further said that he was "grateful" for Giuliani's "dedicated" support of the legislation.

On May 31, 1994 Giuliani replied, "Thank you for your autographed photo and kind note." He added, "Please know that you have my continued support for this crucial legislation." An October 13 letter thanked Clinton for a signing pen and said, "I look forward to continuing to work with you to reduce crime . . . ."[77]

He appeared on the Charlie Rose Show in 1995 and compared the National Rifle Associationwith "extremists." He said that the anti-gun control positions of many Republicans are "terrible for states and cities. They're terrible for America." After pointing to NYPD gun seizures and reductions of homicides and shootings in particular. He added that can New York City can "only so far, unless the federal government passes a law that keeps the 90 percent of guns from coming into New York from outside New York, helps us get control over that."[78][79][80

Political positions of Rudy Giuliani - Wikipedia

The gun control for law abiding people didn't do the trick.... .where he actually focused on criminals, that did the trick. Actually arresting and locking up criminals has the amazing effect of lowering the crime rate...

And as we have seen across the country, law abiding gun owners do not raise the crime rate..now that deblasio is treating criminals as if they are the victims, the crime rate will go up in New York.

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
He clearly used gun control and supported more federal gun control.
As Mayor of New York, Giuliani became a nationally visible figure in favor of national gun control measures, beginning with an appearance on Meet the Press in late 1993.[76]He was in favor of the 1993 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act and the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban.[52]

Giuliani and then-president Bill Clintonexchanged correspondence in 1994 regarding Giuliani's support for the assault weapons ban. Clinton wrote to Giuliani in a May 6, 1994 letter: "Thank you very much for your efforts on behalf of H.R. 4296, the assault weapons ban." Clinton continued:

With your support and encouragement, the U.S. House of Representatives took a critical step toward getting assault weapons off the streets, out of neighborhoods, and out of the hands of criminals.

Clinton further said that he was "grateful" for Giuliani's "dedicated" support of the legislation.

On May 31, 1994 Giuliani replied, "Thank you for your autographed photo and kind note." He added, "Please know that you have my continued support for this crucial legislation." An October 13 letter thanked Clinton for a signing pen and said, "I look forward to continuing to work with you to reduce crime . . . ."[77]

He appeared on the Charlie Rose Show in 1995 and compared the National Rifle Associationwith "extremists." He said that the anti-gun control positions of many Republicans are "terrible for states and cities. They're terrible for America." After pointing to NYPD gun seizures and reductions of homicides and shootings in particular. He added that can New York City can "only so far, unless the federal government passes a law that keeps the 90 percent of guns from coming into New York from outside New York, helps us get control over that."[78][79][80

Political positions of Rudy Giuliani - Wikipedia

The gun control for law abiding people didn't do the trick.... .where he actually focused on criminals, that did the trick. Actually arresting and locking up criminals has the amazing effect of lowering the crime rate...

And as we have seen across the country, law abiding gun owners do not raise the crime rate..now that deblasio is treating criminals as if they are the victims, the crime rate will go up in New York.

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Yes crime went down after passing background checks.

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